Supercool (2021) Poster

(II) (2021)

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awesome teen comedy
mich1elle10 October 2023
Supercool written, filmed, and edited by Gabriel Black is a fun and exciting teen comedy. This well written story comes to life by some really great actors.

There's never a dull moment in this fast paced thrilling story, that really keeps you on the edge of your seat.

I really enjoyed the words that would flash on the screen in a Scott Pilgrim manner. It really added to the emphasis of the scene, also really adding to the enjoyment of the film.

I really enjoyed the different filming locations that they chose. This is beautifully shot and edited.

I can't wait to see more work from this filmmaker.
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Gabriel Black is a filmmaker to watch
rbaileylit18 June 2023
Supercool has all the appealing rowdiness of a memorable sex comedy and the intensity of a cool indie thriller. But there's a lot more going on here than plot alone. Gabriel Black raises the bar for DIY filmmakers. His work is professional, stylistic and inventive. He rewards the viewer's desire to see something familiar and at the same time shows us something new. Here's proof that budget and marketing aren't factors we should be juding when we watch movies. What we should judge is the craft and the experiences we have while watching. And Gabriel Black certainly a filmmaker to watch. I encourage you to seek out his work and support similarly dedicated independent artists.
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A ghetto Superbad
lylysteph10 August 2021
Urban comedy with teens, booze and some weed. I liked what they did with the slang and the words on the screen. Understood most of it. Nice, short length (under an hour). A ghetto Superbad.
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Good watch!
crazyredd0830 June 2023
Teen comedy on the dirty side.

If you like teen comedies like Superbad, Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World, Trojan War or Can't hardly Wait (yes, I just gave my age away with the last two) you'll probably like Supercool. It's a teen comedy -- which means crushes, booze, sex, and mayhem - and with a little South Florida flavor and some crazy street slang you get this flick. The slang is a little too heavy at times but the younger generations will probably get most of it. I really like the very vibrant Miami flavor, and definitely enjoyed some sexual situations. You'll see why I say 'some'. It is a little dirtier than most of the flicks I just mentioned above. I really liked the actors that play Jerome aka 'Daddy' and the actress that played his daughter Sheila. Overall, a very enjoyable flick..
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toddtheman-636-98565230 June 2023
So many low-budget movies try REALLY HARD to "look like a big budget movie". Thankfully, this film does its own thing entirely!


REALLY FUN stuff with the dialogue being highlighted on screen!!! (and it's GREAT dialogue!!!). I felt like I was back watching the OG Independent Film Channel in the late 90's, which is a feeling I sorely miss!

This movie is as good or better than most comedies made for literally HUNDREDS (thousands???) of times the budget.

I was reminded of Spike Lee's very early work!

I'd LOVE to see what this Director could do with MILLIONS of dollars!!!

If you're looking for a SUPER INDIE, FUN teenage comedy that's unlike any of the boring, redundant "studio crap"- check out this movie!!!
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so much fun to watch!
dubinsky_al20 July 2023
I enjoyed this film alot! A Wonderful work that keeps you at the edge of your seat. I thought it was very funny even though its a Thriller. The story stays on point and you get a view of todays Teens lives which I appreciated. I also thought it was very funny for a modern day comedy. Though is a great film for teens it might seem its also fun for adults especially if you're an adult who wants to brush up on recent teen slang and understand your kids lol! I also thought the acting was very well executed and the scenery, Definitely will recommend this film to my son and his friends. Great work and will watch again for sure.
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Great fast paced and dangerous comedy
andrewwalshfilms25 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Tim (Maro Molina) is an oversexed teenager sweating it out in Miami Florida. Every high school in the planet has a character like Tim, aimless oversexed and starved for affection. Trouble seems to follow him everywhere he goes. Fortunately his best friend Richard (Howard Badley) has his back and tries to keep him out of trouble.

Tim feels like his fortune has changed when his crush Sheiila agrees to go on a boozy date on the beach.

