"Star Trek: Picard" Hide and Seek (TV Episode 2022) Poster

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Not Great
melcher-200130 April 2022
Some great action sequences continually interrupted by endless moments of maudlin emotionality. This is what happens when a great series gets lost in its own sense of moral righteousness. Taking itself MUCH too seriously, it abandons believability and all sense of tempo while every character stops in mid battle to work out all their deepest interpersonal issues. Simply bad writing that even the best of performances couldn't redeem. Now that everybody's inner needs have been at least temporarily dealt with, I hope we can move on to better storytelling.
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Syboat29 April 2022
First two episodes in was actually exciting by what i saw, then it slipped into some woke nonsense, lacks pace , energy and what Star Trek is all about, such a waste to see Picard in this.
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Picards on the table.
southdavid21 September 2022
My concern with this season of "Picard" has been one of "what is the actual story?", it's a question I'm still struggling with having completed the penultimate episode. A couple of the storyline do appear to have finished, one in a way I sort of liked, kinda. . . But still I'm virtually none the wiser about how the disparate parts of this storyline fit together.

As Jurati/Borg Queen (Alison Pill/Annie Wersching) begin their assault of La Sirena, Seven (Jeri Ryan), Raffi (Michelle Hurd) and Rios (Santiago Cabera) look to defend the ship, but it's Jurati herself who has the most success in delaying the Queen from taking control. Picard (Patrick Stewart) and Talinn (Orla Brady) head back into chateau Picard, chased by Adam Soong (Brent Spiner) there Picard must finally confront some of the demons that haunt him.

I'm going to give the series a pass on the resolution of the Jurati/Borg storyline. I'll let the writing of those scenes convince me that the Borg Queen could be won over, even if I'm not sure how fitting that it is with what we know about the Borg from elsewhere. The fact that, like Cybermen, you can't reason with them is supposed to be their defining trait, but again, OK... at least that particularly plot strand is done.

I'm less forgiving of all this Picard, repressed trauma storyline. Quite simply, why hasn't it ever come up before? Maybe if this was his first time at Chateau Picard, but it isn't, he lives there in the prime timeline . . . In the house where his mother killed herself. Why couldn't his ships councillor, Guinan, any number of psych' evaluations he must have had brought this up?

Again, Q is nowhere to be seen, even though he's supposed to be the antagonist of this story. I still don't quite get how the launch effects both the future so dramatically and the work that Soong is wanting to do - which Is something to doing with cloning, I'm not quite sure on that either.

I can't see how this gets wrapped up in anything like a satisfactory way, with just one more episode to go. Let's see if they can astonish me.
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When You Think It Could Not Get Worse...
sumtim3s00n28 April 2022
Such an insult to Star Trek name.

This is so below average it deserves a reward for how much you can ruin a franchise in such short amount of screen time.

Abhorrent, stupid, shallow, tragic. Making enormous changes to the timeline despite claiming how careful they must be, illogical actions galore, nonstop flashbacks, bad acting (why Sir Stewart, why be in this), putting focus on forced political statements on account of ruining logic of the story.

A complete antithesis to what ST always strived to be. Uplifting humanity, intelligent, not underestimating the viewer's intelligence but rather challenges them to think, reevalute perspectives, meditate on issues.

This however is 100% generic, cookie cutter, insultingly dumb action show connected to ST values/quality by beloved name only.

All in all, deserves no connection to ST universe.
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Stop wasting picards acting
info-354-54955929 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The writing is so half ass here, there so much forced emotional exchanges it hurts to watch. Like a borg queen is trying to kill them time is of the essence and you stop for 5 minutes to talk to a hologram that you know is a hologram of someone you lost and tell them how much your miss them. The logic is completely gone, I could have done better writing here. I dont understand why you would make all these characters so illogical and just have them nonstop wasting time to talk about their feelings in the middle of a heated battle.

I did find the final borg moment interesting talking about a new type of borg that assimilates willingly. Interesting but unbelievable the borg queen who should be emotionless and calculating is more like a caricature in this series.

