"Andor" That Would Be Me (TV Episode 2022) Poster

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Introductions continue well
snoozejonc22 September 2022
An investigation is launched to find who is responsible for the incident shown in the opening scene of the show.

This is another solid chapter, but I think it could have formed part of a single episode with the first.

The plot is focussed around character introductions and slow burns the search for Cassian. Again the scenes of dialogue are pretty strong and the performances of all cast are great.

It's hard to tell whether the flashback scenes are worthwhile at this point in the story, so I will hold any judgement until I see the full arc.

As in the first episode the production values and art direction are excellent.

For me it's a 7.5/10 but I round upwards.
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Everything but a Plot
braddtastic29 September 2022
Wondering why a Star Wars series was named after a Star Trek planet, I checked this out. Production quality is impressive, the acting is very good, and the show gives viewers an "under the hood" look at what happens with the actual individuals who carry out the broad strokes of Star Wars plot elements. However, it's hard to make use of all these assets in the absence of a PLOT!

In fairness, there may be a plot in here somewhere, but the narrative plods along so slowly that when the viewer finally happens upon something of significance (to whatever the story is) they no longer care. I will continue watching for now, just to enjoy the Star Wars universe from a different vantage point, and because the visuals and production quality leave me hoping it will get better.
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Strong continuation and prepare for the climax
moritzherz9 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
After a great start into the new show of the prestigious franchise, the second episode does not lose a bit of the quality.

We now get the character of Luthen introduced, who is such an interesting character perfectly acted by Stellan Skårsgard. I also liked the character of Bixx, she cares for Andor what insults her boyfriend and leads to him giving information about Andor to the security company. This will not end well.

We also get more information about Andor's childhood and the security company on Ferrix is still investigating to find Andor.

Clearly this episode does not contain a lot of action but it builds up for an climatic end in the third episode.
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Not Overly Impressed
laroseparadis31 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't think this was a really strong entry for this show. I am just halfway through this show right now, but I would definitely say that this is probably the slowest episode. I think it was cool to get more flashbacks into Cassian's past and how you get to see a little bit more of each character and their connections, but as far as the plot goes, I still felt it was a little lackluster.

However, I still really like this show. I really like the whole espionage/mystery thing that they are doing, so I can understand why the show itself is still a little slow at this point, but I really hope that it will pick up soon and we get to see the pieces put together.
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That Would Be Me
lassegalsgaard21 September 2022
They did something very smart when they premiered this show, which was putting the three first episodes together in a bundle. Not only does this give the audience a chance to ease into the show, but it also shows their idea of having these three-episode arcs as the norm. And it also works, because if it had only been the first episode that had been released, it wouldn't have served as an interesting enough beginning to a show that needs all the good will possible. With this second episode, they really start to set themselves a path that looks to go in some interesting directions.

The best thing about the premiere was how it focused on this small planet that doesn't seem like it has a lot of business with the Empire. In this episode, they continue to showcase the almost insignificant role that the planet plays in the grander scheme of things. They know how to keep the Empire at bay and it makes for a more sinister tone. The Empire has always been a sinister force in this universe, and this show may have already done the best job that any other material in the universe has done to really sell the threat of the Empire through a few small moments. The flashbacks fit much better into this episode as it felt like it was moving side-by-side with Andor's present day experiences, showing why he has all that anger dwelling inside of him that we're slowly getting an idea of under the surface. It's not blowing out yet, but it's definitely there. There was also a greater focus on setting up the antagonist, and the snarly hatred he has for Andor seems to be based in a distaste of his superiors just ignoring his actions more than the actions themselves, which makes him a very dangerous foe, although he doesn't seem to really be that comfortable in his position left. This episode definitely stepped it up a notch, and it feels like the writers are finally preparing to take it up another step for the next episode, which will give us a greater idea of the overall story.

"That Would Be Me" does an incredible job of showcasing how far out of the mainstream this planet is, while still teasing the Empire's might. A lot of great character development with the flashbacks adding even more to Andor this time than in the premiere, while the overall narrative is slowly starting to take shape.

First off, does this episode feel like an extension of the premiere? Yes, it very much does. Is this episode also better than the premiere? Yes, I think so. And you can ask me why and say that nothing else happened, and you wouldn't be wrong. But I needed to settle into the idea and tone of this show, so this episode felt more anticipated in its pace and tone. Cassian is still trying to find his sister, but he's in a bit of trouble now, because that Empire police from the first episode, yeah, they're on to him. That doesn't really come into play in this episode, though, so if you're expecting a big shootout, you might have to wait until three. It continues to set the scale for what is to come, and with the introductions of Stellan Skarsgård and Fiona Shaw (and who doesn't like some Fiona Shaw?!), it feels like this little word "rebellion" might start to appear in the episodes a little going forward. I also didn't mean to crap on another "Star Wars" project in the beginning of my review, but the flashbacks in this show are way better than what we saw in "The Book of Boba Fett." (Sorry, not sorry.) I like the primal tone to those flashbacks and the raw setting, but I'm still scared that it's gonna end on a sad note. "Andor" is providing the "Star Wars" that I have been missing, but it still holds off on going all-out on the coming politics.

