"Star Trek: Strange New Worlds" Children of the Comet (TV Episode 2022) Poster

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A sweet, simple story
bosporan12 May 2022
A delightful Uhura centric episode, with a comet endangering a planet, her specific language skill set is appropriate to the task of saving the day. Beautifully done, initially it appeared to focus on irrelevant mundane shipboard life, but the preamble is warranted in the context of the story.

An honest, straightforward episode in the style and tradition of Star Trek, which also develops characters, particularly Uhura.
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A critic of modern trek writes...
Andromeda448212 May 2022
What a blast that was. I'm actually estatic after watching that.

There was some real trek moments here. The initial opening, the discovery of a dilemma and a wonderful, HOPEFUL resolve.

This show did, what Picard and Discovery have failed to do. It did the thing Star Trek stood for.

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So Far enjoyable
Turanic12 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Second episode in a row and the story is still somewhat decent, finally exciting Star Trek... The vfx and sets for the episodes feel like high budget cinema... If the show continues at the same pace, it might be finally a Trek with full 7 seasons ...
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This is Star Trek to it's core
itzabrar12 May 2022
Touching episode, reminiscent of what Star Trek stands for : stories that have an impact on audience, not just all out action. Very balanced take and a quality addition, looking forward to other episodes hope the quality remains same if not better 🖖
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This is really good!
AndersSTHLM12 May 2022
Finally they made a Trek series based on the idea of exploration. It's a great cast and they really click. The best kind of storytelling and effects. This is the first series that compares with TNG.
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[8.8] Children of the Comet
jimmyishere-3774812 May 2022
Surprisingly it was better than I expected. Filled with beautiful scenes and interesting plot twists. It seems Strange New Worlds will compensate us for all the trashy series of Star Trek.

If only the producers made it more scientifically correct (no sound in vacuum etc, low gravity) and less cringier it would be way better...
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No whispering or crying
benjilee-2097912 May 2022
No whispering or crying. Just fun star trek episode, aliens, space battler and jokes. But frankly this series would be a car crash without Anson Mount, he really does make the series. The perfect lead for this series. One thing I do not really like is the sets, everything just seems a little bit too shiny.
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Plays like a story from intro to scriptwriting
heatsink9814 May 2022
The writing is rough in this episode about a perhaps sentient comet that functions like a deity to those who choose to follow that line of reasoning. The story has the classic Trek underpinnings, but it needed cleaning up.

Issues we noticed were pacing, logic, and some skipped scenes. We spend quite a while with Uhura in exposition mode. Once the main problem with the comet kicks into gear, we have a strange visit from the comet's protectors. They seemingly pop-up from nowhere, so nobody noticed them at all on the approach? There's a few bits of information about how powerful these characters are, but then they're easily shutdown by the Enterprise, which happens to destroy the alien ship's weapons systems. There's no mention of this afterward. The aliens aren't at least grumpy about it?

The comet's innards attempts to kill a crew member and more or less succeeds. Uhura then has a musical chit-chat with the comet, but that never goes anywhere beyond her figuring out singing might do the trick. But what's the conversation about? That's skipped, and Uhura doesn't seem to entirely know what her singing did either.

Spock has a solution for diverting the comet's course, but we didn't know where it came from. The episode skips how the solution came to be, or maybe the Paramount app fritzed out, but either way we seemed to jump right into Spock making things right on the captain's order. Where was the planning scene here? It makes for a rough viewing experience without one, and that particular problem was prevalent throughout the episode.
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Star Trek RestoMod
slak96u12 May 2022
Taking a classic, restoring it and then modernizing the internals. That's basically what this series is shaking out to be, and it's been enjoyable to watch. The structure of classic Star Trek is there, but the production has been modernized. The SFXs, sets, and costumes have all been fantastic. About as well as you could do a Uhura centric episode, lots of character centric call backs, or as a prequel would it actually be foreshadowing?
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Far from terrible but also far from great
kieranedmonds24 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Like the first episode, it just about left a good enough impression to get me to (probably) watch next week's episode. There are positives, but there are also things that are really bugging me both in general and in this episode.

Firstly, I'm not feeling what they've done with Pike's appearance. He has this narcissistic, male model image with the overdone hair and tight tops that reveal his muscular, CrossFit body.

