"Smallville" Absolute Justice (TV Episode 2010) Poster

(TV Series)


Allison Mack: Chloe Sullivan


  • Oliver Queen : I, uh, I thought I'd stop and see if anyone's hungry.

    John Jones : I could use some dinner. Chloe?

    Chloe Sullivan : Uh, sure. You're buying Mr. Queen.

    John Jones : Don't look at me. I'm living off a policeman's salary.

    Oliver Queen : Ah, fine. Dessert's on you.

    John Jones : On Mars, we never had dessert, but I have grown especially fond of cookies.

  • Oliver Queen : You're really on a kick lately, Chloe. Personal phone conversations... bank records... Amazon Wish List.

    Chloe Sullivan : Big Sister's watching.

    Oliver Queen : Is that *my* e-mail? Chloe, I'll have you know that those messages between me and Canary were purely platonic.

    Chloe Sullivan : Can we skip your virtual love life and actually focus on the job here?

    Oliver Queen : Gladly.

  • Chloe Sullivan : The real question is, are you okay? I haven't heard from you in days.

    Clark Kent : Yeah, we've been playing phone tag.

    Chloe Sullivan : Uh, no, phone tag implies two people. I've been playing phone solitaire. Not nearly as much fun.

  • Courtney Whitmore : Carter, please. There's over a dozen members of the Justice Society still out there. Jay, Ted, Alan. If we didn't team up and stop the Icicle, he'll go after them next.

    Clark Kent : It's obvious you still care about this team. If you didn't, you wouldn't have kept watch over all of this.

    Carter Hall : This is a temporary alliance.

    Clark Kent : Do you have any idea where we can find Icicle?

    Chloe Sullivan : [enters the Brownstone]  I've got one or two. Unless this is costumes only.

    Carter Hall : Who's this, your secretary?

    John Jones : Our eyes and ears.

  • Clark Kent : [finding a 16mm film in the Daily Planet archives]  They were systematically caught and taken down.

    Chloe Sullivan : For what?

    Clark Kent : The crimes don't match who they are.

    Chloe Sullivan : They were called con men for a reason, Clark.

    [spotting Sylvester] 

    Chloe Sullivan : That's Sylvester Pemberton.

    Clark Kent : He was accused of embezzling from his own company.

    [spotting Wesley] 

    Clark Kent : That's Wesley Dodds, international business. He had no prior criminal record, until he was arrested at a student demonstration that turned violent. A young woman was killed.

    Chloe Sullivan : Who's that?

    Clark Kent : [matching a name to the face]  Al Pratt. Physics professor at Calvin College. Arrested for assaulting police officers when they went after Dodds.

    Chloe Sullivan : [watching Ted Grant's arrest]  Wait a minute, I know that guy. That's Ted Grant. He's a heavyweight champion, but... how is he involved with these guys?

    Clark Kent : Jay Garrick, a research scientist. He's charged with fraud and resisting arrest.

    Chloe Sullivan : Alan Scott. The CEO of a broadcasting company?

    Clark Kent : Arrested for aiding and abetting. Chloe, they have no connections besides their arrests. They don't even sound like criminals.

    Chloe Sullivan : And I got to say that Abigail Hunkel doesn't exactly strike fear in this hero's heart.

    Clark Kent : Talking about these arrest reports. Each one of them tried to take the fall for the other. And they tried to protect one another.

    Chloe Sullivan : I guess during the golden age of robbery and racketeering, there was honor among thieves.

    Clark Kent : This goes beyond honor. There were missing witnesses, circumstantial evidence, accusations of jury tampering. They stood by one another, and in the end, none of the convictions held up.

    Chloe Sullivan : Almost sounds like you admire them.

    Clark Kent : I admire their loyalty.

    Chloe Sullivan : Well, I'll stay here and finish downloading the 411 on the mystery men the old-fasioned way. You need to go and warn Carter Hall. He's the next name on Pemberton's call list. He called him over a dozen times in the last two days.

    [the film ends] 

    Chloe Sullivan : What kind of a team was this?

  • Oliver Queen : Ten to one says pigeon man's got Clark locked up in a birdcage somewhere. I don't know who the hell these people are, but they sure don't like us. Ow.

