The Honeymoon (2022) Poster


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Everyone in this film has crap hair
imdb-292021 December 2022
And it just goes downhill from there. What's astonishing is that the writer and director, Dean Craig, is credited this year for writing a movie I enjoyed, The Estate. He also wrote Death at a Funeral a few years back, which was solid. What the actual hell, Dean?

Everything the first reviewer said is true. This is a painfully terrible film with stock jokes, stock characters, and actors with no chemistry. If there were to be an article in the New York Times in a month about how the script was written and characters were selected by an AI that had ben fed a corpus of sub-5-star films, I wouldn't be surprised.

There are, of course, worse films out there. I'd like to congratulate the continuity staff for ensuring that the characters wore the same clothes from scene to scene. Also everyone involved remembered the plot all the way through.
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The best friend is too unlikeable to be funny
anaraguilar26 April 2023
Like I said, the best friend is a selfish obnoxious guy who manipulates his best friend into taking him on what's supposed to be a honeymoon with his new wife. He doesn't even care that he is in the process of ruining his best friend's life.

He is a straight up A** , so nothing he says or does is funny.

I feel sorry for the girl, she's clearly trying to be patient, but no one in their right mind could stay in a relationship like this. It's hard to shake this over bearing , selfish, completely unaware of a human being.

Perhaps they are going for some dark type of humor , but the movie just doesn't get it right, everything is just annoying or angering.

I have only watched the first 30 minutes of this movie, and I just can't.

If I'm angry and annoyed for 30 minutes, I think the movie deserves a bad rating despite me not finishing it. A good movie should make viewers want to watch until the end.
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The Honeymoon
CinemaSerf3 January 2023
I'm sorry but this is nigh on unwatchable! "Adam" (Pico Alexander) is marrying "Sarah" (Maria Bakalova) and his best man is his childhood friend "Bav" (Asim Chaudhry). To call the latter inept would be the understatement of a lifetime. The wedding doesn't go to plan and then, somewhat implausibly, he manages to convince his friend to let him accompany them on their honeymoon to Venice. What now ensues is just crass. There is no other word for it. The comedy is so unfunny as to make you want to scream at the television. Their antics in the most beautiful of Italian cites become more and more puerile; they manage to get involved with some gangsters - you really couldn't make it it up. Well, except - auteur Dean Craig did exactly that. This may have looked good on a drawing board, or on the page of a script; but the execution on screen is embarrassing to watch and had I been "Sarah", I would have dumped my useless husband in one of the canals and flown straight back home. I don't care how big your post-Christmas ironing pile is - this film is simply not an excuse to avoid it; indeed tackling it will bring you so much more joy and satisfaction than this drivel.
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Made a imbd account just to rate this
qtjevangils8 January 2023
Worst movie I've watched in a long time. Also the first movie on prime that I didn't even finish because it was so bad. Should've been a comedy but it's such an annoying movie that it actually made me grumpy for the rest of the evening.

The lead character called Bav just gets on your nerves and continues to do so for at least 30 minutes, that's when I stopped the movie.

The acting from the three lead characters is really bad. There isn't any connection between the married couple either. The only connection with me and the lead couple is that I hate their friend.

Don't even bother watching the movie. I'd rather clean the house instead of watching the rest of the movie and I hate cleaning my house.
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Frustrating stupidity
info-17228-5574531 December 2022
Starts off pretty poor and just descends into a completely avoidable situation that could have been completely avoided. A shame as I think Asim is usually hilarious and normally plays a good part. Viewing it is an experience devoid of empathy. The one character is completely stupid and his friend is stupid for being friends with him. It is just annoying from start to finish.

Poor storyline, predictable and lazy production, writing and acting.

Unfortunately, I felt committed to watch the whole movie and it didn't fail to disappoint. It is probably the most annoying film I've ever watched. AVOID!
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Just don't watch this.
danteangelucci-7148030 December 2022
For starters the plot was seemingly written by a college student who has seen every generic piss poor comedy action romance film and wrote the script in a single night while high. The plot is incredibly boring but could have done well if any effort at all was put into it. A group of C list actors with absolutely no chemistry are the three lead character who I struggled to support the entirety of the way though. A lackluster villain who I at some point began to root for but even then he seemingly had no defining characteristics other than attractive Italian mobster. The comedy was cheap and corny. A majority of it seemed to go for shock factorThe jokes were so bad some of them were good. It seemed as though they had about 1/18th of the script dong and they were told to adlib the rest while they all have not a creative fiber in their body. A forced happy ended to top it all off with a character so undeserving for everything that he put the others through. Do not give this movie the movie they do not deserve. Teach the actors and director to read the script and screenplay before accepting something that they knew would turn out to nothing more than a hot steaming pile of crap.
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Stay away from this stinker at all cost!
psxexperten20 December 2022
1 Star. I would give 0 Stars, but the rating system won't allow it.

