"Outlander" Death Be Not Proud (TV Episode 2023) Poster

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setting up
Rob-O-Cop1 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This episode set up a few things which look likely to pay off in the coming episodes.

Mr Bug losing his wife at the hands of young ian and his line to Young Ian that that "when he has something worth taking you'll see me again", was very ominous, and he wasn't interested in the gold which they didn't give to him anyway. Hugh Ross did a fantastic job of conveying impending menace. I look forward and fear what he may come back and deliver. Ian really should have done a bit more defending of his actions though. She was shooting at Jamie after all.

There was a lot of other set ups put in place. The hidden gold no one seemed to want and the sale of lallybroch, could those 2 tie together?

And Jamie and Claire heading for a quick trip back to Scotland without the Cat who wasn't that keen to see anyone in the woods after the fire anyway.

There was a lot of talking but hopefully it'll all come together in the next few episodes.
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What has happened to this great TV show?
Ziggy19657 July 2023
I know many die hard fans of Outlander (both the books and the TV show) are not going to like what I have to say. But it needs to be said. I really liked the 1st 5 seasons as the story was interesting and I could really believe in the characters. They felt real to me.

Now it just seems like they are cardboard cutouts. The acting is stiff and I don't feel the chemistry between the actors and characters. Is it the show or that the source material is getting weak? Episode 1 of this season feels totally different from episode 2. Looks like episode 1 was made last year and would have been aired last year had it not been for the restriction in filming due to the lock down.

I thought Fraser's Ridge was a community but where are those people when Allan Christie gets killed by Young Ian in broad daylight. Yes Mrs. Bug sees them but how can Claire and Ian carry his body and no one notices? Where is Richard Brown and his law? It's like they just disappeared.

Where is the story of how Roger and Brianna and especially Jemmy who has never experienced the future integrate back into the future after coming through the stones? We see them walking away with all their colonial clothes to being with family in their fancy clothes and having the operation done on the baby! What happened in between?

When Claire came back the first time, the whole story of how Frank takes her back in and the adjustments she needed to go through was very interesting and realistic and brilliant. Now it just feels like a Marvel movie. "I am here in another timeline so just get accept it".

The baby has no birth certificate in the future, no identity. How did they convince the health care system to do this operation? How did they pay for it?

Now that I think of it, how did Roger, Brianna, Jemmy and the little one get from 1980's USA to Scotland with no money or ID on them? I guess they sold the jems for tons of money? But won't they need the jems if they ever wanted to come back to the past?

Ah, it is too confusing. What irks me the most is that a show as great as this has lost its storytelling. It is all based on emotions of what is going on and have totally left out any logical explanation of how and why things happen. And the show runners are just banking on the loyal fans and audience of Outlander to see the rest of the story through. Oh well, enough said for now.
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Just plain stupid
sja-awesome14 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
First couple episodes gave me hope this season might be decent but it quickly fell back into the same stupidity as the last two seasons.. Outlander ,a series of unfortunate events! Where everything that can go wrong does go wrong and a logical nonsense prevails throughout! Come watch (or rather don't) the ridiculous nonsense written by a 20 year old clueless zoomer with zero life experience, logic or understanding. Everything from the way the fire started to them stocking and killing the poor old woman, to them discussing where to build again. Which makes absolutely no sense to build elsewhere where you've already dug a seller and have a foundation.. things didn't happen within a couple months there, it would take years to build a house like they had. Let's pick out our scraps of stuff out of the fire but not build on top of the foundation we already made. Or when Jamie and Claire are talking about what they should do with his body when he does and she says send him back to Scotland? Yeah okay but you couldn't ship bodies anywhere back then because the ship voyage took months and there was no refrigerated cargo hold. Siigghh. What's with Jamie suddenly astral traveling lmao..uhh what. Is that the lazy writer's way of telling us what's going on with Brianna and Roger without them having to film it.? Also random convenient gold is convenient. Why is Jamie suddenly so religious? He was briefly shown praying once then this season he's doing it constantly and talking about god. Hahaha imagine being so dumb to entrust a ton of gold to the memory of a four to five year old.. Wow. I give up.
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Episode 703
bobcobb30118 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was a little bit slow-moving, but it was still good TV and still has a lot of the elements that work with Outlander. I feel like we need a bigger story to go on right now and with the impending Revolutionary War you would think they have a lot more meat on the bone to take from.

This show is still a much more engaging period drama than the bulk of the other ones out there.

Looking forward to seeing how the rest of the year plays out, but I think that so far this show is absolutely heading in the right direction and this should be yet another good season for the long-running Starz drama.
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