Barbie (2023) Poster

(I) (2023)

Margot Robbie: Barbie



  • Barbie : [in tears]  I'm not pretty anymore!

    Gloria : What? You're so pretty!

    Barbie : I'm not stereotypical Barbie pretty!

    Narrator : Note to the filmmakers: Margot Robbie is the wrong person to cast if you want to make this point.

  • Barbie : Oh! I would never wear heels if my feet were shaped this way!

  • Barbie : [in awe]  You're so beautiful.

    The Woman on the Bench : [confidently]  I know it!

  • Ken : I thought I might stay over tonight.

    Barbie : Why?

    Ken : Because we're girfriend and boyfriend.

    Barbie : To do what?


    Ken : I'm actually not sure.

  • Barbie : I do not have a vagina and he does not have a penis. We have no genitals.

    Ken : I have *all* the genitals!

  • [as Barbie leaves Barbie Land, she finds Ken in her car] 

    Barbie : What are you doing here?

    Ken : I'm coming with you!

    Barbie : Did you bring your rollerblades?

    Ken : [holds up his blades]  I literally go nowhere without them!

  • Barbie : [to the other Barbies at the party]  Do you guys ever think about dying?

  • Allan : Hi, Barbie!

    Barbie : Oh, hi, Allan!

    Narrator : There are no multiples of Allan. He's just Allan.

    Allan : Yeah, I'm... confused about that.

  • Sasha : You're a fascist!

    Barbie : How can I be a fascist?

    [through tears] 

    Barbie : I don't control the railways or the flow of commerce...


  • [last lines] 

    Barbie : Hi.

    Doctor Receptionist : Name?

    Barbie : Oh, um... Handler, Barbara.

    Doctor Receptionist : And what are you here for today, Barbara?

    Barbie : I'm here to see my gynecologist!

  • Ken : I just don't know who I am without you.

    Barbie : You're Ken.

    Ken : But it's Barbie and Ken. There's no just Ken. That's why I was created. I only exist within the warmth of your gaze. Without it, I'm just a little blond guy who can't do flips.

  • Sasha : There are Kens, too?

    Barbie : There are many Kens.

    Sasha : Where do all the Kens live?

    Barbie : I don't know.

  • Ken : Hi, Barbie!

    Barbie : Hi, Ken!

    Barbie : Hi, Barbie!

    Barbie : Hi, Barbie!

    Barbie : Hi, Barbie!

    Barbie : Hi, Barbie!

    Barbie : Hi, Barbie!

    Ken : Hi, Barbie!

    Barbie : Hi, Ken!

    Ken : Hi, Ken.

  • Barbie : You can be brainwashed, or you can be ugly. There's nothing in between.

  • Barbie : I'm sensing some kind of entendre here... and it appears to be double.

  • Barbie : Kenland contains the seeds of its own destruction.

  • Barbie : So, being human's not something I need to ask for or even want? I can just... it's something that I just discover I am?

  • Barbie : By giving voice to the cognitive dissonance required to be a woman under the patriarchy, you robbed it of its power.

  • Barbie : What would a Smart Barbie do?

  • Ruth : Being a human can be pretty uncomfortable.

    Barbie : I know.

    Ruth : Humans make things up like patriarchy and Barbie just to deal with how uncomfortable it is.

  • Sasha : Hey, what about Barbie?

    Mattel CEO : What do you mean?

    Sasha : What's her ending? What does she get?

    Mattel CEO : Well, that's easy. She's in love with Ken.

    Sasha : That is not her ending.

    Barbie : I'm not in love with Ken.

    Mattel CEO : What do you want?

    Barbie : I don't know. I'm... I'm not really sure where I belong anymore. I don't think I have an ending.

    Ruth : That was always the point. I created you so you wouldn't have an ending.

  • Barbie : Geez, you would think a construction site at lunch time would be the perfect place for a little woman power, but this one was so... male.

  • Barbie : I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to do now. I've always been Stereotypical Barbie, and I don't think I'm really good at anything else.

    Ruth : You saved Barbie Land from patriarchy.

    Barbie : That was very much a group effort.

    Ruth : And you helped that mother and daughter connect.

    Barbie : They really helped each other.

    Ruth : Maybe you're Self-Effacing Barbie?

    Barbie : Maybe I'm not Barbie anymore.

  • Barbie : Do you give me permission to become human?

    Ruth : You don't need my permission.

    Barbie : But you're the creator. You... Don't you control me?

    Ruth : I can't control you any more than I can control my own daughter. I named you after her, Barbara. And I always hoped for you like I hoped for her. We mothers stand still so our daughters can look back to see how far they've come.

