"Dollhouse" The Left Hand (TV Episode 2009) Poster

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"It wouldn't be a second opinion, it would be the same opinion twice"!
gridoon202428 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Adelle and Topher go over to Washington to get Echo back, but the tech expert of the Dollhouse there, Bennett, has her own plans for her: apparently, not only did she know Caroline from before, but Caroline is responsible for her current left hand paralysis. Topher and Bennett finally meet and sparks of genius-geeky love start flying, but that doesn't stop Bennett from setting her plan in motion: she arranges for Echo and the senator to escape, only to turn him into an assassin with Echo as his target! The absolute highlight of this episode is Victor: Topher has loaded his brain into Victor's body before leaving him in charge of the tech back in the LA Dollhouse. Enver Gjokaj does an astonishingly accurate impersonation of Topher, perfectly capturing all his mannerisms, tics, voice patterns - in addition to the clothes and hairstyle. It really is one of the best performances by anyone in the history of this show. Fran Kranz and Summer Glau achieve a strange but strong chemistry in their scenes together; Glau plays one weird and uncategorizable character, as she goes from cute and shy to cruel and vengeful at the drop of a hat. However, the senator's story had already given away most of its surprises in the previous episode ("The Public Eye"), and I thought his "wife"/handler was written out of the show too quickly. *** out of 4.
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Adelle and Topher go to Washington
Tweekums28 January 2019
Following on from the events of the previous episode Adelle and Topher head to the Washington Dollhouse on a duel mission; ostensibly they are hoping to retrieve Echo but in a more secret mission they hope to access Senator Perrin's brain patterns. Here Topher meets Bennett Halverson; and is surprised to learn she is a beautiful young woman, not the older person he expected. Since this operation requires somebody of Topher's ability to access the files from LA, Victor is imprinted as a second Topher. Meanwhile we learn of Halverson's reasons for disliking Caroline/Echo; she blames her for her useless left arm so imprints Echo to suffer as she did... which makes things difficult when she escapes with Perrin.

It seems we have moved on from single episode stories to longer plot arcs as this story follows on from the previous one and ends in a way that leaves many things open. The story featured some twists; perhaps not as surprising as those of the previous episode but good none the less. There are plenty of interesting things going on; notable the fact that Caroline had dealings with Halverson in the past. There is a good amount of action to be enjoyed as well as a fair amount of tension. This isn't at the expense of humour though; the conversations between Topher and Victor-imprinted-as-Topher were priceless; Fran Kranz and Enver Gjokaj were great in these scenes; especially the latter as he imitated all of Topher's little ticks as though he'd played the character for a long time. The rest of the cast are solid too; most notably Summer Glau who really impresses as Bennett Halverson. Overall this was a really good episode that nicely advanced the season's main plot arc.
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Here's Summer
Joxerlives18 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The good; Once again some great acting from Enver, his Topher impression is flawless. Nice face off between Adele and her Washington counterpart too.

The bad; It all seems a little overly complex, surely there must be simpler ways for Rossum to protect itself. Equally it rather beggars belief that with all the attention focused on him Rossum could get away with controlling the senator in quite so blatant a manner.

Best line; Topher; "The only person in the world I would trust" (HIMSELF!) also like Adele; (grabbing the Washington Dollhouse heads groin)"If you don't return my active I will send someone to cut these off!" plus Adele; (upon finding Topher arguing with Topher/Victor); "Finding him obstinate are we?"

Packing heat; Echo;8 Boyd; 8 Dominic; 9 Sierra; 4 Victor; 3 Ballard; 10 November; 1

Echo kissage; 4

Kinky dinky; Topher thinks Bennett's 'Librarian energy' is through the roof, she has got a serious case of the Diana Princes.

Capt subtext; Bennett remarks to Topher 'Looks like you got the girl'. Love the little smile of pride Adele gives Topher as he tricks his way into Perrin's brain print. Topher asks himself "Who's your backdoor man?" before deciding on a better phrasing.

