"True Blood" Scratches (TV Episode 2009) Poster

(TV Series)


Stephen Moyer: Bill Compton



  • Sookie Stackhouse : [arriving at Bill's house]  See, I knew it. Underneath that tough vampire exterior, you're nothing but a big softy.

    Bill Compton : Don't tell nobody.

    Sookie Stackhouse : [looking at the clothes]  Wow, this is a lot of pink, Bill. I'm sure Jessica will love it.

    Bill Compton : Yes, well I remember when ladies clothing stores sold petticoats.

    Sookie Stackhouse : [giggling]  That's just weird.

    Bill Compton : Actually, I kinda miss my times. They left something to the imagination. Unfastenin' 'em required a certain skill.

    Sookie Stackhouse : I think there's a Halloween store around here that might still have some.

    Bill Compton : [grinning]  You are such a tease.

  • Bill Compton : Are you still angry about our fight? Sookie, none of that matters anymore.

    Sookie Stackhouse : You're right. I'm alive and in one piece. Unlike my friend Lafayette who Eric chained up like an animal and left to bleed to death.

    Bill Compton : What?

    Sookie Stackhouse : You better not have known anything about this, Bill Compton. Because if you did, I don't think I could ever forgive you!

    Bill Compton : I have no idea what you're talking about.

    Eric Northman : [behind them]  I imagine she's referring to the human in my basement... The human who traded sexual services with a vampire in order to sell his blood - which as you know is a grave offense.

    Sookie Stackhouse : [to Eric]  His name is Lafayette and you ought to be ashamed of yourself for what you've done to him.

    [slaps him] 

    Bill Compton : Sookie!

    Eric Northman : [unfazed]  I'm glad you're feeling better and may I add that color suits you very well.

    [refering to her red shirt] 

    Sookie Stackhouse : Go to hell!

    Bill Compton : [holding her back]  Sookie! Enough!

    Sookie Stackhouse : Oh it's not nearly enough. They've tortured him and bitten him and shot him and kept him down there in his own filth for weeks.

    Bill Compton : [to Eric]  Is this true?

    Eric Northman : There are others who would have done far worse and you know it.

    Sookie Stackhouse : You're gonna let him go right now or I swear, I'm going to the police.

    Eric Northman : [draws his fangs]  I do not respond well to threats!... But perhaps we could come to some sort of arrangement.

  • Eric Northman : [after Bill tells him what attacked Sookie]  The head of a bull?

    Bill Compton : That's what she said. It was dark. It all happened in seconds.

    Eric Northman : You didn't see this... bull-man?

    Bill Compton : No.

    Eric Northman : And you gave her your blood?

    Bill Compton : I didn't work.

    Eric Northman : [thinking]  Hmmm.

    Bill Compton : You ever heard of anything like this?

    Eric Northman : Surprisingly, no.

  • [first lines] 

    Sookie Stackhouse : [to Bill, about Jessica]  I'm sorry. She promised she was just gonna look in the window. I know I made a mistake. But they're her family.

    Bill Compton : [enraged]  She is a vampire! She has no family!

    Jessica Hamby : [crying]  I'm a monster and I'm gonna be alone forever because of you!

  • Bill Compton : [to Sookie, about Jessica]  You undermined my authority as her maker! You risked those people's safety and your own! If I had not glamoured them with in an inch of their sanity, both our lives would have shattered!

    Sookie Stackhouse : I know. I'm sorry!

    Bill Compton : You keep sayin' that and I am expected to what? Forget this ever happened?

    Sookie Stackhouse : What else do you want me to say? I know when she asked me to take her, I should say no. But all I could think about was Gran and what I would give to see her again.

    Bill Compton : That does not give you license to behave like an irresponsible child! She is a loaded gun, Sookie. Not a doll for you to dress up and play with!

    [Sookie gets out of the car] 

    Bill Compton : What are you doing?

    Sookie Stackhouse : Walking!

    Bill Compton : Don't be ridiculous. Bon Temps is nearly 20 miles away!

