Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) Poster

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What a lovely day!
AfricanBro20 May 2024
The opening is wild, kicking off with a captivating start. I think everything about this movie is perfect: the visuals, the action, the dialogue, the costumes, the acting... it was both beautiful and apocalyptic. I loved how everything felt like a rock 'n' roll fest.

I love dystopian movies, but you don't have to be a fan to recognize how amazing this was. It's a story of survival in a savage wasteland, every scene felt epic. I liked the cult-like nature and how they glorified their deaths like they were Vikings. Everything was eccentric and crazy, with non-stop action for nearly the whole movie.

It's really dystopian and wild, so it's surprising that this was actually a mainstream hit. "Do not become addicted to water" was such a wild statement, lol.

The premise is very simple; I don't think I can think of a more simplistic movie that worked so well. They drive out into the desert, then make a U-turn back to where they came from. That's it. And it's a blast. This is my favorite action movie, jam-packed with crazy sequences.

The movie is really just one huge dystopian action sequence, so I guess the drawback could be that it's all action. If you're looking for something more, you won't find much. Apparently, Mad Max lore has some complex and darker elements, and maybe the upcoming Furiosa will delve deeper into that.

Furiosa was probably the main character; it felt like Mad Max himself was just tagging along. The villain, Immortan Joe, was great. All the characters are memorable. And because the premise is so simple and the movie is so action-packed, it feels shorter than it actually is. It's just great fun and keeps me glued to the screen. Looking forward to Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga.
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Well made and mindlessly entertaining....
planktonrules10 September 2015
"Mad Max: Fury Road" is not the sort of film I enjoy and I after watching it, I am not a huge fan though I deeply respect the filmmakers. The reason I even saw it was the insane reaction the public had to this one...and the critical reviews were all surprisingly good. I wanted to see what all the hubbub was about...and try to understand why folks liked it so much. My take on it is that if you enjoy a film that is non-stop amazing action, then this one is for you. As far as the story goes, it's plot is super-thin--but the movie is handled so well and the stunts so amazingly insane that you don't mind. Worth seeing--but I sure wouldn't like to see a lot of films like this. Additionally, it was VERY refreshing to see a film where so many women are NOT mindless objects to be killed or protected--several are about as strong and heroic as Max himself--and no doubt this is why women seemed to like the film so much.
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Beyond Thunderdome on acid, with a huge budget
Imaculata16 May 2015
I see a lot of negative reviews for this movie popping up. People complaining that there is a lack of story and character development, and too much action.... too much action? Really? Have these people never seen a Mad Max movie before? How is that a bad thing in a Mad Max movie? Fury Road feels like an 80's action movie, with a preposterously large budget, and it is GLORIOUS. This movie was an epic ride. So many awesome set pieces, incredible car designs, twisted and bizarre costumes and characters, and a lot of really strong warrior women as well.

I've also heard it said that this movie contains a lot of feminism. Strong female characters that kick butt, is not feminism people! There's no anti-men message here. Just a cast which is dominated by more women than men. And about time for a change! Charlize Theron is my new favorite actress after this (it used to be Sigourney Weaver and Linda Hamilton). She really takes the spotlight, and that is about the only criticism I can think of with this movie. It's not so much about Mad Max, but about road warriors in general, and specifically Theron's character. I didn't think Tom Hardy was quite as good as Mad Max as Mel Gibson was, but he wasn't terrible. He just didn't lend enough presence to his character in this movie. Which may be a hard thing to do when the movie does not focus on Max.

Special mention should also be given to all the side characters. The villains are enjoyably menacing, especially Hugh Keays-Byrne as Immortan Joe, John Howard as the People Eater, Richard Carter as the Bullet Farmer, and I also loved Melissa Jaffer as the leader of a gang of elderly motor ladies.

Go see this movie if you like Mad Max!
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Pure action spectacle
Leofwine_draca24 February 2016
MAD MAX: FURY ROAD is the finest piece of pure action spectacle that I've watched since THE RAID 2 and JOHN WICK. It feels like the MAD MAX film that George Miller always wanted to make, and in many ways it's a virtual remake of MAD MAX 2: THE ROAD WARRIOR, except with a grossly inflated budget and CGI effects used to enhance rather than dominate. Now, I love THE ROAD WARRIOR and always will, but MAD MAX: FURY ROAD truly is an action film for our times.

