Affected: The Story of US (2020) Poster

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If you don't love it within the first 5 minutes there's something wrong with you.
fchs21937627 November 2020
This story felt like the perfect encapsulation of what we as a nation are going through. I honestly would show this to my kids when they're old enough to ask about this time in our lives. Aside from some minor isses this documentary really hits it's mark, and should be watched, then watched again. Bravo.
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Realistic Covid Doc
kyledudas29 November 2020
This doc tackles the realistic aspect of the Covid-19 pandemic and dives into issues that affect the every day person. Small businesses, medical staff, and educational instructors for example. Rather than focusing on the numbers and other things that the media tends to bring forth, if you're looking for a realistic and relatable take on the Covid-19 virus, this is a good watch that I definitely recommend checking out.
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History in Real Time
altjohngalt30 November 2020
A unique personalized documentary of the human experience during the WuHu Flu, aka SarsCov2. A must watch.
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Interesting Perspective on COVID-19
vdanos-4278730 November 2020
If you see the news, it's always about the number of deaths, lockdowns, and the amount of people infected in a day or several days, but you never know how it's actually affecting people. It's nice to see real, honest people from diverse backgrounds and how they have to live during this global pandemic. Fun watch.
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Powerful + Impactful
suhailaomar-8087528 November 2020
I've seen several Documentaries on Covid-19. This is the first that I've seen to take a very honest and objective approach in regards to impacts Covid is having. What a brilliant and thoughtful approach to cover such a wide variety of perspectives and lives. I can only imagine what the intent here was but for me you have done an excellent job at capturing different walks of life which hopefully helps bridge gaps between us during these times vs dividing us.
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lower your expectations
drufarro10 October 2023
I was literally stuck at home with Covid and confined to the couch when I watched this documentary and even under the circumstances this film couldn't hold my attention.

The interviews are mediocre, the stories unmoving, the facts were like reading old news and nothing ground breaking. Maybe if this had come out within days of the pandemic the film makers would have the excuse that information was limited but having been released months afterward, they really could have done better in terms of story writing and getting to the heart of the lives and livelihood of those most effected by the pandemic.

The ratings posted must all be contributed by users who are friends and family of the producers because I don't know how this received any higher than 5 stars.
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bridzhi-9268328 November 2020
Honestly through the story was gripping from the very beginning and super personal. That Danny guy at the start was a trip and one of the funniest interviews that I've seen in a while. Great ending too with bringing it all full circle. Great documentary overall.
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Scary as hell - Cinema WorldFest Awards
blutes15 December 2020
What happens when a crisis appears on the horizon and half the population cries, "hoax!" and no one else believes it can ever touch them?

You're left with chaos...

Affected: The Story of US is a sobering look at a country caught with its pants down. Ill prepared and too arrogant to heed the warning, this film tells the of all of us, left struggling to cope with the effects of the 2020 pandemic.
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A captivating look into reality
sohrab-7179630 November 2020
This film showed just a glimpse into the struggling world we live in today with perspectives from the inside. The stories being told from this heart crushing reality that this virus brought to us is truly explored in this documentary. Well done!
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Awesome and engaging
marinagri27 November 2020
Really enjoyed watching this and hearing all the dynamic stories that were shown. Personally had me gripped and I really enjoyed how diverse it was. Especially the fact that it was focused on one main story throughout the entire doc but then showed a lot of other aspects and perspectives from real people and just what they have been going through. Real people with real voices and their real stories. Overall really loved it. Highly recommend!
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Highly entertaining and very emotional
ahshutt21 December 2020
This is the story of US. It was extremely emotional, the best part of this film is that literally everyone can relate to the film. We can all look back on the first time we heard about COVID-19 and our struggles as the months went on. Some of us lost jobs, some of us were stranded in another state/country unable to journey back home, and a lot of us were either exposed to the coronavirus or tested positive. These are real people that have suffered or been affected by the virus. It's more emotional than I expected. I enjoyed how this documentary kept my attention throughout the full movie. We saw a very diverse range of people in different careers, cultures, and experiences. Altogether the story was consistent, the feelings were raw, and it was threaded together perfectly. What more can you ask.
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COVID-19 Through the Eyes of Average People
jemkat-843846 December 2020
This series of interviews with ordinary people shows the diversity of impacts COVID-19 and, especially, the government/public response to the COVID-19 pandemic have on Americans (most of the footage appears to be from in and around Washington DC, where the company is based). If you're looking for an authoritative overview of the origins of the virus and the variety of official responses by state and federal authorities, look elsewhere. But if you want insight into the apprehensions felt by many Americans, this film is for you.

I'm a bit of a policy wonk, and would have appreciated seeing a little more context. But including that information would have made it easier to dismiss some of the "out there" opinions of the participants and detracted from the emotional power of the film.
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andreabeus11 December 2020
Such a beautifully crafted film on such a heart wrenching and traumatic subject. The whole world has been touched and changed by this event but so many have had no way to tell our story of sorrow, loss, fear and hope. Watching this story of us was a release and validation of so many feelings in a way. It's a story that is not nearly over. There are so many more stories to tell.
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"Are you filming me?"
zaphodgalt10 December 2020
The effects of the virus on regular people (and their attitudes towards it) are put into perspective through the lens of a small business owner that, like many lost much of his income due to the reactions of the government to this public health crisis. Not everyone is relatable (I'm talking 'bout you, Danny!) but this story is being played out millions of times across the U.S. It should touch a chord with everyone.
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Watching true history unfold
yellowtornado4 December 2020
An in depth look at the affects of the pandemic that is done well.
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shervo-905-57172519 April 2021
Just finished watching your documentary that was at NOVA Fest. It is OUTSTANDING!! I could not turn my eyes away. Wishing you much success with it. So proud it's from the DMV. You did a great job. I'll be watching you.

Sheri ratick stroud Wonder Pictures.
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Engaging beginning to end
seat582 December 2020
I love documentaries that grab me in the beginning and take me for a wild ride until the end. This film does just that. At no point are you bored. The filmography, music, interviewees, stories, etc are all put together masterfully. Have fun watching this one.
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Instantly grabs your attention. Exciting and Insightful.
robriddbeats14 February 2021
This is the first major production coming from Arazo and they hit the nail on the head. Each unique perspective gives the doc more depth and insight into how the pandemic really affected the country.

Enjoyable watch - less than an hour. Applaud their work here, job very well done.
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The Title says it all
monicoc-3152329 December 2020
There are many documentaries on COVID-19 out there, but this one really hit home. Whether you believe it's real or not, we are all connected and "affected". The Story of Us let's you look back to when it all started and reminds you of the same fears you encountered as the world changed overnight. Director Artem Koker beautifully uncovers how we as individuals are coping and evolving, with stories from everyday people in their daily challenges that make you realize how much humanity must come together or suffer greater consequences. A must see.
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