    Sookie Stackhouse : [walking away]  I'd rather walk all night then spend another second in that car with you!

    Jessica Hamby : [to Bill, after he gets back in the car]  She wants you to go after her. She wants you to go after her and kiss her and tell her that you love her.

    Bill Compton : She will come back, when she calms down... she will come back.

  • Bill Compton : [after finding her bloody]  Sookie... What did this to you?

    Sookie Stackhouse : [choking]  Bull... human... I couldn't see... Bill, I can't move.

  • Sookie Stackhouse : [gasping, hurt]  Am I dying?

    Dr. Ludwig : Yes.

    Bill Compton : No! She cannot die! You will save her!

    Dr. Ludwig : Back off, vampire. Let me do my job!

    Eric Northman : Forgive him. Bill is abnormally attached to this human.

    Dr. Ludwig : [working on Sookie]  Well, we don't have a lot of choices. She's been poisoned. You ever heard of Komodo dragons? Their mouths are teaming with bacteria. After one has bitten you it will track you for hours, days just waiting for the toxins to slowly eat away at your nervous system. 'Til you're good and helpless. Then it will devour you alive.

    Sookie Stackhouse : [gasping]  I was... scratched by a dragon?

    Dr. Ludwig : No, but this poison is similar but way more efficient. I don't think I've seen it before but it's hard to tell without further testing and we don't have that kind of time.

  • Eric Northman : [about Pam]  She is extremely lazy, but loyal. How's yours? Jessica?

    Bill Compton : Petulant. Dangerous. Afraid.

    Eric Northman : I'm glad to see you two are bonding

  • Dr. Ludwig : [to Bill, about Sookie]  You can give her blood now. Her body should accept it.

    Eric Northman : [moving fast to Bill, about blood]  Mine is much stronger. Allow me.

    Bill Compton : Never!

  • Sookie Stackhouse : [to Eric]  So if I agree to go to Dallas to help look for this missing vampire, you'll let Lafayette go?

    Bill Compton : No! You nearly died last night. You are not going to Dallas.

    Bill Compton : Bill, I can make up my own mind.

    Eric Northman : I will pay all of your expenses, of course. And yes, I will release your friend.

    Sookie Stackhouse : And I want $5,000.

    [to Bill] 

    Sookie Stackhouse : I've missed a lot of work and I need a new driveway.

    Eric Northman : [to Bill]  Your human is getting cocky.

  • Sookie Stackhouse : [while driving home with Bill]  I use to get so mad when people judged vampires just for being different. It's like they were judging me too. I told myself their fear was nothing but small mindedness. But maybe that's what I wanted to believe. 'Cause the more open my mind gets, the more evil I see.

    Bill Compton : Sookie, most of us, vampire, human or otherwise are capable of both good and evil. Often simultaneously.

    Sookie Stackhouse : You can't expect me to believe that Eric is capable of anything good. Not after how he tortured Lafatette.

    Bill Compton : I have had worse sheriffs.

    Sookie Stackhouse : I don't understand how you can defend him.

    Bill Compton : He saved your life.

    Sookie Stackhouse : I can still hate him.

    Bill Compton : I hate that he maybe putting you in harms way once again, for his own selfish reasons. And I hate that he has shown your the barberousness we call justice. If I could glamour it away for you, I would.

    Sookie Stackhouse : I'm glad you can't. I'm sick of things sneakin' up on me. Rene and what ever the hell that was that attacked me last night. If I'm never gonna be safe, I'd rather know what to be affraid of.

    Bill Compton : Well, after last night I hope that doesn't include me.

    Sookie Stackhouse : I know there is evil in you. I know there is and it scares the hell outta me. But you're right. There's goodness in you too and when I look in your eyes, that's what I see.

  • Dr. Ludwig : I'll expect my payment by the end of the week.

    Eric Northman : It's always a pleasure doing business with you, Dr. Ludwig.

    Dr. Ludwig : Fuck off!

    Bill Compton : Clearly the pleasure is one-sided.

    Eric Northman : She's no fan of the fang. She tolerates us, because our blood is of such great value to humans.

See also

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