Night's End (2022) Poster


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"I Stepped On My Cat"
gab-675991 April 2022
Why even make a movie if it is going to be this bad!? This was more of a 2 star movie for me but I like Michael Shannon, so yeah. This movie is done Covid style on the computer almost the WHOLE movie. I have seen better found-footage movies! This movie was filled with bad acting and long boring scenes. Do not waste your time with this one because it does not get better like I had hoped it would. Shutter is going down hill lately. I use to get so excited seeing the Shudder name but now it just makes me shutter to think of how bad it is actually going to be!! Thankfully I see all my movies free online so nothing lost on this one. Now if you don't mind I am going to go re-watch The Lost City!
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Starts out as a character study with spooky events, and ends up being a comedy.
WisdomsHammer1 April 2022
This movie has an identity problem. Is it about a shut in with anxiety? Sort of. Is it about a ghost? Sort of. Is it a webcam found footage sort of thing? Sort of. Does it have Michael Shannon in it? Sort of. Is it a comedy? Eh, not really, but parts of it are hilarious. Especially the ending.

Holy crap, movie, pick a plot point and stick with it.

Be warned, this movie is kind of meh, but I found myself kind of liking it a little because of how ridiculously it ended. There were some particularly funny lines with well timed deliveries. The acting was pretty decent all around. Unfortunately, the story is all over the place.

It starts out with a lot of character development focusing on the main character, but honestly, the movie ends up having little to do with him. Why spend all that time on him when he's basically the straight man for a punchline?

I liked the lead actor's portrayal of a man with mental health issues doing his best to make "forward progress" but in the end, the story didn't feel like it needed him at all or even had much to do with him, really.

If the entire movie was more closely related to how it ended, I would have loved it, but they started it one way, and ended it a completely different way - and it wasn't like some cool twist or anything, it was just hilarious, in my opinion.

I went into this without realizing Michael Shannon was in it and was surprised to see him. He doesn't have a large role but it's a supporting one, for sure. He certainly doesn't save the movie.

This isn't a very good movie, but it has its moments.
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i couldnt even get 20mins in
zombie84-12 April 2022
Some of the worst acting i ever seen it started off so slow so i fast forwarded it and well it didnt get any better. I seen alot worst but this is up there with them.
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robynroper8 April 2022
I think if Jennifer Reeder expects to get funding to make another movie she probably should start by taking her name off the credits of this piece of garbage and replace it with "Allen Smithee". It's a complete abomination. Never have I seen acting and writing so amateurish, SFX so poorly executed, a plotline so preposterous and enough cheese to cover the entire moon, all in one movie. It's not even in the "it's so bad that it's good" catagory. It's just bad. Period. And how they got the great Michael Shannon to appear in this mess is anyone's guess. Seriously, there is literally not enough negative adjectives in the English language to convey just how awful this movie is. You have been warned.
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Nightmare's Beginning
thesar-28 April 2022
One twist, about 4 minutes before the movie ended gave me hope by the time this Night does End, it may tie everything together and save the movie.

This did not happen and so, I've rated this the rare and dreaded 1/10 stars. I almost rated it a half-star more for the cast trying their hearts out in this micro-MICRO budget movie that cut costs and corners everywhere. But really, these people weren't trying. Unless they thought they were on a Disney Channel, G-Rated scary special aimed at toddlers.

Do NOT watch this waste of 81 minutes. It's so boring, so poorly acted and must've brought up a half-dozen pieces of character development that goes nowhere.

The movie's about a newly divorced introvert who has friends he video chats with and a YouTube channel just starting out. Caught on one of his videos is an object falling on its own and let the dullest ghost story ever filmed come alive.

Took me a few seconds to realize one of our lead's friends is Michael Shannon. And so, I thought, oh, you'd just do anything like Bruce Willis, Liam Neeson and Nicolas Cage. Difference for me is: I avoid those other three sell-out movies like the plague. This, I just thought was an indie I'd help support only to find poor Michael Shannon in his absolute worst movie.

The movie had promise and the lead, Geno Walker, was probably the best actor in the movie. Sad, his character had potential and it was squandered. Hopefully, this cast/crew will go onto better things and improve. This may just be the rough start they needed to learn from these mistakes.

Hell, even the name was a mistake. It meant...nothing.


