"Family Guy" Brief Encounter (TV Episode 2021) Poster

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Very Bizarre..unfunny and, mildly entertaining
celiawatsonanime17 February 2022
This has an experimental nature to it, that I appreciate.

It just didn't feel right.

It would've been better if the personality swap underwear thing happened with all of the characters instead of just Peter and Quagmire.

It feels extremely strange that they're doing laundry together anyways.

Wish there was some conflict that led up to them going to the laundromat together.

I swear that surfin bird song that's extremely overused has no place in Season 20.
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Alright episode. Needed more Peter/Quagmire
sallybasler26 October 2021
This episode was okay but I really wished they would have done more Quagmire and Peter switching personalities. I felt there could have really been some funny moments with that. In my opinion, that should have been the A plot. Otherwise pretty alright episode. Did find the "Doug's Doug" joke pretty amusing.
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ajpb-2148725 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I actually thought this was a pretty solid episode. Far from perfect but decent for modern Family Guy. A lot of people may disagree but that's coll. There were very little cutaways and the Stevie sub plot was actually enjoyable in this episode.
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martinjames-muzo15 September 2022
Some reviewers here don't seem to understand cartoon-world, and certainly not Family Guy, one that's been through 23 years and characters shifting in persona. The latter I praise as it would have long been unwatchable if they were the same as season 1. Peter being a bit of a Homer rip-off, Quagmire constantly giggety-ing, and Stewie saying "Victory is mine", "Vile woman" etc. One reviewer complaining the plot's not feasible because Peter is such a different size to Quagmire must be new to this. What about their faces getting ripped off, then a few seconds later they're back to normal? That stuff has been going on since the earlier seasons. If you can't appreciate this, then stick with SpongeBob! As for the episode, it's not bad, just not up to my favourite era of around seasons 6-11. I like the odd cutaway, which this strangely lacks and I feel they could have had more fun around the underwear plot, so it's lost stars there for me. The Stewie and Doug plot is based around Strangers on a Train, a fifties Hitchcock film and done well for the limited time. It's a clever episode title. Brief Encounter being another old film about two strangers meeting in a railway-based situation, plus it being the reference to Peter and Quagmire's underwear adventure.
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Great episode.
checkinac25 October 2021
The main plot with Stewie and Doug was interesting in a good vs evil narrative while Peter and Quagmire's subplot were also reflected perfectly on wearing each other's personalities.
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Episode 2005
bobcobb30117 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I just don't get what is going on with the show. Ignoring the ridiculous and absurd A storyline, what is this obsession with forcing the Doug character into the mix?
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Not the best
anvilcordisdie25 October 2021
It was good but there was some downsides.

First what happened to Brian AND Stewie Stories? And who care about Doug?

Second that how much we have to wait to see an episode with 4 guys ( peter,Glenn,joe and Cleveland) to have an episode together?

Why does family guy doesn't understand what do people want?
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Omigod what the **** was this
bonphire7725 October 2021
This was one of the worst FG eps I can recall seeing. Murdering a cat? Why? AD! And FG have way to much violence against animals (don't know why the need that), and I hate it.

The underwear stuff, I just don't even know what to say.
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its not even bad
standledropstan26 October 2021
Ill admit it the ending is pretty bad i dont get why they did that,but the episode is actually good the plots are good the jokes are funny and they seem like theyre actually putting effort not like season 17 and 18 its a funny episode.
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Not awful but not great
petertheteslafanman25 October 2021
There seems to be more of a focus on Stewie and Doug this season (where Doug is the darker, more twisted between the two), instead of the usual Stewie and Brian friendship. It happened again this episode, and their story was so-so, a bit weird. The other main storyline involving Peter and Quagmire was also a bit weird, but funny at times. Not as funny as I was expecting when I read the summary of the episode. Very few cutaways, if any. This wasn't a particularly bad episode, just nothing memorable.
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This show defies logic in ways that aren't even relatably funny anymore
Schleiben2825 October 2021
First off, how in the actual hell would it be feasible for Peter and Quagmire to switch underwear in the first place? Peter is so fat at roughly 5'9" and 270 lbs, he is at least two and a half times the total body weight of Quagmire himself. There's no feasible way they could fit into each other's underwear due to size difference. Secondly, as obvious as the pun was about Planes vs Hanes (oh haha, how stale...Quagmire works as a pilot and wears a brand of undies called Planes. Predictable much?), I don't find it feasible that Glen would ever wear anything other than the usual leopard print bikini style unless it was something kinky that suited his personality. A pair of tighty whities would be far too basic and vanilla for him.

This show is really taking a stretch when it comes to trying to get us to laugh at the flanderization of logic. Like the episode from last season where the Millennial couple confuse Peter and Lois for being in the same age gap as them. Again, HOW....just how in the flying *#$@ could anyone make that mistake??? Between the fashion choices and hairstyles of the entire Griffin family, their overall aesthetic is so clearly outdated Gen-X that no Millennial would ever confuse them for being in their 30s. Perhaps it's because of those look choices that Chris and Meg are so unpopular because even though they are cartoon characters, the fact that the animators haven't changed their looks in the last twenty years makes them stick out like sore thumbs.

Please lose the Doug character. He's not funny. He's simply condescending and arrogant. Have Stewie regain his sense of devilish villainous ways and kill Doug in an epic battle fight scene like with Penelope or when Stewie fought Lois in "Lois Kills Stewie". That was one of the best episodes from FIFTEEN YEARS AGO, and was LIGHT YEARS better than this crap!!!!!

This show has gone on for too long. It should have stopped after Season 12. You know it, I know it, Seth MacFarlane has long past admitted to it. Pull the damn plug already. It's so goddamn stale, that not even the flattest tasting seltzer water could be worse than this.
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what the actual...
10086cn25 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Oh my god Stewie, you're not supposed to let Brian sniff three of Lois' bras BEFORE he sets out to kill the cat, that wouldn't make sense! You should have had him kill the cat in advance, THEN give him those bras! Because otherwise (like as seen here), it would come off as Brian getting them without doing anything, and that he never deserved them in the first place.

The whole idea of this is also what's weird to me: I thought Stewie was against Brian's lust for Lois. Well I guess that sentiment is now a thing of the past and Stewie just doesn't care anymore!
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User648282824 October 2021
Why do they keep making bad episodes never mind scratch that why do they keep making episodes. I like the first three seasons but it was all downhill from there.
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"Guys, this isn't funny"
jpapanone30 May 2022
When they are at the kitchen table...Peter yells out... "Guys, this isn't funny".

Amen Peter.


--- And Patton/Tyler at minute 25:30... "Does this story have an ending?"

Yet another boring ass episode with approximately 0 laughs.
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