"The Blacklist" Anne (TV Episode 2021) Poster

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cristalspeller18 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is a whole new side of Reddington that we've never seen before. It's very interesting to see him longing for a normal life. He and Anne are great together. Sad it's short-lived-at least for now. Great buildup, great acting, great script. Hope ro see them together again.
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bmiller5918 April 2021
Could be the best episode we've seen. You really see the humanity and passion that Reddington possesses. Didn't see the ending leading to a next episode though.

The Blacklist is consumed with violence, but Reddington is at his best which makes the show that much better when he, Reddington is kicking ass

Kudos to everyone involved in this episode. Cannot wait to see where this leads.

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Another Brilliant Blacklister-Free Episode
LodgeDweller17 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Most of the one off, no Blacklister, episodes are standouts and this one is no different. Red is taking a weekend trip to Kansas to spend with Anne. It's revealed Red has spent several weekends with her! Anne is an escape from his own twisted world. Dembe warns Red his behavior will be noticed by Townsend, that he's putting Anne in danger. Dembe wants to come along, but Red dismisses these concerns and goes alone. He has a great time with Anne and her friends. Their relationship has progressed offscreen, but in a believable and sweet way. Their bliss is short lived and soon enough all hell breaks loose. One of the best episodes this season, maybe even in the whole of the series. LaChanze who plays Anne, is an absolute treasure. James Spader brings it every week. Kathryn Erbe was wonderful as well, nice to see her back on TV. The range of these actors is on display and contributes greatly to a stellar episode of an uneven series.

The only downside of this episode is that irksome Neville Townsend character is still breathing. He's no where near as threatening as he should be, and I don't know if it's bad casting, weird writing, or both. He feels more like an ant Red couldn't be bothered to track down and squish rather than a legitimate thorn in the side.

An unseen Liz returns in a way that makes me continue to loathe the character. Next week is all about Lizzie, so savor this episode before the writers seemingly try yet again to make us side with the character they have the worst time writing for. Unless they reveal she's been severely brain damaged or under Katarina's mind control since early season 7, there's no getting me or anyone I know to sympathize with her these days (sorry, Ms. Boone, it is not your fault). Seemingly the only viewers pro-Liz these days are in one of two shipping factions, "Lizzington" or "keenler". God help the rest of us if the writers give in completely and pander to one (or both, ick) of those sects. I'm sure I'll be ranting here next week.
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James Spader's acting is inspired.
It seems that as Blacklist winds down, James Spader is drawing from a well for his inspired acting in the series. I was really amazed by his acting in episode 6 of this season, but this episode is the best so far this season and could easily be the best of the the entire series. The James Spader I saw in this episode was the same that I saw.20 to 25 years ago. He was passionate and inspired and fun and joyful and fearful and determined and angry and heart felt sad in this episode. He conveyed through his every action, body position and facial feature these reactions to the audience. The script did help bring this about, but I have watched a lot of Spader over the decades that this was something very special. I really liked what I saw and it made me feel young again. I guess that is what love does to people. I wish I had the words to describe what this episode Idid for me. He is an amazing actor.

The writing and direction and sound mixing were as top notch as I have grown to expect from The Blacklist, but this was a great view. I do not know how Spader is going to top this, but I am not going to sell him short. I now want to see how he brings his acting skills all to the very end. This was a 10 out of 10 episode.
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This episode is just top notch
bcbielenberg17 April 2021
Great writing on this one. Great acting. Man. Spader is so amazing. Seriously. Not looking forward to elizabeth coming back. The blacklist was so good at start. This storyline and elizabeth just sucks. But this episode was amazing. Spader is godsent.
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Just wow
lfraanje17 April 2021
This episode was one of the best I have ever seen.
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Spader the great
kaffash9917 April 2021
Great episode. Great acting.

Great plot.

I just love it.

For this kind of episodes people love the blacklist.
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A quiet visit. Indeed
lukebernstein317 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is probably a top 10 episodes of the blacklist contender. This is a side to reddington we have never really seen. We have seen a bit, last season with Cassandra. With madeline pratt and Joseohine in season 3.