    Chloe Sullivan : I thought you said it didn't hurt.

    Oliver Queen : I lied.

    Chloe Sullivan : You know, you're lucky he didn't drop you from ten stories up.

    Oliver Queen : I don't feel lucky. As much as I hate to admit it, these people know what they're doing.

  • Sylvester Pemperton : You're the one they call Watchtower.

    Chloe Sullivan : Watchtower?

    Sylvester Pemperton : Technology today makes hiding a whole lot harder, Miss Sullivan. When someone like you reaches out and plugs into so many outlets, someone else is bound to pull out one of those cords and follow it back to the source. You're lucky a friend did it first.

    Chloe Sullivan : Friends? Friends don't sneak up on each other in a dark alley.

  • Chloe Sullivan : If it isn't my favorite Martian. Looks like you're enjoying the return of your powers.

    John Jones : At a cost. Dr. Fate's final act was to restore my Martian abilities instead of saving his own life.

    Chloe Sullivan : What happens with the helmet now?

    John Jones : According to Hawkman, someone worthy will be drawn to it. They'll become the next Dr. Fate.

    Chloe Sullivan : What's next for you?

    John Jones : My time as a detective has allowed me to protect humans on a very personal and individual level. I've enjoyed that. So I will be able to protect and serve, using every tool I've got.

    Chloe Sullivan : Me too.

    John Jones : Dr. Fate was inundated with a constant flow of visions and information, but there is a limit to how much knowledge someone can have. It drove him to the edge of sanity, and he fell off. I don't need my telepathy to know you run that risk yourself.

    Chloe Sullivan : The golden helmet possessed by ancient spirits and the Watchtower are two entirely different things. I can handle it.

    John Jones : [holds Chloe's hand]  I only say because I care. You and Clark, Oliver. You're my family here.

  • Clark Kent : This is Clark. Please leave a message, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

    Chloe Sullivan : Clark, this is Chloe with message number one-too-many.

  • Clark Kent : Chloe, are you okay?

    Chloe Sullivan : Yeah. Just some moderate frostbite and a little sleep deprivation. Nothing a cup of hot cocoa and a nap won't fix.

  • Chloe Sullivan : You got my message.

    Oliver Queen : I got all ten of 'em, Chloe. Where are the other superfriends?

    Chloe Sullivan : Still waiting for them to ping me back. See, this is why I keep asking everybody to come up with some sort of standardized trouble alert. The team needs structure.

    Oliver Queen : [sarcastic]  Is that what we're lacking?

  • Chloe Sullivan : How did you get involved with the Justice Society?

    Courtney Whitmore : Well... my, um, stepfather Pat was Sylvester Pemperton's sidekick years ago. The Star-Spangled Kid and Stripesy.

    Chloe Sullivan : Stripesy?

    Courtney Whitmore : [snickering]  It was, like, the worst code name ever. I found Sylvester's old equipment, and... well, at first I put it on, you know, just to annoy Pat. But... I don't know. The first time I ever saved someone...

    Chloe Sullivan : You were hooked.

    Courtney Whitmore : Yeah. Line and sinker.

    Chloe Sullivan : Yeah. So you're not actually related to any of them?

    Courtney Whitmore : Well, family is not just about blood. And... watching people doesn't make them a part of your life. I don't know. I mean... maybe your team would operate better if you didn't get together only when there was trouble. And... if you made it a little more home sweet home and a little less nuclear war room?

  • Chloe Sullivan : [witnessing Clark's interaction with Courtney]  What was that drama about?

    Clark Kent : She obviously has a problem with reporters. She's friends with Sylvester Pemberton.

    Chloe Sullivan : Pemberton knew about Watchtower. He wore some kind of weird uniform, he had a weapon that could control light. He was killed by ice. From someone or something. I'm getting some serious Wall of Weird flashbacks here, Clark. Look, I know that you have a lot of things pressing right now, but this is a job for Clark Kent.

    [handing him her phone, with which she cloned Pemberton's] 

    Chloe Sullivan : His final phone call lasted thirty minutes. It was with a guy named Wesley Dodds. You need to go check it out.