This is better than the last two episodes, this episode is like eating dirt vs eating a turd (last 3 episodes)
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Tension-free nonsense
vsek29 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Remember the "wtf" moment last episode when the Borg Queen assimilated a group of mercenaries? Here, this makes actually no difference. They are bad at shooting people and generally show absolutely no signs of being enhanced in any way. What was the point? So there's a cliffhanger and it SEEMS that something is happening? The one guy at the end points his laser between Picard's eyes but just doesn't shoot for some reason until Rios beams in. Was that supposed to be an intense scene? Well, it wasn't.

Tension is also an issue overall in this episode. Picard and Talinn (not Laris) stop to talk about things that happened 90 years or so ago while the future is at stake and the house is overrun with armed hostile soldiers. "Oh, I remember, when I was a child I would talk to my mother in the catacombs and she said..." - really?

The same goes for Raffi and Seven. Raffi wants to talk about Sevens past and that she'd make a great Starfleet captain WHILE BEING CHASED by Borg mercenaries and the Queen is about to CAPTURE A SPACESHIP and also THE WHOLE TIMELINE is at stake. It's just infuriatingly frustrating to watch.

Raffi - this overemotional cow should never be let loose on a group of Starfleet Academy graduates!!

The Borg Queen is seemingly killing Seven but what can Raffi do? Maybe saying to her "Please don't!" and "No, you're killing her!" while still unable to get up (?) because of a gut punch one minute ago.

And the frustration doesn't end here. Even the CGI looks rushed and cheap with half-finished effects (people in the walls), plugin muzzle flashes and obvious green screen shots (Soong, Mercenaries)?

Remember Voyager? This show gets even mentioned in this episode. Remember when the Holo Doc could move around the ship because he received a mobile emitter from the 29th century? And remember the ship on this show having holographic emitters all over? So why would holographic Elnor need such a mobile emitter? And where does it come from? And while I'm at it, how did a whole personality and physical scan of Elnor end up in Confederate La Sirena's database? How did the computer know that Elnor is stupid enough to approach enemies with ranged weapons with a sword? And smilies when he discovers it? Why is a Katana sword stored in La Sirena's weapons locker?

Honestly, I can't even get mad anymore about this stuff. It's a constant flow of bad references, wrong details and writing/editing shortcuts.

I'm so done with this, the rest just becomes a check list of bad:

  • Shuffling people around (Theresa/son/Rios) to give them something to do and kill time, Check.

  • Tension-free scene of half-Borg mercenary failing to shoot Picard while aiming directly between his eyes. Check.

  • Rios knows exactly where to beam (between Picard and the mercenary) Check.

  • Seven, gravely injured in one scene, squirming on the floor in pain, just has a bit of blood on her shirt in the next one and seems to be fine. Check.

  • female couple kicking toxic male butt (strangely no women mercenaries visible anymore) Check.

  • Elnor finally getting to kill people again. Check.

  • Going to warp inside the Earth's atmosphere. Check.

  • Raffi and Seven running across two football fields worth of open field with entrenched Borg enhanced soldiers shooting at them and they have nothing but a knife to defend themselves - but are fine. Check.

  • The Borg change their whole philosophy because our genius Jurati who murdered her boyfriend because of an apocalypse movie reel and sleeps on a moth-eaten sofa, then forgets to unplug the Borg Queen from the ship. Check

  • Giving not-Laris a comically oversized gun then she holds it like a person who never shot it. Check.

  • Warning your enemy that the weapon he is about to shoot you with is going to explode. And so letting him escape to do more harm. Check.

  • Having characters state what is happening because the audience doesn't retain information (and we need at least SOME dialogue, right?). Check.

  • Borg assault team equipped with green lasers to easily give away their positions at night. Check.

  • Elnor running away from gunfire yet he can't be hurt by bullets because he's a hologram. Check.

  • Starfleet refused to accept Seven of Nine just because she was Borg. So Starfleet is prejudiced again. And I guess the years on Voyager serving with distinction didn't matter. Check.

  • Picard has lived in his family's chateau for at least 13 years+ but suddenly, he remembers rooms and situations from his childhood. Check.

  • Doctor lady from the 21st century is using ROMULAN future tech to diagnose/cure Rios. Check.

  • "They're not people anymore. They're Borg." coming from a former Borg who got rescued. Check.