"Episode 2" is basically "Episode 1, Part 2" but that works for me because I really enjoyed that and ended up enjoying this even more. I don't know where we're going with this arc, but it's clear that the show likes its lead character and wants him to be central to whatever story they're telling.
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That would be... more of the same?
Trey_Trebuchet16 November 2022
And by that I just mean that I was thinking what some of you were, this probably could have just been a part of the first episode. It feels like Ep1-PT2. I thought both of these first two episodes ended pretty abruptly too, like, I was waiting for something to happen.

I don't mean literally not a single thing is happening, this definitely furthered the plots a bit, but perhaps it should have gone a little farther. I'm guessing that's why the first three episodes all aired together on the same day.

I'm not gonna stop watching it though. Sure, I'm not loving it as of yet, but seeing a side of this universe I haven't seen before is interesting for the time being. I am digging the tone and look. It's a gorgeous lot filled and photographed show so far, with some pretty decent acting. This could get really good. I have hope. Rebels are built on hope...
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Elliot141222 September 2022
This episode was an intriguing continuation of the story and a set-up for the third episode. The tone of the show is terrific and unique from any other Star Wars media, and the writing is better than ever before in Star Wars. Sure, the first and second episodes didn't captivate various people in the story similar to something like the Mandalorian, in which the opening was, in my opinion, way slower than this show's, but it made the direction of the show perfectly clear and appealing. It wasn't until the third episode when the actual path of this season became apparent, and all I'm saying is, don't turn away before watching the third one, in case you weren't hooked by the first two episodes.
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"That Would Be Me"
allmoviesfan10 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
An enjoyable slow burn episode, clearly setting us up for something rather big.

Andor is trying to keep a low profile on Ferrix as agents attached to the Preox-Morlana Corporation have a photo of him and are seeking him out - not for questioning, I'm sure - over the murder of two of their men in the opening episode. Somehow, they know that Andor is a from Kennari, which, we find out, is a world devastated by Imperial mining operations. We see what appears to be Kennari in a series of flashbacks to Andor as a youngster, which are expertly woven into the current-day narrative, where we meet some other members of the Andor family.

I, for one, am most interested in finding out who The Buyer is. The way the identity is hidden during his one short scene in this episode, it's fair to say it's probably someone consequential? I couldn't recognise the voice, however.
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This is an unique vision of SW universe
ciobi-5117922 September 2022
Well, the episode is indeed slow paced, but it is the kind of episode i will be watching over and over again as the times goes by, it gives you an unique way to look at the whole SW saga, something visceral and it is leaving you with the ideea this was a passion project and not something made just for money, the ambiance of the episode just hooks you instantly and the music hypnotises you and you can feel something big will happen soon, it reminds me very much about an unknown tv series from more than 20 years ago named Charlie Jade. The story has many ramifications and even the smallest charracters have their own imoortance in the show. Probably the ones who will not like this will be the fans who want something with an unbeatable main character and with more action, something like an Equilibrium movie set in the SW universe, but if you are a real hardcore sci-fi fan you will love this.
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01x02 - That Would Be Me: 6/10 (Okay)
mahdypersonal21 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Andor's story moves at a glacial pace. I appreciate that there's a larger story being told here but scenes like the Kenari tribe moving through the forestland spliced up across the episode, add absolutely nothing to the story beyond their leader being killed.

Meanwhile, we 're still waiting for Andor to meet his contact while the only real movement comes from the Empire, who have their force moving down to collect their prize. Although they 're made out to be the bad guys, you can really understand their plight and why they 're objective on taking out Andor. I mean, he may have killed one of the guards by accident but the other he killed in cold blood.

