Love Mechanics (TV Series 2022– ) Poster

(2022– )

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1. Chemistry 2. Acting 3. Good looking 4. Rom com
qandc7 August 2022
I heard about YinWar's (the two main actors) trending worldwide in just 4 episodes (in En of Love) and wanted to know why.

I watched En of Love and fell in love with War's portrayal of Mark. No wonder they got worldwide trending. They just seem to have chemistry. I started watching their interviews etc while waiting for Love Mechanics which is a remake of the 4 episodes into 10 episodes. (Thankfully I didn't need to wait 2 years like their En of Love fans did.) So this is a biased review hahaha!

I tried to rank the factors which make this series at least 9 out of 10.

1. on-screen chemistry - somehow they have it, even back when they barely knew each other and kept trying to tell fans they weren't that close. But can see them growing closer off screen.

2. really good acting especially considering the series is an "idol" drama. I personally feel War's acting and his chemistry with Yin and Yin's trust in War made En of Love so memorable or popular. War's eyes are really expressive so even if i don't know Thai, I can sort of feel him. Love Mechanics sees the plot more fully fleshed out and the acting stepped up for everyone.

3. Both actors are good looking if you like these types and that makes the show much more screamingly enjoyable. Like you scream and roll around in bed when they kissed etc.

4. This is a romantic comedy! Mostly light-hearted, feel-happy story with a few heartbreaking scenes. So if you need something to cheer you up, can watch the funny episodes, if you need to cry and vent, can watch the heartbreaking parts.

The story is adapted from the novel Love Mechanics by Faddist. They modified the novel storyline for better flow of story.
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Lead pair is good to watch. Storyline could be more interesting.
priyagoswami-944723 September 2022
Mark ( War ) have such amazing looks. He is bliss to the eyes.

And his acting skills are amazing.

I mean his eyes do all the talking. You can actually feel his emotions which is a quality of a good actor. And its good to watch as he is beginner.

But Despite a good paired cast, story is a bit dull. I mean it could be fast paced and more interesting.

Its a good one time watch without any doubt for sure because this show has cute side too. But there are many red flags 🚩 in the show as well. You will get it after watching it. I dont wanna spoil the show for you guys.

PS - Again, its a part of trilogy En Of Love but you need not watch other seasons to watch this.

I think and I think that War Wanarat seems like Jung Hae In ( Korean Actor ) in his looks and acting.
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A very good improvement !
Benny_2327 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So far, it is actually a very good improvement from the first series. I gave it a good ratting because I appreciate the work and the effort put into it. They might have had a better bugdet for this one.

The script is actually much better, I even appreciated it and it is well written. The acting skills of the male leads have improved and they have a really good chemistry on screen.

I'm glad that they ended with the Dew Dely gossip, it was annoying.

I appreciate how they portrayed mark's change of feeling from Bar to Vee.

I'm glad that they put more relevance in the relationship between Mark and Nuea and the efforts put into it by Mark's primary mentor. Just to see Vee's feelings emerge.

It's hard to see how Vee is not clear with Poy and Mark at the same time I kinda lose all the hope for reconciliation but I guess that's the fun of it. I'll wait till the end and then I'll end up my review.
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Beautiful romantic comedy, which will become one of your favorites.
saezpaula2 June 2024
ChatGPT I loved this series, which presents us with a classic enemy-to-lovers romance but in a very entertaining, touching, and well-developed manner. The chemistry between the protagonists is undeniable, which, coupled with very good acting, truly allows you to immerse yourself and enjoy this story. The main characters, each in their own style, are very appealing, although I must say that War Wanarat shines in portraying the adorable Mark. I loved this character (strong, honest, dignified, very clear about what he wants, very generous in love), far from the typical infantilized and fragile character to desperation that we often see in these productions and which I am very critical of. That, I think, is the imprint that War gives. And as for the content of the story, I would say it shows us a part of life because that's how things can happen when you're young. At times, we can be irresponsible, confusing, even cruel. Or put ourselves in situations that are not good for us, until the moment comes to confront oneself and to grow emotionally.
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Leads Insane Chemistry is the Lure......Plot/Story is Nonexistent
ENIGMA0526 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is the first drama I've ever watched of this genre and it's not one I watch or like but what caught my attention was the insane chemistry of the leads. It was enough to give me pause and decide to watch. While I'm still not interested in anything in this genre going forward; the two actors themselves I have added to my following list because they are truly unique, multi-talented individuals. Their work, though regardless of genre, I will watch again in the future. For those unfamiliar with my reviews, I never read the source material so go in solely as a viewer.