Final Thoughts: I'm addicted to YouTube and it's sad when it's slandered like this. They should sue.
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One of the worst endings I've ever seen
kevinmcmechan18 May 2022
Never in my life have I seen a movie fall apart so completely in the last 15 minutes. For the majority of the movie, you'll believe you're watching an attempt at a serious horror film. By the time you reach the end, you'll find you were very, very wrong. Despite almost turning the movie off multiple times due to lack of interest in the slow story, I stuck it out until the end. If the movie had been a horror-comedy, much of the movie's ending could have been forgiven. The bad acting, awful special effects, horrible editing, and insanely stupid plot all come together for a conclusion you won't believe. Seriously, you will not believe what you're actually watching. It's that bad. I can't even begin to imagine what the director was thinking when he decided he could pass this off as anything even close to resembling a decent horror movie.
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Night's End
marinaant-3621729 April 2022
This was probably one of the worst movies I've ever seen. I felt so bored while watching it, it was so freaking repetitive to the point you get tired of it. I couldn't even finish the film in one day and I continued the next day just to see some bad effects and a terrible ending that I didn't quite understand. The sad thing is that I looked forward to watch it.
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Unintentionally Hilarious
Jblum52 April 2022
Night's End is a clear Covid project about a shut in who communicates with concerned friends via Skype. Our lead is played quite well by Geno Walker. He is a depressed, down on his luck man living by himself trying to start a YouTube channel about being divorced, yard work and more. When spooky happenings occur in his apartment he gets noticed and has to push the envelope.

The film is is fairly slow paced but had me interested enough to know what was happening. Problem is that the script doesn't have anywhere to go other than predictable places you expect. You will call the ending with plenty of time to spare.

The acting outside of our main character in the last 20 minutes of the movie is among the worst I have seen in a long time. There are "scary" parts that got an audible laugh out of me and one character screams like he was auditioning for Trolls 2.

Also the restrained budget this movie clearly has also is a big problem. You kind of know what WON'T happen because it would cost too much money. I also think this is an issue for the performances as it almost feels rushed.

So a weak script , no money and bad performances come together to make one of the worst endings in a horror film this year. This is definitely a skip.
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I liked it
vacatia21 June 2022
I thought it was a little bit campy, and maybe that's what some of you were missing? It had gusto, and I enjoyed that. A couple of the characters were totally wacky and entertaining.

Haters of this movie will probably tell you to go watch The Conjuring, then give themselves a high-five.

A bigger budget does not always result in a better film, if the heart's not there. I thought this one was just fine, thank you.
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andspiritoso17 April 2022
When you think you saw the worst horror movie ever made !!! No this is much worse crap!!!!

The director mocks the audience with this ridiculous film It is not horror just a lousy Comedy.
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I Really Liked IT
ladymidath8 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I wasn't sure to expect with this movie. It has some pretty bad reviews and that usually puts me off a film, but I thought I would try it anyway and was surprised at how much I enjoyed it. I like Michael Shannon so that was a big draw for me as well.

It started as your typical haunted house movie but turns into something else entirely, so kudos for that.

Also Theo Germaine's character reminded me of Zarabeth from Witchboard.

Even though it was a bit slow to get going,once it did, it was great. The special effects were good and the acting was solid.
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Exclusively for horror buffs
thorsten-5892619 April 2022
Low budget with valiant effort and cool concept. I'm sure this would have been awesome with a bigger budget. It's still worth a watch if you're a horror buff.

I liked the personal story of the main character, but it dragged on a bit too long and ended up being pretty shallow.

The main plot started off really interesting but also ended up dragging on for a bit too long.

If this movie was 60 min i would definitely have given it 7 stars. Maybe they could have had higher production quality as well with a shorter run time?
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OMG DID THAT SUCK! Shannon obviously owed the director money or lost a bet!
joiningjt10 April 2022
We kept waiting for it to get better because it did have some promise and it was an obvious shot during covid limited film type with an OBVIOUS low low budget on EVERYTHING so again against our better judgement we gave it a shot and we shouldn't have. It was absolutely TERRIBLE incredibly stupid story with an absurd ending and the title has NOTHING to do with this train wreck of a home made movie. You tube should sure them for slander !! Wow I'm actually numb from how bad it was and HOW BAD that ending was and it's the 1st time Michael Shannon looked absolutely ridiculous his acting sucked he looked like he was drunk and read his lines off a cue card he had to owe someone BIG because this was a total Embarrassment to his film resume. He actually should be ashamed to have been in this piece of garbage. Yes we HATED THIS so called movie do yourself and your brain a favor watch Ishtar even that's better!!
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Starts Basic But it's Still Fun, With a Twist Ending
icocleric19 March 2023
It starts off your typical haunted house, I've even seen the set up with the blogger picking up weird events before. Which works even though it's not super original. They have video calls to introduce other characters, which also works in the situation to make things a little bit more interesting. I really liked the other super natural bloggers.

But it takes a turn that I didn't expect, and it actually surprised me. The budget isn't high, but I think they do well with what they had. The CGI at the end is terrible, but I don't think it takes away from the enjoyment.