  • Clark Kent : I've been meaning to call.

    Chloe Sullivan : Clark, it's okay. No apology is needed. Protecting the streets of Metropolis and chasing down Lois Lane is more than enough to juggle. Add to that you're now leading the secret city of Kandor.

    Clark Kent : I'm only helping them find their place here. They're trying to make Earth their home. Like John Jones did when he got a job in the police department and became a detective.

    Chloe Sullivan : So, what, you're expecting the Kandorians to just become firemen and short-order cooks?

    Clark Kent : They need to make their own lives, and then move on from there.

  • Chloe Sullivan : Is it just me or did it get really cold really fast?

    [he picks her up and throws her into a nearby dumpster] 

    Chloe Sullivan : Ugh. Hey!

    Sylvester Pemperton : [shutting the lid]  Stay down, Ms. Sullivan.

  • Chloe Sullivan : Our victim's name is Sylvester Pemberton, and he had a long criminal record. Fraud, embezzlement, and assault. He didn't have any family, but he did have a friend show up at the hospital.

    [playing the hospital surveillance feed and running facial recognition] 

    Chloe Sullivan : Courtney Whitmore. She's a sophomore at Blue Valley High, and, uh, she gets a big old D+ for her attendance. She hasn't been to school in the last three weeks.

    Oliver Queen : You don't think blondie's our killer, do you?

    Chloe Sullivan : No, but I do think she knows something. I want to take a closer look at this glowing staff the police have in evidence. We need to get it.

    Oliver Queen : "We" meaning "me", right?

  • Clark Kent : Didn't think we'd have to dig this deep.

    Chloe Sullivan : Well, I couldn't find anything online beyond Sylvester Pemberton's rap sheet.

    Clark Kent : [opening a file]  Maybe they didn't want anyone else finding it.

    Chloe Sullivan : They? They who?

    Clark Kent : Sylvester Pemberton worked with twelve other known criminals, including Wesley Dodds.

    Chloe Sullivan : He mentioned bringing a team back together.

    Clark Kent : Back together? That means at some point they broke apart.

  • Dr. Emil Hamilton : Clark said that the assailant left the letters JSA. You have any idea what that means?

    Chloe Sullivan : [inspecting Sandman's mask]  Maybe it's a calling card. Our cold-blooded cryo-killer definitely seems to have a score to settle.

    Dr. Emil Hamilton : Well, what was Clark able to dig up?

    Chloe Sullivan : Nothing yet. When he checked in, he was still knee-deep in excavation at the Daily Planet archives.

    Dr. Emil Hamilton : Right. Uh, let me run a few more tests on this.

    Chloe Sullivan : And I'll see if I can help Clark unearth some answers about the elusive JSA.

  • Dr. Emil Hamilton : No bullets. Just residual ice again.

    Chloe Sullivan : So, minus the patriotic hoodie plus one gas mask and Dodds was killed the same way as Pemberton? With what? Some kind of ice weapon?

    Dr. Emil Hamilton : Mm, evidence would suggest that weapon is more of a "who" than a "what". The ice samples we pulled from the first victim's wounds had human DNA.

    Chloe Sullivan : So the killer was some kind of meta-human with an icy touch. Well, that explains my arctic ride in the dumpster of doom.

  • Clark Kent : Who was he?

    Chloe Sullivan : His name was Sylvester Pemberton, but other than that, I haven't got a clue.

    [seeing a doctor pass Sylvester's personal effects to a patrol officer] 

    Chloe Sullivan : But I'm gonna get one.

  • Sylvester Pemperton : [dying]  They came after us. They'll come after all of you. Che... Check.

    Chloe Sullivan : What? Check what? Check what? Who are you? Who's coming?

  • Chloe Sullivan : Don't you think it's sad that a secret society of retired supervillains can actually come out of the mothballs and tear us apart like this?

    Oliver Queen : They know everything about us, Chloe.

    Chloe Sullivan : Yeah, and we don't know anything about them. You know, maybe it's time I gave up on bringing the band back together. Maybe this has all been a lost cause.