Starts Off Bad, But Wait, it Gets Worse... Another worst film! Full of boring conversation, and annoying overuse scene! Avoid at all cost!

Whoever makes this garbage should stop and focus on something else. Wedding videos maybe? Or possibly just a new career in general because this is fraud.

This film is bad.

But man oh man this is just amateur hour. I've seen better films on the dollar rental shelf back in the 90s.

If the writer/director got funding for this, it is a good example of someone completely wasting time AND MONEY on boring, uninspired trash like this.
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Don't go near this
gordondshaw-8938231 December 2022
What an absolute crock of crap. I'm actually writing this whilst watching it, I don't think I've ever been so annoyed at a movie. The storyline is awful, I reckon my 3 year old grandson could write a better film. The main character in it is someone you just wouldn't tire of punching. Whoever wrote or directed this should reconsider their career choices. How nobody just said no, we cannot release this is beyond comprehension. I've had more fun at the dentist having teeth drawn, genuinely painfully excruciatingly bad, it starts badly, dips in the middle and then falls away quite rapidly, the one constant being the hatred for the annoying friend.
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Fun + Amazing Cinematography
jvhansendesign25 January 2023
I don't totally understand all the hate people are giving The Honeymoon. Sure, it has formulaic plot and uses some low hanging fruit "American" comedy tropes, but the actors are all very relatable and the cinematography for what's a run of the mill romcom meets bromance is top notch, it's honestly the cinematography of a much higher budget film. I had fun watching it on the couch over two afternoons with my SO, we felt invested in the characters and I loved the artistry of what would otherwise be an average (still 5 out of 10 stars) movie. I'd say it's great before bed or while chilling with friends, even the "infuriating" parts are saved but how fun it is to yell at the TV and the BEAUTIFUL settings and photography. If you start watching and decide it's not for you, I honestly recommend just watching on mute. I'd give a 6.5 or 7 but like I said, the writing reused a lot of jokes we've seen before.
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Painfully bad
annebutnothathaway17 December 2022
Do you know those movies that are so bad that they are good? This movie is not one of them. It's just painfully bad.

A romantic comedy that lacks any romance and laughs. The plot doesn't have any originality and it has a strong 'been there, done that' feel to it (yet another story about a man-child who won't grow up). The three leads' acting is outrageous. There's no chemistry whatsoever between the married couple, so it's hard to believe they are actually in love and to sympathize with them. The 'funny' situations are not funny at all. What's funny is how over the top they are. Even Lucas Bravo's charm couldn't save this failure.
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what do people expect????
nowtyoucando1 January 2023
This film is dumb, it's silly, there is no method acting to admire and it has an infantile 'locker room' sensibility. Oh yeah... and its funny. But only if you like that sort of thing. I have no idea why people who hate this type of film write reviews on here. Its clearly the 'genre' they have a problem with and not the film. It is not a 10 star comedy but I feel I have to balance things out as the 1 star reviews are scandalous. Lots of 'laugh out loud' moments here as long as you aren't expecting Tarkovsky. Nice to see an international ensemble cast and Venice has never looked more beautiful. If you're in the mood for some silly laughs, you won't be disappointed.
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andybill-9456631 December 2022
I was rooting for the villain to shoot the three leads....

This was predictable at every turn and relied way too much on Asim Chaudry to do his thing without giving him any material to work with.

It is a good film to play 'guess what predictable thing is going to happen next' - and I bet you'll be correct at every beat.

It's almost like someone took a screen writing class, bucked the buddy rom-com structure and just changed the names. Then forgot to write any jokes.

There are some terrible films that become cult classics and others that get utterly forgotten. Let's hope this is the later. Sorry.
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Possibly the worst film in history
rgungabissoon6 January 2023
I watch quite a few films but I never really review them. This one, however, is so bad that I felt compelled to write about it. The acting is terrible, there is no storyline, nothing is funny and nothing is interesting. Save nearly 2 hours of your life and avoid this utter turkey of a movie.

None of the characters have any sort of chemistry between them and how they managed to get anyone to 'act' in this film, apart from a big fat pay cheque, is beyond me.

This truly is a zero-star type of film. I don't believe anyone can have any interest in it and it's at times like this that you wish that your memory could be wiped.