When Sheila quickly gets bored ditches Tim to score more alcohol with her friend he scrambles to find her to bring her home by 8pm or suffer the wrath of her vicious gangster father.

Coming in at a tight 58 minutes Gabriel does not waste a single second and makes every scene count. The color palette and cinematography are beautiful, and Gabriel cleverly utilizes many wide overhead shots of the city to keep the story moving.

Supercool much like adolescence its self is a disorienting ride tense exhilarating land and occasionally overwhelming.

The dialogue reminded me of Deadwood where characters communicate in street slang so dense and intricate it was a challenge understanding them at times.

This is what filmmaking should be about- raw unpredictable ,poignant experimental and funny.

Gabriel Black has a bright future as a filmmaker and I look forward to seeing what he does next.
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Fun movie!
Ramon_805 June 2023
This is very likely a movie for a specific target audience and people who may think that maybe don't belong to that specific audience will not pay too much attention to it.

Obviously, this is a micro-budget movie but still tries and gets to have a clearly defined style. The filmmakers make good use of the tools they have available.

I consider myself not an expert, however, I can positively say that overall this is a fun movie! Surely fans of teen comedies who live in South Florida can enjoy it fully but even if you are not, the movie still delivers a good dose of good entertainment! Well done everyone involved and keep it up!
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10 stars!
skel-eduardo3 December 2023
Every work of art should be judged based on the artist's intent and as a result I give this movie a top rating of ten stars out of ten stars. It's anindependent film that knows its audience.. Gabriel Black gives it a "kitchen sink" approach similar to early indie auteur projects from linklater or soderbergh. The story was pretty good. There was a lot going on. There were several stories within the actual story. I was very anxious on how it would end. It was similar to real life situations so i appreciated that. Parents, this movie isnt for kids, there are adult situations so take that as a warning.
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Like Superbad with an urban flair
lilgr12215 August 2021
So obviously this was tailored after the raunchy teen comedy Superbad. Only it was shot in Miami instead of L. A. Like Superbad, it deals with horny teens and booze. They threw in a little neo noir. You'll see what I mean if you watch it. Reminded me of 'Brick', which was a neo noir-style film with high school teens using heavy slang. The slang they used in this movie was pretty hard to follow though. Teens and young adults might get it a little more than I did. I'd definitely recommend watching it with closed caption.
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Highly entertaining!
omershemi26 June 2023
Stylizes and fast-paced. The slang words appearing on screen are a very unique touch that complements the film's high energy. It also allowed for my favorite joke in the movie, when one character says she's going to get some leaves, the title "leaves" stays as she exits. Thirdly, it was nice to have the spelling for some of those words to look up on urban dictionary lol.

The guy who plays the crime boss was fantastic, abd leaves a lasting impression that haunts you through the rest of the film.

Overall, the film's pure underground spirit is really captivating and the lackbof budget works completely for the film and not against it.
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Not a bad way to spend an hour
hell-2370515 August 2021
I'm in my twenties and I understood most of the street slang. The words on the screen a la Scott pilgrim vs the world went by a little fast but I didn't need them. The movie is a little dirty so leave mom and grandma out of it. Lol.
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"Supercool" Indeed! Very fun & funny movie:)
chadhendricks-8849128 June 2023

