What Lies Behind Closed Doors (TV Movie 2022) Poster

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Meh, ok!
Chartreuse11 May 2022
This was a retread of so many past Lifetime movie with a nanny character. This time, though, the nanny was a good person. But I really didn't care what happened in the movie and the plot had a lot of holes in it! An overall disappointment. Skip it!
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gab-6759920 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
These movies make me feel so poor! So the whole point behind her killing was so she could be invited to all the sympathy parties in her neighborhood afterwards? The nanny looked too old to be a nanny in college. The acting was laughable at best. Really I just watched this one for a few laughs so mission accomplished!
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The secrets he Keeps
coltras3525 July 2023
Kimberly thinks she's found the perfect part time nanny job for the summer, but on the very first day she accidentally catches the kids' father cheating on their mom, who's out of town on business. This starts a chain of events including stalkers and threatening exes, ending in multiple murders and leaving Kimberly scared for her own life. Can she help the police find the killer before she becomes the next victim?

It's a formula Lifetime thriller which has a nanny involved in murder and intrigue. It's nothing new, but no one watches -I don't -expecting anything original. What I expect is an enjoyable and mildly exciting TV film, and this thriller delivers that. Of course, the killer is obvious but hey it still keeps you watching.
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Laurie Fortier STILL can't act
deedrala22 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
*What Lies Behind Closed Doors / What the Nanny Saw*

Unfortunately, Lifetime movies are still quantity over quality - a dime a dozen - and they continue to use sub-par "actors" such as most of the leads in this turkey.

And it's ridiculous that they use Laurie Fortier over and over again when she still couldn't act her way out of a paper bag, especially in her ending diatribes when she's revealed as the psycho/villain/murderer, etc. Yawn. I knew she was the villain ten minutes into the movie, especially during the multiple scenes of her so-called "five city" business trip, with each scene showing the name of the city she was supposedly in.

So many plot holes, as usual in Lifetime World. The lead actress seemed more like a 16 year old than college-age, and relied more on exaggerated facial expressions than actual acting while at the same time her boyfriend over-acted horribly...and laughably.

The husband was so wooden he could've been played by a cardboard cut-out and saved LMN the salary they paid him. Talk about phoning it in. And like a handful of other Lifetime actors (Matt Pohlkamp being number one), he's suddenly being overused in too many of their films.

It's so rare that Lifetime actually shows a very good/great movie with an interesting, original storyline and good acting - sadly, this was another of the many examples of the exact opposite.

Grade F / 1 out of 10.
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Terrible Movie with Thin, Lacklustre Plot
tiffaniswallace12 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The girl was wow, just wow. There was lights on in that house but no one was there. I don't see how it is any of her business if her boss is having an affair. I don't see why nor how she was hired for the job - she legit had no experience. Caroline asked her no questions about her childcare experience at all. I don't see how someone in business is qualified as a nanny.

I was too through when Kimberly knew the Spanish tutor was dead and when talking to Caroline on web chat, Caroline said stay away from her if you see her (referring to the aunt) Kimberly asked "the tutor?", Uh what? The tutor is DEAD. What? Huh? How would you be seeing the dead tutor?

Then when someone was in her house she heard someone twice but rather than leave & call the cops, she stays in and nearly gets stabbed to death. Also, what criminal goes to kill someone with no weapon? They looked in Kimberly's drawer for a knife. That made no sense.

The end, the motive made 0 sense. She killed the tutor and tried to frame the ex because she was worried about people gossiping? Huh? What? Then the end fight scene was dumb af. Gabe knocked the gun out her hand and rather than Kimberly grab the gun and keep the villain down. She stands and screams Gabe's name literally doing nothing. The villain could have went for the gun again but decided to get a huge knife that was conveniently sitting there and Kimberly smacked her in the face with a laptop. Then Kimberly & Gabe kiss. This movie was bad, very bad. It was a total waste of my 2.99.
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Another candidate for the worst LMN movie ever
hoops-5343630 April 2022
I'm not sure where to start- the amateurish acting, the questionable plot, or the stupid outfits Miss Kimberly wore. Gabe was in full emote mode every time you saw him...overacting at its worst! Britt was equally emotive as was Kimberly at at a number of spots. The only two characters of mild professionalism was the Seinfeld look-alike detective and Laurie Fortier. Ms. Fortier, however, also went into emote mode while brandishing the pistol near the end of the movie.

And the plot was bizarre and really unexplained- rather unexplainable.

A total recasting and some rewrites are the only things that could save this mess.
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Let's Pick Random People And Put Them In A Movie
The acting was so, so terrible. It's like people were plucked off of the streets and put into the movie. It's another one of those LMN movies that you want to watch just to make fun of it, like they do on Mystery Science Theater 3000. Save yourself some time and pass on this one.
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Laurie Fortier is better than this movie.
CranberriAppl2 May 2022
Everything seemed obvious to me. Spoiler: there was no twist. The movie tried to throw a bunch of different motivations at the characters and even tried with one character that would have been WAY out of left field, but we all know these movies and how they work. A twist is the exception, not the rule.