  • Barbie : I know I'm Stereotypical Barbie and therefore don't form conjectures concerning the causality of adjacent unfolding events, but some things have been happening that might be related. Bad breath this morning, a cold shower, burnt waffle, and falling off my roof.

  • Sasha : So you're like 'Barbie' Barbie? Like a professional bimbo?

    Barbie : No. Barbie's not a bimbo. Barbie is a doctor and a lawyer and a senator and a Nobel Prize winner.

    Junior High Friend : You're a Nobel Prize winner?

    Barbie : Oh. No, not me, but Barbie is.

  • Barbie : What is wrong with them?

    Ken : We just explained to them the immaculate, impeccable seamless garment of logic that is patriarchy, and they crumbled.

    Gloria : Oh, my God. This is like in the 1500s with the indigenous people and smallpox. They had no defenses against it.

  • Barbie : I want to be a part of the people that make meaning. Not the thing that's made. I want to do the imagining. I don't wanna be the idea.

  • Barbie : It is the best day ever. And so is yesterday, and so is tomorrow, and so is the day after tomorrow and even Wednesdays and every day from now until forever.

  • Barbie : So, what'll it be then? You can go back to your regular life and forget any of this ever happened, or you can know the truth about the universe. The choice is now yours.

    Barbie : The first one. The high heel.

    Barbie : No. We'll do a re-do. You're supposed to want to know.

    Barbie : I don't.

    Barbie : Mmm. Babe, listen. You have to want to know, okay? Do it again.

    Barbie : I'm not Adventure Barbie. I'm Stereotypical Barbie. I'm like the Barbie you think of when someone says, 'Think of a Barbie.' That's me.

    Barbie : I'm bummed. You're a bummer. That's a bummer.

    Barbie : Okay, I'm ready to forget now.

    Barbie : No! You're doing this one! I just gave you a choice so you could feel some sense of control.

    Barbie : So there is no option one?

    Barbie : No!

  • Barbie : Oh, look, a construction site. We need that good feminine energy.

  • Barbie : I've gotta talk to somebody in charge. Everything is backwards here. Men look at me like I'm an object. Girls hate me. Everyone thinks I'm crazy, and I keep getting arrested.

  • Barbie : So what can I do to repair the rift in the space-time continuum, get my feet back, and that one cellulite gone, and just generally not turn into Weird Barbie?

  • Barbie : No, Ken. This is my Dreamhouse. It is my Dreamhouse! It's mine!

    Ken : No, this is no longer Barbie's Dreamhouse. This shall henceforth be known as Ken's Mojo Dojo Casa House.

    Sasha : You don't have to say dojo and house.

    Gloria : And casa...

    Ken : But you do because it feels good. Try it.

  • Ken : Buckle up, babe. Because Barbie Land is now Ken Land. And it's gonna be just like Century City in Los Angeles, because they had it all figured out in Century City. The minute you get out of your car, you're like, 'I can't believe how great this place is!'

    Barbie : No, no, no. They don't have it figured out in Century City because we failed them.

    Ken : No! You failed me!

  • Barbie : Wow. And now you're making it permanent with a special election to change the Constitution.

    Ken : That's right. In just 48 hours, all the Kens will head to the polls and vote to change the Constitution to a government for the Kens, of the Kens, and by the Kens!

    Barbie : You can't do this. This is Barbie Land. The Barbies worked hard and they dreamed hard to make it everything that it is. You... You can't just undo it in a day.

    Ken : Literally and figuratively, watch me. Now, if you'll excuse me... this is my Mojo Dojo Casa House, it's not Barbie's Mojo Dojo Casa House. Right?

  • Ken : Barbie! Take your lady fashions with you. Take your Celebrate Disco Bell Bottoms...

    Barbie : Oh!

    Ken : And your Ice Capades Pretty Practice Suit and Dazzling Show Skirt.

    Gloria : These are archival.

    Ken : Your Pajama Jam in Amsterdam sets.

    Barbie : No!

    Ken : And your Pretty Paisley Palazzo Pants!

    Barbie : Not the Palazzos!

    Ken : And get out!

  • Barbie : I've never wanted anything to change.

    Gloria : Oh, honey, that's life. It's all change.

    Barbie : That's... That's terrifying. I don't want that. Not my life. No, thank you. Just, no, I don't want this. I'm just gonna sit here and wait and hope that one of the more leadership-oriented Barbies just snaps out of it and does something about this whole mess.

    Gloria : I really understand this feeling. It's basically, like, being a human person all the time...

  • Sasha : Okay, Barbie, let's do this. You've been making women feel bad about themselves since you were invented.