Pros: As mentioned above, the chemistry of the leads is off the charts. After doing some research on Twitter and watching War's concert-like fanmeet, I realized these two are literally brothers from another mother and it's because of their close friendship and understanding of one another that it can translate so convincingly onto the screen. Both Yin and War embodied their characters very well, I just wish they were working with a strong script (that will be discussed below).

Out of all of their gaggle of friends, the only few I liked were Bar, his bf, and the Dr. Ana character as they were (to me at least), the only ones that were supportive of the leads no matter what and never had any hidden agendas or preconceived notions. Vee's parents win "parents of the year" for their acceptance and protection of not only their own kids but of Mark as well. Vee's brother was also great as both comedic relief and just in general. The lesson dad taught Vee by way of his motorbike should be taken into account in real life as well; if you break something, it's your responsibility to fix it.

The OSTs were also right on point save one that sounded like it belonged in a circus tent and not in the show. Every time it played like in episode 6 when Mark was sick and Vee was taking care of him after apologizing, it just threw the entire scene off. Another high point was the comedy; so many different scenes to choose from that just added a little bit of hope or just made you bust out laughing at the absolute nonsense happening.

Cons: Just as the title says above, this series had literally no plot nor storyline. It was essentially a group of university students acting out emotions. It was very unbelievable, considering that save for the two sets of parents, some thugs, the "token" straight female friend, and a little girl, everyone else was gay. You don't see that in real life; I may be straight but I have many close gay/lesbian/bi friends all over the world that I've met throughout my travels that can attest that's just not the way it is.

I saw someone in the comments saying that the characters getting plastered every night was a normal American thing in college and as someone with 2.5 degrees in America, I can tell you that's not the case at all. Are there parties, people going to clubs, getting wasted? Hell yeah! But not every single night unless they want to flunk out of school; especially blackout drunk. Every single episode or half of one ended with someone needing to be carried home or passing out by the toilet. These folks needed AA (Alcoholics Anonymous)!

The conversations were always about the same thing; I questioned the need for a script even; could have handled everything through improv. It was always who liked or didn't like whom, who should date whom, whining about being alone, innuendos up the wazoo, and what bar they should hit up that night; rinse, repeat, please pass the cheese. There was no ingenuity whatsoever. This script carried very little weight other then heavy on many emotions especially angst and a ton of miscommunication.

Tropes were insane (especially not closing the door in 9; like come on! That was beyond ridiculous and extremely foolish on the production's part) and the same situation kept repeating itself especially with Ploy; felt like we were on a hamster wheel getting very dizzy. Ploy was like a Jack in the Box popping up in the most in opportune of times and I do feel she overstayed her welcome. Also, a bunch of unnecessary characters like the creepy as hell boxer dude who was harassing Mark in episode 9; what was his purpose? Confusion, filler, to make Mark who stands up for himself always, forget how to speak words? Or those random girls hitting on Vee in 10 and then badmouthing Mark behind his back to make him have doubts about his relationship again? These people were completely unnecessary; made me question just how much and of what production was smoking.

What I'll say about that crazy train second ending that I'm still trying to wrap my head around, is that it should have been incorporated a lot better then the way it was and perhaps in the middle of part 2 of that episode somewhere. The first ending really brought the relationship full circle while the second one turned Mark into a combo of Daenerys and a hyena ready to devour its prey with a side order of rock music lol!

Would I recommend it? This one is out of my hands. I leave it to the viewers discretion. For me personally, it introduced me to two young men who I see having very bright futures regardless of what paths they take in life and I want to see them succeed.
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The chemistry is everything
fati8828 July 2022
I started this series expecting an average romcom but i got really surprised with the quality of this show.

Direction wise it was really interesting and different from other BLs, the cinematography feels very realistic but beautiful especially the colour palette and the filter they used, the way it's shot is very pleasant to watch and add depth to the scenes and characters.

Acting wise we can see how both actors improved from the short version and their chemistry was really the shining point. It was sweet and effortless i can understand why they are so popular among the BL fans.

The plot is not new and we already know what's gonna happen next but it's still enjoyable and fun to watch especially with the cute chemistry Mark and Vee got on screen.
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