How can you write so many stupid things in one episode. And I bet I didn't even catch them all!

And I bet all of this doesn't impact the timeline at all, right?

I mean, the idea of coorporation with the Borg is intruiging, but it gets drowned by "a new Borg collective based on salvation". All this makes the Borg Queen out to be lonely and capricious and that she just didn't think about Jurati's ideas before. It was never about perfection anyway but not to be so alone? It's just like in Discovery when everything is about emotions: problems and solutions. And it makes me sick. Where is the unstoppable force of the Borg that can't be reasoned with? All the Borg needed to not be so bad is opening up to peace and togetherness, right?

It's like they try to make this all about Picard but nothing really is. Where is Q? This is another episode where he is absent! We've been tricked into believing this was about Q and some "trial that never ends" but it's clear now that was just so the TNG fans would tune in. Nine episodes for a fact about Picard that could've easily been told in one episode...

But what can you expect of the illustrious group of writers that gave us this episode:

  • Matthew Okumura: mostly known for story editing on "Leverage: Redemption" (cop/secret agent/hacker show)
  • Christopher B. Derrick: Two short films about cops in 2016 and 2007
  • Juliana James: "Superman & Lois" writer
  • Kiley Rossetter: no writing credits other than Picard

One episode of Mad Men reveals more of the main character than 9 episodes of this drivel.

Oh and thanks for me not liking the Picard family anymore. Apparently, they rather lock sick people under screams away instead of getting medical or therapeutic help. Thanks, writers!
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"Hide and Seek"
allmoviesfan17 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The background to Jean Luc Picard's childhood is finally sketched in during the ninth episode of Season Two. In amongst all the battles, that is: those Borg-infused commandos took some beating - there were some really spectacular action scenes. Jurati and the Borg Queen continue their battle for supremacy of Jurati's body, which distracts the Borg Queen from her nefarious plot to get a 400-year head start on assimilating the universe. Is that a little bit of empathy and sympathy from her? Surely not! Brent Spiner continues to be great, if diabolical, as Dr Soong. Maybe he should have played more bad guys? And the last few dramatic minutes set up what should - hopefully! - be a very good final episode.
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It makes no sense
limpfan10630 April 2022
Why would picards mom never get any actual medical treatment and instead she's allowed to run around in a dangerous basement all while the parents gas light young picard by never telling him what's going on!?!

Not only that, but in TNG it's established that Picards mom lived to old age.

This show is a joke. A poor attempt to turn ST into a hyped up drama.
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Old School Trekker enjoying
dawsonc-5316128 April 2022
Can't wait to see how it wraps up. I have a few minor quibbles but overall I really, finally, feel like I am seeing New, real Star Trek. We are seeing an exploration not so much of the universe "out there", but the universe within.

It's a bit different, for me in a good modern way, but not as different as the other new series in terms of the visual / technical continuity.

The younger kids can hopefully continue to enjoy the new series'. I'll watch the old Classic stuff again and again . . . Alongside Picard.
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lucazauli9629 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
While this episode is yet another step in the right direction, and partially helps Picard out of the hole this season has dragged the series into, there really is massive room for improvement.

The mise-en-scène of this episode is excellent, and helps you cope with what unfortunately is a rather low-effort Borg attack of sorts, with a painfully overacting Spiner as its commander in chief. The whole thing is somewhat dull, and the flashbacks are way over a few too many, and that doesn't help the rhythm of this episode, which is surprisingly enjoyable.

The plot holes and inconsistencies are becoming frustrating to say the least; a mere Google search would've sorted those out, and as of now, I'm not going to pass judgement on the latest event in Queen-Jurati's timeline, if anything, it is something different, and that's probably laying the bases for the finale, and likely for the beginning of the season, in an appreciable way, for once.

Hats off to Jeri Ryan as our beloved Seven once again rises to the challenge and pulls off yet another wonderful performance. She's definitely carrying this series on her Borg shoulders; and for once Raffi does a decent job alongside her.

The worst part of this episode, other than Rios living in his very own universe, is Stewart himself, unfortunately, offering a, dare I say, lacklustre performance in what should've been his time to shine.
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Showrunners must hate Star Trek fans
kythia29 April 2022
More little boy tales from Patrick Stewart dealing with childhood anxieties.