Clever dialogue + a high-school virgin + a gangster's daughter = the very creative movie, "Supercool". This film feels retro with a funky soundtrack, but also cutting edge, with smack-talk that has the words on the screen if you're not supercool. I enjoyed the slap-stick storyline of the virgin getting into danger, all in the name of getting laid. It reminds me of "Porky's" or "Last American Virgin" but set in modern day Miami. Tim the virgin is itching & scratching for a gangster's daughter. When she ditches him, Tim chases the clock to get her home by 8pm or he's a dead man. Will Tim "hang" in there & get the girl? No spoiler alert here, other than you will need to "throttle down" when it comes to Tony's Mom:) Fun movie!
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Fast, funny, and sexy
ECLoverde10 June 2023
"Supercool" opens up a bright, colorful, vibrant, and sexy new world that I never knew existed. It's about a guy named Tim who wants to get with a girl named Sheila so, well, he lies to her. She figures it out on the date and so she ditches him while he is on the phone trying to get his best friend to buy him some more alcohol (because they'd already run out). Problem is, Sheila's father doesn't like teenagers who want to bed his daughter, he orders Tim to have Sheila back home by 8 p.m., and he is a notorious thug who apparently murders people pretty easily. So Tim and his best friend are now racing the clock to find Sheila, fight off whatever idiot she is screwing around with at the moment, and convince her to return home before 8 so Tim can stay alive. Sounds like a typical Saturday in that neighborhood. This movie does not let up, and it's powered by some great music as well as Tim's likable bad-boy persona, quick wit, quicker tongue (often talking himself into trouble that it can't always talk him out of), feisty nature, and another natural gift that may save him at the last possible moment (maybe). Were/are you a kid like this? If so you will love this crazy trip of a movie, weighing in at just under an hour and zooming at full speed every second. Check it out if you can!
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Super entertaining!
vargavarg12 June 2023
I really enjoyed this teen comedy! It's a simple story about a teen who's in over his head with a girl and her psycho father. Lots of great characters, fleshed out really well, with really cool slang dialogue and some breathtaking cinematography of Florida. It's a bit of a coming of age tale like Superbad but with more gross out moments. The characters are written well, the acting and direction is on point. Maro Molina who plays Tim was the standout for me, his deceptive, wannabe bad boy persona really worked. For a lower budgeted movie this was really effective and I was fully entertained throughout it's runtime. I liked the aesthetic, everything from the colour grading, locations, costumes, score, even font choices. The pacing and intensity was really tight and I had real concern for Tim's future. This is a genuine teen gross out comedy with heart and flare and I look forward to seeing more from Gabriel Black in future! 10/10.
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Coming of age film
cmmjj127 November 2023
This is not your average coming of age movie. It has new slang that keeps you glued to the screen. The obstacles that are thrown into the movie also keep you glued to the screen wondering what's going to happen next.

I enjoyed the acting in this movie. The chemistry and connections between each character made it feel like it wasn't acting, and you are watching real life. Some movies the actors go over the top of are flat the whole time, not with these actors, they did great!

It may not be for the young audience but the adults who watch it will enjoy the flow and pacing of the movie. I hope it continues to grow a fan base. I enjoyed it, so will you!
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Cute girls and beautiful scenery.
hatz-5063118 July 2023
Supercool is a wacky teen comedy with some really well-written characters and dialogue, beautiful locations and photography, and great pacing. The movie is not really laugh-out-loud funny but the character interactions are very entertaining. It was a good way to spend an hour. The girls are sexy, the two leads have great chemistry, and there's a sense of urgency in the story. This was not an overly ambitious project but you can tell it was a lot of fun to make. The filmmakers definitely put some effort into making it stand out from other teen comedies with the use of graphics in the vein of Scott Pilgrim vs. The world. This is an indie flick definitely worth watching.
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A mash up of Scott Pilgrim and Superbad with really heavy slang
IanGabrielG11 August 2021
This was a raunchy teen comedy in the vain of Superbad with really heavy slang and some nice South Florida scenery. Had a hard time getting all the slang, luckily the film was easy to follow. They threw in a little Scott Pilgrim vs. The World with some effects and words popping up on screen. It wasn't my thing but teens should dig it.
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It hits so many nails on the head with a hammer!
altinhamouni19 July 2023
This was an extremely entertaining movie for a few different reasons.

A) It explores the typical struggles of teens' lives with discovering their sexuality and the challenges they face from not being self-reliant adults. The story is hilariously written and flows really well. The cast did an amazing job bringing this film to life.

