"Lost" The Little Prince (TV Episode 2009) Poster

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Lost = Science fiction
markus-1789 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
After 3 and a half seasons of not knowing, this season is a full blown sci-fi show.. and i love it! A lot of people actually don't like the whole time-travelling-thing, but i think it works really well(way better than in heroes.. flamewar!!). I also love that the shows has gone to answering-mode. Every episode gives you 4-5 answers to really big mysteries. You can't complain that the biggest mysteries stay unanswered for now.. we still got more than one season ahead.. and after all the episodes are so dense that i can't even think of anything more to put in there. Awesome. Hopefully we'll see rousseau's backstory through the next weeks! Btw.. loved how the title fooled me to think it was about aaron.
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Don't think the writers are "LOST"
rdorjewangden8 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I'm sorry to say this, but I don't like the kind of hater-like comments here, who got so less to say about the reasons they are disappointed by this episode, that they have to copy their old comments or parts of the response IMDb gives if you are not able to write more than two sentences. If you got something more to say than "I think the writers are lost. I want the questions/secrets of the earlier episodes to be revealed." maybe people will vote your comments "useful". The reason David Lynch was forced to give the murderer of Laura Palmer, that networks didn't think people are patient enough to wait for more than few episodes until a mystery is revealed. In case of Twin Peaks, that destroyed the whole series. With LOST it is the same. If the secrets of the island would have been revealed in the third or fourth episode, the fun of it would be gone. I trust the writers and producers they put it in a big picture in the end. It's like a big puzzle. After a certain time you start to see, what the big picture will be.

I also think there are better episodes, but you can't put action or mystery in every episode. We get to know in this episode, that Jin is still alive (in different time), which was quite surprising(usually to LOST). The rest of the episode deals with the lawyer who asked the blood test of kate and Aaron, Jack and Kate meeting and following him, finding out that he is the lawyer of Claire's mother. But he is also Ben's lawyer too. The island time travellers meet themselves, seeing Aaron's birth and after a second time jump they are hunted on a boat, they found at their camp on the beach.
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Nothing little here
TheLittleSongbird27 June 2018
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When 'Lost' was in its prime, it was must-watch television. Remember first watching it, found it remarkably easy to get into, was hooked from the start and was on Season 3 by the end of one week. The general consensus is that the final season is a disappointment and cannot disagree.

Season 4 was a solid season, with high points such as "The Beginning of the End", the three part finale and particularly "The Constant" and the only disappointments (though they were still decent) being "The Other Woman" and "Eggtown". "Because You Left" couldn't have been a better way to start Season 5. Definitely among the stronger 'Lost' season openers and one of the most confident and most settled. The episodes between that and this weren't near as good but all had great merits.

"The Little Prince" is by far one of the stronger Kate-centric episodes, perhaps the second best of the episodes up to this early point of the season after "Because You Left", and quite a big improvement over "Jughead", which was flawed but for me it was a long way from a bad episode (found it good actually).

Not perfect. My only complaint actually being the Claire's mum part adding absolutely nothing to the episode and being incidental to everything else.

The island events however are thoroughly gripping, providing answers while also setting things up and doing both adeptly. The Jack and Kate interaction is easily the most believable it's been up to this point of the show, while the action has intensity and excitement and Sawyer is written remarkably here too, some of it being very poignant. Didn't have much problem with the blood test story, even if it wasn't one of the episode's most crucial elements.

Have nothing to fault the acting, especially from Josh Holloway and Evengelline Lily giving one of her best performances.

Production values are stylish, the direction controlled and confident and the music understated and chilling. The writing is much tighter and smarter this time, being taut and concise also.

Overall, great episode. 9/10 Bethany Cox.
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A thoroughly satisfying and enjoyable episode
ametaphysicalshark4 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Following the third episode of season 5, "Jughead", an episode which could've been much better than it ended up being but still gave us some great reveals, this week's episode of "Lost" proved to be almost the opposite of "Jughead", an episode without much of a great story to tell, but one which does a great job telling the story. Melinda Hsu Taylor and Brian K. Vaughan did a great job writing this episode, which is far and away the best Kate-centric episode of the entire series, though that admittedly isn't saying much.

The episode's flaws are immediately apparent: since the person who demanded the blood test from Kate was Ben, the storyline ends up being largely pointless. Sure, the motivation is obvious: Ben wanted to make sure Kate would return to the island, and could use Aaron to force her to. Still, this didn't need a scene in the season premiere and the bulk of an episode to resolve, especially since there are several other ways the writers could have more efficiently written the story, and the scene with Claire's mom was of absolutely no importance to the show whatsoever, and a complete waste of the few minutes it took up. Beyond that, there is not actually much progress plot-wise this week. All of this doesn't matter too much, however, since the episode is thankfully very well-written.