But I think this is the most we have ever seen with this side of reddington. I think as he's getting older and maybe he is sick, he is longing for a normal life. And that desire catches up with him in this episode, and he realizes he can't have a normal life.

I found it very interesting that red says to dembe that when he is with Ann he doesn't feel like raymond reddington, the most wanted fugitive. He becomes someone else.

And at the end he drives back to Ann. His judgment is clouded. Maybe this has something to do with his illness. And he goes back to discover liz with a gun on Ann. Liz has returned, even though they didn't show her face, you know it's her becuase Red says Elizabeth.

So I hope they fix their broken relationship.

There have only been a few episodes that were all reddington all the way through. Cape may. Cornelius Ruck. A few others like smokey putnum had a lot of red.

This is by far the best completely Red centric episode of the entire series.
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Nice episode
Blacklister230518 April 2021
I really enjoyed an episode of Blacklist for once since the last 2 seasons. Storyline was interesting, wasn't bored for a second this time. Dembe's wise words were what saved Red. He is always the one that makes sure Red is being rational. I just hope the writers won't kill Anne off the show and ruin this really charismatic couple.
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Best episode of the season
kurlykolly21 April 2021
Must see. Best episode yet this season. Liz needs to go. They'd better not hurt Anne. Seems like Andrew Mccarthy directed all of the best episodes this season.

Red n Anne.
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Sorry to break up the "10 star" party
ak202028 April 2021
This was going to be given an 8 star by me, but the last 60 seconds do not make sense.

Why did he turn back?
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Could have been a 10/10
boy_afraid23 April 2021
... but then the mention of Elizabeth in the last 2 seconds ruined it.

Anyway, not seeing the whole gang of FBI stupid agents and Liz "short fingers" Keen for a whole chapter was great.

Reddington and Anne relationship was something else. A great chapter at last!
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"without pain you can't feel joy" - Reddington
Sibiriak_com14 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
"without pain you can't feel joy" - Reddington. This phrase from an episode before characterizes the show. And these standalone episodes broke from the main blacklisters structure are worth the torture of poorly written scenes. Cape May, Brother, Anne, Ruin. Ruin is one of the few episodes about Keen that you can watch. I gave 5 to make my review stand aside. Notwithstanding the fact that at some point I filled up with tears, it's not a ten. I like this episode a lot. I like how they brought back Red's enthusiasm towards fixing things that appeared to be detrimental to his little domestic bliss. I like how pure their romance too. There is always something innocent in love of two mature people where there is no need for labels, history, only the moment.

And I think theses standalone episodes is a great invention. I'm sorry I don't know the full TV history, but I don't recall other shows with that feature. It's not just story, it's directed and shot differently.

But of course there is a drop of dirt in this honey. There is a storm from previous episodes still waving and smiling to you. And I'm not talking about the story. I'm talking about lacks in logic and scenes. Since everybody is a critique today. I'm gonna hop on that wagon myself.

Why did he start hiding. The real Reddington would jump in any car and drove with her away as fast as he could. His decision doesn't coalesce with his extremely coherent explanation at the station about what is going to happen.

And when they locked themselves in the back and I was looking at Townsend's short beard through this cracked glass It got me thinking. Why the heck is Reddington the number one on the FBI most wanted list? I don't recall him assaulting a police station and killing cops. He should be at least after Townsend. It's not like Townsend a classic blacklister. I got the impression that agencies knew about him. We should start by reassessing why Ressler was chasing after him around the world before the events of the show took place? Doesn't FBI work within the territory of the US? But anyway, in the beginning of the show we take it at face value that Reddington is the most wanted because he is the most criminal and dangerous and all that. But by the time of the 8th season we saw so many monsters that wasn't unknown that every one of them has all the reasons to be the number 1 on most wanted list.

Ah, James. How are you able to make simple moments so hauntingly beautiful? This moment when Red turned the car with the Spader's hallmark crooked grim line reminded me of The Stickup and made me want to rewatch the incredible movie.
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Seems like each episode exceeds the previous
jon-2264317 April 2021
I'm glad to see the production decided to come to work after so many lame, sloppy, seamy and almost unwatchable episodes that made me think what the hell they were doing destroying this franchise.