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rachbirch1 January 2023
I thought this might be quite good, as love Lucas Bravo in Emily in Paris, however, he wasn't enough to make me stay watching. Playing a strong Italian Mafioso suited him but the storyline is very weak. Bav is extremely irritating, crude and needed duck taping in the first 10 minutes of the film. Quite how the film makers thought people would swallow the bride and weak groom taking the best man with them on the honeymoon to Venice is beyond me. The whole premise of the film is ridiculous. The only saving grace were some spectacular views of Venice. Don't even waste time watching the trailer. 👎👎
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Flogging the click & collect dead horse
watamdatjuju7 January 2023
Awful, awful, awful. Click and collect was barely watchable because of Stephen merchant, this watered down lazy film is a repeat of Asim choudhrays idiotic character, my gut told me to switch off after his best man speech at the very start, lesson learnt, always listen to your gut. Drivel.

The whole plot line reminded me of splitting into 6 groups during drama lessons at school and the teacher telling each group to come up with a 5min sketch of someone you wouldn't want to take on a honeymoon. Then watching all 6 groups efforts before selecting the worst, then watching that on a constant loop until 2082 whilst being beaten with baseball bats. I repeat, drivel.
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Nothing more frustrating...
alrv633 January 2023
Than people behaving like rude and crude morons. Well if you like that - this is the film for you. Truly cringe making, predictable and tortuous. Watched as much as we could bear and then opted for our second choice (Bad Sisters) - thank God we did since it's a universe of better. Ok. I realise this is not super constructive but it's hard to know what to say in any kind of positive light. The worst film I've started watching in months - possibly years. That said... it maybe to your taste. Ok Some do the acting is pretty good. It's just the rest of it which is painful to behold. Pulling nails appeals more...
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This is the worse rubbish ever
brotherb-17 April 2023
I can't believe I have a prime subscription and they give me this. I thought I'll try it despite the reviews then I just gave up I couldn't watch anymore of this rubbish. Everyone involved in the making of this nonsense should be ashamed and disgraced by it. The story line is horrible at the least. The acting is completely inferior. I like the American but he could do better as an actor. The scenery is nice but you'll soon get a headache trying to accept the rubbish story line. This is the first time I've ever stopped watching a film because it was so bad. I had to write this review to help people. You're no crazy people... This is rubbish!
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Read the spoilers instead of watching this terrible film.
captainstarkiller2 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The best bits are the scenery, not just The Lake District at the start, but also Venice. It was good to see Maria Bakalova again after watching Borat Subsequent Moviefilm. Also the other great part is that it ended. Not just for the track played as the end credits rolled, but also for the second deleted scene. The film is watchable until the best man's speech, one that is even worse than the speech from Four Weddings and a Funeral. Once you get to this part, read these spoilers and skip to end end, or just watch a different film.

After the speech, Bav accompanies Adam, his best friend, and his new bride, Sarah, on their honeymoon as Adam is worried that Bav will kill himself (later turns out that his comment about not being there was because he was to travel to India). Bav christens the honeymoon suite with diarrhoea as he blocks his own toilet due to food poisoning. He accompanies the couple on a boat trip with a "See You Next Tuesday" t-shirt but is left to his own devices for a day. During this time, he befriends the son of a Mafia boss (Giorgio) who has fallen for Sarah. The three are invited to a party with this very handsome Giorgio, who flirts with Sarah. Adam finds them cutting drugs when looking for the toilet, then as he tries to get them to leave, Baz destroys some priceless Venetian masks while trying to impress a lady.

In order to pay for this, Adam and Bav are sent to deliver drugs to Slovenia and return with the money. They get pulled over at the border, but despite Bav leaking narcotics, they leave. Rather they flee after being allowed through, burn their car in panic and have to find a safe house to stay overnight.

During this time, Sarah has been charmed by Giorgio who takes her to parts of Venice that has been closed off to her when she had toured the city with Adam. Giorgio promises to aid her career and shows how he can do so before allowing her to pick a fantastic dress from a selection and then charming her with a rooftop dinner overlooking the city.