And what's the deal with the majority female bridge crew? They just had to put in a feminist statement. Classic Alex Kurtzman. And no, it's not really a big deal but I do find it irritating and I'm sure many others do too.

I'm still not convinced by Ethan Peck playing Spock. He does have big boots to fill but I much preferred Zachary Quinto.

The writing was average again in this episode, and it didn't go without a few cringe-worthy or baffling moments. The scene where the away team start singing to crack the code was really quite silly. Then there's the one where they scan the huge alien ship, revealing that it's vastly superior to Enterprise, but then proceed to easily deal with its attacks and disable it with just 1 phaser blast. Huh?!

Let's give it another chance next week... hoping this improves because it's pretty average so far.
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Strange new worlds is f*%#ing awesom
weiss430712 May 2022
This episode is so good! You get to know legacy characters better, it presents a new challenge that the crew has to solve and the acting, writing, effects, and cinematography are amazing! #bring backspocksbeard.
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Cheesy yet satisfying
imdb-702-98681313 May 2022
I don't know if this episode broke (or bent) canon at all, but I really enjoyed it.

And music! Brilliant. Why not? This episode made me want to learn music theory all over again.
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The tone is still so wrong!
mynameisandy18 May 2022
It's the little things that bother me and that keep me from connecting to this show.

What I hoped they wouldn't continue from the pilot was the use of colloquialism and behaviour.

Seeing a Starfleet officer running around like a hipster Street fashion model and nurse chapel using 'ridiculously' as an adjective just feels wrong.

Don't get me started on doing the dishes on a frigging Starship.

We are amongst elite officers 400 years into the future.

Yet it feels like we are watching CW shows characters from today flung into the future.
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Shining a long awaited light on Uhura
metromovieza12 May 2022
Once again Strange New Worlds delivers. An excellent episode with more focus on a character other than the captain. We learn some really meaty background info for Nyota Uhura that we never got to learn in TOS. Kudos to the writers. The show continues to exhibit the heart that made Star Trek the brand it is today. I can't write any further, for fear of getting too excited and spoiling the Episode for other who have not yet been able to see it.
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Fun little episode.
jamisonjohn12 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Here we have a cadet Uhura that does not believe in herself fully. She's a cadet, this is expected. However, she performs beautifully, and saves the day. The chemistry between her and Spock is outstanding. I loved the humor. Oh man, it was great. I loved Pike, I loved Number One, I loved Ortega, I loved Kyle, i loved Nurse Chapel, I loved the new engineer, I very much DISLIKED Soong. Her character is cruel and cold hearted; she is a bully and has no place being in command. The thought of a sentient asteroid protected by "Shepards" is a very fascinating idea. This was another great episode. Keep it up, guys!!
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Simply beautiful
pkpera13 May 2022
Yes, this, about 50-th 'Star Trek ...' TV serial is most close to the original Star Trek in 60-es. In style, set ups, and can say after 2 episodes - even in stories.

I really did not like Discovery and Picard, stopped to watch after couple episodes. This is maybe old fashioned, and younger people might not liking it, but we know that new something means not better always. Hmm, actually in last 2 decades I would say that is mostly worse.

Some reviews here complained about musical way of communication. Well, there is saying that music is language what everyone gets. I found is as great idea, and it was really moving. Great first mission of young Uhura.

And that comet twist was great too. Even if there were some less realistic elements in it.

As in first episode, in this life is what is most important, and it came in best time period, probably - when on our Planet some other things are important for those in charge ...
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Absolute Delight
Stone-Author12 May 2022
So glad we are back to single episodes instead of a whole series based around an irrelevance of plots.

Uhura based episode which gives so much more backstory.

Was never a fan of TOS and was more a TNG / VOY boy.

Strange New Worlds is definitely a favourite.

Just an absolute delight!
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Good Fortune...Out of the Blue
Hitchcoc25 June 2023
While I'm enjoying a more traditional Star Trek, with the problem solving and the negotiations, there are so many random bounces. Ohura's singing just happened to bring the solution. Why would anyone start singing in those circumstances? And why would those songs bring about the removal of the force field. Most tiresome is the implications at the end, that there must be a higher power doing the manipulation. Don't get me going on that aspect of religion. For every good result where religion is given credit, there are hundreds or thousands of devastated people or creatures that get no help. Why do they cheapen the accomplishments of the explorers and the scientists by assuming that something lent them a hand or that they were only tools in the grand design. I'll still watch, but by the second episode the show is exhibiting a weakness.
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getting back to old trek
polarissucks13 May 2022
Thank you for the self serving episode. Thank you for no constant crying and super mysterious plot about saving the galaxy that doesnt turn out to be that interesting at all. Not a melodramatic soap opera. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
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Better than first epidode
bobetjo4 July 2022
Still can't separate security lady from navigator. Characters need to be defined more.

