"Dollhouse" The Public Eye (TV Episode 2009) Poster

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Amazing twists
gridoon202427 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The anti-Rossum crusading senator is back, with a vengeance: he has recruited Madeleine (AKA November) to testify against the Dollhouse! Somehow, the Rossum people don't seem too concerned about that, and Adelle & Co. soon realize why: the senator's wife is actually a sleeper Doll, like Mellie, who can be turned into an assassin at the drop of a hat. But is that what's really going on? "The Public Eye" contains at least 2 major jaw-dropping twists. When Topher came up with a device that could make any Doll within a short distance collapse for a while, I was expecting some sort of twist, but definitely NOT what happens. Summer Glau enters the scene in the last 10 minutes and promptly starts creating a very quirky, weird character who seems to be the female counterpart of Topher in the Washington Dollhouse; just wait until she meets Echo! A very enjoyable episode. *** out of 4.
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Senator Daniel Perrin uses November to try to expose the Dollhouse
Tweekums27 January 2019
Since the start of this season we have seen Senator Perrin trying to expose Rossum and the Dollhouses; until now this has been limited to small parts in the background of episodes' main stories... here it very much takes centre stage. He presents Madeline Costley, AKA November, to a press conference and says he will have her testify against Rossum in front of a Senate committee in Washington. Adelle is told not to act but takes this as advice rather than an order. As they look at footage of November, Perrin and his wife, Echo makes an observation... it appears that Perrin's wife is a doll! Ballard is tasked with rescuing November while Echo is given the job of creating material to blackmail the senator with... things take a major turn when Perrin takes Echo to see his wife and Ballard activates a device which shuts down all dolls in a fifty foot radius.

After hints about Senator Perrin it was good to see his story coming to the fore. The story developed in a way which included some genuine twists that I did not see coming. As things developed more questions were raised that will no doubt be addressed in future episodes. As well as advancing the season's plot arc the story provides some exciting action sequences and the first glimpse of another Dollhouse, in this case the one in Washington DC, where we are introduced to somebody who appears to know Caroline/Echo. The episode ended well; in might not have said 'to be continued' but it might as well have given how things ended for one main character. The cast does a fine job; not surprisingly Eliza Dushku impresses as Echo; Alexis Denisof impresses as Perrin's role increases and it was a delight to see Summer Glau appear in the Washington Dollhouse; I can only hope that her character becomes more important in future episodes. Overall a fine episode that left me keen to discover what happens next.
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Miss Echo goes to Washington
Joxerlives9 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The good; Laugh out loud at the scene where Topher tries out his disruptor only to knock out a random passing doll, sending them tumbling down the stairs. The conspiracy storyline really kicks in and lovely to see Mellie back once again. Masterful bait and switch that Perrin is the doll and his wife is the handler, she seems so threatening to Ballard even when she's a tiny little woman and he's this towering ripped martial arts expert.

The bad; Not much, heck of a good ep. One question, if Perrin is so security conscious how do they dope his drink?

Best line; Adele; "An emergency measure for when things get hot" Ballard; "I'd say things are warmish" plus Ballard; (pointing to Topher's gizmo) "What is that?" Topher; (nervously) "It's the thing that if it doesn't work won't get me in trouble" and Perrin; "You're a doll" Echo/Bree; "You're cute too" also Echo/Bree; "If you want to do the right thing don't bring your hooker mistress to meet your wife" not to mention; Cindy Perrin; "If this plan doesn't work we're going to be demoted to being dead"

Packing heat; Echo;8 Boyd; 8 Dominic; 9 Sierra; 4 Victor; 3 Ballard; 10 November; 1 Echo kissage; 4

Kinky dinky; Echo in hooker-wear and almost naked Senator Perrin for the Alexis fans.

Capt subtext; Echo/Bree is into the idea of threesomes with the Senator and his wife but charges extra for them. Washington Doll 'Hades' is out servicing a 'closeted' councilman (Hades the god of the underworld).

