"Willow" Children of the Wyrm (TV Episode 2023) Poster

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A crescendo of spectacle
snoozejonc9 March 2023
Elora and Kit confront the Wicked Crone.

This is an okay finale with impressive visuals.

There is little about the plot I can reveal without spoiling, but I'm sure most viewers will be able to predict where certain arcs go. There are some satisfying moments involving certain characters, but it feels like a clichéd ending that is focussed mainly on the shiny, colourful visuals, and making certain individuals look cool as they either fight or use magic powers.

There is no denying the visuals are impressive. The cinematography, lighting, colours, art design and effects are all top drawer.

As in the first seven episodes, you have to like the characters and appreciate the humour to get the most out of it. Personally, I find most of them annoyingly self-obsessed (except Willow) and the humour very hit and miss. As always the writers overdo the self-aware, modern sounding dialogue.

Overall the first season has been a mixed bag for me. Warwick Davis' title character has carried large moments of it as he is consistently the most charismatic and likeable presence on screen. Christian Slater's guest appearance was also a highlight.

The self-aware humour is not badly written, but the timing is frequently questionable, as you are expected to invest in characters going through moments of peril and periodically stop to showcase witty banter. 'Guardians of the Galaxy' movies pull it off because it's not overdone and the timing works. The Willow writers need to work on this technique for the next season. I would also suggest that they make young protagonists slightly less narcissistic.

All that being said it is a good family show that can be watched by parents and children together. Though I would not show it to younger ones who might be upset by monsters and fantasy world violence.
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Season One Review
southdavid29 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I rewatched the film version of "Willow" a couple of weeks back, in preparation for this series, which started on Disney Plus late last year. Whilst I can see why people wouldn't like it, I rather enjoyed it, though even I have a couple of criticisms.

17 years after the events of the film, Elora Danan has become a mythical hero destined to return to the throne, but is safely hidden, given her importance. Queen Sorsha (Joanne Whalley) is running the kingdom and has two children, twins Kit (Ruby Cruz) and Airk (Dempsey Bryk) who are reaching adulthood. A villainous force kidnaps Airk, and Kit; together with Jade (Erin Kellyman) her protector and love interest, Prince Graydon (Tony Revolori) her betrothed Prince, Thraxus (Ama Chandha-Patel) a warrior and former friend of her father and Dove (Ellie Bamber) a kitchen maid who is in love with Airk; set out to rescue him. Their mission brings them to the village of Nelwyn and its High Aldwin, Willow Ufgood (Warwick Davis).

Taking a quick look at some of the other reviews I find I was correct to think that the decision to shift away from the tenants of "high fantasy" and into a more knowing, post-modern sensibility would have annoyed a lot of the audience. Though I can totally understand that opinion, especially as the film has already established a tone that this doesn't keep too, personally I didn't mind it. I liked the use of contemporary songs, and covers, to help with some of the dramatic moments and I thought that in particular Ama Chandha-Patel and Warwick Davis benefited from being able to be funny.

It's not an unqualified success though. Though he's a national treasure, I do think that Davis struggles to ... well ... act, and any time he's required to do anything other than be wry, he struggles enormously. I also didn't warm to Ruby Cruz until later in the season, though I think that might be deliberate, as she is suffering from jealousy and abandonment issues from her father leaving. Away from the acting, I'd say that some of the action scenes are a bit too heavily edited, to really follow what's going on and even when that wasn't a problem, several of them were too dark to make out from the murky images.

But, as I say, overall, I liked it and I hope that the two seasons that the show promises end up being forthcoming.
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Solid End to Part 1...
ryansharrington11 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a die hard fan of the original movie, and yeah some episodes have been better than others. This episode opens the door (literally at the end) and even shows this was the end on volume one of three.

There is a lot of promise to the show and things it can work on. I was very happy to at least get a Madmartigan voice at least and not just a whisper. The story needs more adults (most the cast is mid 20's but look 18.

I would REALLY like to see Ron Howard assist with the writing. I think that's the missing magic period. He could consult with the head writer and show runner and smooth out the rough edges going forward. I'm not super sure what happened at the end, is Elora split in 2 entities? Is the Elora with Graydon a lie? Now we have some groundwork laid to get a great season 2 and 3 now.

We need more Sorsha and I really want to see her fight too in this trilogy if it doesn't get cancelled. I loved Sorsha's armored helmet from the movie and I would love to see her break that out one day again.

