"30 for 30" The Life and Trials of Oscar Pistorius: Part 1 (TV Episode 2020) Poster

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The OJ of South Africa...
jenniferwarnock7 June 2024
30 for 30 is a great series, and for a in-depth and much more fair and balanced athlete turned superstar, turned murderer, check out the trials of O. J. Simpson. The Oscar Pistorius has long been of interest to me, namely, for its sensational value, but also for ties that I have to South Africa. This documentary should've been called boo-hoo for Oscar very little of the prosecution has airtime, and fewer of the victims family has their say. It's interesting. No doubt sure it shows his humanity, but it leaves out a lot of other run-ins. He had with the law and a lot of other jealousies that he had. For more fair look at this case, check out the documentary Amazon prime released a couple years ago.
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Interesting but disappointing
coreygrip30 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
When I was a freshman in high school, this story took over the news for months and I remember this case vividly. While I did not remember the initial ruling, I assumed he would be guilty. I learned a great amount about Oscar Pistorius, the history of violence against women in South Africa, and the warning signs that eventually led to the tragic murder. For a documentary of this nature going back to the beginning and looking at the buildup to the trial is important for context and perspective, but none the less the production team needed to give more footage in the moment. I felt that the documentary was more focused on his athletic accomplishments, overcoming adversity, and the many relationships he had throughout his life. While these points are part of his life it overshadowed the most important part of the documentary in the trial. From a production standpoint, many of his life events could have been skipped over or condensed. For example, his childhood and teenage years took up too much time rather than focusing more on his violent tendencies and personality. Those things were talked about, but not as in depth as it should have been. It felt like the trial part of the documentary was more about footage of international news reporters giving updates before, during and after the trial rather than the actual trial itself.
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An attempt to create sympathy for a murderer
KamMcQ23 June 2024
I went into this open minded, but within the first 5 minutes it was evident the whole series was going to be incredibly one sided. It should have been called "Poor Oscar." This is one more series that glorifies murderers, instead of representing both sides.

Oscar Pistorius is not the victim, despite that narrative being pushed through this series. He murdered Reeva. SHE is the victim.

There is no question Oscar overcame nearly insurmountable odds and fought hard to become a successful athlete.

There's also no question that he murdered his girlfriend while she was in the bathroom, shooting her 4 times.

A main theme was how upset he was after he killed her. If he was sincerely upset, why didn't he take responsibility for what he did? Why did he make Reeva's family sit through a devastating trial?

If he truly thought someone was in the house, why did he go straight to the bathroom and shoot instead of checking to see if Reeva was in there? He knew she wasn't in bed. There was history of domestic violence, and he also knew she had been in touch with her ex boyfriend two days before he killed here.
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Horrible bias
jamiev212128 April 2021
The title should have been 'In Defense of Oscar Pistorius" it was so one sided it was shameful and honestly should be removed from espn's 30 for 30 collection. It glorified his athletic accomplishments and hardly even mentioned any evidence against him at all. It's difficult to even explain how one sided and unfair this documentary was. I feel horrible for anyone who knew the young lady he murdered that watched this sad excuse for a documentary. Worst 30 for 30 ever!
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Terrible message about apartheid and domestic violence
habren24 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A nuanced profile would have been very reasonable. But the woman he shot is hardly mentioned. They try to justify his actions by saying how apartheid is a terrible thing that happened to white people and that's why his response of shooting blindly into the bathroom was understandable. It seems as if this film is financed by the Pistorius marketing team.

As a resume video to get back into the grace of sponsors, it's not bad. But as a documentary it is a waste of a lot of time (over 5 hours).
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Obviously a defence case
lonebjorkmann9 August 2021
Great commentary and fair filming, but the case is being made for the defence the whole way. Yes I would like it, if I for some reason believed him to be innocent before watching. As a neutral viewer it was an apparent defence case for Pistorious. I watched until halfway E3, which was more than generous, then had enough of this brainwash special of the day 😂 I don't know how much was paid to generate this obvious ad campaign for Pistorious but it didn't sway me.
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Will It Ever End?
DocuFan202125 January 2021
This show is surprisingly bad for such a great series. Twice the length it needs to be, anyone wanting to learn about the crime & evidence won't find a clear picture here, it jumps all over the place and wanders off down tons of rabbit holes (on & on) without presenting a cohesive story or making any point - then abruptly ends. Disappointing.
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sedonasheri29 December 2020
I barely got through the first one ... it's in need of some serous editing. So much useless filler. The story just stops time and again as they cut to useless commentary. I'm an avid 30 for 30 fan and have honestly never seen a bad one until now. Will not watch anymore of this and in fact am aggravated I wasted an evening watching... hoping and assuming it would get better, that the story would start to move forward again, but no, just a waste of time. I think I'll check out the documentary about him on amazon instead.
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Just a defense for Oscar
dancingsheep-7896212 June 2024
I stopped watching after one episode, disgusting, just a bunch of rich people trying to make their guilty family member look innocent. Very little mention or respect towards the victim who was killed by spoiled rich boy. I guess her class status was too low.

Another thing is that anyone can see how those long springy blades would give this guy a definite unfair advantage, don't understand why this would be allowed in competition.

I'm sure he's out of prison by now and living his best life at uncles "cottage", really a mansion with a first floor gym and large pool so he can work out and keep in shape. Hope what he did haunts him and he has a miserable life.
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WHAT A SLOG! Just awful!
stuffypancake19 June 2024
Its just a long, rambling SLOG, It may have been interesting at 90min. Did NO ONE watch this mess in editing? Whoever did watch and not take a MACHETE to it, should be FIRED. Some of the interviewees are at a loss for words and just stare into the camera. Every EXCRUCIATING minute is caught on camera.

At one point his brother is describing him as being very upset and crying. He said the same thing, using every POSSIBLE synonym he could think of, for 5min straight. I had hoped it would improve. It does NOT.

Previous 30 for 30 shows were great. Interesting, with a congruent flow. This show flops around, as soon as the show brings up any possibility of him knowingly shooting Reva, its another half hour of what he did in HS. Rah! Rah! Oscar!

This starts as a look back on what seems every day of his life up to the shooting. It seems they got any and everyone who ever passed toilet paper to him under a bathroom stall, to ramble on with some BORING useless drivel that add NOTHING to the actual crime or the case.

If you want a story of an amazing Paralympian Check out Amy Mullins!

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What a pile of sycophantic dog doo
ecobabe-2932929 June 2024
I tried. I really did, because I generally like 30 for 30. But hours of tribbling nonsense about Oscar Pistorius'' hard life, his missing his mum, his amazing strengths and kindness...and not one bloody meaningful segment on the woman he killed. No perspective. No balance. This is an unmoored love letter to Pistorius, one he doesn't deserve and should not be given. And no honest look at what he did. And no accountability from him, his friends, his family or his colleagues. Do I think Pistorius did some great things, absolutely. But that is a completely separate story from what he did that night, who Reeva was, what she experienced and deserved, all of her promise lost.. Shame of the director, shame on the producers, shame on ESPN and shame on Netflix.
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