"NCIS: Los Angeles" Indentured (TV Episode 2021) Poster

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The episode was bad but not because of politics
Saving2126 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This episode what annoyed me wasn't the politics issue. Because every tv show that is about law enforcement is dealing with politics and social issues. The question is how you write it. But this episode it wasn't the big issue. The issue was that this episode was falling flat. Not like in previous seasons that had better episodes dealing with white extremists. Everything in this episode was weak and didn't made sense. Like why is the arms dealer's GF is in rehab when it says he abuses her and she is under his control? If it's true, would he allow her to stay away from him for long? Why was Fatima there? Kensi knew how to connect to people on her own. The fact is that the GF didn't give them any vital information, so the point was for kensi to give the GF the idea of killing him? Really? What a great job for law enforcement agent!! And kensi is better than this!

The second part with the guys after her general wasn't better either, it was boring. The attempt of creating tension between Kilbride and Callen and Sam was weak. I actually liked the admiral when he first showed up, now I'm trying to understand what he is doing there? He isn't in NCIS like Granger and Mosley were. He is retired admiral with links to the military branches. It's ok when it's national security but not when it's about the military personnel that NCIS agents need to interrogate without thinking about their ranks or posts like the admiral suggested.

Another point, they need to bring new tech personal to replace Erick&Nell, Fatima she had experience before so it's understandable but she isn't in the experience of the last Two, and roundtree was never in the tech filed, it looks weird.
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bobcobb30114 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I feel like CBS was initially a network that was quite hesitant to force its political views on the public through its shows, but it is doing some serious course correction, starting with NCIS: Los Angeles, and not necessarily for the better.

But I am able to look past it and still be mildly entertained by the episode. The idea of guns getting into the wrong hands is obviously a very real threat, your opinion on the 2nd Amendment aside, and it can create compelling TV.

I just feel like the show is missing some key dynamics within the team that existed in a lot of past years of this long-running drama.
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Upsetting the right people
garethwdavies-9764830 May 2022
Why do so many people complain about the program being "Woke" when the baddies are white?

You didn't mind it so much when they were brown.

Can't think why!
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Certainly hit a nerve...
writeon-8727529 October 2021
A lot of vitreolic reviews about this episode..Ok it was a bit contrived and we guessed who was gonna be arrested.

Thing is you guys need to wake up and smell the coffee..remember january ...

Some programs reflect society and if it were extreme left wingers in the next episode I wouldn't have a problem...bad is bad...whoever the perps are.
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This season is like NCIS The View!
jimbokwright26 October 2021
God awful. They might as well have had Joy Behard and Whoopty take over the team. Every single episode this season is chocked full of the ultra liberal agenda. My review doesn't contain any spoilers because the writers already spoiled it.
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Good Episode
johnschubert-9385425 October 2021
Finally a Prime Time program addresses the issue with Extreme Right Wing Terrorists in this country. They pose as Patriots to the USA but are basically thugs attacking anyone who looks different from them or fail to endorse their politics.
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Inexcusable Propagandizing
swalker-1730526 October 2021
I'm shocked at the blatant politicizing of the show. They were once more subtle with their bias, but now they've crossed the line. Everything is right wing extremist and now a direct insult to the people of Arizona regarding election irregularity and recount. We couldn't finish the episode.

I've watched NCIS: LA from the beginning. I'll never watch it again.
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luketinarobert25 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Uh what an episode, to get chills just keep going.

Deeks fantastic Kessler seems to be coming back, I'm wondering if he'll be shot in the forehead, it takes too long.
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Fatima under cover
neverenoughgold25 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Or should I say without the scarf over her head? A beautiful woman without the scarf, and the fight between her and Kensi was exciting albeit very brief! I for one would like to see her "under cover" more often, so I hope the writers are listening.

As for the writing, I understand the frustration and even anger from some of the reviewers, but I think they need to lighten up a bit. As it is said, all things will pass.

For those who think the show is moving too left wing; well, I am right wing and I know a few of the actors/actresses in the show are conservative as well. Keep in mind, this is a job for them, and they made the choice to work or support their beliefs. Sometimes the work is more important, especially when done well and on this show it is usually done quite well!

It's good entertainment, don't forsake it just because you are temporarily offended by the message.
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Nor for White Supremacists
mjackiw-165-3138964 November 2021
As usual NCIS:LA nails the social situations of current events. Showing how the right wing are terrorists in their thoughts and actions, proven on January 6th. An entire generation fought against the very people that this show exposed as part of our national problem, those who go against everything this nation was built on for their own violent, bigoted, narcissistic ends.
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Anti-Gun, Military, American
MasterChief7125 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Once again the Liberal idiots that write this show, which at one time was worth watching, have lost their minds in CBS (Complete B S).