However this feels more like Star Trek and certainly better than Discovery. Anson Mount does fine job. Maybe needs to be more Captainy. Has not had his shirt torn off yet. Ethan Peck as Spock is OK. Perhaps he will grow on us.

Story was very TOS and very welcome.
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Great follow up
warjo261112 May 2022
I tried to find fault in the episode, and now I can't wait to see the development of characters other than Spoke and Uhura. To Paramount and writers, so much story telling can be told and imaginations forged.
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Painfully stupid and juvenile. I like SCIENCE with my sifi!
IndridC0ld15 June 2022
Skipped the whole episode when I got about 2/3 through, then replayed it to the end. It was like a C-story in a high school creative writing assignment. I hate when old tropes from old movies are used for new content. A comet/"Manatee" that responds to music almost exactly like the alien ship in the Close Encounters of The Third Kind finali. Come up with some ORIGINAL IDEAS.

That said, I've stopped hating on Spock. This actor has done his homework and brings an interesting new dimension to the character. Chris Pike may be the best Captain ever to command the Enterprise. I am overwhelmed by the sensitivity the lead actor brings to the roll. Whomever chose to continue the story arc of Captain Pike's accident should be given charge of the shows writing. To carry the weight of one's mortality is one thing, to face it as a certainty with a time, date, and horrible outcome is the most interesting character device I have seen in years. The burden of command, a hundred decisions a day, the responsibility for hundreds of lives, is a common plot device effectivly used over the years. Carrying that weight AND the certainty of one's impending doom is a pressure I simply cannot imagine. However STSNW drops that right in our main character's lap like adding double weight to a power-lifter's personal best and saying, "Oh you're proud of yourself? Try THIS!" I WILL CONTINUE TO WATCH THIS SHOW, but I'm expecting more originality.
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This made me stop caring Warning: Spoilers
On the surface, STRANGE NEW WORLDS seems to finally pick up where TNG or VOYAGER have left us. It's more optimistic, more episodic, more classic STAR TREK, right?

Well, not really. Don't forget that there are still those in charge who neither understand nor respect STAR TREK.

This episode illustrates this point beautifully. On the surface, it's about the coming of age of Uhura and her first landing mission, but in its rotten core, it's about rejection of science and reason and the deconstruction of once iconic characters. Yes, again.

The whole "wow, the comet reacts to music" BS is offensive to anyone slightly above the average simpleton. How do you know the right frequency, Uhura? How did you figure out which major chord would trigger the response, Uhura? Why are you so unnecessarily and annoyingly sassy, Uhura? She's nothing like the far superior real version of that character, but she is in good company, because Ethan Peck's Spock is nowhere near the real Spock - which isn't necessarily his fault, but the writers' lack of understanding of the character.

And of course: "Unless your flight was foretold." Checkmate, atheists!!1!

Anyway - this episode of STRANGE NEW WORLDS showed me that I have nothing to expect from Golds- and Kurtzman's STAR TREK. This iteration of STAR TREK is as stupid and pretentious as its creators, and I'm out of patience.

One to beam up.
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Cadet Nyota Uhura's Trial by Fire
bruce-spencer-ky13 May 2022
The element that makes stories enjoyable and interesting are always the characters, they breath life into what would otherwise be just a string of events.

Strange New Worlds goes peels back the characteristics of Pike and Uhura in this episode; makes them interesting and real. Uhura's away mission test seems more about character to me than skill - a Kobayashi Maru test that she passes.
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It's not perfect.... But it's Star Trek. Finally.
jimmyw-8157313 May 2022
Love it. It's Trekkish. Here and there some dialogues are somewhat lame... but there's drama, there's character development, there's a message.

Pike seems a worthy Captain.

After Discovery (and Picard I must say sadly) a breath of fresh air. Finally.

Let's hope it will continue this way.
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