The Traveler (2010) Poster

(I) (2010)

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Promising and Creeping Beginning, Disappointing Conclusion
claudio_carvalho24 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
On the Christmas Eve in a small town, a stranger (Val Kilmer) enters in the precinct and tells the Desk Sergeant Gulloy (Chris Gauthier) that he had murdered six people. Detective Alexander Black (Dylan Neal) arrests the man in a cell and Deputy Jerry Pine (Paul McGillion), Deputy Jane Hollow (Camille Sullivan), Deputy Toby Sherwood (Nels Lennarson) and Deputy Jack Hawkins (John Cassini) are not able to identify him since the stranger does not have fingerprints. They call him Mr. Nobody and Deputy Hawkins recalls that he resembles the haired drifter that they had arrested and tortured one year ago, when the daughter of Detective Black had vanished. Along the night, while Mr. Nobody confesses each murder and whistles Lacrimosa from Mozart's Requiem, each deputy dies. Sooner Detective Black discovers that Mr. Nobody is a revengeful spirit that has come to kill them for what they did to the drifter one year ago and they are doomed to die.

"The Traveler" is a weird film with a promising and creeping beginning but also a disappointing conclusion. The mysterious and supernatural story works very well until the moment Mr. Nobody confesses that he was not innocent but guilty indeed. From this moment on, the plot becomes pointless and makes no sense, destroying what could have been a good movie. My vote is four.

Title (Brazil): "O Viajante" ("The Traveler")
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A drifter confesses to murders before they happen. Really good idea, never got going. What happened to Jim Morrison?? I say C+
cosmo_tiger22 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
A drifter (Kilmer) walks into a police dept. and confesses to 6 murders...before they have happened. The idea for this movie is very cool and I was actually excited to see a Val Kilmer movie again. Once again though he let me down. This is not anywhere close to the crap he has been coming out with for the last 10 years or so, this one had so much potential but never really got going. When the drifter starts to confess to a murder someone in the police station mysteriously dies in the same manner as the confession (sounds cool right). The problem is that this movie just felt like it was trying to get really good and never got the push it needed. If they would have cut a half hour out of it and did it as a TV show in the vain of CSI or Detroit 187 it would have been great. Too many flashbacks and repeating the same conversations over and over again made the movie feel flat and left me wanting more from it. Don't get me wrong, it's not terrible but it could have been SO much better. I give it a C+.

Would I watch again? - Probably Not
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Ignore the bad reviews.....This movie is watchable
Topaz192216 September 2013
For months I wanted to watch this movie but because I am a true fan of these reviews and trust them (I usually don't watch them if they receive less than a 5 rating), I never watched it based on the low (4.0) score. However, out of boredom I ended up watching it on freevee and enjoyed it.

Aside from the horrible acting and the overly done killing scenes, this movie was watchable.

From the moment the "stranger" walked in the door, the movie keeps you on the edge of your seat. It was interesting all the way through. The message throughout the movie was one that was relatable and it really made me think about treating others right and not judging others. The best message I got? Even those who sit by in silence while an I justice happens will also suffer the consequences. Although the ending was not to my liking, I must say that this was a good movie.
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"They Pay You for the Bad Ones Too..."
raegan_butcher25 September 2010
When asked about a particular cinematic floater in which he had appeared, Robert Mitchum replied, "They pay you for the bad ones too!" I am assuming that Val Kilmer has adopted that as his personal mantra to get him through this latest phase of his career. So far in the past week I have watched Kilmer in The Traveler, Streets of Blood and The Thaw and all of them are terrible.Not his fault, of course, he's just an actor. He is forced to deal with the scripts he is given.

The Traveler shows promise at the start, despite the derivative nature of the script and the stereotypes that take the place of characters. Once the supernatural huggery-muggery begins that promise rapidly begins to fade. The story makes no sense. At first it is hinted that Kilmer is the ghost of a wrongly killed man and he is going to enact revenge on the deserving occupants of the police station a la High Plains Drifter. If the script would have stayed with that angle it might have produced an interesting film,if only on the simplistic and preachy level of an old Twilight Zone. But the pernicious influence of M. Night Shyamalan on a whole generation of screenwriters forces the offending scripter to try a big twist at the end and--a common failing with gimmicks of this type--the big reveal is absurd and makes no sense. It also invalidates everything that came before in terms of logic or coherence. Ah well, better luck next time.
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styxxoo117 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Oké, so.