Whoever runs this show must hate Star Trek and its fans with a passion. Its the only reason I can come up with for this endless chain of awful writing, ignored lore, and utterly wasted characters.
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Far better than the last episodes
tudorbedereag28 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Finally, we see Raffi and Seven doing something, even if it means killing a borg drone with a kinfe.

Piard's flashbacks were very interesting, though sad.

We have some Star Trek Voyager references and some music from First Contact' theme.
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"Top shelf overreaching Icarus-worthy arrogance"
bosporan28 April 2022
Monologue central! Innumerable stodgy, sterile soliloquies scar this story, pretentious poppycock is par for Picard, but other characters have been infected. Jabberwocky Jurati's jabbering and shallow Soong's speeches are particularly egregious examples. Interminable flashbacks remain a constant irritation, drawn out and massively overused.

On the plus side, the unusual use of desaturated, blue-lit night scenes generates atmosphere and is easier to see than most techniques. The plot is better paced and key characters desist their comic sidequests to display Starfleet Officer quality - notably Seven and Raffi.

There are a few plot holes, the DNA McGuffin being a flagrant example, but overall a solid enjoyable episode.
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The Borg were ruined with the queen
DJ_Reticuli29 April 2022
In fact, the whole assimilation of people shtick was nearly as bad as the queen. The Q Who version was always the scariest.

I'm just not feeling Picard anymore. I'm bored, no matter how much action. It is curious that the Borg are too stupid to turn those lasers off that give away their angle.

Here's the most unsettling part, though: where the hell is Picard's older brother Robert in these flash backs? Between the writers having no idea about Time's Arrow 1 & 2 or his brother, I'm starting to think they aren't very familiar with TNG.
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Writers assume their audience cant understand anything
q-83817-65499029 April 2022
We have to show green lasers that makes enemies super easy to shoot, because otherwise the audience won't be able to tell that someone is trying to shoot the main characters, and be totally confused.

When the main group split up to get into the ship, we cut to a flash back, when we cut back, they had and ADR line that says "we gotta get to the ship" because if we dont say that, the audience would have forgotten what they were doing 2 minutes ago and be totally confused.

We have to say out loud that a gun will explode if someone other than its owner is holding it, because otherwise the audience wont understand what the increasing beeping sound means and be totally confused.

When enemies are shooting at the main character, we must add in the line "they are pinning us down to stop us to get to the ship" because if you dont say it, the audience wont know what's going on and be totally confused.

After all, the audience are fans of star trek, you can't assume they have any intellegence whatsoever.
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Reasonably entertaining
snoozejonc31 May 2022
Soong and the Borg lay siege to the Château Picard.

This is another fairly messy episode but it has some good moments such as the predictable truth about Yvette Picard and the direction taken with the arc of the Borg Queen. Plus Seven of Nine and Raffi finally have something to do that does not feel like it's for the purpose of padding out an episode.

The same cannot be said for the scenes with Rios, which for me feel very contrived and a bit pointless. I also struggled with that heartfelt exchange between Raffi and a certain holographic character.

Brent Spiner's Soong is written as a very moustache-twirly villain who wouldn't feel out of place in a 90s action movie starring Jean-Claude Van Damme. Spiner is a great actor who does his best with the material, but his voice is so high pitched he feels somewhat off when trying to intimidate.

Sir Patrick Stewart is a class act regardless of what his and other characters are written to do. I still find him as entertaining a lead as ever. The rest of the cast do good work with the material, particularly Alison Pill, Anne Wersching and Jeri Ryan.

The more negative reviewers who obviously take television very seriously do raise some legitimate points, but, as we only get one life, you have to question putting so many hours into an experience that causes so much displeasure.
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I Don't Know What's Going On
terry170129 April 2022
Action, flash back, action, flash back, action and another flash back.

I really don't know what's going on and everyone seems stupid. I don't think the writers have seen an episode of Star Trek.

I can't do another flash back, I'm all flash back out. Its all pretty dull, the writers don't know which direction they want to go. Rip of first contact and Star Trek 4.

