"Succession" Too Much Birthday (TV Episode 2021) Poster

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Best episode yet.
axlrhodes29 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I cannot believe the quality of the penmanship here. Each character is written and performed with such laser focused precision and wit. Roman going into overdrive, antagonising and humiliating Kendall at the end, not realising that his brother has hit rock bottom. The cruelty and the humour are so aligned.
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One of the best episodes of the show so far.
thanospv29 November 2021
People can see how Kendall hasn't progressed this season and how he's back to Season 1 Kendall and that's clear. This episode actually shows that all his dumb decisions, exaggerated moves and shows are his defence mechanism. He's my favourite character for a reason and i adored this episode that showed at the end his vulnerable side.

This episode had everything, these are my favourite Succession episodes, the ones were we see the character dynamics evolve.

It was both funny and heartbreaking.

Jeremy Strong has 2 episodes were he can get Emmy nominated and that says a lot for his talent. Kieran Culkin is again as good as ever. I can't wait for the last 2 episodes.

Some people actually said this was filler? What are they on lol.
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Unexpected maneuver
mertafor29 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
End of the last season, Logan said to Ken that he doesn't have the guts to bury someone. Because of that he would never be the CEO. Then Ken came out with sexual harrasment blame against him right after he's thrown under the bus. I thought he'll take the wheel and crash his opponents.

But it seems like this time Logan found his terminator. Roman is more cruel than all of them ever can be. I was thinking pushing Roman to the front might be bad idea yet it turned out very well. He's more direct, smart, knows business and has no problem playing dirty. I've been thinking that things got boring last few episodes but finally this one made the new direction more sensible. Maybe the latesr developments might cause to born new alliances. Let's see how will they tie the ends in last 3 episodes.
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It's my party and I'll cry if I want to
goldenlampshade29 November 2021
Man, what an absolutely depressing episode. Which is ironic as Tom points out at one point, as birthdays should be smiley affairs. Well, not in the Roy's word. I'm sure it's not the first dour birthday between the lot of them, they've all probably seen more than their fair share. But this one, Kendall's 40th, what we witness is unimaginable trauma bubble up to the surface as he does the only thing he knows how to to to stop it: down 40s (nice touch writers).

This has to take it as the most emotionally affecting episode of the season. I was whooping and cheering so loud at parts my neighbors texted asking if I was alright (it's 9PM on a Sunday that means Succession time so you should already know the answer is NO!) to watching the events unfold mouth agape to even still sitting on my couch shell shocked just able to process everything that's happened. I felt Kendall's frustrations more than I ever have as someone totally asympathetic towards him as a character (sue me I'm a Logan guy). I felt Shiv's frustrations too, another surprise since I haven't exactly appreciated her seemingly losing her marbles this season (that is not to say I think the show is wrong to do this, quite the contrary, I love how dynamic characters standings are in the public opinion. Yay Tom now amirite, give Matthew Macfadyen his Supporting Actor Emmy now Television Academy or I'll never forgive you). And Romulus, my sweet Romulus, better take care to check his pockets as a few marbles seem to be slipping out of his possession unbeknownst to him as well.

To say nothing else, this episode was a fantastic gut punch. Plenty of laughs, plenty of business maneuvers, two parts betrayal one serving of melancholy: it's the perfect post Thanksgiving feast! Can't believe the season is wrapping up already, it's been one for the ages.
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"I think this is a little iconic"
UniqueParticle30 November 2021
To me one of the best one of the season, maybe there's some stale episodes but this one is glorious! Jeremy Strong (Kendal Roy) is a goldmine and a jerk, Kieran Culkin (Roman Roy) is the biggest jerk though. This party episode is wild, bold, and very well directed! Felt like a spiral for Kendall which is interesting and I wonder what else is gonna happen in the next few.
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Birthday Boy
alexlikesfilms-4798429 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This episode left me feeling slightly empty inside. It's an examination of pettiness, resentment, and jealousy. Every character has their moment to shine in this episode, but that's jot to say everybody got a happy ending. At it's core: this is a truly sad episode. But -some positives- the production design was top-tier and some of the visuals (namely: the fire wall & the reflections) are just stunning. You feel like you're in some rich weirdo's version of Alice in Wonderland. This may be one of the best episodes of the show so far.
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Nobody does it better than Succession
jay193029 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is just people talking, but the level of drama, suspense, emotion, character interaction is amazing. This episode was hard to watch for the right reasons, it almost makes you shed a tear for Kendall as you worry for his future in the show.
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Best Episode of Series 3, by far !
efd-1046730 November 2021
The writers finally woke up, Succession is back to its best, the pain, the awkwardness, the confused emotions, it's all there.