Val Kilmer once again playing a role that's far beneath him. With actors not worth mentioning, in a ridiculous story with a ridiculous plot twist.

Here we have a drifter, apparently on a vendetta, turning himself into the police who are the obvious victims. Oh BTW I forgot, a little girl dies in the beginning of the movie, which makes you think: 'Maybe that's why he wants revenge'. But no, the girl turns out to be the murdered daughter of a detective in the precinct.

So why is he 'killing' these cops? WHO KNOWS. And the end twist which is the single most ridiculous thing about this movie, only get's you so far as to start thinking: 'Wait, so we were rooting for a child murderer and suspected pedophile the whole movie without knowing it?'.

Btw, did I mention it? He has supernatural powers. Yep, a child murderer with supernatural powers taking his revenge on the police. Thank you Michael Oblowitz, for ruining at least 40 minutes of my life before I decided to fast forward through all the bulls**t.
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Simply Awful...
cgsheen117 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This is a truly bad movie, and not in a good way... Plot is virtually non-existent. Setting makes no sense other than to provide a "spooky" backdrop for what is supposed to be a supernatural thriller. (dark-and-rainy-night cliché, cars from the 60's, 70's, 80's, police station house that looks as if it were abandoned in the 60's, phones that died before Hoover...) You'll know (or guess) the entire story within the first several minutes and the rest is just nonsense. This is one movie I truly wish that I'd never watched. A complete waste of time.

There are several decent actors, Val Kilmer not getting the chance to be one of them however. The "twist" at the end is weak, unearned, and doesn't even start to make up for a really insipid story line. Which, by the way, could be told in less than a minute in 5 or 6 sentences. The additional hour and 29 minutes of fill just aren't that interesting.
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ape12128513 November 2010
Val Kilmer in one of his most convincing roles. He must have been very proud to show his talent in this genius production. When he gave me the look of pure power and evilness, man that was impressive. Then again. Several Times... Getting better and better with every scene. The sounds, the actors.... even old cars. The Twist in this movie is absolutely crazy! It blew my mind! There are some scenes in this movie that will change the way people think of a person being killed with a shovel. Absolutely brilliant when they show the scenes over and over again.

If you want to kill yourself... watch this movie
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Give this one a miss.
Ayay7129 November 2010
This movie starts out looking rather good. 8 min later it's going downhill fast:).Everything from acting to the unreasonable use of gore is horrible. And the writers have nothing to say ,which makes you care less what happens to the characters in the movie .In a thriller that is a bad thing. But then they filled this movie with a lot of gore so it starts to look like a slasher movie just with out any of the dark comedy those films almost all have..This movie have no clear vision what it wants to be, and becomes a slow moving mass of boring.And as for Val Kilmer, well he tries but like i said the script is so bad it make everyone in it just fall flat on their faces. No one should pay to see this
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Better than I expected
Boopmebaby19 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This is not a great part for Val but I can see the intrigue in doing the role and his performance seemed focused but sub standard. The story is much like a modern day High Plains Drifter with new twists and originality. Still a cheesy B horror but I enjoyed the directors attempt at making a good film and appreciated that the film wasn't full of the constantly repeated stupid acts by the characters that make most horror movies painful to watch. Although part of the story plot was a little over the top I still liked the concept. The location for the movie could have been a lot better I think it added to the cheesiness of the film. But maybe that was the directors direction. I liked the movie.
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Kindly travel somewhere else, please...
natashabowiepinky5 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Set on Christmas Eve, but don't expect any festive fun in this revenge thriller, which features Val Kilmer as an apparently innocent man who was beaten to death by six cops, and now he returns from beyond the grave to seek vengeance on those same lawmen. And whatdya know... They're the only people in the station that evening. All of his victims die in ways related to to the part they played in his demise, e.g the one who tied him up gets hanged with a rope, the one who beat him with the shovel is disemboweled with a spade... you know how it goes. These are some slow-witted officers though... they only start to try to kill him after the second victim croaks, and they finally figure out what is going on after the third dude gets wasted. I hear they're experts at donut rationing though...