It's not an "amazing film" but I had fun with it, and enjoyed it. The bad guy is a bit "muhahaha evil" which does change the tone, but I liked the surprise thru brought.
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Erm what was that?
pacman-8112 July 2022
I'll start by saying I really enjoy low budget horror movies that concentrate on the story, the actors talent and the direction but this was laughable. I actually laughed out loud a few times at how bad it was but I did make it to the films comical end. I'd avoid this at all costs and finish by saying how did they get the phenomenal Michael Shannon to appear in this??!
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A Fever Dream.
veritybingo6 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
At first this seems very much like a been-there-done-that supernatural 'sinister spirit in my house' meets 'ghost hunters' movie - and it is, for the most part, but then we are introduced to various wacky characters and it gets increasingly goofy as the tension mounts until it becomes almost an extended SNL skit... but as the outrageously cartoonish but strangely unsettling final act concludes, it hit me.. it's basically an hour and a half episode of Creepshow.

This could quite easily sit alongside 80's camp outings like The Dead Pit or Night Of The Demons.
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they couldve bought a ...
ops-5253531 March 2022
Tugboat instead of using micael shannon as one, cause the small segments he is in really doesnt work at all. Its a short length, just about feature length neurotismic horror flick that happens around a ghost and a jar, tomatoesoup, and old stinky moccamastered coffee that really makes the main caracters world spin around. You will also experience some black magic, that turns out to become rather dusky than dark, and the most funny part is when youll experience a web-exoircism...well its like ripleys believe it or not, i hang on the knot...

positive is that there are some shock jolts inbetween, and the filmatography aint the worst of the kind, its just that its so enclosed to a dark apartment and every kinda human mingling is over the pc screen, there are 7 in the cast, and all of them aint what icall close to average, except the main caracter that has to do some slam n' dunks with the entity that reigns the acre.

Wanna see some good horror dont rely on this one, the grumpy old man recommends you to wait till its become a tcm classic.
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A fine if problematic supernatural effort
kannibalcorpsegrinder7 April 2022
Living by himself in an apartment, a lonely recluse trying to be an online content creator comes to believe that his apartment may be haunted by a malicious spirit and seeks answers to his problem, eventually stumbling upon someone with far more malicious intent than he anticipated.

Overall, this was a decent enough if somewhat flawed effort. What this one gets right is centered around the early setup of the weirdness happening in the apartment which is usually rather enjoyable and sometimes downright chilling. The setup with his reclusive attitude towards being shut off from the rest of the world and going through the filming of the various videos gives this a solid start once they spot the strange incident on the video involving the falling animal he's not initially aware of. The continuation of the shoots resulting in the footage that showcases the demonic figures appearing suddenly in bright, multicolored flashes or just out of view behind him manages to set the stage for a frenetic and highly chilling finale that's quite impressively realized for the scale of the film. It's what holds this one up the most. There are some issues with this one though. The main factor to hold this one back is the highly uninvolved storyline that takes far longer to get going than it really should for something this short. The early stages that showcase his burgeoning online creator work, making numerous videos in different styles, discussing everything with his friend, or checking in on the woman and her boyfriend he knows all give this a lethargic starting point to get to the fun stuff later on. That very little of this is in the slightest bit interesting comes off as highly detaching with no real entry point into this universe to get to know who he is, why he's living in the condition he is or why he's going through which doesn't come to pass until far later than wanted in the film which makes this a rather tough start. As well, there's also the fact that the films' setup and limitations are hampered quite profoundly by their budgetary limitations. The topical influences that adorn how this was shot and filmed are readily apparent with every form of interaction taking place over video chat with no one else ever physically interacting with him, being far more obvious once this goes along. As well, that also takes into account the other big problem here is that because it's shot in this manner it can't undergo any kind of extravagant effects-work which leaves this one to rely on the use of those flash-cut scenes of demons appearing or strange noises which is quite familiar and underwhelming due to being so overused in the style. These features all bring this one down overall.

Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Language and Violence.
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Fun Horror Flick
stevenhorr27 December 2023
I honestly don't understand all of the low ratings. This was a fun little horror flick! The acting was great, the story was different, tye soundtrack was decent and somewhat nostalgic, and the ending was... well, unexpected. I love horror movies, and this one was a lot of fun to watch.