Rich people losing the plot and partying, this is what we want, Tom & the Compliment Walk was hilarious, Shiv seems on the edge of a breakdown, Ken is having a breakdown, Roman thrives on the confusion, great fun, let's hope they keep it up.
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"You're not a real person"
jjtatum-0973129 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A bit of a filler episode, but still had its share of powerful moments. I really enjoyed the small moments from this episode like Tom being miserable at the party after realizing he will now have to stay with his awful family who makes him more miserable then a real prison could. The scene where Ken tells Roman "he's not a real person" may be the coldest insult in the show, which is saying a lot. It clearly cuts deep to Roman as he acts out like a little child having a tantrum. This whole episode is filled with moments of the Roy's acting like children from the ban from entering the Treehouse to the arguing over who's daddy's favorite. The relationship between the siblings have never been worse and will definitely make for an interesting close to the season.
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The one I've been waiting for
gsbuie29 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Last week's episode, specifically the foreshadowing statement Tom made to Kendall, at the diner, to paraphrase, 'I've seen this before and you got F'ed. I have never seen Logan get F'ed. ' came to fruition this week. It was super sad and yet I have no sympathy for Kendall. He has learned nothing from the previous attempts to come at Logan. Also, I bet myself Kendall would ugly cry before the end of the episode and I won.

Frankly, I do not know if Kendall will ever realize Logan is fathoms above him in every way and does not give one F what it will take to bring Kendall to his knees. Logan is a stone cold killer and knows exactly how to push anyone's buttons. The cherry on the top, for Logan, being the Slime Puppy delivering it and telling Shiv.

Romulus takes no for an answer no better than Logan and I knew he would get into the tree house one way or another! Gerri will be so proud she may just let him in her bathroom.

Other than that, you go Greg Egg! Comfey is not out of your league! Y'all go eat pizza at California Pizza and be silly. Also, Kendall! Bruh boundaries! Comfrey can go out with whom every she chooses. I also do not believe for one second Kendall ever took a home lunch to school.

Thoroughly enjoyed Conner and Willa. Willa was fighting for her man and it made Con so happy.
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Writers are back !
cemturc29 November 2021
Loved the episode. Classic Succession. Great dialogues. Top-notch acting.. .

But I hope, after today's big fight, the sibs dont go to Italy and dont embrace each other like nothing has happened.

Dear writers, hope you stay consistent with the arc.
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Twisted, perverse, and just plain nasty
apriceaboverubies291 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Ken throws himself an elephantine birthday party and all hell breaks loose. All four Roy siblings get a visceral taste of their own unpleasant medicine, especially the vacuous wanna be Shiv. None of these siblings has much to redeem them. The whole episode is uncomfortable to watch, but watch you will. The writing and the acting are spot on. Great drama.
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Who makes these ratings ?!
mazzoon_1231 January 2022
9.1 ?! Seriously?!

Not a bad episode and the show is good but some episodes are annoyingly overrated..

I wouldn't give this episode more than a 7.

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What happened??
prnrywcj29 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I really don't understand all of the positive reviews for this season (minus the first two episodes). Absolutely nothing has happened and all of the major season 2 plot lines have fallen. Sandy and Stewy? Over. Kendall's case against his father? Gone. Adrian Brody episode? Equated to nothing. The president episode? Pointless. All culminating in this episode that essentially added nothing. Kendall is still broken. Shiv still overestimates herself. Cousin Greg's bits simply aren't funny anymore: as Kendall calls him, "a leach."

I love this show. I just can't pretend that the last few episodes have added anything to the plot, character arcs or series in general, and all of these fake positive reviews are from people just like the Roy family: chaotic, inconsistent, and in over one's head.
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Uncomfortable in how well made it was
ddelarueb15 January 2022
I don't know if it's just the mood I'm in but this episode absolutely destroyed me. The characters all felt like the worst versions of themselves as they let the party bring out their demons. It was truly miserable to watch because in the best way possible. All I can say is, this was very well done but it might have been well done to the point where the misery was infectious. The season started feeling as if it was going downhill by being too repetitive and having the power clashes constantly happening so it was refreshing to have an episode more focused on having the characters just let their demons out instead of advancing the plot forward a significant amount. Well done.
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[7.6] Empty and devastated
cjonesas20 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Episode 7: When you watch too much Succession and you have too many birthday parties, you don't get to appreciate the nuances that each episode brings in.

I finally learned and understood that the best of each episode is the point in the last 1.5-2.5 minutes where the devastatingly good piano score is played and this one was no exception.

As Kendall was resting his head on the girl's thighs, I couldn't help but notice her body language, "see" the myriads of emotions passing in her eyes while her hand was brushing her hairs back.
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*EDITED* still top-tier TV
dannyedgeprivate29 November 2021
*EDITED* My original review: This episode dragged a little bit for the first time all season, but there are some hugely powerful moments that more than make up for it. That last shot of the episode..