I know that some will hate it; the story here is action and action alone and there's little else to get in the way. It's one long chase film and the amazing thing is how they manage to sustain the momentum for a good two hours. Exemplary cinematography and quite wonderful direction is what makes this work. With bad direction it would have been a real chore to sit through, but instead we get tons of suspense, great fight scenes, and incredible spectacle. This is the kind of film you watch to see stuff that's never been done before.

Tom Hardy feels like an obvious fit for the role and brings some working class style charisma to the part. As many have commented, Max is often a supporting player in his own film, but Charlize Theron as the real lead is excellent too, so that's not important. Even Nicholas Hoult in support is fantastic. I loved the way that the bad guy is played by Hugh Keays-Byrne, who was the villain in the first MAD MAX all those years ago. Overall, though, this is a film not about the people, but the Namibian desert landscapes, the modded vehicles, the speed, the violence, the overall thrill of the chase. And it's pretty much my idea of a perfect film.
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An Action Masterpiece. Ridiculous In All The Right Ways. (9.5/10)
isaacsuttle14 May 2015
George Miller returns to live-action filmmaking with one of the greatest action films ever put to screen. 'Mad Max: Fury Road' is ridiculous in all the right ways.

For those who have seen the original films and loved them, you'll fall in love all over again with this film. Tom Hardy takes the reigns this time around as Max - a man of few words who has been hardened by the world in which he lives. Along with him is Charlize Theron as Imperator Furiosa - a woman who seeks redemption by helping five young '"wives" escape from the film's antagonist.

Leading up to the film's release, many speculated if this would be just another action film that lacks a solid narrative and motive, but I am happy to say that this is simply not the case. Yes, the film does fill 80% of its run-time with action sequences, but it never gets in the way of the humanity between these characters that Miller has brought to life. There are some emotional moments. Specifically, with Theron's character. Is the story something we haven't seen before? Not at all. But in a film loaded with action, it's nice to see a solid narrative.

Now, how about those action sequences? Incredible - exhilarating - jaw-dropping. George Miller has put together some of the greatest, most memorable action set-pieces ever. One thing that sets the action in this film apart from a good majority of mediocre action films today is that every action the character's make have an affect on them. For good and for bad. The action is not pointless. It's motivated. And it's glorious to behold thanks to the use of practical effects, incredible stunt work and stunning cinematography.

'Mad Max: Fury Road' has set a new standard for action films. It's arguably the greatest action film of the 21st century. It's that good. George Miller has brought back what we loved about 80's action films while also brining new ideas to the table. It's the best time I've had in a theater in a long time, and I couldn't help but laugh in appreciation of the ridiculousness that was unfolding before my eyes. The film left me feeling giddy, with a big smile on my face.
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Mad Max Fury Road: A statement to embarrass and destroy all other movies in the action genre
confrank16 May 2015
Mad Max: Fury Road, starring Tom Hardy and Charlize Theron, is George Miller's attempt to reignite his long dormant Mad Max franchise...and my god does he ever. For the past decade or so, with exceptions such as John Wick, The Bourne Trilogy, and The Raid, action movies seem to be struggling to capture the excitement and enjoyment the genre once held; a tenacity that classics from the 80's and 90's had in spades. George Miller single handedly delivers our saving grace with Fury Road on the back of a spike covered oil rig with a blind zombie playing a fire breathing electric guitar.

Max is a man of few words, but Tom Hardy's talent for portraying strong, silent characters shines through in a gruff but sympathetic performance. He teams up with Charlize Theron's Imperator Furiosa to save the last 5 hot women in the world from the leader of a powerful cult with a terrifying breathing mask inspired by the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland. From there, the chase is on.

Using this simple plot as the setting, we are able to bear witness to one of the most beautifully shot films in years. The world of Mad Max looks absolutely gorgeous, combining awe-inspiring practical effects and landscapes with bold colours brimming from all edges of the frame. These are of course just bonuses in enhancing the primary reason people will love this film, the action itself. I'm happy to report these action sequences are damn near flawless. No shaky cam, barely a hint of CGI, and scenes where we actually feel like our characters are in danger (yes Furious 7 I'm calling you out). Total chaos relentlessly ensues for the majority of the film, but it's chaos you can follow clearly and marvel at. Whether it's one of the explosive car sequences, or one of the smaller emotional moments, Mad Max: Fury Road refuses to let up on tension for one second.

