"Servant" Mama (TV Episode 2022) Poster

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Scariest season so far! Great performances!
arbobk25 March 2022
The last few episodes this season have felt like an actual horror.. until recently this show been kind of a slow burn but it's been definitely worth how the events unravel!

Lauren Ambrose steals the show. Her performance as Dorthy Turner is brilliant

M Night Shamlahan is known for not having the best endings, but this one could be one of his best so far! Can't wait for season 4. What an ending.
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Saved the Season!
QuadeC201026 March 2022
So, I was completely addicted to this show season one. Season two was hit and miss but I stuck with it, and it ended on a decent note. Season three has been sort of a lull. I've tried to like it but not much has happened. I was led to believe things were going to build from the last few episode but, still, by the ending of each of them, I felt disappointed. But MAN! What a way to wrap up the third season. This sent me in twists and turns I haven't felt since the first season. And, I have to admit I had to sit and soak in what happened in the ending. Don't know what kind of direction the show will take on next, but I am absolutely ready to see!
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Ending saved this episode!
Laqshayaroraofficial25 March 2022
Throughout this episode, the tension was building up and the last scene lived up to the expectations. I really love this Dorothy vs Leane drama.

Overall this season was really entertaining, although not much happened storywise but still better than Season 2. I hope the last season will be better and scarier.
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This season was perfect!
Psyfrox25 March 2022
Creators, if you reading this, please keep this formula cause it is WORKING SO WELL.

Season two was kinda of a let down but wow, third season is what I would call perfection. So good!
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Perfect Ending To An Underrated Season
virematthew28 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A lot of fans have criticized this season but I think they missed the point. It starts with a build up of Leanne's rising paranoia and then that paranoia shifts to Dorothy. With hints of the cult members appearing again which becomes clearly real towards the end of the season finale. This season was all about rising tension. It was all a build up to the end of this episode. This is what the season was supposed to be: a slow burner. And as Dorothy becomes more and more unstable, using every tactic to get rid of Leanne, Leanne realized that she in turn must use ANY tactic to stay. If "Jericho" is in fact her baby, I don't blame her for using extreme methods to stay with her son. It's not like her character development this season hasn't prepared us for this. Is it really a surprise?? It raises the question: would a mother go so far as to kill to be with her child. I thought this season was brilliant!! Some people aren't fans of slow burners, and you don't typically see that form used in TV shows, but all the waiting and wondering about what was going to happen was worth it. So they leave us with this: the cult is back. Is Dorothy dead?? Paralyzed?? And if she's still alive, will she ever find out the truth?? I mean, I think it's inevitable that she will. I loved this season and I can't wait for season 4!! (by the way, are we going to see a cult war in season 4 or some other time in the future??)
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Entertaining but getting nowhere
nir66127 March 2022
Feels like the viewer enters a certain loop every time, I think the thing that "saves" the series is the great photography, the excellent actors, the black humor and the dialogues, the amazing food that Sean prepares that sometimes throws the viewers into some kind of interactive cooking show and all the production and the special place that is filmed in it, but feels based on it and what I actually see is a kind of series that can never end, without really a particular idea or purpose.
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Overall... good
simonjoosyt25 March 2022
The ending really saved the whole episode because honestly for a season finale this wasn't everything i had hoped. No answers about Dorothy and Julian's mother, still no answers about Jericho. I really hope season four packs a punch because this season overall didn't quite hit the spot.
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Crazy cliffhanger.
Horror_Flick_Fanatic30 March 2022
Well, ahh, woooow! I really wasn't expecting what happened to Dorothy. What a crazy cliffhanger. Now Season 4 has got to be a must watch. Uncle George is back? Totally nuts. This show has become really dark, and I love it. This is a must watch episode and so will season 4.
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Has its ups and downs, but great and unpredictable
heidibokor24 April 2022
After 3 seasons, I can say that they really need to start wrapping up some of the plots and answering some questions. Who is Jericho really? Did Dorothy kill herself after the Jericho incident which was hinted towards in S3? Did LeAnne bring Dorothy and Jericho back to life or is there some other sinister thing going on? Is LeAnne bad or good at this point? What's LAnne's power, is it witchcraft or something religious? I could go on and on. Nothing is ever answered. Just more questions and more craziness. It's a good show, don't get me wrong. But at some point you gotta give the viewers something to keep them watching the upcoming seasons instead of just cliff hanger after cliff hanger after cliff hanger. I know there is going to be a S4, and I will watch it. S1 was stellar. S2 was not that great. But S3 has been the best season so far. The acting is great, and despite all the unanswered questions that keep pilling on, the show is creepy and different from anything out there. I recommend it, but watch it knowing that it's one long mystery with a lot of questions and in no way predictable. I really hope all this build up doesn't lead to a disappointment. I will update my review when the series ends. For now, it's definitely worth a watch for anyone looking for something completely different and unique. With short episodes, it's worth a try.
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Dorothy failed again
AvionPrince1623 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The last plan of Dorothy failed and she has a big accident. What we can think about all of this its when Jericho and Leanne have some connections in some way . I dont know how but Leanne clearly is not innocent in this accident too . We wondering what will happen next for Dorothy and Leanne . Nice episode anyway.
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kw-192-48755526 March 2022
I literally listen to this episode in my AirPods as I was doing things around my place and I kept rewinding it to listen to the dialogue. All I can say is this episode has so much tongue and cheek with corny lines.. it is utterly amazing when you put the screenplay in context or juxtaposition with the premise of the series. Let's all thank the writers for this episode.
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Episode 310
bobcobb30128 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The third season of Servant has certainly had its highs and lows, but it ended in a pretty wild way that certainly will get the fans talking. This show probably did not need a third season, but I am glad that we got that and I am glad that we are getting a 4th season as well.