Kilmer may think he is scary with his random whistling and blank stare, but believe me... he isn't. He's like a fifth rate clone of Harry Powell from Night Of The Hunter. Sadly, the director disagrees... so we get lots of shots of his expressionless face performing three bars from Mozart's 'Death Mask'. This gets tedious real soon, but not as much as repeated flashbacks of his torture, or the abduction of the girl he was accused of killing. Is any of this necessary? Nope. The word 'padding' comes to mind. I also must bring up the bits near the end, where you get the feeling the scriptwriter just threw his pen away and said "Anything Goes". The deaths get REALLY stupid, the plots twists get REALLY desperate, and as for the deus ex machina (I've been waiting to use THAT term for a while) that saves the day... Well, let me sum it up for you. PUR-LEASE.

Final thought: I bet Kilmer's wage took up more than half the budget. Just a hunch. 4/10
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Dark Poetry
nogodnomasters25 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The movie was like a Freddy or Jason film. You know who the killer is, who is going to die and why they are going to die. The film starts out with a girl, Mary Black being abducted while out in the woods skipping rope and playing with her kitty, Shining. Don't worry, if you miss this scene they will show it 3-4 more times. She manages to get out very loud screams even though the killer has his hand over her mouth.

We flash ahead 1 year later, Christmas Eve at a small town police department. Detective Alexander Black was the father of Mary and is having some family problems mainly over the death of Mary a year ago. Then at 8:14 Val Kilmer shows up as "Mr. Nobody" to confess to murders. Val has the eerie appearance of an old fat Jim Morrison and recites various dark lines and truisms such as "It is the job of the police to protect the rich and persecute the poor." He also has his own music as he whistles Mozart, which sounds a little like the opening of "Lassie" for you old timers.

The soundtrack is a combination of Mozart and Metal. It was good, but it really had an opportunity to make the film. We soon find out that the cops who are on duty had clubbed a drifter into a coma attempting to get him to confess to the killing of Mary Black. They show the torture scene about 6 times. The drifter (never called The Traveler, perhaps "Drifter" was already taken) was beaten with a shovel, baton, fist, hung, whipped, and suffocated. Oh yes and stuck with a pen.

Our Traveler is here to get revenge in a strange and supernatural way, which the police quickly figure out. As he confesses to a killing, he is actually describing how a police officer is being killed.

I found the movie to be "Twilight Zone-like" at times, and Kilmer, attempting to be the new thinking man's Freddy. His slow monotone speeches are reminiscent of his Morrison readings. I saw this as a film version of dark poetry with cult status potential.

No sex. No nudity. Does contain blood, guts and torture.
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Not a bad movie !
lordpatrice23 May 2011
Well let me tell you, after reading all those negative reviews I tough this movie would be so bad, but I said to myself come on, rent it, I'm a fan of Val Kilmer, and to be honest I think the acting of Val Kilmer, Paul McGillion and Dylan Neal was very good, can't say the same for the rest of the crew! This movie is good, creepy, and Val does a very good job at being creepy as hell. I gave this movie a 7 stars review, because of general good acting, creepy atmosphere, gory death scene,and I had no high expectation for that movie, so it was a pleasant surprise. I do recommend people to watch this movie, don't be turned down by all the 1 star reviews.

ps: Watch it in pitch black with your girlfriend,and after the movie, whistle like Val, you're girlfriend is going to love you :)
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Why Val why??!!!
kristofar19 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
THE TRAVELER - the great horror showing six police officers being punished for their past sin (beating up an "innocent" hobo for killing a small girl). Irritating, poor, horrible, terrible, dumb, unprofessional (if you want to add any other negative words feel free to join in). Still going down the drain. Once THE SAINT, now - class C "movie star" Val Kilmer shows an exceptional performance telling "I need money" in every word. Not even trying, he just whistles throughout the whole movie. Guts flying all over the place, people screaming and... If you want more you need to watch it. Wait. Don't even bother to watch unless you want a good laugh. My words after seeing it: "Why did you wast all this time? WHY??!!!!!!!
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More than it appears to be {Michael Oblowitz}
Stanley-Becker5 October 2010
Other reviews find this, cinematically interesting experiment, to be dull, pedestrian, and facile. I, on the contrary was stimulated by the droll, impassive - almost virtuoso performance of a man without an identity - Mr. Nobody - who appears suddenly and conveys portents of impending menace, to my mind, highly effectively. This existential anti-hero, apart from being obviously psychotic, also possesses both black and white magic - a schizoid Magus. Val Kilmer certainly brought conviction to the abstract demands of this role. While the movie is bound by the superficial conventions of the genre, I thought that it brought a certain flavor of dread that epitomizes the existentially hopeless predicament, with a piquant touch of drollery that so many jaded but sophisticated viewers find amusingly stimulating or camp in this genre. If you like Val Kilmer - who doesn't? - and the horror/ supernatural theme, then this is certainly worth watching!
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Some cops kill a murderer then the murder comes back to take revenge
bloodsunday3518 January 2011
This movie was horrible. Besides Val Kilmer, the acting was atrocious! I watched the entire movie despite wanting to turn it off due to its sheer lack of entertainment. It was boring, the dialog was predictable and non realistic, the death scenes were quite graphic (that might be a positive for some people) but still lacked energy. It just seemed like throughout the entire movie I was being fed the plot line directly instead of having to think a little bit. I enjoy having to use my brain and put pieces together rather than have the actors tell me blatantly whats going on. Do not watch this movie. It is a waste of time. Send Val Kilmer 10 bucks instead and then go watch "The Salton Sea"...because that was an awesome movie.
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Wax Kilmer
oligeir30 September 2010
I agree with most of the reviews here, the movie (and acting) is awful and it looks like they've stolen Val Kilmer from a Wax Museum.