There's a reason this movie is sitting at 98% on Rotten Tomatoes. This is an action movie that will set a precedent for years to come, roaring ferociously at all who may challenge it. Hopefully, this is only the beginning of a genre revolution early in the making.

FINAL VERDICT: Mad Max: Fury Road is a beautifully chaotic display of masterfully executed action sequences with a strong emotional core, and a raw energy unmatched by nearly all of its action genre competition.
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The Greatest Action Film I've Seen
caryleavy24 May 2024
Watching the new film made me realize how special this movie truly is. Riveting from top to bottom and filled with white-knuckle action that is so gorgeous to look at that I can sparsley find the proper verbiage. Hands down incredible film. The acting, score, and direction is all top notch. Almost no other action movie can hold a candle to Fury Road.

"What a day, what a lovely day!"

This story strike a unique balance between simple story beats and sprawling themes. Much of the story has a visual language so well crafted that you could probably watch the story without audio and still completely get what's happening. The only things you'd miss are Tom's grunts, Junkie's score, and the incredible roar of the engines.
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What A Lovely Day!
CalRhys25 May 2015
The rationale behind the success of 'Fury Road' predominantly lies with director George Miller whose commitment and love for the film series that he's been developing since its first outing in 1979 is evident throughout, and it's pretty obvious that he knows how to craft a damn fine action sequence. Without this passion, the film would have likely stooped as there's not much else in the way of a plot or character development, even though Theron tries her hardest to give us an enthralling new action heroine to be revered. Aside from the aforementioned writing setbacks, 'Fury Road' is a powerhouse in the technical categories. With stunning contradictory cinematography from John Seale giving us a post-apocalyptic world of lavish colour rather than your typical muted tones, a heart-pounding score from Junkie XL and exquisite production design work that rightfully earnt the film an Oscar (one of six) for its spectacular vehicle design.
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Finally yes Finally I have seen a good Action Film from 2015. Mad Max: Fury Road is the finest blockbuster of 2015!
ivo-cobra83 October 2015
When I wrote this review 3 years ago I had no idea how many people hate this movie and they are preferring Mad Max 3 over this film. Claming Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome the third film is better film than this, really? Better than this? Listen folks it has no Mel Gibson so what? So what's your point? Gibson dropped out this film and he wasn't interested, it was in development for years, since in 2004 this movie was announced. George Miller did something different with this film and he got hate for it. I hate Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome to death! It is rated PG-13 family film and I wanted an action bloody rated R film not a boring stupid lame fu**** movie! I got an rated R bloody action film that I wanted in Mad Max: Fury Road. I was entertained and I enjoy it.

At least it wasn't so sick like was Beyond Thunderdome. Mad Max: Fury Road is my second favorite film in the franchise and this movie did it right and it correct that third film that it failed been an good action film. Like it or hate it, is your problem but in my opinion it is a good action violent movie and I love it to death I am an action junkie myself. Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior is my number 1 favorite film of all time.

I think Mad Max: Fury Road is George Miller's masterpiece. Finally, Finally after 30.years of fiasco Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome that completely destroyed the Mad Max Trilogy, George Miller finally come back and fix the mistake he did 30.years ago. Why wouldn't I love this film? This film is the best one in the series along side Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior at least for me it is the best film. It has action, high explosive and Tom Hardy been a real Mad Max unlike Mel Gibson was in Thunderdome. I am happy they made the 4th movie. Tom Hardy was a bad ass Mad Max. I didn't even noticed that we don't have Mel Gibson in here. Tom Hardy breaths life into Max Rockatansky and Charlize Theron is excellent and emotionally perfect as Furiosa. I love high speed and pursuit on a road which I seriously love this. The thing was more similar to Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior but much better, George Miller fix it, the film did not copy The Road Warrior the film has it is own story. All, the stunts and action sequences are SPECTACULAR. Immortan Joe was a fantastic villain in here he was really good. The film shows a real wasteland and the future which I am really happy about it.