The ending also set the stage for a really unpredictable final run where Dorothy may not be in charge or really be in control that much anymore.

Let's get more focused on the drama with baby Jericho and his origins and what will finally happen to Leanne though. Things got a little bit way too derailed throughout this year.
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esjacobs28 March 2022
Staying hoping it would change in any direction but nope, same old same old. No answers to many questions and even the ending of season 3 could not satisfy. Watched the last few episodes with some hope of some kind of new development but noticed myself caring less and less and caught myself doing other chores so that says enough, which is a shame because the first seasons started of so well.
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Season 3: Improved Plot/Character Focus Produces Season One Vibes
zkonedog20 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
After being intrigued by Servant's first season, the second slate of episodes let me down a bit-to the point where I dropped off and didn't watch these S3 episodes when originally aired. After hearing good things about the third go-round, however, I decided to give it another shot. What I found was a definite improvement in plot/character focus, if still featuring the head-scratching weirdness of a Shyamalan project.

For a very basic overview, S3 really focuses on nanny Leanne (Nell Tiger Free) and her struggles acclimating to normal society (always looking over her shoulder for former cult influences). At the same time, fresh off her S2 campaign to retrieve baby Jericho, Dorothy (Lauren Ambrose) begins to suspect that something isn't quite right, having not yet faced Jericho's strange history/reality. She blames Leanne, and the actions of Sean (Toby Kebbell) & Julian (Rupert Grint)-even if trying to psychologically protect Dorothy from more trauma-only persuade her further that nefarious action is afoot.

The focus on Leanne is a godsend for S3, as it prevents the all-over-the-place fracturing of most of the S2 installments. There is a clear arc here of Leanne coming to terms with her past and trying to create a future, and Servant is a show that thrives when its general weirdness is used to support such arcs, not stand separate from them.

That being said, Servant is still a show in which seemingly "momentous" things happen (attributed much dramatic weight) but can't really be described or given all that much meaning after the fact. For example, a plot arc involving homeless young people living in the park across from the Turner residence is present all season long, yet I can't explain to you here its exact significance. The same could go for a sub-plot involving Dorothy's coworker "frenemy" Isabelle (Molly Griggs) in which she is given a seemingly very dramatic arc-yet, once again, I don't think I can put my finger on exactly why it is significant. For these types of reasons, my star ranking for S3 won't go above 8/10.

