Revolution of Our Times (2021) Poster

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"Revolution of Our Times" is not only about the battle of Hongkongers but is about a war between all freedom lovers and dictatorships of our globe.
rkeilitz-19-53791525 February 2022
George Santayana is credited with the famous quote, "Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it." Those words could not ring truer with the Russia/Ukraine conflict this week. It also could become a sad reality with the almost daily threats from China invading Taiwan where I have been living for the past 14 years.

I lived and worked in Hong Kong for 25 years and watching this documentary just confirmed what I thought when I witnessed the 1997 handover "One Country Two Systems", BS for how long? At 152 minutes it is long but well worth every minute. It contains many scenes that were never shown on TV or mentioned in the press. The interviews with the protestors and their supporters that closed down Hong Kong many times are insightful as to why they will never give up. I went to the premiere showing in Taipei and there was not a dry eye in the audience. During the credits (all names are disguised) there was a standing ovation which is unique in Taiwan.

I do hope the youth of Taiwan takes lessons from viewing this film as their future as a free democracy will be up to them.
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Remember the history and never forget
s-1523014 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It's such a impressive and privileged experience to watch the documentary Revolution of Our Times in Canada. It's no doubt the most detailed and touching documentary on HK 's protests since 2019. The director managed to present the general view of the massive social movement while illustrating the development curve of individual participants: A loving and mercy middle school first aid has witnessed police brutality in front of his own eyes and couldn't do anything about it, so the fire of revenge has grown in his heart, and he debated with his classmates whether the "eye for an eye" is a good fightback. Some 20s youngsters broke up with their parents for different political views on the movement and left their homes, and people of similar age form a "family" while one man and one woman serve the role of "dad" and "mom". Those touching roles show individuals under the grand time, powerless and powerful at the same time. The most unforgettable moment came at the ending of the film, when the symbolic song Glory to Hong Gong played, all audiences stood up and sang along with the song. It gives me a feeling that people choose their national anthem speaking of their heart. Revolution of Our Time is a great film that hard to forget, for it shows the attractiveness of documentary: document what really happened, and let the history be the judge.
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A must-watch for those care about human rights and freedom
freehongkongforever15 April 2022
This documentary vividly depicts the evolution of Hong King's social movement from 2019 till today - from the eyes of a journalist, a paramedic, a student, a social worker and many more. Questions pop up as you watch along - what is justice? How come millions of people choose to fight back violence with violence?

Striking, memorable and painful for anyone who has taken part in the movement to watch, but inspiring, though provoking yet tear jerking for others. Highly recommended.
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Great movie
sunyx-260865 August 2022
As a Chinese, although I was inside the wall before, I didn't really see the real face of the riots in Hong Kong! But it's not too late, I really hope that ccp will be brought to justice! But it depends on the time, but I really admire that Hong Kong people can march on the streets for a law, and they dare to fight with the police! Donate your body for the revolution! And inside the wall, we can only watch the Communist Party harvest the leeks, and some things can only be said without actual action! Then the truth is caught! And some people who really know the truth have to wash the ground for the stupid ccp! This movie really shows that the Hong Kong police have become a bit inhumane like the police inside the wall! As for ccp's recent actions, Xi Baozi's title of speeding and reversing master has been slowly verified!

Support the independence of Hong Kong, the former one country, two systems has become a cloud!
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Hong Kong Will Never Be Communist And The Chinese Dictators Know It!
silicontourist7 July 2022
I would have given this a full 10 stars but for the fact they neglected to show the bad times, that HongKongers had, when British Colonial thuggery existed. Colonial rule was bad in a corrupt way and I felt it would have been a good intro towards showing how much worse the Chinese, dictatorial and totalitarian, governing system is. I always knew (even as a child) that the people of Hong Kong would never accept Chinese Communist government rule once it was handed back to China.

This was/is an extremely well made documentary in 3 parts (due to Chinese political rules etc) and is a perfect way for all those who know nothing about Hong Kong, since its handover from a British Colony to the Communist Party in 1997! Everyone, more or less, around the world is aware of China's constant bullying of Taiwan (under threat of invasion by China's corrupt government) and, of its attempt to grab control of the South China Sea's region. The youth of Hong Kong are especially brave in their defiance of the Chinese warlord government and more so against the brutal, corrupt and cowardly riot police.

FREEDOM is an individuals right and the Chinese party is going to be even more ruthless in their attempt to quash the rebellion; they feel they have something to prove now or they will lose face. This will however not be another Tienanmen Square denial because the world is watching very closely from now on! Those who wish to have freedom are going to have to train and ready themselves for war because, China will send troops in and it will be a bloodbath of unprecedented violence from the ignorant and brainwashed Chinese military bullies!

How can Chinese government Communist party members call themselves Communists when they are (and live like) super wealthy Capitalists?
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A sad page of history
AlexDusty24 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The tookover of HK by China has not been correctly analyzed by the western countries, and this important documentary will help remember that many so young kids fought very hard for their freedom.

Unfortunately, they lost because they didn't expect chinese policy to behave in such violent way, totally ignoring the will of the whole country.

Now everybody can see how china rules, and I hope this will help Taiwan to organize their defenses when China will decide to conquer them too.
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Revolution of the Times
toy-1936210 June 2022
After reading it, I can only say: Hong Kong people, come on! We in Taiwan will work hard to protect our hard-won freedom and democracy. May the glory return to Hong Kong!
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an uprising that should...
ops-525353 April 2023
Wake up the whole world actually, in norwegian media, news about these riots where only superficially mentioned, and then forgotten.

So to everyone that hasnt engulfed the graveness of these protests go watch ''revolutions of our times'', a breathtaking historical document about young people fighting the''ubermacht'', the socalled chinazy policy to enforce chinese law into the once pretty free democratic ''state''of hong kong.

I thought it was a petty that united kingdom just left hong kong back in 1997 as an act of gentlemanship, leaving the millions of democracy loving people in the gap of the chinese lion. A 100 year long lease/lend agreement that gave almost non to nothing back to the average inhabitant of hong kong after UK left the premises.

I cant do much from my bastion here in norway other than support freedome and democracy by writing this review, its not a playbook to knock out a government, but a testament that hopefully will leave the flame of life, hope and democracy live in the years to come.

A well edited production with a very good timeline of the incidents that gives the youth of redemption hope. So take a deep breath, relax your sore skin and muscles till the next battle.and to those that succumbed in the battle, rest in peace, youll be always on my mind. A recommend from the grumpy old man.
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Hong Kong: Under Colonial Rule
lordknightusa5 June 2022
Where is the mention of democracy and human rights under colonial rule?

The British were corrupt and native Chinese Hong Kongers were marginalized and brutalized.

The British colluded with the underworld gangsters to rule it with impunity.

There were no voting, no personal freedoms and no freedom of speech. The British clammed down on freedom of speech and oppressed the Press and reporters!

Wake up and learn the truth about Western democracy and Hong Kong.
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