"Criminal Minds" Amplification (TV Episode 2009) Poster

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What should have been the season finale
LoveIsAStateOfMind29 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Oooh I like this episode! I always thought that it made a better season finale than the actual season finale. I know the anthrax plot line is probably as cliché as the Season 3 "NYC terrorism" one but it had all the features for an epic season finale: national security, unpredictability, tension, Reid in danger, team love. I love it when JJ calls Reid "Spence". Love Prentiss' doubts about how they're handling the situation and the media blackout. Awwh! JJ worried about Henry and her convo with Hotch. <3 Reid/Morgan/anthrax. Garcia/JJ worried about Reid. Awwh Reid/Garcia/message to Reid's mum <3. Reference back to Reid's drug addiction! "I'm about to get naked. Is that something you really want to see?" Rossi/Prentiss: "Don't Emily me". Again with the Subways playing an important part. Morgan: "We are a team. We're going to go down as a team." Rossi: "I'm sorry for Emilying you back at the house". Awwh! Nice Rossi/Prentiss moment - they've had quite a few this season. <3 JJ and Hotch calling home, worried for their children. Reid/Morgan .... love how everyone, especially Morgan, calls Reid 'kid'. That's a real scary ass bio-chemical storage facility.
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Military and FBI worked Good Together!
ShelbyTMItchell19 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
As a deadly virus is unleashed the FBI and the military must work together. And stop the virus before other people get hurt or killed from it.

We see people in the park getting sick over the virus. As they were just minding their own business.

It hits home to Jennifer Jareau as she is a recent mother. And how she wants a seven month old baby to survive this.

At first there is tension with the military after a US General accuses the FBI of accusing one of the military of something like this. Hotch apologizes but says that the profile is accurate.

Still the two work together well in order to stop the threat. And that they throw in a twist in the end. To stop the person that is doing this.
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Tough Call
timecow-110 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Not sure if there are really any spoilers, but just to be safe...Possible spoiler alert! I like this episode despite the overall topic being a bit overdone. Since around 9/13/2001 we have seen a lot of shows with "terrorist" flavor or a WMD as the main focus, and most of them are pretty predictable. This episode had a lot of that in it, but it had a lot to make it good as well.

First off, it is a "Spencer Heavy" episode, which I always like. I think the Dr. Reid character is one of the best, though it's the great characters all around that I think make the show so good. Also, while there are predictable aspects to the story, it has enough in it to keep it interesting.

Definitely one to watch, especially if you are a Dr. Reid fan. The only negative I can give it is the sort of cheesy "Raiders of the Lost Ark" ending, which if nothing else was good for a laugh.
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The case of the anthrax attack
TheLittleSongbird30 November 2016
Season 4 is a contender for the best 'Criminal Minds' season, with so many fantastic episodes and even lesser episodes such as "Demonology" and "Catching Out" not being bad at all.

"Amplification" is up there with the fantastic episodes of the season, and almost up there with the best of the show overall. What was immediately impressive was that it took a very familiar idea that has been portrayed a number of times in media and made a tense, suspenseful and thrilling episode where one really finds themselves caring for the characters and their welfare.

The story is incredibly compelling throughout, with tension, suspense and thrills aplenty as well as emotional impact, showing the full horrors of something as terrifying as an anthrax attack. The script is tautly structured and thought-provoking, doing a wonderful job with developing the BAU team and how the case affects them personally, Reid and Morgan are especially well done here. Love the chemistry between JJ and Hotch (very touching bonding scenes), Reid and Morgan (almost like brothers) and Rossi and Prentiss (their ending scene being a standout, showing a compassionate side to Rossi).

Production values are stylish, classy and atmospheric, while the music is hauntingly moody. The acting is very good, with particularly brilliant performances from Matthew Gray Gubler (not surprising, he has always been a bright spot, even in lesser episodes when he isn't underused) and Shemar Moore.

Overall, fantastic episode that does wonders with an old idea, but with such great execution it was an idea that didn't feel old. 10/10 Bethany Cox
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Disappointing pseudo-propaganda.
kemority14 February 2020
My issue with storylines like this is it glamorizes government lying to citizens because "they know best". True, they'll likely have to deal with whatever hysteria may (or may not) result from it, but that's the risk they agree to take when they sign up for that job.

Policy is not justification. Segregation was once policy/law. Age discrimination is still policy/law. Doesn't make it right.

When Rossi asks Prentiss if she thinks people would be better off knowing things... my reply would have been "I think that should be their choice to make". Government's role is to keep us free. Safety is our own responsibility. But that's what happens when 9-11 is the 24/7 excuse for everything.

When we lie to them, it's a felony. When they lie to us, it's politics.

Enjoyed the episode; opposed the message.
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The Police were Correct
GoldenGooner0423 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
People really do need to think before they type, So they tell everyone there is a bloke in the city who could be anyone who is killing random people with Anthrax and its a strain which we don't have a antidote for. But Please Don't Panic.

So then you have everyone trying to get out of the city, anyway possible, problem is the man who is using the Anthrax might also try to leave the city, or he may just decide to kill as many people as he can People PANIC, if they are in a contained space and they know it's dangerous Panic sets in. Unless you are trained not to panic.

A very good episode from a brilliant season.
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