With all this in mind though, the third episode looks set to actually kick things into high gear and I would imagine we 'll know a good deal of action, especially if the Empire manage to get Andor before he can make his trade.
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Just great..
VEM_Max25 September 2022
I honestly didn't expect alot from this series, i thought this was going to be the worst SW series yet, but damn this is getting kinda good. First 2 episodes are just build-up for episode 3, which they are great in doing so. Easily introducing new and likeable, but also some people you feel kind of sad for (Karn, because of his awfull speech). Something that is really fresh aswell is the 'personalizing' (in a sense of not only showing the heroes) of the empire. But honestly the thing i was astonished by most was the entire feeling of this show, even though it doesn't really feel like Star Wars, it's still is AMAZING. This is the first SW series that feels entirely fresh, it completely differs from the rest because of the darker/grittier setting, but also because of the realism in dialogue and acting. I do however can understand the criticism about the pace, it can be kind of slow. I do think even though not alot happend this episode except build-up it still felt amazing And for the last bit, i feel like non SW fans could really enjoy this series aswell, no Jedi, no the Force, it's a series that is just coincidentally going on inside of the SW universe. So, i could really recommend this, but just one thing, don't give up because these 2 are slow, episode 3 is really worth your time if you didn't like this one.
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That Would Be Me
Prismark106 October 2022
British director Toby Haynes was responsible for some very good episodes of Doctor Who.

So I think the script is the let down here. The pacing was slow, indicating that there is not enough story here.

It means Diego Luna has to go around being mean and moody. Cassian Andor knows he has messed up by killing those two security guards.

He has upset Maarva (Fiona Shaw) because he has also given away his origins.

Meanwhile Syril Karn gets a huge lead courtesy of a jealous boyfriend. A visual identification of Andor.

The episode was slow going. The constant flashbacks did not help with the flow of the story. It does not even feel much like Star Wars at the moment.
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Still slow, but only because it is taking its time to brilliantly build up this cast.
frankiesilver-9183627 September 2022
Everything about the opening minutes of this episode is done splendidly. We are quickly building such a lively and breathtaking atmosphere for the show. The serious tone and lack of censorship make it genuinely feel like an HBO show. Between more sexual innuendos and the use of a curse word, I'm honestly surprised just how ballsy they're being with the Star Wars brand.

Maarva is such a nice addition to the cast as a parental figure for Cassian. She is a great character to keep Cassian in check and you can feel her fear for her adopted son's safety.

Sgt. Mosk is also great. His enthusiasm over keeping the empire's fascist ways in place along with the way he looks up to Syril and bounces off his personality makes both villains more fun. We are shown Syril's incompetence as a leader but strong need to keep people like Andor in check. This is proving to be an interesting take on a Star Wars villain, compared to the usual over-competence they have.

While I'm understanding the concept of Syril's character more, Timm is easily the most annoying part of this episode. Him anonymously tipping felt like something only in the script to further the plot along. He's absolutely awful for not even telling Bix what he did afterward.

The flashbacks in this episode were very exciting. Seeing this primitive group of children be endangered by the separatist/republic fighting they knew nothing of is heartbreaking.

On top of how solid this was, the tease of Stellan's character excites me even more for the next episode as we continue to see the cast be rounded out with interesting faces.

We're just starting up, and this episode is just as good as the premiere.
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I Like Where This Is Going
atkinsonlouise-7387311 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Andor continues to be a very interesting and slowly building Star Wars story. I like that this is taking its time to build towards things, which isn't for everyone, but it's a nice change of pace from the short burst 6 episode stuff. Diego Luna continues to be great as Andor, as we learn a bit more about his past in the flashbacks and see a bit of the desperation as the security team closes in on him. We also get introduced to Stellan Skarsgard and Fiona Shaw's character, who I am eager to learn more about. I also liked how Kyle Soller's Security Deputy Head character tried to appear in control, but was clearly out of his depth. The relationship between Cassian and B2 is another great droid/human relationship and it's cool to see a new type of droid. The flashbacks continue to interest me showing Cassian's past, while letting you figure out what's going on by not using subtitles. Overall, loving the gritty nature of the show and can't wait to see more. Score: 8.5/10.
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slow but great
comrademud22 October 2022
My condolences to those whose attention span was ruined by marvel and social media. Yes, the first three eps are mostly set uo, but the show has 12 of them and the set up always pays off. There is plenty of action scenes scattered around, but the tone is serious, nothign in interrupted by a "clever" quip. The tone of the show is very mature, fitting with the themes it discusses (surprisingly in depth which i woudl not expect from a dinsey+ show).

This is what i want star wars to be - political intrigue, the struggles of real people, the beurocracy, the backstabbing, the banality of evil. And andor does it perfectly.

Favourite show of the year so far. Even outside my (love.hate) with star wars - this isn't even the best star wars, it's just a good high tension show on its own.

Can't wait for the resolution.
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Blimey , I am hooked
suvechhabose24 September 2022
Things are bit serious in this episode. Which looks really cool i must admit . Scenes are tensed , acting is phenomenal But the only issue is it looks nothing like Star wars . I don't know but except that droid scenes , it seems like messy blade runner type of thing. No complains but there are some demands

Can we have more aliens in Star wars instead of humans? Cassa 's backstory only showed some humans with no aliens , not even small aliens nor even technical advancement which seems backward than Jawas. You have seen Dagobah ; a swampy planet . Life thrives there.

