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IMDb Rates This Revenge Movie At 2.9 Stars - Kinda High By My Standards
fredfinklemeyer23 February 2019
02/23/2019 I'm pretty sure that this movie was good? ... but considering the smokey filming in near darkness I'm not really sure? The band of not-so-fresh-faced beauties is kinda hard to describe, especially with their angry tortured & twisted snarling faces. (reminds me on my first ex-wife). Some poor pervert gets his own private "Love Fest" with the beauties all while being tied up and hanging from a chain hoist. (could he have been a mechanic?) done a bad brake job? Anyway this almost kinda true story delivers Mr. Pervert a "Happy (really really happy) meal however he has to take it in the bad door. Then Mr. Pervert gets all sad, fugly females laugh with glee. (wet panties all around) True story??? Only his proctologist knows for sure? Does this movie contain spoilers? Answer: I don't think it really matters, does it? Great movie if you're almost blind and severely hearing impaired.
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Wonder what Bechdel Test score this would get...
goldenarrow-9982329 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Rape revenge. While I'm all in favour of the castration and execution of convicted rapists, these ladies seem a little unfocused.

One minute they're gung-ho in their plans to kill the sicko who'd assaulted them, the next some of them have an attack of conscience and think prison will be punishment enough.

It makes 79 minutes seem like a lot longer.

Kat, who has a disproportionately foul mouth (even for an Australian) seems to be the only one committed to the plan. And she certainly has had a horrific past, so I can totally understand why she'd want revenge.

"That looks nasty." - Emily, after Kat uses a blowtorch on Kyle the rapist's penis for a considerable time Wonder how this would score on the Bechdel Test?!

And for all those Americans who might get confused - these ladies are Australian, not English, or south African. All of us non-Americans don't really like getting lumped in together. Thank you.
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a_baron7 September 2015
Tomboys" - or perhaps "She Devils" would be a better title, is ultra-low budget, basically a play and could be adapted as such. It begins with two young women dragging a man into a garage; he has a bag over his head, and has clearly been rendered senseless. He is strung up, and the rest of the group arrive. A serial rapist is about to get his just deserts, big time, like one of them hacks off his penis, and he bleeds to death. Then another of them receives a phone call, somebody is looking for her. Who might that be? Yes, you guessed right - rule one, before you kidnap a serial rapist and murder him, in fact before you put the bag over his head, make sure you've got the right guy. Better still, if you are the victim of a crime of violence, report it to the police at once.

That sound advice excepted, the group are now faced with a fait accompli; obviously they are not going to turn themselves in. What then?

Is this film feminist propaganda, a revenge fantasy, or proof that under the wrong circumstances women can become just as depraved as men? As it was apparently conceived by a man, the patriarchy will get the blame whatever.

Those of a squeamish nature should give this a miss, men especially. Along with anyone else who can think of a less unsavoury way to waste 79 minutes.
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A Nutshell Review: Tomboys
DICK STEEL7 November 2011
Written and directed by Nathan Hill, this Australian movie is a throwback to the good old grindhouse movies, where language, violence and gore are part and parcel of the entire package, and Tomboys go to great lengths in keeping to that look and feel, keeping the visuals grainy, the camera-work shaky, and who can not miss those huge character titles that come on to introduce each of the leading ladies, the titular tomboys, who have gathered in a barn to execute (pardon the pun) their dastardly plan.

But of course to the group of five, it is nothing more than to exact revenge for the cruel sexual assaults caused by their tormentor, now masked and bound and strung up within a barn, ready to be met with his just desserts. It's trouble five times over with vengeance on the mind of these ladies, especially that of the unofficial ringleader Kat (Candice Day) who masterminded the kidnap and having her posse of female chums gathered to witness and partake in the exercising of their inner demons brought forth by the serial rapist of their town.

You may think this is a simple open and shut case, with a plain narrative that details the many torturous techniques that the girls want to put the serial rapist under, given the deliberate shot of many types of tools available to inflict punishment, and a fridge stocked with cold beer while at it. But here's where Nathan Hill had a lot more hidden up his sleeves. The story tosses up many twists, turns and surprises along the way, which provides opportunity for all of the actresses to showcase their acting chops, since the events that unfold mostly through talk, will call upon shifting loyalties and dynamics within the group.

While everyone's supposed to work toward a common goal, having these unplanned events thanks to Murphy and other emotional baggage that the girls kept hidden from one another, takes a toil on their supposedly chumminess at the beginning of the film. It dwells upon one's threshold of "justice", in just how much is enough, and in a group there will always be the risk takers always wanting to push boundaries, and those who prefer to stay within their comfort zones, especially when the time calls for covering up of their tracks, and internal bickering and betrayals. Having to witness this played out to perfection, is one of the highlights of the film.