I'm more concerned with Val Kilmers career. Val Kilmer has always been one of my favorite actors and for a while now I've been hoping for a miraculous comeback. I don't have a clue as to why he's been wasting his talents on most of the movies he has starred in for the past few years. A part of me wants to believe his appearance and recent B-movies will make for a stronger comeback when he returns physically fit and giving a strong performance in a good movie.

My favorite Val Kilmer performances:

Comanche Moon - Deja Vu - Kiss Kiss Bang Bang - Wonderland - The Salton Sea - Heat - Tombstone - Thunderheart - The Doors

Hopefully there will be many more to come.

How about Val Kilmer and Steven Seagal, both lean and fit starring in a good thriller/action movie? That would be something..
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Generic, Uninspired Horror Fare
silenttreatment16 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Admittedly, I'm not much of a horror fan, however I watched The Traveler because I tend to like Val Kilmer's acting. Unfortunately, he has a tendency to pick some less-than-stellar scripts. This film is one of those less-than-stellar ones.

What little there is in the way of plot here is generic and predictable. The film relies on using the supernatural as a crutch to limp through it's hour and a half running time. It goes through the typical horror plot of "each character is killed one by one, by a killer out for revenge," however never having to justify how the deaths happened or even come up with creative ways to execute them (no pun intended) because everything can be blamed on he supernatural.

The Traveler is somewhat successful for the first act, as the camera work, music, and Kilmer's acting succeed in setting a creepy tone. However, once it is revealed (very early on, I might add) who The Stranger/Mr. Nobody is and what he's come for, there's really no reason to keep watching. You know he's going to kill all but one or two of the severely underdeveloped characters and somehow, also supernaturally, they'll figure out a way to stop him. Yawn.
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Clever Idea That Never Quite Connects
Bob_the_Hobo2 September 2012
A nameless drifter (Val Kilmer) ambles into a police department in the middle of the night to tell the night watchman that he has killed six people. Arrested and booked, the drifter tells Detective Black (Dylan Neal) that the murders haven't happened yet. The six police officers quickly find that the man in their captivity is describing what will happen to them throughout the night.

Val Kilmer's newest straight-to-video offering is a clever, definitely creepy idea that never quite connects with the themes it tries to make or the audience is tries to draw. Kilmer has staked his claim with low-budget action, now he tries his hand at horror. He's just short of what could have been a royal flush.

"The Traveler" has some aspects in its favor. Kilmer ably performs the mysterious stranger, though his performance seems to unravel as the film draws to a close. John Cassini and Chris Gauthier play two of the potential victims and come close to being memorable. The latter especially does his best with what he has and makes a sympathetic performance. Though no one matches Dylan Neal, who is the strongest of the cast as the detective with something to hide.

"The Traveler" is also not without its faults. Clichéd, hackneyed characters do little to make the film better. As the film continues on, it faces problems with continuity and elaboration on exactly who the stranger is. The biggest downturn is the script, which offers fewer and fewer answers to the questions it asks and doesn't seem interested in answering any of them by the end, leaving me a puzzled viewer.

I give it a well-deserved five out of ten stars. It's a solid effort and worth a watch if you want a film that both makes you think and turns your brain off.
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Fails on so many levels
digdog-785-71753818 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This review contains two spoilers;

Together, they make up the entire story, so double warning there. Not only you risk knowing the whole film from reading them, you are also forewarned of how little plot this film has.