NOTE: "Don't waste your time if you have seen the original." from a hater review my reply: Yes I will waste my time watching this awesome action flick! Yes I have seen the Original Film Mad Max with Mel Gibson so many times than you ever did! I love this film much more than Mad Max because sometimes the original is very boring and the film has so much Drama in it and less Action than it is in Fury Road. I wanted to have an apocalyptic action film like are Fury Road and The Road Warrior which this film fix it. Finally yes Finally I have seen a good Action Film from 2015 and It is finally the finest blockbuster of 2015!

Mad Max: Fury Road is a 2015 post-apocalyptic action film directed and produced by George Miller, and written by Miller, Brendan McCarthy and Nico Lathouris. The fourth installment in the Mad Max franchise, it is an Australian and American venture produced by Kennedy Miller Mitchell, RatPac-Dune Entertainment and Village Roadshow Pictures. The film is set in a future desert wasteland where gasoline and water are scarce commodities.

10/10 Awesome film I have seen it twice. I love this film to death I love it! Fury Road would be the second favorite best film in the franchise.
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An absolutely insane action film that will blow you away
stephendaxter13 May 2015
Mad Max Fury Road is George Miller's return to the franchise he started way back in 1979 with Mad Max. I will start by saying this movie was absolutely batsh** insane. It was filled right to the brim with continuous over the top bloody ridiculous action sequences that keep you on the edge of the seat and just amazed at what Is happening on screen. Now this film doesn't have much of a plot at all but seriously you're not going into this film for an intense plot, this is a film that almost didn't even need one at all. The one thing I was worried about going in was whether I needed to have seen the previous films to understand this one and thankfully you don't, the story is independent of the previous film which was really helpful.

The characters were all awesome and it did an amazing job to introduce them all almost instantly and get right into the action. Max (Tom Hardy? and Furiosa (Charlize Theron) were were great and extremely likable characters. Even the villain who I will just call Sweet Tooth was so great, he wasn't anything too special but was a great threat throughout the film.

I just absolutely loved this movie, intense action from start to finish and didn't slow down at all, that made it ridiculously fun to watch. The great characters and the performances are awesome on screen and we're always interesting to watch. If there was ever a Twisted Metal movie, this is what it would be. Nothing really let the film down and everything really worked, such a great time and the best cinema experience this year so far. - 10
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Fury Road
motrous27 April 2021
Don't take my word on this one. I recognize that I am in a small minority of people who didn't care for this move. It wasn't bad! I just think it wasn't for me. The crazy vehicles were obviously pretty cool but I couldn't rationalize the worldbuilding in it. Broke my suspension of disbelief and I couldn't really enjoy the rest of the movie I guess.
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What a day! WHAT A LOVELY DAY!!!!!
jared-2533117 May 2024
Prior to this review, I had never seen any of the Mad Max Movies, but with Furiosa coming out next week, I decided to finally watch all of the Mad Max Movies. I enjoyed the three Mad Max Movies with The Road Warrior being my favorite and Beyond Thunderdome being my least favorite, while still having some fun of it. Now that road has led me to Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) and I'm just gonna say it, Fury Road is not only the best Mad Max Movie, but it is one of the greatest movies ever made. This movie is a prime example on how to an established and beloved franchise from the 70s, 80s and 90s into the 21st Century perfectly.

First of all, the action and stunt work is the best that it's ever been and that's saying a lot given the fact that all four of these movies were written and directed by George Miller. This is a 2-hour movie where for the entire runtime it's just non-stop kick-ass action chase sequence and Miller pulls it off perfectly. The performances are all top-notch, there is not one person who isn't delivering off the top of their talent, but the standouts are of course Tom Hardy and Charlize Theron as Max Rockatansky and Imperator Furiosa respectively. Now as much as I did enjoy Mel Gibson as Max, Tom Hardy just takes this character to a whole new level to the point where I prefer Hardy ocer Gibson. The thing that makes Hardy's version of Max stand out is the fact that for almost the entire first hour of the movie, he has no dialogue and yet Hardy is able to bring out a lot of emotion throughout that first hour with his actions and eyes. Now, let's talk about Charlize Theron as Imperator Furiosa, this character is given so much emotion throughout her mission and journey back to her home to the point where I understand why they're doing a prequel to explore this character's backstory with Anya Taylor-Joy this year. Also, Furiosa is the prime example on how to do a strong female character properly.