Set in just one locale, the modestly budgeted Tomboys belong to the genre of films that sets its own challenge of engaging an audience without the luxury of transcending space, and the tight narrative helped the convincing performances of its cast members, helped to make this one heck of a morality tale, with the grindhouse gimmick being the icing on the cake.
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Dreadful Australian indie
Leofwine_draca5 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
TOMBOYS is a dreadful indie horror flick from Australia. It's posited as a grindhouse throwback wannabe torture porn movie but it's nothing like that at all. All you get is a single dark location with five female cast members whose faces are shot in close-up. They converse for the entire running time in dialogue which is as dull as it is extraneous. It's obviously going for some psychological head-spin approach but the result is a film that'll bore you to tears.
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Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you. Warning: Spoilers
In their quest to slay the dragon (ie, destroy the rapist) 5 rape victims become the very thing they are fighting against. Fight a monster, become a monster. The girls all discuss what was done to them at the hands of this one guy, but it's never shown. The guy knew them all on a personal level and helped himself to each one of them at one point or another. Well, his "swimmers" must have been terrible since he never managed to impregnate ANY of them, or any other woman he ever poked, via the r word, or otherwise.

One woman whom he "backdoored" decided to flip the script on him. Victim becomes the perp and the perp becomes the victim when she "straps on" and goes to town. The others comment on how she had obviously "done this before". So....her having become a monster herself....oh yeah....that ship sailed long ago. She was a full blown, fire breathing dragon of a rapist by the time she backdoored the dude. Had this been real life, she would have pulled out her strap on and it would have been very...brown, to put it mildly. Having known a couple (in real life) who participated in pegging (of the consensual type), let's just say that the guy MUST and I mean MUST clean out first. We're talking colonic, enema, etc. This is precisely why scenes of women committing revenge crimes with their old trusty strap on have always required a complete a total suspension of disbelief.

At the end of the flick, nothing has been won. There isn't a single good character. All of them are human excrement. Of course, humans never learn that doing wrong in revenge doesn't make it right. The final line (just before the flick does it's imitation of the series finale of The Sopranos) is "now YOU have to live with the horror of being raped". Yeah....and babe, YOU have to live with the horror and being an absolute monster. The legal system ain't gonna feel sorry for you. Enjoy life in the big house, having big Bertha as a cellmate. Now you get to LIVE with a rapist. What fun.

To that end, the dude should have been locked up LONG ago, being eaten alive by the other inmates.
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Comedy? Parody?
bemyfriend-4018418 April 2021
Seems like it might be meant as a comedy. Or a parody. The overdone music makes it seem like it. The narrative style dialogue makes it seem like it. The one set scene makes it seem like it. Or maybe it's kink. This may be arousing to some people. Or maybe it's feminist propaganda. But one thing is sure. It's extremely distasteful.
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Grindhouse down-under
mackatucker4 November 2009
I found 'Tomboys' to be a great little Aussie movie. In the tradition of 'I Spit On Your Grave' and films of the rape revenge genre, this grind-house film is a claustrophobic one room drama. A good first feature attempt. It proves that Australian filmmakers can actually do genre films but also cater to an International audience. The lead actress Candice Day gives a chilling performance of a woman tested to the absolute limit. Naomi Davis as her side kick is a good casting choice who also put in a great, sometimes hilarious, effort. Great seeing Jenny Lovell pop up, she's an old school Australian talent. Be interesting to see what else Alliance and/or Hill come up with next?
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Rape revenge at its best!
capelladewdrop25 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I do think this movie is funny in some respects. The goth girl tries to calm the girl down who is brandishing a knife. In any other horror movie like this the goth girl would be egging her on or she would be the one with the knife herself, but this is an Australian movie, so maybe that cliché is upside down.

I have no idea how this cost one million dollars to make, the lighting is very poor indeed and the colour is almost-but-not-quite monotone particularly at the beginning. I don't think this is by accident or by the use of poor equipment but rather to create an appropriate atmosphere.

By the 14th minute of the movie one of the girls, who are torturing a serial rapist, cut his manhood off (naturally), and you think how could this possibly get worse for him? But then, in a nice plot twist we find out they have castrated the wrong guy! Or have the really? One of the girls tries to explain that he also sexually assaulted her, a story which is dismissed by most of the other girls thinking she is just trying to protect the ring leader, Kat.

The only thing that really let this down was the boring scenes with the girls arguing among themselves, and I did question why they brought that girl Imogine along. Surely they would know if she was a bit of a wimp and might rat them out? This rape revenge movie is unlike any other than it ends up in a tense police stand off, where the character 'Kat' hangs herself! It is truly a wonderful, imaginative and creative movie. It is only 72 minutes long and gets straight to the good stuff without some boring 'let's get to know the characters and their background' intro.
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