The actress playing the nanny was so blah and emotionless (until one scene before the climax), and I found the relationship with her classmate to be pointless. They didn't have that much chemistry and it felt like his purpose in the movie was so that she wasn't alone. Which isn't a bad thing, but they just had no chem and it was hard to determine if she was friendzoning him or if she was actually interested. That guy also overacted a lot. A LOT.

The villain's monologue/confession was pretty cheesy and anticlimactic because it was just so matter of fact. Everything the villain does from start to finish made me think who is supposed to be fooled by this? Part of the motivation didn't even make sense because the movie showed none of what the villain was ranting about. Trying to do better about spoilers in my reviews, but it was really kind of eye-roll worthy to listen to.

I watched the whole thing and it wasn't really slow-paced, but it wasn't the best. Felt like a filler movie and/or pages of the script were cut for budget purposes.

I mean it's ok to watch while you're doing chores or need background noise, but don't make this the movie you curl up on the couch looking forward to after a long day. It will disappoint and there are better nanny movies on Lifetime. Not many, but they are there.

I'd say it's in the worst 7 of 2022 so far and that's mostly because they could have tried harder. The best ones of the year at his point are still Deadly Infidelity, Deadly Dance Competition, and Fatal Fandom. Maybe A Gift of Murder.

P. S. One annoying thing I didn't really get about the movie was how the little boy treated the nanny. He seemed kind of spoiled and bratty for no reason. He took to her right away, but then after that one day of her being late, he totally flipped. It seemed odd.
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So painfully obvious
lmnclips21 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It was easy as pie to figure out that it was Caroline (the wife) who killed the Spanish tutor that had an affair with her husband Steven. Although the audience was supposed to believe it was either the husband or the Spanish tutor's ex boyfriend Nick, up until his death 30 minutes into the ending. They even tried to throw us off with Caroline's business trip, so that the audience would never suspect that it was her. But it just didn't work. It was so painfully obvious.

Lindsay Hartley, who's been an actress on Lifetime/LMN for years now, thinks she can direct films all of a sudden. Newsflash: she most certainly cannot! Because all the movies she's directed so far, have either been mediocre or downright awful. This one is no exception.

As for the acting, it was absolutely dreadful!

Why Lifetime keeps casting the actress that plays "Kimberly" in their other movies is beyond me, Since she cannot act at all, and her character was void of any real emotion whatsoever, while her boyfriend (or classmate) was the polar opposite. Overacting in every scene he was in (Britt, Caroline's sister, also overacted in her few scenes).

I'm usually not too hard on child actors in my reviews but the son, Jasper acted like a complete brat after that one day of the nanny being late to pick him up. He acted like that for the rest of the movie, which was so annoying.

Caroline's motive for killing Serena (tutor) and Nick was just so weak and lackluster. To prevent the neighborhood from gossiping about her husband's affair with her son's tutor??? That was probably the least of her concerns at the moment. Now two people are dead. And as usual, Laurie Fortier hardly showed any emotion during her whole motive speech.

Lindsay Hartley is better off just acting in movies rather than directing them, it's just not her thing imo. She should leave the directing to the professionals.
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salloyd-9246724 June 2022
I rarely leave reviews, because I am easy to please. I never go into a lifetime movie with a lot of expectations. I know the acting will be bad, but it's entertaining enough, and this movie was right on par with that. However, I am only giving two stars, because there is a scene where the nanny is reading Facebook posts about a man named nick logan, and she reads off one comment saying "nick Johnson" when there are multiple comments saying nick Logan. In no place, will we see the word Johnson. Why? Why couldn't they refilm that 10 second scene? Gaslighting their audience into thinking the name is nick Johnson when I can clearly read that it says nick Logan? I thought I was losing my mind. They didn't reference the nanny being illiterate, so I was completely blindsided by this. Do better.
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Really Bad
rhonnie-4313931 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It is too bad that they felt the need to show this movie at all. It was really awful. The plot was pretty cheesy which is the usual for Lifetime movies. But the acting was really really horrendous. I cannot think of one scene that was not cringe- worthy.

I gave it one star because there was nothing else on TV and I chose to watch this movie. It was predictable and not scary because of scenes like when the killer revealed herself and spent like 5 minutes explaining why she is the killer😂

The stupid want to be boyfriend who seemed cagey to me, lunging at the killer while she was holding a sharp knife, which she of course used to stab him- just a flesh wound. He was able to make out with the damsel seconds after the wound, in front of the killer's sister, who just happened to be in area and walked into the scene just in time to pick up the murder weapon from the floor and point it at the unconscious killer. SMH.
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