Sure, it is a bit campy at times. Sure, it goes a little over the top. And I wouldn't say it is "unintentionally funny", as another reviewer suggested. It is funny in the way many horror movies are, and I don't think this movie takes itself as seriously as it may seem at first. If you like horror movies and want a fun watch, give this one a shot.
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Overrated Ghost movie on Shudder
rarudnick-2822915 April 2022
I watched this expecting a great ghost story with a few jump scares in there for good measure. The acting was pretty average. The ending was a rushed mess and no scares at all. Go and watch the Conjouring movies or Haunting in Connecticut. They at least have better stories and some jump scares. I hope shudder improve on their movies. I even tried to watch The Cellar but got really bored and turned it off but that's another story.
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A ghost loop
nogodnomasters10 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Ken Barber (Geno Walker) is shut-in having recently relocated. He has been divorced for two years over his drinking and nervous break down. He has a congenial long distance relationship with his ex-wife (Kate Arrington) her husband (Mike Shannon) and daughters who we never see. Ken doesn't have a job and hopes to make money as a vlogger with his 10 followers giving life tips. In one video, one of his stuffed birds falls off a shelf. This leads to a ghost investigation with various people on-line.

This is another low budget COVID-era production. I thought the film was good considering they weren't going to a second location or spend more than two bits for red light bulbs. The ghost was done well, but after seeing so many horror films, it doesn't stand above. Good script. The ending needed cleaning up. Shower scene would have been more interesting if a woman starred in the feature.

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
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Very slow paced, but I've seen worse!
jorgito20011 April 2022
Watched on Shudder on a dark, rainy morning & can't thank Shudder enough for the 15 second fwd button. Lol. As others have mentioned, the pacing is slowwww, there are some scenes that just drag on too long with nothing going on. Most of it takes place on a zoom-type call (guessing this was filmed during the pandemic) and yes, Michael Shannon is in it, though not very much. Probably helps he's married in real life to the woman playing Kate. Its easy to criticize "the bad", I'll focus on some of the good here: The atmosphere in the dark apartment is downright creepy, I've lived in NYC & something about living alone, hearing loud noises and hard knocks on your door is pretty scary. The acting is also good. What DOES get a 9/10 vote is CoastalDive's creepy synth music, straight out of the 80s, LOVE IT! That said, I probably did this movie in an hour (thanks to previously mentioned 15 second fwd button) and it would've worked better with a sharper screenplay and better pacing. Director Jennifer Reeder is known for short horror films, so I'll chalk it up to inexperience making full length films.
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Poor ending
xdav4 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It wasn't a bad movie in general, ticked all the correct found footage demonic movies and was a decent concept.

Decent character, decent back story, decent quality of the footage.

Could have pushed harder on the strange things happening within the apartment and stressed the point the character was the only person in the apartment block.

The ending was so bad, special effects took a dive and the story just went so off track. Looks as though the writer/director have either run out of time, money or ideas or all of the above.

I would say watch the movie but don't hold out much for the ending.
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2 short films stitched together
metaCity19 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Night's End is a decent, small-scale horror with a story designed to work around lockdown limitations, characters only interacting through video links, and an emphasis on atmosphere and uncertainty rather than narrative coherence. Several story threads are brought in and not really followed through; the ending seems to have been brought in from another film entirely and just dropped in, sweeping away everything that happened before and making the rest of the film irrelevant.

Loner Ken Barber lives a shut-in life, not trying to get over his past life failures and keeping minimal contact with his ex-family and one friend through his computer. He starts to feel his new apartment is haunted and agrees to carry out a cleansing ritual live on the Dark Corners podcast, only to find he has been duped by a fiendish occultist who has used him to summon a demon and unleash the apocalypse.

Director Jennifer Reeder previously directed the covering narrative for VHS 94 and her directing career so far has mainly been in short films. Night's End shows the problems that can occur in moving into longer format work. It feels like 2 or even 3 short films shoved together. The beginning is a good examination of Ken's loneliness, with a weird off-kilter colour scheme emphasising the shut down, and possibly paranoid, nature of his life. The possibility of a haunted house story emerges, then seems to be forgotten about when the ending arrives, another short film all on its own.

It's still a perfectly watchable film, though. The performances are all good, Geno Walker is sympathetic and likeable as Ken, Lawrence Grimm is having a lot of fun as Satan's servant, Colin, and guest star Michael Shannon is in jocular mood, with a selection of Hawaiian shirts and matching persona.

Overall, Night's End descends from a nervy, claustrophobic beginning to a schlock ending. What could have been a haunting character study fails to come together because the director hasn't made the transition from short film to full feature film. The difference between the formats isn't just the runtime.
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Poorly Executed B Movie.
fatfil-414-45179710 May 2023
Where to start with this one. On a positive note, I thought the lead actor did a great job considering the rubbish he was dealing with, which saved this movie from two stars. Also his ex wife and partner were okay.. But otherwise it was laughably bad. Obviously shot on a very, very low budget, the special effects weren't very special. The acting from the rest of the cast was excruciatingly painful at times, reminding me of an Amatuer Dramatic production, complete with the villain's maniacal laughter. The story was was not bad, but so poorly executed it lost any credibility. This is not a movie for watching, this is one for laying down and avoiding.
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