The Traveler is bad, dull and really, really poor.

Val Kilmer (nice acting, but very limited role) is The Traveler, the spirit of a drifter killed by six policemen a few years back, as they were trying to get a confession out of him. He walks into the police station, and confesses that he has murdered six people. So far, so good. Few minutes later, and we learn - directly through the characters speaking - that the "confessions" are the murders of these six cops, about to happen. Then , he "kills" them, or rather, they get killed by invisible stuff in ways that remind of how he the Traveler was beaten by the cops.

OK, ghostly revenge, we get it.

This film is a ghost thriller, very old-skool at that. Some hints of a good story that never happens. Sound is decent, if a little bare. Not much else going for this film. There is plenty of gore, but it isn't even well done. There is very little suspense, since the plot is laid bare right away. The film reaches an end when another ghost turns up, and tells the last cop standing that if he says "Stanley" and then shoots him, he's gonna kill him, and he does. The End.

I'm not against films that bring out the plot right away, but only on the grounds that the bring on an unexpected twist later in the story.

"It leads you to believe you get the plot, but then strikes you!" (i hope nobody quotes that line) Well, not only The Traveler doesn't do that, it cheeses up the already bad ending by killing that last bit of dread you'r supposed to feel with a shotgun blast that, as we all know, is the ultimate ghost-deterrent. But only if you say "Stanley".

Lately i'v been seeing some films that have really zero quality control; Don't they have some guy in Hollywood who reads the script, who can tell them how crap it is? The Traveler is a real waste of time, the only audience that might have any use for this film is horror fanboys who want to see new ways of people getting killed (there aren't any), and even then they would be disappointed. And the idea of having ALL the lights in the film be failing at once, throughout the film resulting in the dodgiest flickering ever captured on camera, was just plain *expletive* dumb.

I'm no filmmaker, but my humble opinion is that if someone wants to be in charge of a few million dollars, they should have at least gone through filmmaking school. This story would have made (and probably has) a decent Twilight Zone episode, at a cool 40min long. At 90min, its one hour too long.And it's not like you can pick the good bits out of it, since suspense films are based on the concept of scary stuff happening at proper intervals. That is SUSPENSE.

I dare anyone to watch this film and come to a different conclusion than mine. Its so bad, the reel it's sitting on is a waste of space. Seriously, don't spoil your evening on a DVD of The Traveler, it's really, really bad. Get yourself ANY other film, its guaranteed to be more entertaining than this one.

Vote 4/10 (tempted to go back and vote 3)
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The things people say negatively about this movie isn't necessarily what almost ruined it.
ferreira066518 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
****************************** SPOILERS ********************************

The problem I had with this movie is that there was too much slow motion and ridiculous moments. Like when the chick is meeting her end and they keep firing and banging on the window to get into the car when its obvious there are powers beyond their control making the car impenetrable. It goes from pistol shots to shotgun and with each bullet, the bullet shatters and not the window. There was a lot of stuff like that.

What I came to the conclusion of by the end of the movie was that yes the drifter was actually guilty but what the cops did to him a year ago also was wrong. You don't treat a suspect that way. They were in the wrong. He got revenge which in sense he really didn't deserve since he did do it but at the same time he did. It was one of those on the line things.

I found the movie entertaining but the things I mentioned above as they weren't the only times they were done needed to change. I gave the movie a 7. It was interesting which saved the movie from being a complete failure.
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Val the B grade king
LOL101LOL13 January 2011
Damn it must be hard to be a star in Hollywood and than slide down the nobody tube like Val has the last few years. The story was o.k, acting poor and oh so predictable. But don't feel sorry for Val as I am sure he is laughing all the way to the bank with these lame B graders. Catch this on TV late at night, don't waste your money. 2 out of 10 for this B flick

2010 had some real rubbish films and this one fits in just fine, I have made the choice to avoid any film with Val in it as they seem to be rubbish, although he did make some great films in the past.