The prior episode and this one are totally different and simply great. Suddenly there is a story, a build up, acting, relationship between characters, drama and action with great twists combined well, you see the production is really making an effort.

The story is solid and realistic, enjoyable and I could not move from my seat until the end (and what an end that was).

This is The Blacklist I remember from the first few seasons, when action was action, acting was great and the story was thrilling and tailored without holes as a result of sloppy writing and/or editing/directing.

If it will continue like that it may return to the days when this series was one of the top of it's genre, and in such case it can continue for many more seasons.

I wasn't sure if I will say it, but now I do, I'm going to count the days until the next episode.
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negarshirani17 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This was one of the best episodes that I've ever seen on this show, I really love this relationship between Red & Anne I really wish that Liz doesn't kill Anne for the end of her silly revenge😫
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The Song, the romance
abdiluqman-4759322 April 2021
This episode is solely for reddington. The romance with Anne is great and the soundtrack is the icing at the top.
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Raymond Reddington as usual.
oomanas17 April 2021
Proper entertainment. Worried for next episode with family melodrama soap returning from next episode. Writers had written Liz so badly that I am not even excited for her. Hope they don't start making Red look like third grade child again from next episode because that will surely be a recipe for disaster. I don't even know why people love that annoying character of Liz anymore after all that embarrassing stuff she is pulling out since last season. God save the show. Fingers crossed.
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jomoolaf19 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Great to not see Elizabeth or any of the bumbling FBI group. Redding ton and Dembe make the show.
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Favorite episode possibly ever
Similovesmovies19 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was our favorite. We thoroughly enjoyed it, didn't check our phones or the clock once. Agree with all the others that say Raymond and Dembe hold the story all on their own. Didn't miss or even notice all the others characters were missing. The only thing I hated was the last 10secs when Elizabeth reappears. Made me literally go ugh!!! Now we have to deal with her again 🤦‍♀️ I'm truly hoping her story and part of this ends soon. I prefer the show without her so very much! If there were more episodes like tonight I'd actually be excited each week to watch the show, instead of watching it because it's ok and I want something to watch, which is what it's been the last few years.
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Red does not go gentle into that good night
zayansahota18 April 2021
...this episode was hugely entertaining, it also proves that Reddington alone is enough (with Dembe) to make this show worth the time. A warning though; next episode will showcase the return of Keen.. I intend to sit in my garden and watch the grass grow instead. No hate for the actor, her character has just long overstayed the show.
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One the best!
matoulakara11 July 2021
One of the best episodes ever! Romance, action, agony! It has everything!
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lorameless27 April 2021
Le meilleur épisode de cette saison et un grand jeu d'acteurs. James spader et Lachance ont été géniaux encore une fois ça prouve qu'il est le maître du jeu. J'espère qu'Anne est encore vivante.
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bexiibz17 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Excuse me Reddington is so hot I mean he's the hottest man ever this episode is the best so far.
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Red's 'Lovelife'
ZegMaarJus5 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This episode begins with Red, he has an appointment with his Bitcoin advisor. Red has a date with Anne. Red and Anne have a relationship. Red is kissing Anne. Red sticks a knife into the leg of the Water & Power Guy. Red slits the guy his troath, he bleeds to death. Townsend arrived at Anne's house. Red tells Anne that he has another life then she thinks, they are in danger. Red strangled the Proprietor to death. Red turns himself in at the police station. Anne slabs Red in his face. Townsend arrived at the police station. Vandyke shot a bullet trough Bill his head, he died instantly. Townsend wants Reddington. Officer Brandt got shot down, he died afterwards. Ethan got killed in the gunfight. Lois got shot in her leg. Reddington got away from the police station. Anne helped with Red's getaway. Red kissed Anne goodbye. Liz points a gun on Anne, Red arrives. Amazing Episode of The Blacklist Season 8, what a banger of an episode. This was so good. James Spader is my favorite actor!
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Great to see other side of Reddington
Pruikhoofd27 October 2021
I feel like that with this episode the writers really showed us a different side of Reddington, a loving, kind side that we never really saw that much.

Of course the other stuff in this episode was also pretty good. With a what I found a very surprising ending.

Overall 9/10.
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