Upon rewatch, there's a ton more subtlety than I caught the first time. I was running on two hours of sleep and I got a little bored. That was my mistake because if you pay attention this is flat out one of the best episodes of the series. Every single line is either a callback or a culmination or a payoff to something set up earlier in the season. Finally in this episode all the masks are stripped off and we see these people as they actually are - unhappy, bitter, insecure children. This episode was amazing and it was my fault for thinking I could watch an episode of succession without paying 100% attention to it.
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hyounus9125 December 2021
Super sharp dialogue. Top notch direction. Humour. And tension, it builds and builds and builds. Best episode of season 3 so far. Every time you think Kendal's the worst character the writers throw you another curveball.
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A Great Character Climax for Many
willtanner29 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Out of a season that seems like it's heading to a conclusion for Kendall's case to take down Logan, I'm happy it's taking it's time getting there and focusing on the emotional arc of the Roy kids. Kendall has the most Kendall Roy party imaginable in a gigantic, ridiculously expensive set and falls to pieces by the end of the episode. Shiv flexes some kind of decision making muscle at the company but is ultimately sidelined in how operations are executed (Kendall's letter). And finally, Roman revels in some success that he can eke out in his own small way, and makes an ass out of himself. These patterns for the siblings are extremely satisfying to see happen and come to their head here. My one hope is that they have some large consequences in the next two episodes otherwise I personally will think the anticipation for a big power change will be too long.
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Wow: masterful mood and feel setting
sth-621762 December 2021
The directing, writing, and acting performance synergy is right up there with the best across tv or cinema. Have you ever been to an over the top party but had a totally miserable time that brought out the worst sides of you and the overall vibe of the party was misery? This episode bottles that deeply tortured angry sadness, and distills it into a refined but bitter and dark souled aperitif. Hell of a job well done.
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If It Weren't for the Power It Would Be Laughable
Hitchcoc18 September 2022
What would happen if you gave a room full of ten year olds a few million dollars each? Under the tutelage of Logan Roy, the sibs have become little children who just want more and more. If their motives wee anything but self centered, we might have some sympathy. Obviously, watching them is like watching a train wreck. But if we take the story seriously, the train wreck will eventually make it into our lives, through decimation of morals and political strength. Logan, the real puppeteer, knows he is untouchable. Roman has become the ultimate monster (interesting name, considering the most stereotypical evils of the Roman empire). Instead of staying on task, Kendall decides to throw the most tasteless, self serving birthday party ever, including a pink passage to replicate his mother's birth canal. He even has built a replica of his childhood treehouse where another tech master sits and scowls. Roman and Shive crash the party. There is absolutely no love among these siblings, no compassion. Father has destroyed them all and will put them out of their misery at some point. In one of the most haunting scenes, Kendall searches for a present, given to him by his children. He rips and tears at all the presents like a spoiled brat on Christmas morning. It is pathetic.
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Jeremy STRONG!
kae-carlos17 June 2022
How amazing is Jeremy Strong acting his Randall? He stolen the show and show us who knocks in the party.

Keep strong Randall, because Succession needs you!
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Great episode
85122227 December 2023
Greetings from Lithuania.

7th episode of Succession called Too Much Birthday was one of the very best in terms of character study. This is the best depiction of Kendall's fall and personality identity crisis you could imagine. One who has all the money in the world throws a party that is so tasteless, and then wanders around in tears (no spoilers), clearly he has no clue what he is doing in his life. And conversation of siblings at the end just shows one how dysfunctional this family really is. This is what happens when from the birthday day one you have all the money and then some, and you do not need to worry about anything in this life. The blame goes on parents.
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My least favorite episode of the entire series!
Golfr01323 December 2021
I am a huge fan of Succession since episode 1, however, this entire episode could have been condensed into 10 minutes and more real meat added. I got the impression that the writers may have been quarantined for Covid and the producers had to stretch the same context to fill an hour of time.

I am quite unimpressed with this effort in an otherwise high-quality show!
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Slow Start, Compelling Finish - Series Continues to Impress Despite Flaws
DramaVibes27 January 2024
Look, this episode was pretty boring, to be honest, the most boring one I've seen so far. But the end of the episode had a pretty interesting conflict. I think Romulus is becoming more and more like his father, maybe even worse. We'll see in the next episodes. The flaws for me are the pace of the episode, which is slow, and the lack of elements to keep you engaged in the episode's plot. But other than that, there are only compliments, it might be the most boring episode, but it still has good actors, good characters, good direction, and developing plots that draw us into the next episode. The series really didn't win some Emmys for nothing. In fact, this cool curiosity about Connor's arm being broken in real life is interesting.
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