"Supernatural" The Song Remains the Same (TV Episode 2010) Poster

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Team Free Will
zombiehigh1810 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I know this episode didn't push the story line any further and didn't provide any new answers, making it somehow naive and pointless. But What the hell? I still love it, I love every thing about it, starting from Dean's funny dream sequence and is idea of peace on earth. (It's good to see the man enjoying a nice dream every now and then when he is not dreaming about Hell) I enjoyed Sam's comment about the mustaches and his reaction to seeing his parents in a normal life. I loved the Sam and young John conversation with John describing Sam's father as an irresponsible bastard and Sam defending him and finally getting to tell his father that he understands why he was brought up like that and that he forgives him. I love the Mary/Dean/Sam scene the most and I find it very touching that the boys are OK with the idea of never being born if it means saving their parents and stopping the apocalypse. It was cute to see the boys so keen on saving their parents not caring about their own safety even going as far as seeing Sam jump in front of his mother to save her from Anna and gets himself killed. (I have to admit no matter how many times I see the boys die and not matter how well I know they will be back, I still catch my self sniffling every time I see one of them get killed)

The Dean/Michael conversation wasn't very different from the Sam/Lucifer conversation on early season five episodes yet Matt Cohen's assured calmness as Michael and Jensen's pained reaction to him, give the scene a rather fresh sensation. And I like to see Michael again.

I was utterly happy when Cas announced that he and Sam are friends and I did my happy dance when Michael killed Anna. (I never liked her and I'm glad she is gone)
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She's my cherry pie, cool drink of water, such a sweet surprise, tastes so good, make a grown man cry, sweet cherry pie...
Chalice_Of_Evil4 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Thankyou for that wonderful dream sequence, Dean. It was fun being inside your head for a little while. I was happy to see Anna again (I know others weren't). Had been wondering what happened to her after Castiel's heavies carried her off. Nice to see Dean interacting with her (given their last encounter).

What is this, like, the 10th time now that we've heard the words "Sam Winchester must die." on this show? How lovely, Anna (talking about scattering Sam's cells across the universe). At least she called out Castiel on the Anything-Killing Gun's lack of usefulness and his non-progression in finding God. "Sam is my friend." - aw. Heh, nice Grease poster in 1978. Castiel not understanding Dean's references is an okay joke (when used sparingly). Twice within the same scene, however, was close to overkill. Sam got a good line with "I mean, the moustaches *alone*..." and Dean with "He's tough for a little nerdy dude with wings." (in reference to Castiel).

Was great seeing Young Mary and Young John (and the actors who played them from 'in The Beginning') again. I liked that they had Young Mary remember Dean from the previous time she'd met him. I guess it's feasible that Young John wouldn't remember Dean, since they only had that very brief encounter (when he encouraged John to buy the Impala). Some good pained expressions from Jared as Sam upon seeing his young parents (especially when shaking John's hand and looking at Mary. Though I could understand his look freaking Mary out). Enjoyed Dean's awkward "means that in a non-weird wholesome family kind of way" explanation for Sam's "You're so beautiful." comment to Mary. Wait...Mary's dad died from a heart attack? I thought he died from being knifed by Azazel when possessed by him? Good continuity with Anna on the phone to John (remembering that angels can mimic voices). While I found it odd that John would leave without telling Mary, I guess he didn't want to arouse suspicion (since he was obviously trying to keep the fact that he was on the verge of losing his job a secret from her).

More continuity with Season 4 (eyes burned out of the skull of the guy who'd obviously seen Anna's true form). ENOUGH with the tossing away the person you want to kill move! Come on, Anna! You wanted to kill John, just break his damn neck like Azazel did (quick and effective). Liked seeing Mary vs. Anna. Anna's the least efficient killer angel ever. All she had to do was twist the Angel-Killing Sword on Mary (I'm sure it'd be just as effective at killing humans). Good on Mary, however, for the crowbar move. How did Anna not see Sam standing there with his symbol for sending angels to the outfield until the last minute? Loved John's reaction to discovering the truth about Mary ("Monsters are real? And you FIGHT them?"). His "Not another word, or so help me, I will turn this car around!" threat was pretty amusing. Awkward family road trip indeed.

Even Young John acted like a jerk towards Dean (guess he's like that no matter what age he is). Though I can understand his anger/frustration at how they were treating him. Oh, the irony of Young John calling Sam's dad an "irresponsible bastard". I really liked this scene between him and Sam, with Sam getting to say all the things he'd wanted to say to his dad. And another really good scene between Dean and Mary. Both actors did fine work in the scene where he explains everything. The emotions she went through, when taking all of it in, were clear/well-acted. Quit shoving away the people you wanna kill, Anna! Geez! Stabbing Sam was actually unexpected. Okay, THAT was one nasty death for Anna at the hands of Michael (in John's body). I'm sure all the Anna haters cheered (great introduction to Michael, though). Now you can go back to playing Vincent Kartheiser's secretary on Mad Men, Julie McNiven. At least they appreciate you on that show.