Overall, if you haven't seen Fury Road or any of the other Mad Max Movies in general, then what are you doing with your life, you need to watch these movies as soon as possible. Fury Road is not only an absolute instant classic of the action genre, but it is God-Tier Cinema at its finest.
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It's a whole lot of style and not much substance
cutesd12 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I realize a lot of people will disagree with me ... but personally ... I don't like movies that leave me scratching my head with a lot of questions at the end. I prefer to ... you know ... understand the movies I'm watching.

Now we get from the film that the world as we know it has ended. They are fighting over gasoline and are running out of water. There's this guy Max who used to be a cop who has become a drifter trying to survive. There's this guy Immortan Joe who is really scary, clearly has health issues, and is bogarting all the water from the people. He's got a bunch of blood sucking kids dressed as skeletons who are his lackeys ... and he keeps a harem of women against their will (gross).

Furiosa grew up in a "green" place with a bunch of other women ... was taken by Joe when she was young. She wants to get back there and the "breeders" beg her to take them. And the film is basically them trying to get away from Joe who is trying to get them back. As plots go ... it's extremely basic.

But that is it ... that's all we know and it's all we find out (except that the green place is gone). There are a lot of MENTIONS of things that never actually get explained AND THIS IS MY PROBLEM.

Who is Immortan Joe? Why does he look like that? How did he wind up controlling all the water? Why are they drinking breast milk? Why are the boys called "half-lives" and dressed like skeletons? Why do they need "blood bags"? What is with the silver teeth thing? What is all this Valhalla, shiny, chrome, what? Why do they have a vehicle that spits fire with a dude playing electric guitar on it? How did Furiosa lose her arm? Who was Furiosa to Joe? WHO DID KILL THE WORLD? (they keep asking and it never gets answered even a little bit)

I had to look it up ... and I hate when movies don't explain things to the point where I have to look them up. That's what is called BAD STORYTELLING.

I won't spoil it by telling you what was there but there is SO MUCH CRAZY INFORMATION that the movie just left out to make room for more fighting and chase scenes. This movie is 2 hours long and they couldn't fit any more story into it?

Sorry guys ... that's some bad bad writing.
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It Never Stops
Hitchcoc12 October 2015
I have to say that I tried really hard to like this. But my old fashioned "There needs to be a story and interesting characters" mode took over. It took about fifteen minutes to figure out who was who. Apparently, the guy with the death mask and the tubes was seen as a god, that there was some religious following. Could be interesting, I guess. But what follows is one chase after another with every conceivable vehicle that some guy could dream up. There were porcupine cars. Monster trucks. Guys on poles dropping into vehicles. There was no logic presented as to why one vehicle would have a spear thing thrown at it and explode while others were hit with heavy artillery and seemed to move on just fine. Then we have Mad Max who is a captive with a mask that looks like a 1955 Oldsmobile grill. He is put on the front of a vehicle as all this combat goes on. Unfortunately, he has absolutely no personality whatsoever. There was never any suspense in this film because the place they were trying to get to was never really in our mind's eye. Then there's the short crop haired female which seems to be a standard these days. Make her look masculine and she becomes more formidable. Anyway, it is spectacular to look at but when it was over I felt no emotion or satisfaction at all.
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Peak Action
matepolcz24 May 2024
Mad Max: Fury Road is a near-perfect action film. There are great characters, the story is great and the action is perfect. I haven't seen many movies packed with this many kinds of action. There were breathtaking car and motorbike chases, spectacular hand-to-hand combat scenes and normal shooting too.

The story and the character of Furiosa were very intriguing. The acting was great, especially from Charlize Theron and Tom Hardy of course. There were very few moments that felt weird or out of place unlike the third installment in the franchise.

The visuals have never been better in the franchise and the cinematography is still most impressive. Speaking of most impressive things there was an amazing reference to Star Wars. Immortan Joe's car made a strange sound which was used before in the Millennium Falcon, when it could not start.