Notches on the Dollhouse bedpost; Echo; 5 definite, 2 possible November; 1 Ballard; 1 Victor; 1 Adele; 1 Sierra 1 Topher; 1 possible

How'd they get away with that? Echo getting tortured is nasty indeed, she can't pass out and can't even cry out to god. Can we please have an ep without needles, I really don't like them. Bennett's headbutt is also nasty, somehow it's easier to watch people harm one another than themselves. On a similar vein hard to watch Perrin and Echo cutting one another's chips out. Perrin snapping the goons neck and strangling his wife is also disturbing, Alexis showing some of the creepiness he demonstrated in the Angel ep 'Billy'.

Total number personalities; Echo; 28 Sierra; 12 Victor; 10 November; 3

Total LA dolls; Mellie is a Doll once more at the Washington Dollhouse, I wonder what her new name will be? 9-Echo, Sierra, November, Victor, Mike, Tango, Alpha, Whiskey, Kilo

Bondage; Sierra tied up; 1 Ballard; 1 Echo; 2

Knocked out; twice for Echo Echo; 6 November; 1 Sierra; 1 Victor; 1 Topher; 2

Kills; Sierra; 3 kills Echo; 3 November;1

Dolls injured; Echo roughed up again.

Happy hookers; As Bennett stares quizzically at Echo/Bree's brain print Topher explains "She was kinda a hooker"

Know the face? Ray Wise, another great character actor from Twin Peaks, Robocop and especially good as The Devil in Reaper. He'll later turn up as one of the many Whedon alumni on 'How I met your Mother'

14-Whedon alumni-Mark Shepherd-2 (Dollhouse/Firefly), Amy Acker-2 (Dollhouse/Angel), walking action figure-2 (Buffy/Dollhouse), Eliza Dushku-3 (Buffy/Angel/Dollhouse), Jim Piddock-2 (Angel/Dollhouse), Gregg Henry-2 (Dollhouse/Firefly), Alan Tudyk-2 (Dollhouse/Firefly), Felicia Day-2(Dollhouse/Buffy), Alexis Denisoff-3 (Buffy, Angel and Dollhouse), Kristoffer Pohala-2 (Dollhouse/Angel), Stacey Scowley-2 (Buffy/Dollhouse) Clyde Katulas-2 (Buffy/Dollhouse), Maurissa Tanchon-2(Dollhouse/Dr Horrible), Summer Glau-3(Angel/Firefly/Dollhouse).

Reminds me of; With her useless arm Bennett has more than a little Dr Strangelove about her.

Whedon clichés; Maimed characters. Rich and powerful families who cover up the evil deeds of their wayward sons. Top security installations which aren't secure at all. Loving self-sacrificing mothers who risk all for their children

Breaking the programming; Echo can now distance herself from the personality of Caroline and perhaps doesn't want her back. If Bennett's memories are to be trusted we can see why? Echo is now able to overcome her imprinting to the degree that she can use her arm even though Bennett programmed her not to.

Questions and observations; So it appears Caroline is not the saint we might first have thought. Topher refers to Echo as his friend, a small but somehow huge moment. Boyd refers to 'manufacturing a president' (Kennedy?) whilst Adele actually refers to Rossum as 'facists' seeing them for what they really are at last. So it seems that Rossum can 'improve' people, take away their negative qualities and give them beneficial ones? Part of me says that's a wonderful power, part of me says it could so easily be abused. On the one hand we could cure people of phobias, addictions, prevent paedophiles being attracted to children, take away criminals violent and anti-social traits, brave new world. On the other hand who decides what is truly negative and what is beneficial, what if someone decides to 'cure' gay people? To make everyone fit into their narrow vision of morality? The prospect sounds scarily like some form of mental eugenics. So now we have Echo out in the world on her own, dechipped and free of the Dollhouse. How will she cope? Can't wait to find out.

Marks out of 10; 8/10, good ep
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And the Oscar goes to...
itnuffsedd31 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Enver Gjokav! This guy was spot on with imitating Topher! I loved it! Every character he imitates is spot on. I've enjoyed him in other shows like Agent Carter as well. Also enjoyed seeing Summer Glau again, previously on Firefly as River Tam. Another great actress.
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