B) It also has an educational point of view. The film is an encyclopedia of slang terms and even has a dictionary at the end that thoroughly explores each term used by the cast in the movie.

C) It is reminiscent of a mixture of cult classics. The storyline reminds you of Superbad, while the tone of the film reminds you of Scarface, and the cast's chemistry reminds you of Stranger Things.

A very well-written story with an entertaining plot that teaches you every modern slang word. It is a must-see!
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Not without its faults but enjoyable
vivianav-7021021 August 2021
Urban dirty comedy in the style of 'Superbad' with a little 'Friday' thrown in. It's raunchy and ghetto. Features South Florida (Miami I think) quie prominently so that was cool. Could've used a little more nudity. The slang was rad. Not without its faults but overall enjoyable.
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A colorfully foul-mouthed miami comedy.
LawrenceLeeWallace5 June 2023
Supercool is a very colorful, very foul-mouthed urban Miami comedy. The premise was fun and so were the actors. My only gripe is that they didn't take a little more time to develop a backstory for the characters but I guess you could see that as a positive because the story gets going right away and it doesn't let up until the end. If palm trees, turquoise waters, under age drinking, horny teens, adult language and a little nudity is your thing then this film might just be for you. Although this was done on a budget the flick was very entertaining. They did something really cool with the slang words. Kind of reminded me of 'Brick'. I liked it, but it might be a little too heavy for some.
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A Wild Miami Ride
julianvhampton16 June 2023
Supercool tells the story of a awkward young man looking to connect with his dream girl. His attempts to be cool and gain her attention is a story most people can relate to. The film has some ingenious elements, like highlighting certain words, which looks like a fun education in slang. Throw in some gangsters, a charismatic, advice-giving best friend, and some over-the-top supporting characters, and you have a wild joyride. Having the role of writer, director and cinematographer in any film is difficult, but Gabriel Black showcases a unique voice and brings a vibrant vision to the screen. The film captures some great scenery and the lead character seems like someone to cheer for. This is a film that has it's own niche. Some of the themes may be too adult for some younger viewers, but fans of films like American Pie, Superbad, or Friday should enjoy the film.
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A crazy, Frenetically-paced teen comedy!
andonizorbas417 June 2023
Supercool is a crazy, frenetically-paced urban teen comedy sporting some really interesting street slang, very colorful characters, some really cool South Florida locations, and some pulpy colors dialed all the way to 11. The movie was very entertaining and it had a different spin from other teen comedy - this one focused on a deranged gangster and his date-ditching daughter. Like most teen comedies the flick also focuses on booze, sex, and all of the things most teens shouldn't be doing at their age. The acting, especially those of the main characters, was great but what really got me other than the South Florida vibe was the use of slang in the film. It is very different from anything I've seen out there. You're not going to get all of it right off the bat but it is pretty damn cool - the Closed Caption helped. My only beef is that the film could've been a little longer to elaborate the backstories a bit but other than that it was a lot of fun.
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Short, stylized indie movie
lbarker082 July 2023
Supercool, written and directed by Gabriel Black, is about a high school poser lying his way into a date with the daughter of a sociopathic hoodlum, and the chaos that follows!

The story gets started right away and the movie wastes no time getting into the plot. The look of the lighting and colors and cinematography are very stylized which is makes the movie fun to watch.

I really appreciated seeing a diverse cast!!

The music throughout the movie is good and really fits all the scenes appropriately.

There is a lot of good camera work throughout the movie as well, including interesting shots and drone work.
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Miami teen slang on steroids
rolyreelz17 October 2021
I live in South Florida, where the urban teen comedy was primary shot, and I liked seeing places that I recognized like the Julia Tuttle Causeway, South Beach, Brickell, Wynwood and quite a few areas around Key Biscayne, where I live. Though the millenial the slang used in the film was very heavy and I had to put on closed caption, but I still enjoyed the flick. It was hilarious!!! I loved the first person POV sequence at the beginning. It's a fun sex comedy.
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