I hope we get a sequel, but if they finish off Max's story here, I'm satisfied.
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A dark and bloody action movie done the right way.
RealCJHopkins22 May 2024
Every year when i come back to watch "Mad Max: Fury Road", it always surprises me how this movie keeps with just feeling new and awesome every, but also having great visuals and action sequences when you think about the fact that, this movie is 9 years old. This movie also feels so fresh and in my mind, it is even way better than the original movies. The cast assembly of this main characters is also fantastic, Tom Hardy did amazing as the main man himself (Max), Charlize Theron did amazing as (Furiosa) and Nicholas Hoult was awesome as this character (Nux).

Sure the movie isn´t exactly that realistic, but for what its worth, then i think it is actually awesome that they really didn´t try to go for the normal approach, but that they went there own way and created this masterful over the top reboot/remake of the also phenomenal original Mad Max movies.

To every person who loves crazy over the top and not too serious action blockbusters, then this movie is definitely for you!!!!

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Pedal to the metal, non-stop, high-octane joyride
kademan-4096224 May 2024
Fury Road is a near perfect movie. It may be the best Mad Max film from a story perspective, and almost definitely the best from a technical perspective.

As far as the pre-production work goes, the smooth camera focus from shot to shot, the frantic way scenes are filmed, the risky and flawless stunt choreography, the vehicle designs, costumes, and settings are all executed and established brilliantly. For the post-production work, the filters for day and night are awe-inspiring, with the night being so uniquely illuminated and the day looking so otherworldly yet familiar with the colours standing out and blending simultaneously as well as how the explosions appearing as if they're bleeding into the screen. The CGI effects are used sparingly and effectively, looking as convincing as they need to be. The score supports the thrills and emotions present throughout in the terrifyingly insane world the characters inhabit. Speaking of, the performances are all top notch, no particular favourites as everyone seemed to be doing their part wonderfully, from the main players like Max and Furiosa to the side characters like Slit and Rictus, everyone. The story is essentially one big escape and pursuit, executed in an effectively efficient manner.

Honestly aside from one or two easily overlooked plotholes there's nothing I can really say to discredit this movie. The only thing I could say is that Max doesn't really feel like the main character until closer to the end of the movie but that's kinda just it.

Overall, I'm probably not thinking of everything I enjoyed about this film, but that's just because there is so much to love. Fury Road is perhaps the best action movie of the decade.
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Aussie Apocalypse
Just rewatched this one after seeing Furiosa on the big screen. Well that one is more story this one is the actioner. And like Furiosa very Aussie. That's what i think i like most about the Mad Max movies. The Australianess of them. And the action. I don't think any living Director can match our George Miller in the action filming stakes. Basically this is one big chase and back. But what is so great is like all top films you see new stuff in it with each rewatching. Great cast,great story. And even though it was mainly filmed in Southern Africa it keeps some underlying Aussie humour in it. Keep making these mate.
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Top tier
niranjan-3297829 May 2024
I watched this film for the first time 5 years ago and at that I really liked it. After watching Furiosa, I came back to rewatch this and I must say it was even better than the first watch. First off, it takes off immediately like there's no breathing space. From the get go, there's action and it is long, and masterfully executed. It does what every action movie should do. The action keeps you on the edge of your seats biting on your nails the whole time. Also the background score was very well composed and really immersed us in the movie. You can't expect too much character development from an action movie but this movie manages to excel in that regard too. It really makes you see it from a different pov when you watch this after Furiosa.
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One of the best action movies ever made
pedroquintaoo7 May 2024
Watching "Mad Max: Fury Road" at the theater was a truly amazing experience. Watching it again at home isn't quite as powerful, but stills being fantastic. From the very beginning to the last scene, I was completely immersed in this wild and intense world created by George Miller. I think this movie is a real masterpiece, and it's not hard to see why.

The cinematography is breathtaking, the best I've seen in an action movie. Every scene is carefully shot and choreographed, resulting in a visual spectacle that's simply stunning. The deserts, cars, costumes, character looks, and color contrasts make this world unforgettable. It's one of those rare movies where every frame could be in an art gallery.

