Fix My Flip (TV Series 2022– ) Poster

(2022– )

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Interesting concept
mulesstuff11 March 2022
I enjoyed this show. It has an interesting concept. Page Turner does a great job. I'll keep watching. But bring your calculator. There is a lot of math involved to get to the end. Lol.
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Flipper reality check, with a talented crew.
V-Koger18 March 2022
There are SO many 'flip that property' shows that make flipping look easy. Clearly those shows don't spell out the inherent easily-made-mistakes or risks/loss rabbit hole.

This is not only a simple exposé of the flipping stumbles, but also lessons in negotiations, marketing and thinking beyond your initial or fear-based concepts.

Plus the hostess is experienced, savvy, and fun to watch her engage. I like that she initially shows up as a well dressed business women and then shows her multi-faceted abilities on several levels throughout the show.

Her crew is smart and talented. There's a lot to enjoy and glean with this new show.

I like it.
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Some people should never try to flip a home
txriverotter15 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is an interesting concept; different from many other HGTV shows where professionals come in and help flippers who are in over their heads, be it first timers or people who just made bad decisions on this particular deal.

Page evaluates the home, then offers her expertise for a cut of the profit, sometimes including her own money to invest in the reno. Most every time the flippers barter her initial offer down. In some cases, I can agree, but others, her expertise is direly needed and worth every penny of whatever profit portion she takes.

For example, the fourth episode is a married couple, first time flippers, who bought a home to flip based on their emotional response to the place (it reminded them both of his childhood home. Say wut?!), borrowed extensively from both of their parent's, plus loans to purchase and renovate, clearly had NO plan whatsoever for how they were going to proceed and did not do a speck of research on the area they purchased and planned to sell in. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

And the husband side of the team was a real know-it-all, while the wife seemed to be going along with whatever he said because she believed him to be knowledgeable. Because he has an MBA. Apparently from Walmart's online college. 'Cause he ain't knowing a lot by a LONG shot!

At the time Page is asked to come in, they've been sitting on this 977 sq foot of property for eight months, making $4,000 per month mortgage payments (not including taxes and insurance!), they've gutted the interior, removing ALL of the original 1920's charm and character, and threw it in a garbage pile in the back yard, and they had a 1,000 square foot addition planned, which brought their total Renovation Budget to $525,000.

The market they were in, houses of the same size were being sold for $1.2 million or more and it is a young and funky artist community, who WANT small homes with LOTS of character and charm. Everything that is the polar opposite of what these two are doing. Not only that, but they were spending $375,000 dollars on top of what they'd already spent, to add that addition that people wouldn't want and WOULD NOT PAY FOR, so the max they would likely sell for would be $1.3 million. Netting them $100,000 additional profit for spending $375,000.

As Page notes, this is just basic math. And she knows what she's talking about because she's a professional and she did her damn homework.

So these two agree to her revisions (him clearly reluctant because he thinks he's the man), getting rid of the addition and trying to infuse some of the character they cluelessly ripped out, while spending only $100,000 more, and selling within two months for a tidy profit. They agree at first, but then after she and her team have gone in and done prolly a week's work of work or more, she hears from them with urgent news: they've decided they want to do the addition anyway, and common sense be damned! I sure hope both their sets of parents are independently wealthy 'cause they ain't ever seeing THAT money again!

So she flat out tells them "I wish you luck, but I'm out. I cannot in good faith continue if this is the road you're going down." Basically, you're idiots and you're on your own.

So she gets a call from two brothers she's worked with before, and they've done a flip in the same funky artist neighborhood, and they want her advise on something. She arrives and the place is seemingly done, if very plain and builder-grade. The brothers reveal they want to keep this flip and make it their first rental investment property.

Page explains that, because of the neighborhood, rentals don't go for a lot, and they would actually lose money every single month. She advises them to sell, and take that hefty sum and THEN buy their first rental investment. They know she's talking sense and so agree and she and her team stage and bring in some character, and the place goes for the tidy sum of $1.1 million, but it's an all cash offer. Those are awesome!

At the end of the show Page goes back to the married couples sh!t-show to see how things are progressing. No one is on site, prolly because they ran and hid from shame when they saw her coming. Lol! But seriously, four months later and they've literally gotten NOTHING more done on this property. There are some pipes laid in the dirt where the addition is supposed to apparently, eventually maybe go...but that's it.

So these two nitwits have now paid $48,000 in mortgage payments (plus taxes and insurance) for a home they won't be living in and now won't be able to sell for enough to get back a substantial profit, if any at all. And there's no end in site.