The dialogue is consistently good, there is a nice element of mystery to the (ultimately pointless) proceedings which makes the episode quite enjoyable throughout, and there's also some of the best Jack/Kate interaction we've seen since season one. It's quite obvious now that the obstacles in the way of the Oceanic 6's future return to the island are relatively minor, and that there is almost no way in hell that they will stretch this out beyond the next two episodes, three at most. That's a good thing. The episode's action scenes were excellent, especially the boat shootout which preposterously ended up being a very good scene, and the episode isn't short on solid emotional content as well. For the first time in season 5 Sawyer is actually given some really good one-liners, but most pleasingly he was also given a couple of really good emotionally-driven scenes. His witnessing Aaron's birth has an odd sort of poignancy, and it's not only because he saw Kate again, and his scene with Juliet later was excellent.

"The Little Prince" does what it should and keeps things moving, it definitely has more filler than the first three episodes of the season, but that isn't a big problem because it's pretty good filler, and there's loads of other stuff to enjoy in the episode. More of a linking episode than anything else, this is a very well-written and enjoyable episode. Not a classic, but still almost surprisingly good considering the story being told and the character centricity of the episode. The ending goes on a bit longer than it should have, but it was a great way to end the episode and promises some great storytelling to come this season. Jin's fate wasn't surprising, but it was a relief to learn that he was, after all, alive.
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abortamir9 March 2021
This episode is incredible fast pace and exciting. Still hate the dumb kate whos fighting for a son that's not her. She so damn annoying
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The Machiavellian Mastermind
claudio_carvalho17 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Kate leaves Aaron with Sun and visits the law firm, offering to the lawyer that she could give the requested blood samples provided she meets first the person who is behind the lawsuit. The lawyer does not accept her request and she follows him. Ben releases Hurley from the prison and they stay with Sayid while Jake meets Kate. Together they discover who has triggered the lawsuit. In the island, Locke, Sawyer, Juliet, Daniel, Charlotte and Miles are sliding in time, and Locke suggests them to travel to the Orchid Station to see whether they can fix what Ben did. The castaway Jin survives the explosion of the supply vessel and is found by a French group of survivors that have survived to a shipwreck and among them is a young Danielle Rousseau.

"The Little Prince" is another episode of "Lost" with no revelations about the mysteries of the island and dwellers like Richard Alpert. I saw part of this episode on O6 February 2009 and four years ago I decided to quit watching this show. Now I bought the six seasons of "Lost" and I intend to see until the very end. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): "The Little Prince"
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Easily the best Kate centric episode to date -- another fine addition to season five.
LolUrSoGai7 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Kate episodes are the weak points of Lost. The problem with Kate is that the writers struggle making up new, fresh stories for her. It's always either regarding Jack/Sawyer(sometimes both of them), or it's about her running away from the authorities.

Last year's "Eggtown" was a good step forward, but still failed to live up to basically any other episode in the 4th season.

But finally, the ice is cracked - "The Little Prince" was one hell of an episode - my favorite of Season Five so far, and yes... it's Kate centric.

Did they "fix" Kate? Is she a good character now? No. She's still pretty mediocre as a character. While her post-island story is more interesting than her pre-island, it still falls flat. HOWEVER, what the writers did was simply go around her character. Literally feature her MUCH less than in any other Kate episodes.

This is part of the show's new direction - even though there are centrics each episode, they are not as focused as they used to be.

Let me start with the weak part of the episode. Yup, you guessed, Kate. But in small doses like this, even Kate is enjoyable, especially when paired up with post-island Jack, portrayed brilliantly by Matthew Fox. I enjoyed seeing her "maternal instincts" in action, and her meeting with Ben was priceless.

Everything else in the episode was pure gold. The Oceanic Six storyline is just as exciting as the island storyline at the moment. I enjoy Sayid, Ben and Jack working together very, very much. Can't wait for the big "return"! On the island, we had some more time shifting. Sawyer seeing Kate helping Claire to give birth was by far the most emotional moment of the season - so far. A very well done and well acted scene. I also loved Locke seeing the hatch light - very nostalgic.

The raft chase was fantastic too. Although the flashes always seem to come in convenient times, I love the dynamic it creates.

Lost episodes always have fascinating endings, and "The Little Prince" is no expectation. Two huge revelations: Jin is alive(YAY) and is saved by young Rousseau and her crew. Could this be a set up to a Rousseau centric episode? Let's hope. Unfortunately, the ending was dragged out way too long to be truly shocking, but it was still extremely satisfying.

Overall, "The Little Prince" is an extremely successful Kate episode; it had the right balance of O6/Island storyline, enjoyable amount of Kate, and some surprising reveals - what else you need? 9/10
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