The soundtrack is amazing, taking the action to a whole new level. Every beat drives the story and the intensity of the action scenes, pumping up the excitement to the max. It's a truly unforgettable auditory experience.

And as for the story, I'd call it simple but spectacular. George Miller tells an exciting tale at a fast pace that never lets the audience rest. From the moment the action kicks off to the climax, there's not a dull moment. It's a rollercoaster that keeps us glued to the screen from start to finish.

But it's in the action scenes where the movie really shines. They're all simply epic, the most mind-blowing I've ever seen in cinema. The fight choreography and the car chases are masterful and breathtaking. Every stunt and explosion is done in an unmatched way.

In the end, "Mad Max: Fury Road" is more than just an action movie; it's an example of how to create a true cinematic masterpiece. It's one of those rare films that manages to be both visually stunning and narratively engaging. Alongside "Terminator 2," it's without a doubt one of the best action movies I've ever seen and an experience that no one should miss.
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One of the greatest action films
0U23 February 2020
George Miller elevates action and violence to a true art form in this remake of a classic. The film is a gripping full adrenaline race across the desert of a post-apocalyptic future. The action sequences are mesmerizing and the work of a true master craftsman in action. What is perhaps the most enthralling part of the film is the absolutely absurd story and world building. Miller created a fantasy world where men playing flame throwing guitars and leaping through high speed chases on pull-vaults seems like a typical milk run. The movie keeps a relentless action pace that makes all of the absurdity seem so completely ordinary, which might be the real magic of this movie. This is only really possible because the action, filmography, set choices and music are so brilliant you cannot help but believe the insanity that plays out before you. You want to believe the fiction because of the quality of the production. The movie also features some surprisingly good performances. Charlize Theron being the real the star of the film, with the titular character really only acting as her support.
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2-hour action scene
akdjreview28 December 2021
The concept of the Mad Max films is incredible. A universe that's been left in ruins from war and only a few people left with different psychological damages is a good concept. But Mad Max: Fury Road honestly fails to succeed with making an impressive film from it.

The many different cool and fantastically engineered cars, which the entire movie is based around are amazing. Alongside, a few beautifully filmed scenes Mad Max turn out to have a few beautiful scenes. But this is about all Mad Max: Fury Road has going for itself.

The film is quite boring. It's based on the plot of driving a straight line for half the movie. Then realising they cant continue to then turn around, and drive back for the rest of the film. Meanwhile basically being on constant fight scenes along the way. Even so, most fight scenes are quite poorly filmed. The director used odd angles. Where a lot of the time you couldn't even make out whats going on.

I don't really recommend you watch Mad Max: Fury Road. The Mad Max universe is a cool concept, but without it, this movie would be nothing.
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A blockbuster that dark, gritty, brutal and bloody? Right here.
punishable-by-death14 May 2015
I was left speechless when this finished. It can be hard to describe indeed.... but I'll go for it... Sheer madness that isn't sullied by bad acting or laughable lines. A blockbuster that is gritty and doesn't have a sense of humour that could be equated to a fluffy kitten. No 'lets all hug' sentimental BS. This is seriously a movie I thought I'd never see: a CGI-filled blockbuster that I flat out loved. The stunts are so much fun, the FX so great, it is the first movie I have seen where I have thoroughly enjoyed all this type of stuff - probably because the cinematography for once doesn't suffer cos of it. It is all incredibly shot. The action is so brutal and appropriately high-octane. I thought to myself more than once, 'I think I am loving this more than Terminator 2' but other than that, there wasn't time to think. It kicked off fast and barely stopped, and the lulls were amplified by the insanity preceding them. Plus it is a dark film, which made it even better. I many people do an Aussie accent even close to well, was Hardy actually trying for that? Either way, he didn't talk much so it didn't really matter. This is more Theron's movie than Hardy's, he doesn't say much and does next to nothing for the first third or so. Theron's Furiosa is more of the hero is the story, if there were to be a hero in such a grisly and dark world. I don't even like this type of movie but the execution is everything. I'm gonna go see this again, soon. 4.5/5
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Nothing More Than A Noisy Blockbuster
Theo Robertson6 June 2015
I love post apocalyptic fiction . John Wyndham and John Christopher are amongst my favourite authors . They weave compelling stories of average everymen surround by a hostile landscape where it's every man for himself and only the cruelest and most heartless survive . George Miller's MAD MAX films are an extention of this . Low brow cinematic spectacle but fair as entertainment goes . And let's not forget hugely influential as well . Sadly the films' influence found itself being transplanted in nearly every post apocalypse story for the next 20 years where a brooding loner , a man of few words , drives through a desert landscape doing his best to survive in a hostile world against scavengers . Influntial but rather unimaginative and the movies probably did the sub-genre more harm than good . This reboot did capture my imagination via the trailers and so decided to give the film a chance , not least because as soon as it was released it shot to number 25 on the IMDb Top 250