Great scene between Michael and Dean (and nice that they fixed up any continuity errors by having him erase Mary and John's memory). Matt Cohen had been good as Young John, but he did a *really* good job as Michael.

Castiel's "I'm very surprised." reaction to making it back to the present amused me. Thankyou, show, for giving us the origin to Mary's whole "Angels are watching over you." message to Dean. Amy Gumenick continued to impress in the role of Young Mary Winchester (she fits the role perfectly, just as Samantha Smith fits the role of Adult Mary perfectly). While this episode wasn't quite 'In The Beginning', it came pretty damn close. Well done, writers.
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Meeting the Parents Again
claudio_carvalho18 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Anna comes to Earth to kill Sam to avoid that Lucifer uses his vessel. However, Dean and Castiel protect Sam and Anna travels in time to kill John and Mary Winchester before they get married and conceive Sam. However Castiel sends Sam and Dean back in time to protect their parents. But Anna is very powerful and the Winchesters are helped by an unexpected angel.

"The Song Remains the Same" brings the Supernatural back to the lead story of the Fifth Season with the war between angels and demons. Once again Dean and Sam meet their parents but they are not able of changing the future. My vote is eight.

Title (Brazil): "Sempre a Mesma Canção" ("Always the Same Song")
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rmoran-472267 August 2021
It's hard to write anything about this show without firstvstating that my wife and I never watched an episode while it was on-air. We waited and streamed it. Now we watch it every Friday from 6pm until we fall asleep. We have streamed all 15 seasons and are now on our second time through. We have fallen in love with this show. Dean, Sam, Bobby...all of the fantastic characters and awesome stories and story lines. . Im sure we will continue watching it no matter where it is.
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Time travel again
shwetafabm16 June 2020
The episode fits well, terminator style, we get to see Michael, not a big fan of seeing the parents personally, still good ep. Somethings that are annoying are the whole Castiel powers thing, its just convenience, can't fix Bobby's leg but can time travel barely... Other is the usual, the overpowered angels who can kill with a flick end up foing fistfights. But well it's a fantasy show not reality...
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It is better than the Season 4 episode but...
CubsandCulture23 March 2020
I really wish the show didn't introduce time travel as a thing for the mythos. It is too sci-fi for the show's vibe and it introduces way to many plot problems as it is basically impossible to do time travel consistently. This episode-largely on the strength of Sam meeting Mary-is better than the prior episode that used this device but the overall damage to the show's narrative required something like this. In a lot of ways this feels like a functionary episode that exists to clean up the narrative problems time travel introduced. I did like seeing John as Michael as well.
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Time travel again, for no good reason.
iainforsyth-889-9325665 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Don't read this if you don't want any spoilers. The thing that irked me about this episode is that they changed the time-travel mythology. In the first time travel episode, Dean thinks he's been sent back to stop Azazel, but it turns out he's only there to gather information. There's no chance of a paradox because Dean's visit doesn't change anything; his presence is already part of history. The suspense is maintained because Dean and viewer think he is meant to change something.

In this episode, the entire premise is that the past can be changed; Anna goes back in time to kill Sam and Dean's parents so that Sam cannot be Lucifer's vessel. The paradox is only averted because Michael appears and wipes John and Mary Winchester's memories, so it's as if nothing ever happened. But if altering history is still possible, then it could happen at any time (heh). They make it so angels drain much of their power using time travel, so it's supposedly a big deal, but surely an angel as powerful as Lucifer could send some minions back to mess things up?

The plot is not much advanced in this episode. Anna is killed by Michael, but she had been absent for a good time anyway, so nothing really changes. It's mostly a forced emotional episode, with the boys being with their deceased parents. There's a lot of overwrought "I would never raise my children in hunting" from John Winchester, as if we needed to establish again that John was a normal guy before he was caught up in this demon stuff. 6/10.
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Pointless and frustrating
kd_ohaire20 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This season is pretty great so far. But this episode was so pointless and pathetic. Angels have been sent on a time travelling mission to kill people in the past. They have the power to time travel and destroy demons with a single touch. And what is their amazing plan to kill these people with all of this power? Throw them across the room, like seventeen times, talk a lot and walk really, really slowly towards the people they're sent to kill. This of course gives Sam and Dean tons of time to do stuff to stop the angels. Also, you can pretty much guess that nothing is going to change, or else the whole season would be thrown out, so all of the 'plot' is boring and predictable. This is just bad writing, plain and simple, used as filler. Why this episode got such great ratings is just baffling to me.
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