Please make it end! I thought season 1 was awful this is even worse.
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bward-2925730 April 2022
With all of Picard's flashbacks to his parents, where is his brother, Robert? I'm also not seeing the vineyard where he grew up. A really confusing show.
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It's just so boring and full of plot holes.
spacekarma30 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Another episode of boring drama. Where they ruined Star trek.

  • Captains mom lived till old age (According to TNG) but in Picard she hanged herself and was insane.

  • No ex Borg ever served in Federation in Picard but in ---Voyager most crew were assimilated if the people actually watched the show they would have known. In first season Icheb was having a federation uniform I mean are these people high when they wrote this?

There is so much more and I just cannot, I hate you Paramount for ruining Star Trek forever.

My life's work will be to bankrupt Paramount in any possible way. So they have to sell this franchise to someone who cares.
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Look for the connection to TNG S1E5
XweAponX30 May 2022
"Where no one has gone before"

It's there.

Herta Ware played "Maman" in that episode and she appears a certain way as an old woman: in these episodes of Picard she is a much younger woman with a much different fate.

Picard explains it to Laris: how both images of his mother are true.

It is kind of uncomfortable to see Brent Spiner playing the crook, but he is just as good playing Adam Soong as he was playing Arik soong or "often wrong" Noonian Soong.

Data's family has always been dichotomized like this, all the way back to next generation season one where we met Lore.

What I have found in this series is not "canon breaking", there has always been an explanation as to why things were slightly different than in next generation.

Guinan for instance. Despite meeting a Picard from the future, we forget that she was still bound by her first meeting with Picard in the 19th Century, to not speak about that meeting until 500 years had passed. In the years depicted of this episode, that time has not yet passed. There was a specific date in the future where it was allowed to circle back onto times arrow, that time was not in this episode or this series.

So? She does not speak about it, not even to an older Picard.

I have found the twists and turns in this story satisfactory, and as far as "time travel" stories go, this one has been unique.
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Hide and Seek
bobcobb30126 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A decent episode here that at least had some appearances of good vs. Evil and some other things of interest. But the whole story this season has been weak and the writing hasn't helped.
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Passt. Hey. Yes you. Listen up.
Pimilli30 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know who this is made for but it's not for Star Trek fans. This is the worst episode of anything Star Trek of the last 20 years. It is ponderous, pontificating. The ending with those insanely long dull monolouge.

Oh guess what? That it took 9 episodes to tell us Picard's mother hung herself? We knew that since episode 3 or 4. Know why? In bad writing anyone with mental illness kills themselves. That's the law. I had hoped she was literally anything else. Even if she was a Romulan. Even a Borg...as terrible as that would be it would be still be better than this. You thought this was a revelation?

I'm going to quote Vsek as they said a couple points I came here to say:

"...half-Borg mercenary failing to shoot Picard while aiming directly between his eyes. Check."

"Raffi and Seven running across two football fields worth of open field with entrenched Borg enhanced soldiers shooting at them and they have nothing but a knife to defend themselves - but are fine. Check."

"Warning your enemy that the weapon he is about to shoot you with is going to explode. And so letting him escape to do more harm. Check."

I didn't care about ANYTHING that happened in this episode. Nothing. ENDLESS MONOLOGUING. Badly directed. Badly written. Poor actors. Poor Roddenberry.

Honestly, I'm wondering if a show called RIKER would have been better and have more energy and motivation. It's just not working guys. Man. Show writers please watch this objectively and ask anyone if they care about any of it?
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We've got work to do!
tom99228 April 2022
The last few episode were a bit slower but necessary for the storyline. This is a return to more action, I thought this was a great episode, everything is filling together. I can't wait for the season finale next week.
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Is this even Star Trek?..
guinden2 May 2022
I don't even i mean how do you describe this episode of nonsense.. Have the writers seen a single episode of Star Trek in their lives?

Cause it feels like they just either havent or don't care. At this point a wouldn't be surprised if in the final episode some jedis arrive with light sabers...
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Boring old Tropes
baldrics-974-46027030 April 2022
How often must these shows use dream scenes, repressed memories or other lazy tropes. Patrick Stewart you are better than this. Alison pill does not do villain well, the problem with you queen is is that your lonely. Ffs give us a break. Thanks.
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