"NCIS" Face the Strange (TV Episode 2021) Poster

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The New Generation of NCIS
deadparrotisnomore19 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I like that it's a new generation of (mostly) younger people for NCIS, but I just wish everyone didn't have to leave at the same time. I also wish McGee had taken Gibbs' job instead of Alden, but I understand the character motivation for turning down the role. I'm excited to see where this new team takes NCIS.
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Changes are good sometimes
Saving2119 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This was actually good episode to relaunch the show after Gibbs departure. Agent Parker isn't Gibbs, they are showing us that he does knows high tech, but he can work with the team and create new dynamic that is different from Gibbs. Gary Cole is good actor and in this episode he shined and had great Chemistry with the cast.the plot itself was fun like classic NCIS episode from the old days. I loved that they finished the episode with David Bowie song "changes" perfect match.

In the end I think this NCIS without Gibbs can work and I'm looking forward to more.
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I like Gibbs replacement..
lindagore-6322719 October 2021
Gary Cole works in this. I admit I wasn't sure until now. The writers are keeping it interesting. I'll miss Gibbs, but Cole is a very good actor who will pull this off. Really glad Ducky was back - so we don't feel so abandoned.
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Harmon vs Cole
pattysue5723 October 2021
Like many, I wasn't sure how it would be for Mark Harmon to reduce his role (I expect him to show up periodically).

But..... I don't think they could have found anyone better to replace Mark Harmon. I am enjoying Gary Cole and how he he fits in with "the team". I hope people will give him a chance. I liked Gary Cole from "Midnight Caller". Katrina Law is believable as someone who can kick butt. And....she is gorgeous.

There is another long running show, they should have changed out the leads long ago. I stopped watching.

It's nice to see David McCallum. I've missed him.
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smr27320 October 2021
Gary Cole fits nicely into the Gibbs role. I like how they transitioned him in. He is playing similar vibe as to how Mark Harmon played the Gibbs part without (so far) replicating. I liked that they brought Ducky back for the episode. Plus just an interesting crime with some comedic relief.

Hope to see the transition continue to go smoothly. I'll stick around.
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Solid Introduction
Loxston21 October 2021
A solid introduction of Gary Cole as a more regular cast member. An excellent successor for Mark Harmon who deservedly, has taken a step back. A good move I think and I look forward to how this progresses.
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Loved it! My all-time fave show, I've watched from S1 :)
lynne-2755622 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
They found a brilliant way to have Gary Cole replace Gibb's character as leader, and I'm SO glad! Offering the job to Tim and having him refuse it, and then Tim explaining with a lot of passion and emotion what his reasons were to Nick - and those reasons came to him because of his deep feelings for Gibbs - perfect! Now the team won't be torn apart - that's what I was afraid of if Tim had taken Gibbs' position. It's Tim and Nick that hold this together and separating them would have been disaterous imho. In the last couple of years, Gibbs hadn't played much part in the stories anyway, and his character had become too cranky and sullen - negative - for me. I think the series is going to be rejuvenated by these changes and I'm really looking forward to it - it was time for Gibbs to go.
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Humor came back strong. May be some life left afterall
swalker-1730523 October 2021
Gary Cole is a great addition. It's nice to lighten the mood from the constant hand wringing and reflection of Torres and Palmer. Katrina Law was a great addition as well. She was good in Hawaii Five-0 until the series left her. Still like McGee. His health seems to fluctuate depending on his diet. One minute he looks health and the next he looks like a cadaver.

Keep up the good work, avoid wokeness and the series will continue to do fine.
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NCIS lives
lawriter-6175619 October 2021
The new guy fits. Its working well. Gibbs can retire in pesce. Hope this new blood injection continues. He is super tech savy and a Spce Command tie in. Hope we see NCIS in orbit! (New Hermeus Air Force One Hpersonic jet. This opens a whole new realm! Laser Weapons like the new HELWS gun there is so much to explore!)
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The show needs new faces and maybe a returnee
connyskribent26 October 2021
Maria Bello, Emily Wickersham, Mark Harmon - the show has lost a lot of cast members in just a couple of years. The general feel of the show has suffered as a consequence. Coupled with weaker scripts I think that the end might be closing in. If I were show runner I would add a few more cast members (maybe a return like Michael Weatherly) and find writers with fresh ideas. This was an ok episode, lifted by the ever great David McCallum. But this show still needs more life injected into it.
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Promising beginning to Gary Cole's leadership
ejramseyva19 October 2021
While I Really miss those we have said goodbye to lately, I'm hopeful for this season. Fingers crossed going forward. That said, if we lose Wilmer V. I worry for the series.
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Face the Strange
bobcobb30128 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The first episode of a post-Gibbs era and it got off to a solid start. Parker is a decent addition to the cast and fits a slightly different niche.

Not a spectacular case but what can you do.
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Where is the Military Technical Advisor?
matthewpsprenger19 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, this show has been on for 18 seasons. You think by now they would get the wearing of a military uniform correctly. The USMC Maj Gen ( Braxton), was wearing his service dress uniform during the VTC with subdued (black) stars of a general officer on his epaulets. The stars should be silver. Also, he wouldn't be wearing his service uniform jacket while working at his/her desk at the Pentagon. And, military personnel cannot order a Federal Agent to do anything. Especially when that agent is from another agency and not part of the same three letter agency, DOD vs. DOJ.
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Gary Cole and Jessica Knight
drbayside22 January 2022
Gary Cole is an excellent choice as the new team leader.

We weren't optimistic about who might be brought on. Our family and friends who watch NCIS are equally pleased.

Our son just texted us "Omg I love Gary Cole as the new Gibbs and the new female agent, they have managed to revive the show". We agree 100%.