    Barbie : I think you have that the wrong way around.

    Sasha : You represent everything wrong with our culture. Sexualized capitalism, unrealistic physical ideals...

    Barbie : No, no, no. You're describing something stereotypical. Barbie is so much more than that.

    Sasha : Look at yourself.

    Barbie : Well, I am technically Stereotypical Barbie.

    Sasha : You set the feminist movement back 50 years. You destroy girls' innate sense of worth and you are killing the planet with your glorification of rampant consumerism.

    Barbie : No, I'm supposed to help you and make you happy and powerful.

    Sasha : Oh, I am powerful. And until you showed up here and declared yourself Barbie, I hadn't thought about you in years, you fascist!

  • Ken : Can I come to your house tonight?

    Barbie : Sure. I don't have anything big planned. Just a giant blowout party with all the Barbies and planned choreography and a bespoke song. You should stop by.

  • Barbie : You guys ever think about dying?

    [needle scratches record] 

    Barbie : [music, chatter halt]  I don't know why I just said that. I'm just dying to dance.

  • Barbie : Good night, Barbies! I'm definitely not thinking about death anymore.

  • Barbie : Oh, you've done it. You've opened a portal.

    Barbie : I didn't open a portal.

    Barbie : Someone did. And now, there is a rip in the continuum that is the membrane between Barbie Land and the Real World, and if you wanna be Stereotypical Barbie perfect again, then, baby girl, you gotta go fix it. Or you're gonna keep going funny. Look at your upper thigh.

    Barbie : What is that?

    Barbie : That's cellulite. That's gonna spread everywhere.

    Barbie : What?

    Barbie : And then you're gonna start getting sad and mushy and complicated.

    Barbie : No!

  • Barbie : There's the girl and the doll. And never the twain shall cross.

    Barbie : The twain is crossing?

    Barbie : Yes.

  • Barbie : Aren't you guys gonna thank me and give me a big hug? For being your favorite toy?

    Sasha : We haven't played with Barbie since we were like five years old.

    Junior High Friend : Yeah, I hated dolls with hair.

    Junior High Friend : I mean, I'd play with Barbie, but it was, like, the last resort.

    Junior High Friend : I loved Barbie.

    Sasha : Anyways, even then, it was horrible for us.

  • Barbie : Anyone need a brewski beer?

    Barbie : What are you doing? You're a doctor.

    Barbie : I like being a helpful decoration.

  • Barbie : Why did you wish me to your messed-up world using your complicated human thoughts and feelings?

    Gloria : What?

    Barbie : Barbie Land was perfect before. I was perfect before.

  • Barbie : That's a beautiful song that you're playing. Did you write it?

    Ken : Yes. You want to sit here and watch me do it, while I stare uncomfortably into your eyes for four and a half minutes?

    Barbie : I would love that.

  • Barbie : You play on their egos and their petty jealousies, and you turn them against each other. While they're fighting, we take back Barbie Land.

  • Barbie : It's okay if you're crying. You know, I cried too. It's actually kind of amazing.

  • Barbie : Okay. Ken, you have to figure out who you are without me.

    Ken : Why?

    Barbie : You're not your girlfriend. You're not your house, you're not your mink.

    Ken : Beach?

    Barbie : Nope. You're not even beach. Maybe all the things that you thought made you you aren't... really you. Maybe it's Barbie and... it's Ken.

  • Barbie : Come on, Kens. Nobody's gonna beach anyone off.

  • Barbie : Send me through the portal.

    Barbie : Okay. There's actually no portal.

    Barbie : Oh.

    Barbie : It's a figure of speech. It's actually a sports car to a speedboat, to a rocket ship, to a tandem bike, to a camper van, fun, to a snowmobile, brr, which will take you most of the way to the state of Los Angeles, where you will don neon and Rollerblades, and enter the country of California. Weird, I know. Best if you don't think about it too much.

  • Barbie : And how do I get back?

    Barbie : The same way you came, but in reverse.

    Barbie : Like I should move forward but do the order backward or go...

    Barbie : Don't overthink it.

  • Barbie : Real World isn't what I thought it was.

    Ruth : It never is. And isn't that marvelous?

  • Barbie : Ken? What have you done? What are you wearing?

    Ken : Don't question it. Just roll with it, tiny baby.

    Barbie : Don't call me baby.

    Ken : What about mini-baby? Like this mini-fridge.

  • Barbie : Please just leave me here. Just leave me. Go back to your messed-up world and just leave me to mine.

  • Barbie : I'm ready to be your long-term-distance low-commitment casual girlfriend, if you'll still have me.

See also

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