    Oliver Queen : Whoa! Don't give up on us yet. We may be a bit dysfunctional, hard to wrangle at times, but when the chips are down, we're always there, Chloe.

    Chloe Sullivan : They took Clark out from under our noses.

    Oliver Queen : [showing her what looks like a throwing star]  And I took this off the winged wonder when he yanked me into the sky.

    Chloe Sullivan : Looks like an antique. From a museum.

    Oliver Queen : I say we get some reinforcements, get Clark to throw them through some windows.

  • Chloe Sullivan : Clark's gone.

    Green Arrow : What do you mean he's gone?

    Chloe Sullivan : Like one of Pemberton's old gang somehow teleported him away. He said he had to show him something. Called him his friend.

    Green Arrow : Where would they take him?

    Chloe Sullivan : I think the same place they took Courtney.

    Green Arrow : Another twist to the mystery, Chloe. Satellites caught the glow of that staff over the Metropolis sky ten minutes ago. I followed it. Wherever Goldilocks went, she got a change of clothes. It's getting stranger.

    Chloe Sullivan : Stranger how?

    Green Arrow : Well... it's in the middle of the night in Suicide Slum, she's standing under a streetlight. She's all dolled up with no place to go. Looks like she's making herself...


    Green Arrow : A target.

  • Clark Kent : Oliver's searching all over the city for any sign of Courtney. How did they know our identities?

    Chloe Sullivan : I think they've been tracking us a long time, Clark. Let's just hope the prime murder suspect hasn't.

    Clark Kent : Did you find one?

    Chloe Sullivan : Temperature dropped 40 degrees right before Pemberton was attacked.

    Clark Kent : You said that the skin around Pemberton's wounds was covered with ice, just like Wesley Dodds'.

    Chloe Sullivan : This is what led me to Joar Mahkent. Back in Pemberton's day, he was a cryo-kinetic hitman that was called the Icicle.

    Clark Kent : Where's the Icicle now?

    Chloe Sullivan : He's still recovering from some serious injuries he sustained several years ago. He's in the psych ward at Metropolis General.

    Clark Kent : Or at least he's supposed to be.

  • Chloe Sullivan : Clark's at the Daily Planet trying to track down Pemberton's home address right now, but it looks like he may have been living here.

    Oliver Queen : Well, if he knew someone was after him, maybe he was on the run.

    Chloe Sullivan : Well, his choice of transport doesn't exactly blend in.

    Oliver Queen : [searching the glove compartment]  The Star Rocket Racer. What do you suppose this was, their getaway car?

    [opening a leather-bound journal] 

    Oliver Queen : He knew about us. He knew our identities.

    Chloe Sullivan : That means Courtney probably does, too.

  • Clark Kent : I can't help but wonder what happened to these people. They were so close.

    Chloe Sullivan : They were criminals, and they were caught. That's what happened.

    Clark Kent : Well, Carter Hall's definitely hiding something else in that museum.

    Chloe Sullivan : Reporter's intuition?

    Clark Kent : Clark Kent's.

  • Oliver Queen : Chloe, I got a peek inside lockup. Pemberton's glow stick is MIA.

    Chloe Sullivan : Oliver, we have to track it down.

    Oliver Queen : [spotting Courtney with the staff]  Call you back.

  • Oliver Queen : If someone's killing criminals from the past, why kidnap Courtney?

    Chloe Sullivan : Maybe she knew what Sylvester Pemberton had hidden up his star-covered sleeve. His car received a handful of parking tickets in this lot, so it should be easy to spot.

    Oliver Queen : [spotting a very distinctive car]  You could say that. All right. Just give me a sec to get this door open.

    Chloe Sullivan : [finding it's already open]  Or you could just try the handle.

  • Clark Kent : What is it, Chloe?

    Chloe Sullivan : Dead end. The Icicle's been in a vegetative state for the last decade.

    Clark Kent : If that's true, there's no way he can be our killer.

  • Chloe Sullivan : [after Oliver is thrown through a window at Watchtower]  Oliver! Are you okay?

    Hawkman : He'll live. Now stay the hell out of our business.

    [threateningly pointing his mace at them] 

    Hawkman : Nice time, I won't ask so nicely.

See also

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