Servant is also still extremely helped from-if not sometimes outrightly buoyed by-the 25-30 minute episode runtimes. If this was a 40-50 minute episode show, there's no way I'd still be watching. But these quick-hitting episodes are the perfect timeframe in which to showcase Shyamalan's oddness interspersed with the plot/character drama.

Overall, S3 brought me back into the Servant camp, if you will, and has me intrigued again about what a forthcoming fourth (and final) season will bring. The show is a bit too visually and symbolically open-ended to ever vault to all-time favorite status for me, but I'm again invested enough in the characters to want to know how everything turns out.
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Such a good episode
LucyKempers25 March 2022
Dorothy is such a good actress in this episode, i was pretty impressed with her performance. The writing was good and this was a dark episode also. The series has overall been a bit slow at times but it's built up to a great ending of the season.
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Worth The Wait - S03 Review
JoshuaMercott20 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Resuming its harrowing plotline and adding even more suspense to the mix, if that's even possible, season 3 of "Servant" ushered in a world of chills and drama that somehow felt better than what came in the preceding two seasons.

Directors M. Night Shyamalan, Ishana Night Shyamalan, Carlo Mirabella-Davis, Dylan Holmes Williams, Logan George, Celine Held, Kitty Green, Veronika Franz, and Severin Fiala pulled off a winning season.

Writers Ryan Scott, Ishana Night Shyamalan, Alyssa Clark, Laura Marks, Henry Chaisson, Amy Louise Johnson, and Kara Lee Corthron did exemplary work on scripting season 3. There wasn't a dull moment in sight, and that's saying something for a show so heavily dependent on second-by-second suspense.

Trevor Gureckis's musical scoring set an admirable tone throughout the season. Costume design, hair-makeup, and VFX were quite good. Stunts, sound effects, and editing outdid themselves. Mike Gioulakis's cinematography was brilliant.

Dorothy Turner, played by Lauren Ambrose, was excellent. Sean Turner, played by Toby Kebbell, was outstanding. Leanne Grayson, played by Nell Tiger Free, was superb. Julian Pearce, played by Rupert Grint, was great.

Tobe, played by Tony Revolori, was notable. Milo, played by Joshua De Jesus, was interesting. Nancy, played by Carmen M. Herlihy, was amazing. Sylvia, played by Nadia Alexander, was great.

All other cast and crew did good work in "Servant" S03 streaming on Apple TV+.

The ten episodes that comprised "Servant" season 3 was packed with visual genius and directorial excellence, not to forget amazing performances and well-crafted dialogues.

This season turned the Turners' baby fright meter into the green gauge. The focus was more squarely on Leanne who was convinced that the paranormal cult she'd disobeyed was after her. The cult that used to be in the shadows so far started to step, in a manner of speaking, into the light.

It was outstanding to watch history repeat and supernatural elements come into play. This season wasn't kidding around. Season three of "Servant" boasted a distinctly darker theme and story-arc, and it was every bit as unforgettable as I'd expected it to be. It ended on quite the unnerving note. Night Shyamalan has done it again.
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Ruined the point of the show
hoovalitious2 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Since episode 1 when you finally start to piece together that something has happened to Dorothy's baby, and that she was responsible, you begin to wait for her reckoning. When will she fully have to face whatever it was that she did that led to her child's death? It's something the writers would even tease a couple times every season - is Dorothy just coming undone, or is she finally going to face herself? But all of that ends up being for nothing after this episode. Even if/ when we do find out what happened to Jericho, it doesn't really matter anymore without his mother's story to him being realized.

They also brought back the character I disliked watching the most from season 1 at the end for seemingly no reason.
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Ridiculous end to the season!
karthika-5898425 March 2022
From beginning of this season, It was getting obvious that the makers have run of the story and ideas. Clearly this was poorest season of this series and I think it's high time Apple stops renewing!

Utter waste of time!!
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