And hey that cliffhanger did the movie some real justice showing the 2 headed fire breathing monster among the others. I was hoping to see that again.
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Loved it 😍
walkerjulian25 January 2023
Unsure why all the hate when this show had the basics that took a long time to get going. However this episode was great. Fun comedic moment and the CGI was good.

We finally got to see Willow stand up and be strong and the story was good

Clearly the previous episodes could have worked at a faster pace but building for three seasons takes time.

Also Remember this was a kids movie and now a new TV Show Teen melodrama needs to build characters

Far to much hate and I liked it. So give it a go watch the show for what it is FUN Overal I hope George is happy with the story I've seen worse this year AKA LOTR.
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Refreshing Mix of Medieval and Modern
ProjectX2315 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The show is nostalgic in bringing back some of the original characters from the movie, the characters are fresh, they've brought a modern mix to the show, this is an entirely different world and as such... viewers are in for surprises. They've written the story, the character growth, has been done really well. Plenty of sub plots, just like in the movie, we're focusing on the other characters surrounding Willow and Elora. The jokes are fun, there's no gore, the CGI is amazing, my kids (9 and under) are enjoying it also. No need to worry about cursing.

I like the LGTBQ couple in the show, due to the times it takes place in, they don't jump right into it. They're like regular teenagers still learning who they are.
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Great Set Up For (fingers crossed 🤞) Future Seasons
katesloan-939471 February 2023
This show is so lighthearted and funny, with just the right amount of conflict mixed in, and I absolutely adored this episode as well. We got to dive even further into the main group's friendships and interactions, and the humor was on point. My entire family loved this episode.

I also love how this episode answered some questions but gave us more to look forward to in future seasons, if we get them! There were allusions to the original movie in this episode as well, with the two headed dragon. Overall, I totally recommend this show and love it, and make sure to watch past the credits on this episode!
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Great design, lazy writing.
rbknzv13 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Ok, I really tried to like this series. And I still think Warwick Davis is amazing. But I can't get over how amazing the minions of the crone look and how they disappear without even fighting. Where did they go!? How did these children beat them? I lose all attention to the CGI magic fight and winning because you believe in yourself part because I'm wondering why the entire evil group just left the scene and went to Taco Bell. And then Willow randomly shoots some skeleton warriors we never saw before. Where is cage head? Where is bird woman, where is the lord of the rings mouth with no eyes guy? Did I sleep through it? What happened to them? The original movie had more dread, a real imposing enemy with real power and influence. This was weak. Costumes, characters, Warwick, Set design, all amazing. Story and dialog is a complete mess. And the final music? A great song, about tvs and microwaves? So misplaced.
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We've got to install microwave ovens
andreaspietsch31 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, it all makes sense now. They just needed new kitchen appliances. Please deliver them to Immemorial City Square (there is only the one, apparently).

Can you change the carbon filters for our fountain too? Water's a bit slushy.

Hey Mr. Suck all the magic out of it Wyrm, take my Money for Nothing.

I feel bad for the actors and the artists. They should be allowed to play a convincing story. Instead, its just a regurgitation of every possible fantasy trope. Child of prophecy who's basically OP, but can't do a single thing right up until the very end? Check. Mentor character to the rescue? Check. Sidekicks getting in the way and needing to be saved by OP child of prophecy? Check. Token sidekick dies bit isn't really dead? Check. Villain talking too much? Check. Custom kitchen deliveries. Check... wait, what? That one was new.
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jrhpvnk13 January 2023
I've been a fan of the movie for as long as I can remember. They should have spent more time working on the plot and less time hitting us with criminally boring teenage melodrama. Special effects, cinematography and Thraxus redeemed the show a little, but not enough to overcome Val Kilmer's absence, which continued to present an insurmountable obstacle. After a while it felt like a bad Scooby Doo episode. Or one of the later episodes of True Blood after they squeezed all the life out of it. I wanted adventure, not Gen-Z feelings Olympics. I really hope they bring in Jon Favreau to redeem this mess.
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Disney strikes again!!!
pierovers12 January 2023
The best finale that could have happened is the camera pans back to Willow in the shower, he turns & says Good Morning.

It's all been a dream.

Wishful thinking that though, absolute garbage from start to finish, they couldn't have done a worse job if they had tried. It was so far away from the original it was bordering on the ludicrous. The new characters were just cut & paste from any other teen drama, the modern language used just sounded totally wrong & the use of music at the end was so far away from the tone of what I was originally supposed to be, a fantasy film.

So well done Disney you've soured one of the greatest films from childhood.