The boys meanwhile find the safe house. Adam waxes strips of himself as he takes of the numerous drug packets that are sellotaped to him while Bav soaks them off in the bath, inadvertently breaking a lot of the packages which mix with his bath water. The following day, the two fight over this when being taken to the drug drop (by an intimidating man called Ivan) and lose most the drugs they have remaining. The drop does not go well but they are saved and almost killed when the police, tipped off by Giorgio, raid the drop. The two escape with the money and make it back to Venice. When Bav leaves Ivan's car without the drug money, they decide to rescue Sarah. They are caught but Sarah rescues them and they flee through Giorgio's villa, more art being broken in the process. Bav sacrifices himself, but they try to same him. Giorgio let's them go due to his love for Sarah and it sends with Bav meeting an Italian beauty just before end and Ivan discovering the money in the first of two end credit scenes.
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Watch this if you like having fun!
alan-771373 January 2023
OK so it's not "The Godfather"... but it's a really entertaining, sweet and funny film. There's a brilliant central character called Bav who is non-stop with his antics and Asim Chaudhry provides laughs throughout. I hadn't seen Pico Alexander before but he's excellent as the put-upon groom, Maria Bakalova is so lovable as the lead female, and Lucas Bravo is great as the charming and funny antagonist. The secondary characters are also all really well done. And the scenes of Venice are absolutely gorgeous. It's almost like being there. .. Bottom line is that it's a really sweet film and just a good time, if you're up for it. (Also has a lovely post-credits ending that's worth waiting for)
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So bad I switched it off
tuckerp-177035 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Let me first commend anyone that manages to sit through the whole of this truly terrible film. I only got to the ridiculous premise where he decided to invite his mate on the honeymoon and the only reason for that was I couldn't switch it off beforehand as had wet hands from the bath.

Before that we had the cringe worthy and forced attempts of humour through the death of someone or the "fingering" of four girls in one day. Well if he's as bad at that as he is at acting then sadly for him he's never getting passed that base.

It was at this point I decided the film was so bad I'd rather kick my phone off the laundry basket and into the bath to try and drown it as I'd rather fork out for a new phone than have to endure it for a second longer, hell I'd have rather waterboarded myself in the bath than have to listen to this garbage anymore!
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Terrible Movie!!
Johnmsmu16 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Would like to give this movie 0 Stars.

From start to finish this movie is awful.

The 'funny friend' is not funny, just annoying and stupid.

Kept thinking it would get better but it didn't. I stopped watching after the Art Incident.

But my son kept watching and he said it just got worse, with a weird donkey joke, and the entire drug run scenes were ridiculous.

He said even the scenes with Lucas Bravo were bad, but not the worst. I wonder how they were able to convince Lucas Bravo to participate in this movie. He is great in 'Emily In Paris'.

Bottom line: Don't waste your time watching this garbage.
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I give it a two stars because i am a kind person, but i do it under
paddyirish-2681410 January 2023
I like to meet the people who funded this movie, as they must be used to giving free money away; and be excellent to go on a night out with because they must be as crazy as a box of frogs.

The actors must have known they were making one of the worst movies.

Do you know when it will be a bad movie when you're 30 seconds in, and you feel sorry for the extras, but at the end of the wedding scene? They had relief on their face because they could go home. I can't imagine too many actors in this, will be putting this movie on their CV.

I did watch more than I wanted to. Because I couldn't believe how bad it was. And it seem to get worse?
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On a Vain Search for a Newer Comedy That is Funny
thalassafischer3 March 2024
The Honeymoon promises from a faint distance to be a dark British comedy, and being an adult who remembers the 2000s I'm thinking Death at a Funeral or Layer Cake...and instead this is a preposterous comedy for teenagers with ludicrous fantasies about what they'll do with their best buddy when they turn 30 and get married.

The "romantic" scenes are dreadful, something out of a Hallmark movie, and the singular reference to sex is an inexplicably dorky and clothed pony ride that only an 18 year old boy could love.

The things that made me laugh out loud were at the most absurd and violent parts near the end, but the vast majority of this flick follows a very American mainstream "Hollywood formula" and doesn't even do it well. This isn't even on the level of 40 Year Old Virgin, The Hangover or Bad Teacher. Move along.
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Avoid like the plague
adhyatt-1619526 May 2023
This movie was filled with constant noise. It was audibly uncomfortable.

It was as if the director and sound director insisted there never be a millisecond of pause between loud shrieks, talk, panic, bad music, and random sounds.

It was akin to a person wearing loud stripes, polka dots, plaid, a winter sweater, shorts, primary colors and pastels, sweat and perfume, a bathing suit, and high heals all at the same time.

It felt like complete chaos. Not at moments, but constantly. And so I couldn't get past 12 minutes of it. I couldn't reach the remote fast enough to shut it down. 😂. I finally reached the remote, and I'm never looking back.
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Painfully annoying
LizKenny-0676321 May 2023
If you're anything like me, and you spend your days frustrated by the stupidity of other people and their selfishness then do yourself a favor and avoid this movie at all costs. The friend character of Dev is the epitome of everything we hate in people and the world. I actually find myself hoping he would be killed off in the movie. There is absolutely nothing funny about his character or his friendship with Adam and the way Adam puts Dev before his wife and risks her happiness, life and safety just makes it all worse. Once again I find myself hoping she ends up with the bad guy, who actually puts her first.
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