As Page states right before the credits roll, this particular flip is a cautionary tale for ALL first time flippers. And man, is it ever.
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Interesting concept
sharell-jordan33314 April 2022
I like the show. I appreciate how Page gives constructive criticism and gears her partners towards more profits. I plan on watching more. The negotiation process is also interesting to watch. I look forward to more episodes. Also why do all the negative reviewers hate shorts? Lol.
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Great show...ignore these haters on reviews.
ajbonelli18 March 2022
Great show, nice flips and she is fyne...these plain jane Karen's and Bubba's are hating in their reviews, surprise...they want every show to be boring and lame.
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lobaby-092693 May 2022
I love the show and its content. Page is giving the owners very good advice. The whole concept is new and different for HGTV, which I LOVE! I am learning a lot. One of the episodes she could not invest in the deal because it was a bad decision and she walked away. This is one of the realist shows on HGTV which shows the true meaning of being a house flipper. Lesson, you can not be emotionally tied to the properties that you are relying on to build your business as a flipper.... Put out a good product and keep it pushing. Dollars makes sense!!
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Uh, no
2Pass_Time13 March 2022
Noooooo thanks. So the host shows up at a cabin reno in high heels , tight shorts and tight business top. Absurd. The mother daughter team? Clueless. Daughter is all about the camera and wiggles/giggles...👅 ghastly start. No chance I will waste time on this show. Not fond of the host anyway. All attitude and superiority no heart, nothing real or kind. The opposite of most hosts. She isn't 'all that'. No sir.
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Love to See It!
MandaLin4030 May 2022
I am really enjoying this show. The host is much more engaging than I find a lot of the HGTV hosts. She seems to know her stuff and is confident without being overbearing. The people worrying about her appearance need to get a life. It's nice to see some diversity on this channel, FINALLY. Not everyone wants to show up in stiff attire and steel toe boots. Some folks like to add a little flare, Page does just that! Keep it up!
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I miss your old designer
cindyo-6979812 June 2023
I used to love this show. I enjoy it less due to the loss of your designer. I like Paige Turner appreciate her . Business sense her cooperation with her builder and collaboration with the flippers BUT THE DESIGN IS LACKING. BRING YOUR DESIGNER BACK. She understood the house the area and used to keep some design elements important to the style of the home. Last episode I watched she would have kept the pink tile in the bathroom and made it spectacular I now find the final flip VERY vanilla and repetitive. PLEASE bring your designer back. It is an element that just made each home unique instead of cookie cutter. I miss her input.
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thesuszq12 March 2022
Worst show I've ever seen...first half was all negative comments not just from Page...she went to a few other sources that were just as critical, reinforcing he opinion, but no positive feedback. The flippers came off as "dumb blondes" and every character had a super whinny voice. Not on my list to watch again.
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Enough Already!
desdamona-9264513 March 2022
There are some great shows of this genre - this is NOT one of them. Just flogging a dead horse really. Haven't people had enough of these plastic, shallow rubbish shows that are just jumping on the bandwagon with nothing new to offer?
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Stupid is as stupid does
anonymous-0317924 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a sucker for these flip shows and have only seen one episode of Fix my flip so far. They all follow the HGTV playbook and there are given irritations - titting about on building sites as if dressed for an evening out or doing dangerous demo work without adequate safety precautions.

The couple who bought the lovely little Eagle Rock cottage and then proceeded to DESTROY it were so utterly clueless and deserved to fail. The woman thought she knew about property because she is a real estate agent, and the man had some sort of business degree. They did not heed the golden rules of not getting personal, or over-spending where the comps do not support the proposed build.
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Interesting but annoying
manfredpeter-096285 May 2022
I enjoyed the first two episodes airing today, but as the would be flippers seemed to get more clueless, it became difficult to watch. Her team is good but Page Turner is annoying. Most interesting thing is the real estate market.
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Garbage From The Word Go!
sydneyjayz13 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Take a Real Estate, playing Flip Investor, who comes along to evaluate your property after the flipper of origin screws up and needs help. For the price of that help, it's Turner's money invested for payback, plus one helluva high percentage of the sales cut. I have to believe the housing joyride these fakes are on, will set us back to the 2006 housing bust where everyone will lose. And you show up in shorts so damn short, you can take a sharpie and create a map on the cellulite shown on Turners's thighs. It's really unattractive-when she sits down and crosses her legs in heels so high, to make her very appearance as a serious agent a joke. But I digress-this is a comedy, right?

HGTV is given a really false impression of how homes are handled from build to sale. Page Turner thinks she's cute and she plays that to the camera (for ratings) and the dance-around-yay-yay-yay-it's-perfect-I-love-it-formula is tired. The smartest move was by those women that refused to pay Turner the 30% she was seeking for her so-called expertise-knocking it down to 10%-and that was a gift. This show will fall off the schedule and we'll all move on to another fantasy sold by HGTV. Bye Page.
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