Hang your money soaked ears in shame.
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kurtastbury22 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I was disappointed when the ending didn't pull back to a bunch of people sitting around a table playing a Willow themed RPG as it's the only explanation for the show choices that makes sense. I just plain don't like it. While there are some very cool looking effects (the magic), the story and characters are badly written. The pacing and tone of the format are wrong for a Willow based fantasy story. This show is everything that is wrong with modern entertainment. I'm not sure if I'll watch the rest (if they make more) until the show is over. Even then, much like the travesty that is Star Trek Discovery, maybe I should just stop and watch something good instead.
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Wishing to forget it
reinayadis11 January 2023
Noone who had seen the classic 'Willow' movie could like this nonsense. Not just for the anachronistic wardobre, but the way to tarnish the epic old story. Madmartigan was a scoundrel who found the redemption and became a honorable knight. Willow was an insecure apprentice who found self-confidence and became a great sorcerer.

There was a convincing development.

I can't see this kind of evolution in these new characters, but a gang of immature people arguing all the time about feelings, feelings and more feelings. And their problems don't even seem like a 'drama' to me. Oh, yes! There was something about an evil that threatens the Nine Kingdoms... Secondary matters.

There was a fantastic world where you could find brownies (brave warriors in spite of their size), monstrous dogs, terrifying trolls, dragons... This series only offers raves in the woods, brownies like clowns, trolls like pedants... I think there was something like were-rats, but the scene was so fleeting and badly directed that I can't be sure.

A few intimidating minions, some possessed guards, and the 'final witch'... are poor antagonists.

To put it briefly, this show was boring, disappointing, and the worst sequel I could have imagined for a story so many people loved.

I wish I could forget all I have seen as it had never happened on TV.
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A sad end to a bad show
edfitz98212 January 2023
Willow: The Series is a disappointing continuation of the beloved 1988 film. The show suffers from poor writing, uninteresting characters, and a lack of coherence in its storytelling. The special effects, while visually impressive, are not enough to save the show from its numerous flaws.

The pacing of the series is often slow and unengaging, and the show fails to capture the same magic and excitement of the original film. The new characters introduced in the series are one-dimensional and fail to add depth to the story.

The themes of power, redemption, and responsibility that were handled so well in the original film are mishandled and underdeveloped in the series. Many of the story choices made in the series feel forced and unnecessary, detracting from the overall experience.

Furthermore, the series deviates too much from the tone and themes of the original film, leaving fans feeling disappointed and disconnected from the story. The handling of some of the characters from the original film was also poorly done, leaving a bad taste in the mouth of the fans.

In short, Willow: The Series is a major letdown that fails to live up to the legacy of the original film. It's a poorly written and executed show that fails to capture the magic and excitement of the original.
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CloudOnAHill19 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I was so disappointed with this series. It just got worse and worse with each episode. The script was repetitive and boring. The plot made little to no sense. We kept hoping... The main characters were engaging, if often goofy, but the supporting characters were given less than nothing to work with. The villains were nothing much.

I'm sorry I hung in there. This show had wonderful sets, delightful casting, excellent costuming, and THE WORST WRITING EVER. The actors were so ill served. The writers should be fired and the directors/producers, as well. Didn't ANYONE speak up and say, "This is garbage writing" ? What a waste of our time. Send in the AI WriterBots, they'll do so much better. Disney, i'm done.
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Spoileralert. Were do they get there info?
christophe_wizard18 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Last episode and I'm not scared to admit that I'm glad this is the last one. It's not to bad but not great.

The most awful thing was that armer called " Lux " It's exactly the same as iron man only the powersource is above the hart instead the middle.

Even the way how they filmed it and how it comes "out" is the same as in iron man. Sad It's has no and. Not even after the dead of the evil sorceres. It has the intention of a second season but I hope it stay a idea because I know if there is a second I watch it and again wil be disappointed.

Now I can go and watch e better serie.

Goodbye to all and thx for watching ;)
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Children of the Wyrm
Prismark1017 November 2023
Willow the series went off the abyss just like some of the characters leap over the edge of the Shattered Sea in the final episode. The show never recovered and Disney cancelled it.

The final episode is ok, it is just derivative of these types of sorcery fantasy shows. Apart from the Lucasfilm IP, there is nothing original here.

Right off in the Immemorial City. You know that Airk has been possessed by the wicked Crone as he tries to persuade Elora and Kit that the Crone is not that bad.

The last battle is visually interesting but the characters have no finality. It is all lazily done.

Writer Jonathan Kasdan had plans for further seasons. This is hinted at the end of this finale but it will not happen.
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