Notches on the Dollhouse bedpost; Echo/Bree and Perrin Echo; 5 definite, 2 possible November; 1 Ballard; 1 Victor; 1 Adele; 1 Sierra 1 Topher; 1 possible

How'd they get away with that? Bennet tortures Echo very nastily indeed.

This weeks fantasy; Echo is likeably enthusiastic and kinky nympho call-girl Bree who says she 'likes it a bit rough' and is attracted to Perrin because he's 'twisted'.

What do we think of the client? Adele's plan for Perrin is rather underhand, seducing and blackmailing him. But compared to robbing him of his free will and brainwashing him into their slave it's pretty minor.

Total number personalities; Echo is call girl Bree Echo; 29 Sierra; 12 Victor; 10 November; 3 Total dolls; we meet the petite and lovely Kilo 9-Echo, Sierra, November, Victor, Mike, Tango, Alpha, Whiskey, Kilo

Topher is a bit geeky; He refer to disruptor's and Star Trek (weapons that the Romulans use, right?)

Bondage; Echo/Bree offers to tie Senator Perrin up. She is tied up by Bennet at the end Sierra tied up; 1 Ballard; 1 Echo; 1

Knocked out; Echo twice by Topher's gadget Echo; 4 November; 1 Sierra; 1 Victor; 1 Topher; 2

Kills; Sierra; 3 kills Echo; 3 November;1

Dolls injured; Poor Echo get's pistol-whipped then brutally tortured by Bennet.

Happy hookers; Echo is imprinted as call girl Bree, a happy hooker who wanted to be a dancer but found she prefers escort work which is also more lucrative.

Know the face? It's hot in here, it must be summer! Summer Glau, another hattrick. Also Maurissa Tanchon who in addition to being a Dollhouse writer featured on Dr Horrible 14-Whedon alumni-Mark Shepherd-2 (Dollhouse/Firefly), Amy Acker-2 (Dollhouse/Angel), walking action figure-2 (Buffy/Dollhouse), Eliza Dushku-3 (Buffy/Angel/Dollhouse), Jim Piddock-2 (Angel/Dollhouse), Gregg Henry-2 (Dollhouse/Firefly), Alan Tudyk-2 (Dollhouse/Firefly), Felicia Day-2(Dollhouse/Buffy), Alexis Denisoff-3 (Buffy, Angel and Dollhouse), Kristoffer Pohala-2 (Dollhouse/Angel), Stacey Scowley-2 (Buffy/Dollhouse) Clyde Katulas-2 (Buffy/Dollhouse), Maurissa Tanchon-2(Dollhouse/Dr Horrible), Summer Glau-3(Angel/Firefly/Dollhouse).

Whedon clichés; Characters with just one arm (like Lindsey in Angel). Rich and powerful families who cover up the evil deeds of their wayward sons. Top security installations which aren't secure at all. Loving self-sacrificing mothers who risk all for their children.

Breaking the programming; Echo can now refuse the offer of a treatment and is aware of her past personalities even when imprinted. She speaks of being able to see the patterns of her past imprints as though they are 'seams'

Questions and observations; Perrin is an interesting comparison to George W Bush who also came from an influential political family, also went to Yale and was also a drunken wastrel well into his thirties. He got religion whilst Perrin got 'dolled'. Did you notice Bennett's computer keyboard adapted for a user with only one hand? Or the statue of Romulus and Remus (the she-wolf suckling the human infants) in her bookcase. She also get's rid of everyone else before torturing Echo BUT she refers to her as Caroline. So we have history here? No Victor or Sierra at all this ep. So the DC Dollhouse names it's actives after Greek mythological characters? Love to see Hercules, Appollo etc and especially Xena and Callisto.

Central point here is that Perrin might have been wasting his life but it was his life to waste, once again as we saw with Sierra in Belonging, Rossum are quite prepared to take away people's freedom and exploit them if it suits their purposes, slavery plain and simple.

Marks out of 10; 8/10, very good stuff
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