2 out of 10, enough lines yet? I just can't add more to this review.
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Why is everyone giving this movie a hard time?
kent-s36 July 2012
I just signed up to Netflix and whilst scrolling through the horror section i came upon this movie.I always find characters who refuse to reveal who they are or what their motivations are always fascinating.I think the film is succinct and there is no unnecessary filler to pad it out.In essence it is basically a haunted house horror film,but the haunted house in question is a police station.There is plenty of gore in this film,but i think its justified in the sense that what the perpetrators of the offence did, deserved to have grisly terminations for there guilty deeds.The film is succinct and has no unnecessary filler,i can wholeheartedly recommend this film to any horror fan without question.Just like to add,do people give this film one or two stars just to look clever or smart, because it doesn't impress me very much.The new blood sport,ripping a movie to shreds for no discernible reason....very sad people.
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Good film, let down by a few dodgy blood stained scenes
zodgb201020 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Watched this film last night, thought the plot was very (very) predictable, i realised what the plot was straight away, like when the scissors vanished from the desk in the first 5 minutes of the film. I did think that the use of peoples guts flying onto the walls during the kill scenes was a bit over the top and totally unnecessary (especially when they had just been Suffocated), not to mention unbelievable. Also the really dodgy acting by the supporting actors was poor, except for the detective. I would recommend you watch this film and make up your own mind. Would i watch this film again yes. Finally i think that this film is one of the better films from Val Kilmer, as a late i have found that this actor is either very good or total crap.
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Yin - Yang
rromosan18 September 2010
I do not like horror movies, i find them funny not frightening.

That being said this one isn't half bad. The plot is OK, it has nice twists to it and a couple of actors did a nice job. However i mark it as a 3/10 and that's because most of the scenes where something happens are badly portrayed, you don't need to pay attention to see that they are sub par. Aside from Val and Det. Black who did a good job, the rest of the cast are a bunch of amateurs and dragged the movie down with them.

Do not expect a great movie but it is fun to watch. If seeing a lot of gore and death makes you happy or you are in the mood to get spooked out by "Nobody" go ahead and watch it, if not , stay away, u will not like it.

Val - 9/10 Det. Black - 7/10 Movie overall - 3/10
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Be careful which drifter you mess with
TheHrunting24 June 2011
This starts out with ominous signs, premonitions, warnings, unidentifiable sounds, coincidences--it's all so eerie and mysterious, that is until about the halfway mark when it starts to slowly lose its grasp and plummet into a decomposable pile of rubbish.

A long-haired man dressed in black, played by Val Kilmer, walks right up to the counter of a small police station on Christmas Eve of all nights and says he's there to confess a murder. Some take him seriously, others think he's a kook and wasting their time. So they run through the drill with his name (he's a nobody), fingerprints (doesn't have any), photo (invisible). It's like he doesn't exist, though his mug looks awfully familiar. Alright, now it's confession time. Except Mr. Nobody's smug, speaks in riddles and delays what he has to say for a specific purpose: those around him are going to die systematically and symbolically without Mr. Nobody leaving their sight. How is that possible? I'm not even sure the scriptwriter knows.

A grainy flashback is shown with all officers who were coincidentally there from a not-so-long-ago incident. A drifter was beaten in the most savage police brutality one can dish out for the murder of a child he said he didn't do. The filmmakers wanted you to know how harsh it was--enough to send him into a coma--as every time someone is killed when Mr. Nobody's confession to a murder is heard we get to see the same flashback over and over, probably to translate how much hate these judge, jury and executioners had in their eyes, except it gets tiring and it starts to become forced.

Some parallels are shown to our enigmatic friend and the remaining officers are stretching their imagination that it all ties together to something possibly supernatural. Will they get out? Do they have it in them to survive? Well, after seeing that harsh mental video over and over...and over and over, who really feels bad for how excessively far they took it even if it was to get a confession for the whereabouts of the lead detective's little girl. It was something they were so sure about at the time, but made a big mistake and little did they know they messed with the wrong guy.

At one point, you think this is going to be a story telling flick like "The Usual Suspects," then a you-or-me survival picture like "Assault on Precinct 13," next a straightforward revenge movie about cop brutality, as all means of getting away are futile and the message starts to point to Rodney King cheering in the back of the audience. That would have gotten an okay mark, as Val Kilmer brings a certain charismatic antihero presence to the character and this also appeased a gore fan as each death is different and pretty grisly like a slasher. What brings this down is the cops at present don't seem like they have the sheer ruthlessness in them to do what they did in the past, which is another strike for believability. Then when a final, pointless twist happens at the end it throws all character development that they were already holding onto by shreds out of whack just to get a little momentary shock. The replay value was reduced to wish-I-didn't-see-this-to-begin-with because the rest of the film was missing way too many pieces to the puzzle for certain mechanics to line up. (Also submitted on
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