The Zeme (2021) Poster


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Its bad lol and dubbed even though everyone is english speaking :/
theadhdgod16 November 2021
The acting is horrific and the plot is silly and its dubbed lol i have no idea why a film with english speaking actors would dub a film with English I DONT GET IT lol its not effective, it makes the acting seem even more worse than what it is, theres no emotion and again, WHY IS IT DUBBED? You dont dub a film where everyone speaks english anyway with english dub....
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I didn't understand the concept of the movie
vijayalimeti21 December 2021
I want to ask a question to direction team , The Zeme is a movie?

I don't think its not even considered a shot film or drama

Hole movie missing a connectivity and enter from one store to enter another store that their no connectivity

I think they have a lot of money and they spending money in the name of ZEME

Thanks all please try to spoil our good time.
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Yikes, it gets bad to worse.
info-33728-3004016 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The story concept is good, but the delivery and execution is horrible. The only redeeming thing about the movie is Nick Preston's acting, especially since he didn't really have much to work with. I am sure we will see great things from him in future works. That being said Erie's character and personality has no flow and is all over the place. That could have been amped up much more. Perhaps an indicator to alcoholism, which could have come up later after an argument with Kit and a drunken binge at the bar, where he would meet up with the dishevelled Rusty. That would have made more sense with the messy button shirt.

There were a lot of problems from continuity, the beer drinking in the bar, the rocking chair outside - which was not even weathered. The guitar scene doesn't make any sense in the beginning. If it was so precious, why would it be left in the back seat with a child?? There wasn't even any reference to the guitar in the memory montage. It could have been hyped up a lot more. Like Kit learning to play their favourite song, some depth and emotional connection.

The relationship with the Alphonse and Kit doesn't make sense. Nor does the suggested idea of suicide at the lake, which if anything would have maybe caused a sprain at best.

The attempted comedy relief with Alphonse and Rusty was lazy.

So much more could have been done with such a budget. The score was decent, although sound editing was quite rough and out of sync at times.

The end falling scene was not good at all.

Again, the actual story concept is a good idea and could be remade and be quite awesome. Being that this is Goldie Dhillon's first directors debut, I would have given it 4 stars. There is potential there, but needs major extreme improvement.
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It's OK
YRLY59E19 November 2021
Nice filming location in BC, acting seems bad because they dubbed the dialog or badly mixed it due to cost cutting. The story is largely a cross between Stephen King's The Shining and Bentley Little's The Vanishing. The musical track is interesting and good at times and bad at others. A little more effort it would have been better, too much budget cutting.
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Poor Sound Quality and Acting.
icocleric3 September 2023
I thought the concept had potential, and it had some nice small touches here and there. But for every nice touch there was far more sloppy points, or things that didn't really add anything to the film. Overall it was truely awful.

The issues with the sound actually made me unable to finish the film. Because the dialog was much quieter than everything is, and so you couldn't turn it up to compensate, because you'd get your ears blown away by mundane noises. It also didn't line up right with the mouths, to the point it looks dubbed.

Most of the acting was pretty terrible too. Like it has a good concept, but it missed the mark for me.
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Unbelievably bad in every area
peterjb-713737 March 2023
I've never seen such a poorly acted movie before with such terrible actors & script. It's like the actors were just reading their lines with no emotion at all. Every 'actor' was terrible. Plus they have badly dubbed some parts of the dialogue. The story was stupid. The lead actress was barely understandable. The sound was awful. Everything in this movie sucked. I tried watching it til the end to see if it started making sense & ended up turning it off about 10 mins before the end because I couldn't stand it any longer.

Do not waste your time. I don't usually leave reviews but I felt I had to in this case to hopefully save other people from making the same mistake.
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Pretty Senseless
rotini-5258616 March 2022
Usually don't post reviews....but this was pretty horrible. The lead actress would just mumble through the whole movie. She was attractive though. The guy in the van...just weird. Not a good effort.
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Don't waste your time on this one...
paul_haakonsen27 April 2022
I hadn't heard about this 2021 horror movie titled "The Zeme" from writer and director Goldie Dhillon before now in 2022 as I stumbled upon it and opted to sit down and watch it. And I figured with something that was on Amazon Prime Video then it couldn't possibly be all bad. But the low rating that the movie had managed to score here on IMDb was not a good sign.

And this movie is bad. It is horribly, horribly bad. The storyline is just laughable. I mean it was so simplistic and downright stupid that it was difficult to take the movie serious in any way. The events in the movie were rather mundane and poor, and the character gallery and dialogue was just downright atrocious.

The acting performances in "The Zeme" were dubious and shoddy. And it was actually toe-curling to watch and listen to the actors and actresses trying to stumble and fumble their way through very poorly written dialogue. And with most of the delivery of the dialogue not even in the level of a middle school play, it was just terrible to bear witness to.

Visually then "The Zeme" was nothing to write home about.

If you enjoy horror movies, then save yourself the anguish and torment and skip on this movie, because it just simply isn't worth the effort, time or money.

My rating of "The Zeme" lands on a one out of ten stars.
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It's pretty bad.
trevinom-5796923 September 2023
The concept for the film had possibilities.

The execution was very far off the mark.

The storyline was choppy and incoherent. Even after watching the movie, I'm still not certain what a 'Zeme' is. My guess would be based on something said within the last 15 minutes of the film, but even that was tenuous at best.

The characters were underdeveloped. The relationships between the characters were similarly underdeveloped. Dialogue dubbed english over english for no apparent reason. Dubbing had mismatched emotion and tone from the scenes.

My wife and I laughed at times with how bad it was. Other times we just looked at each other in amazement as we debated when to turn it off.

Would not recommend. Would probably go with half a point as a rating if the option was there.
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