An American Army Officer is of course a Right-Wing Crazy wanting to arm a Right-Wing group with guns, (probably bought from the Taliban after the US hasty retreat from Afghanistan).

So we have to endure yet another nightmare written by individuals who have NO CLUE how the military operates and I doubt any of them have served either.

We get to watch one NCIS Agent acting so tough against his leader, an Admiral and the other goes behind his back and try to get the drop on the Army Officer and the Pro-American, Right-Wing, Pro-Gun group.

Getting old watching this nonsense from this show and so many others on CBS.

So long morons, I'll watch HULU originals, they're so much better..
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JosephFabeetz25 October 2021
When producers and writers lose touch with their audience, it's time to say goodbye. This show won't survive, but hey, actors will have 13 years of residuals to let them live lavishly in LA.

Other reviews will surely detail absurdity and hypocrisy laced into what was, for many seasons, a good action show. Now it's a campaign advertisement. I won't watch anymore. Pity.
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Based on untruths
jsmitty0126 October 2021
I couldn't finish this episode because the writers are showing a clear left-wing bias. Snide references about conservatives make it clear they blame all the ills in the world on them. NCIS New Orleans took a hard left and look what happened to them. This show should learn from that situation if they intend to stick around.
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Not the same show...
hechtjanet25 October 2021
I loved this show for a number of years.

I am all for different stories with different political slants if they are well written, even if they are different than my own.

I couldn't even get through the first 15 minutes of this episode because it was so ham fisted and had a clear political agenda with absolutely not a single ounce of nuance,
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The Left Poisons EVERYTHING it touches.
phil55225 October 2021
I've already given up on all but 4 US network made TV shows

The Blacklist * NCIS * NCIS Los Angeles * SEAL TEAM

Oops..... Make that 3

Less than 9 minutes into the 2nd episode of the current season of NCIS Los Angeles, the show SMEARED every single voter who voted against te Democrats in 2016 and 2020.....

and just like that... after 12 years of seeing every single episode.... I am gone.

Dear(?) Media... you are invited into my house to entertain me, NOT to preach, proselytize, or indroctrinate me... nor to insult me, or my intelligence. Cross that line, get deported from my world, there is no appeal, and there is no coming back.

If I was a betting man I would say that at least one more will be gone by the end of the current season.
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Pushing a political agenda
jdgtc125 October 2021
I like the show. However, the writers only seem interested in pushing a leftist political agenda. Lately every episode has an element of racism, white supremacy, or citizens who value those pesky civil liberties. Enough already.
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The Left doing what it claims the Right does
yitir-1883426 October 2021
Well the Leftard controlled machine falsely generalizes the right as anti-immigrant, 2A fanatic, and conspiracy theorists. 6:55 timestamp.

Notice that Leftards are not portrayed by the entertainment machine for how they ACT.

All television shows are myopic and follow a false Leftard narrative. Go broke already,
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robertjc-226 October 2021
Right friggin' militia AGAIN? Really sucking on the corporate virtue signaling for two weeks in a row is becoming more than I care to waste my evening watching.

I has watched every episode since the beginning and I think this is the beginning of the end for me. Gerald McRainy can't save this crap.
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Season 13 is beyond trash
aminlv27 October 2021
Man whats with this new season!

Every episode get worse than before Political BS 5 years old bickering G no real content or fun its like watching opinion shows in any MSM 24/7 this chapter i couldnt even watch 1/3 of it horrible crap i guess its time to drop this show what a waste i love the crew.
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gangrym27 October 2021
Is there a writer's strike we are not aware of and now they pull anyone from Woke University writing episodes?

This season is definitely a skip. One by one shows are falling...is this jumping the shark? Did I use that right?
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So Woke it put me to sleep
spikeluvr2 November 2021
Ratings must not be a concern for this program since they're trying hard to alienate half the viewing audience and curry favor with the other half. Who somehow need to have their beliefs constantly reinforced in every aspect of their lives, including what is supposed to be fictional entertainment. This episode was filled with fiction to the point of recasting history. It was boring and pedantic and I ended up fast forwarding through the "lectures". The one bright spot is Gerald MacRaney. His irascible demeanor is a joy especially when he upbraids the younger agents. I like him much better than Hetty.
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graham4-331 October 2021
These shows used to be really good but now they are "WOKE" and they are putting in too many false narratives. Fire the writers and go back to a more impartial show that actually supports Americans and the American military.
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Idiots running this show will be cancelled like NCIS New Orleans
Fargomoviecritic5 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
LLCool J is a joke! Make Arizona a great again? This show stinks! It was headed to the dumpster last seasons and now they are selling out and losing their base because of liberal bias!! Illegal immigration and voting?? LL acts like he is on the real news..lol! This show will be cancelled soon! I am done with this trash!!
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