Modern day setting feels okay . Acting & basic storyline progress is happening right there so its engaging , But it also lacks Aliens of different sizes & shapes .
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Beautiful but boring
patcor-0602022 September 2022
I'm sorry a good show doesn't need 3 episodes to hook someone.

It should be done in Episode 1 in the first 5 minutes which is a shame since it's the best looking Star Wars TV show. Unfortunately while the characters feel real, they lack personality.

Andor is a charisma vacuum. The first 2 episodes could have been severely edited down to just 15 minutes and used as flashbacks. I get the idea of slow burn but you need dynamic characters to pull that off(AMC's Better Call Saul is a great example of a show that is slow burn but accomplishes so much with that approach.

Nice try Lucasfilm but this just isn't it.
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More Interesting Setups and Developments
JessePinkman7611 April 2024
This one was a little slower than the first but was still interesting. Some new characters were introduced who seem really interesting and Im excited to see what they do. Im especially interested in Stellan Skarsgards character who seems shrouded in mystery and has a lot of potential as a character.

The plot is heating up and is setting up lots for the next episode which I guess will be the release of tension building from the first two episodes. It's very interesting to see Cassian as a character here since he's so different from how he is in Rogue One but I guess that's what this shows all about. I'd probably give this episode an 8/10 but i'll rate it a 10 cause the rating is too low.
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High ratings for first two episodes?
Marynewcomb201321 September 2022
I don't really get how these first two episodes are rated higher than five out of ten stars!! They have been slow, drawn out trying to explain his story but yet it's explaining nothing!! Flashbacks at the drop of a hat without any lead up!! They should have started with his childhood for a few episodes then lead up to something more during his adult years!! As a fan of Rogue One, (best thing Disney Wars has done) I had higher than normal hopes for this but so far we are being let down!! Hope that this gets better as it goes forward & not follow the footsteps of other Disney Wars projects that have aired on their streaming platform!!
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Its like watching paint dry
chrisstone424 September 2022
Script: Woeful (unless they intended to cure insomnia, in which case: great job guys).

Acting talent: bunch of nobodies and so far the director hasn't done a good job of letting characters shine.

Pacing: similar to that of a pregnant snail

Feel: B grade movie/TV with a small budget. Doesn't resemble or feel like Star Wars in the slightest (for a great Star Wars product I present to you: The Mandalorian).

What's happened so far: amusingly there are no spoilers because nothing has actually happened of any note.

I'll try to stomach episode 3 and see if it improves. I'm not a Disney 'hater' by trade, but after seeing Obi-trash and this, it does become quite challenging to support them.
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yahaira-729-69470124 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is episode 2 i finding it slow boring and uninteresting. The plot is that the peple from another place are suspects to want to overthrow the ruling order. The visuals are grey dull uninspiring. A great cast however no depth to explore the characters. All the oppressed people continue thier struggle for survival, peace with other warring factors. It slowly reveals a plot but at a snails pace perhaps there won't be much to explore the cute robot friends, some alliegencies to from a plot overthrow the rulers in this star wars world. It looks like the ongoing injustice of the brown people vs the whitevruling classes. It seems to have gotton old.
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ohjim10 October 2022
Kenari scenes: are they flashback or what? No subtitles. Hard to understand. Where is StarWars spirit ?

It is so far from the rogue starwars movie, which was really a great movie.

Explanations welcome. Help welcome. What is the point. I have already fell asleep twice during the two first episodes !!

The main actor is credited as an executive producer ! Excuse me ? What for ? Better acting ? More money in his pocket ? StarWars is not a cerebral kind of movie. I will watch all episodes of season one, but with a lot of difficulties. It is soooo disappointing so far!! Help me Ben Kenobi you're my only hope !
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I give up
ThunderKing628 September 2022
Disney Star Wars is 2-2. I've only finished Mando and Obi. I failed to get through Bobba and Andor.

Its so boring. My gosh. Did the writes fall asleep as they wrote this? Did the actors fall asleep as they read this?

Man this was boring. And apparently to some people they enjoy this. Are we living in a bizarro world?

Have you ever experienced being at church where you are falling asleep, but you are remaining awake at the same time. Then you pop up awake feeling a little bit embarrassed.

That's basically What I just went through, but I figure Disney is the one that are embarrassed.

This was a very boring episode. Back to back episodes were boring. I'm calling it quits. Iunno who the hell is an Andor anyways. What a waste of time.
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