If nothing else the film gets off with a bang with the eponymous Max filling us in via voice over that the world has destroyed itself and man has to fight to stay alive against his fellow man and just to prove this is more difficult than it sounds we're treated to a high octane chase sequence replete with fast camera action and editing . Have I mentioned the opening title credits haven't appeared yet ? This sets up the rest of the film that continues in mainly the same way

In short if you liked MAD MAX 2 you're going to love this one because this is MAD MAX 2 on a fatal cocaine overdose which is a great thing or a disappointing thing depending on how you look on it . Sadly I'm in the second camp because I wanted more meat on the story and there's not much narrative here . Max gets used as a gimp on the front of a vehicle , manages to escape during an epic stunt sequence , teams up with some fair nymphet maidens and protects them from the baddies and that's it as far as plot goes . The first half of the film is basically one elongated noisy chase sequence full of stunts , car crashes , pyrotechnics . I's brash , noisy and spectacular , so much so that I actually felt myself getting rather bored by all this noise and bluster . Eventually the film does settle down a bit and has characters talking in normal tones without the explosions in the background but the dialogue is just basic as are the performances , Certainly MAD MAX FURY ROAD will be up for a few Oscar noms next year but only for the technical aspects and I'm slightly surprised my IMDb peers rate it so highly
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Last 15 minutes of The Road Warrior stretched to 2 hours
andrewwhopkinson27 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I have this movie 2 stars only because of the incredible set design, and some of those cars are just insane. George Miller got his wet dream I suppose to make this movie, I am sure the budget was 50x more than he got in his previous Max movies. Well George, sometimes less is more. Sometimes it's better to have some constraints, just look at Quentin Tarantino. As soon as he got lots of money his movies became over long, self indulgent messes. George seemed to have listened to all the praise about how good the ending chase scene was in The Road Warrior so he made a movie of just that. Well that's like a meal of just cake. It may feel good going down, but it doesn't sit well. What made the last 15 minutes of TRW so good is the previous hour and a half of plot and character build up, without that it does not have same effect, no matter how many explosions and insane stunts you throw at the screen, it just numbs the brain. Miller stated that 90% of the movie was practical stunts but I find this hard to believe. I saw a LOT of CGI.

This movie has no charm, no feeling of engagement, and very little sense of realism. People fly through the air crash on the ground with barely a scratch. Max has his leg brace but runs around like a football player. Some pale faced kid needs a "blood bag" for blood transfusions and then suddenly he doesn't? And old lady shoves a shell casing in someones eye? A guy is wearing a mask rips his face off when yanked off? Whatever happened to the idea that things like gasoline and bullets are rare in post apocalypse? Where are these things being manufactured? Oh well I guess you are supposed to ask these questions, just enjoy the explosions and the women being...uhm...milked.

Charlize Theron is good but based on interviews she had no idea what she was doing and to me it shows, she cries when she is told to but her character is poorly developed. We get her back story and then 5 minutes later she has this big breakdown, which has no weight to it. The movie would have been better with fewer characters, cut out the nux kid and the old ladies and just focus on Furiosa and Max. And while we are at it, this movie is called Mad Max, not Mad Charlize, why does he seem like a side character? And why show his beloved last of the V8 interceptors and crash it 1 minute later? And his character just didn't feel like Max, Max was the coolest of the cool with a tinge of a maniac, this guy is all frantic and comes across as just another action hero. This movie had some potential to be epic, but it needed more balance, a better script and more realism. Movies have become rides.
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