I love Jessica Knight from my Hallmark movies, she is also a fantastic addition to the cast!

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ajwiiiaw19 October 2021
This is a very interesting episode and I live the story line until Casey walks in with a mushroom on her head. What in the world are you thinking to allow that?
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Except for the hairdo, this was a breath of fresh air
qfmcjkpg28 October 2021
I liked the last team, but Gibbs was starting to look his age, as we all do, and it was time for him to move on. This episode breathes new life into the series and everyone is spot on. The younger team members have come into their own and the newest are fitting in quite nice. My only complaint it the ridiculous flying nun hairdo. Who thought this was a good idea? They should be counseled.
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Solid progress, the ensemble cast all work
hindsonevansmike31 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
With Gary Cole's Parker character now evaluating whether to take the gig as the Gibbs replacement (and Tim McGee explaining to Torres how he would never want the Gibbs workload given the devastating effect on "family life"), it is clear to see how Director Leon Vance (and the NCIS CBS writing team) want this to play out.

Some back-to-the-old-days silliness about an exploding body (and some hilarity later in the episode regarding an explosive pacemaker) merely reinforce the sense that the old mojo is back, with the ensemble cast.

Everyone works hard, there are a couple of red herrings but the episode hangs together solidly.

I liked it (a lot) and look forward to the rest of Season 19 (which British TV is binge-viewing, three or four episodes every weekday night in JAN2024 to FEB2024). "Hello, Domino's...?"
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A distinct improvement
koohii26 April 2023
After the constant barrage of people's soap-opera writing, we seem to have FINALLY started going back to Military-related cases that could logically end up as NCIS.

The big down-point is that Torres is still acting like a whiny little wuss whose dog has just been kicked, rather than like the bad-ass under-cover agent he was introduced as.

Other than that, the show works and is a hell of a lot stronger than most of the last 2 years.

The humor certainly helps.

It's long overdue, but it seems like the show is finally ditching emotional baggage in favor of substantive story. Can we please have more of that?
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Harmon was way past expiration date, cranky and creaky. Obnoxious, mumbling attitude. "Too old for this s**t". I liked this episode sans Harmon.
TheRealLamontCranston21 October 2021
This is a good episode.

Unique plot.

Diona Reasonover is annoying as he!!. She does check 3 obvious boxes however.

The new girl is very cute and a big plus.

Cole is an able bodied/minded replacement for weary Harmon.

The team as currently constituted is outstanding.

Big upgrade this season.
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I may be done
dafrench6321 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Gary Cole not only joining the team but taking it over- No!

This is Mark Harmon's show Not Gary Cole's show

I used to give episodes a higher score. If Mark is really gone my scores will be lower from now on. If I even continue watching.

My point is that without Mark this is not NCIS anymore.

This will not work without Mark.
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No, Just No.
man-9651319 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Without Mark Harmon there is NO reason to continue to watch NCIS.

Harmon was the emotional code of the series. Gary Cole is far too lightweight to ever replace Harmon. It is better to just end the series now .

The characters still left on the show cannot carry the series. They just do not have the substance to carry it off. This episode was by far one of the most poorly written episodes in the history of the series. The plot features zombie moments and walking explosive devices. It was just so stupid, so incredibly stupid there was not a believable moment in the entire episode.

Gary Cole is horribly miscast as the new team leader. It is like The Father of the Brady Bunch pretending to be an FBI Agent.

This series is creatively bankrupt. The plug needs to be pulled...
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Not great
harrykivi24 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
After Gibbs left the show, I was wondering how they were going to continue the show I have loved since childhood. "Face the Strange" is the beginning of a new era with Gary Cole and while it wasn't bad, it was not great either.

Let's start with the good.

. The production values of the episode are great. The direction's solid, the music fits the scenery. Actually quite like Gary Cole, his character is very different from Gibbs. David McCallum agreed adds to every scene he is in.

. The mystery has moments. There are good jokes here and there, also liked the team took some time to settle without Gibbs. Dietzen has a touching scene with McCallum, Sean Murray delivers as well.


. There are jokes, which feel awkward. Have never cared about Casey. The dialogue is cringy at times too. The mystery is mostly side-lined and the solution's rushed, definitely needed more explaining.

Overall, a decent episode.

6/10 HK.
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Too many new faces at once
marcuscoltro28 February 2024
I should get to be used by now with the continuous changes on the series. When Kate left, the series seemed to me that it would be boring, then Ziva came to properly fill Kate's shoes. Then Ziva left... but then Bishop came and it was ok. When Dinozzo left it felt a bitter taste - That's 70 Show Fez also is playing well on the series. But when Abby left and what's her name with weird hair came it was too much already. Then Bishop left and whoever came to fill her spot.... Then Gibbs left! Seriously? Are they trying to get rid of fans? I know Ducky was already too old to continue (and it seems dead actors do not play well) and Palmer was ok. But too many main characters have left in a short time, makes me feel like stop watching (it is 2024, but I have never watched the whole series to this episode until today).
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Just wrong!
trident-3907910 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
So Gibbs gets to be a team leader after 7 years but McGee, who is going on 20 years (18 with Gibbs's team), who has done some serious stuff in his career, is passed over for a guy who got fired from the FBI??? That's just messed up.

Then there's Sean Murray to consider - same kind of deal...standing fast in this show when others have left, having lots of fans, having grown this character - along with the writers - isn't seen by producers to be able to lead the show??? That's also messed up.
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Boring episode
flatpickin-842-41684421 October 2021
Gary Cole adds nothing to the show. His character appears wooden. He's very uninteresting. This was a boring episode, so much so that I almost fell asleep. I'm sorry to say the show has really gone downhill the past few seasons. This was the last episode for me.
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