Next Stop Murder (TV Movie 2010) Poster

(2010 TV Movie)

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Strangers on a Bus
wes-connors14 February 2011
In a suburban California community, red-headed law student Brigid Brannagh (as Molly) meets cool blonde Allison Lange (as Sophie) on a bus. The attractive women talk over problems. Riding the bus because her rich daddy took the T-Bird away, Ms. Lange doesn't seem entirely sane; as it turns out, she's fresh out of a "Rolling Hills" mental institution. Seeming to be more even more distraught, Ms. Brannagh is troubled by her husband's first wife Rosa Blasi (as Heather), a crazed drug addict who causes embarrassing scenes for Brannagh, brawny hubby Brian Krause (as Jeff), and their cute 'n' cuddly daughter Charlie Stewart (as Gracie)...

If you've seen Alfred Hitchcock's "Strangers on a Train" (1951), you can get off at the next stop. But, if you want to go along for the ride, it's "Next Stop Murder" as Lange decides she should kill the ex-wife troubling Brannagh in exchange for the latter killing daddy Joe Regalbuto (as Warren). Lange tells Brannagh, "We can help each other out of our nightmares." Naturally, things don't go according to plan…

This is an average made-to-run-on-TV production. It's nice to see Lin Shaye turn up as the detective, and the scenes between Brannagh and little Miss Stewart are nicely done; the story does not take advantage of the fact that they look like mother and daughter (they could have made them aunt and niece). Unfortunately, this is a blatantly inferior version of Patricia Highsmith's original story, expertly filmed by Alfred Hitchcock (as the aforementioned "Strangers on a Train"). Although the leading characters have been changed to women, the same sex subtext (attraction) is missing; neither Highsmith nor Hitchcock would approve.

**** Next Stop Murder (2010) John Murlowski ~ Brigid Brannagh, Allison Lange, Brian Krause, Joe Regalbuto
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Strangers on a Bus
boblipton21 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This Lifetime Movie Network movie is a blah sex-change variation of Alfred Hitchcock's classic STRANGERS ON A TRAIN, with psycho Allison Lange killing Brian Krause's psycho ex-wife to make things easier for his current wife, Brigid Brannagh -- the last an actress new to me, whom I like very much -- she could be a voice double for the late Suzanne Pleshette. The acting is decent, but by the time anything new showed up in the story, I had lost interest.

There's little that's particularly wrong about this movie, but there is nothing in it that is actively engaging. Once you realize the model of the story, everything becomes very predictable except you wonder how they could have missed the things that made the original Hitchcock movie so good.The pacing is flat, the music is overwrought and the camera lighting is dark and broody, except for the scene where they are explaining to the little girl that mommy has been murdered: that shot is a very pretty one.

In short, there is nothing in this sub-par time waster to attract anyone who has seen the Hitchcock original.
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Hitchcock rolls in his grave
ForVirg26 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
As others have noted, this is just a very poorly done sex-changed redo of Hitchcock's classic "Strangers On A Train." However, this remake is done without the finesse of Hitchcock's direction, great acting, and well-written screenplay of the original.

Somehow the filmmakers and writers in this one managed to dumb down a brilliant premise and reduce interesting characters to predictable, one-dimensional caricatures.

I cannot fathom why anyone involved would have wasted their time with this seriously bad film. I recommend viewers not toss their time into the waste basket with the them. Find anything else at all to watch.

Better yet, go rent, stream, or find a TV showing of the masterful original. "Strangers On A Train" is never a waste of time.
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Bad Bad Copy of a Classic
carolynocean12 February 2021
Classic films should be left alone, especially if the attempt at a remake is this bad. Really bad acting, forced and wooden characters , who were not even convinced themselves about this drawn out , painful plot.

The director here was trying hard to portray an air of mystery and suspense, but failed on both counts unfortunately.

It was just too predictable and bland.
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Painful to Watch!
nigelsmithson24 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
A ridiculously weak plot and poor script with mediocre acting to boot!

Brannagh should have gone immediately to the police instead of playing along to the point of becoming almost complicit in the heinous crimes. I have to agree with "geoffox" that Brannagh's facial expressions were often scarier than the crazed oppressors. In fact, some of her actions were just as stupid as the culprits. For example, when she breaks into the father's house with a gun pointed at him and claims she wasn't going to kill him; come on, get real.

It was very difficult to stick with (my wife kept telling me off for my constant moaning!). How convenient that the oncoming bus just happened along at that point when there was virtually no other traffic on the road. Perhaps if the nutter hadn't paused for quite so long on the bus steps when fleeing she might have missed it!
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Horrible movie
geoffox-766-41846720 September 2010
This almost tops the list as the worst film of the year. Story is just plain stupid. The acting is just as bad on every one's part, except the little girl and the father who managed to make a decent performance out of a trite and idiotic story line. The two leading ladies, won't mention their names as I'd sooner forget their work. One goes around looking like a vampire as the daughter who wants her daddy dead. The other goes around with this weird look on her face. She looks crazier than the crazy one. Backed by over the hill acting. And the guy playing the husband is just as bad. The acting on all parts is so bad, I laughed.

Writing, directing not so good either. Wow, sure would like the money they spent in producing this loser. It might have backed a more worthy work of art. Too bad.
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Patricia Highsmith wrote this story....
moonchildiva19 October 2010
I didn't even bother finishing this movie!! I feel that credit should have been given to Patricia Highsmith who already WROTE this premise a long time ago in Strangers on a Train!! Very poor, sorry to say. Nothing else was on TV so I tried this one but I didn't even give it 40 minutes. Are you trying to tell me that ANYONE would charge up thousands and then dump it in a trash pail? Even if they were crazy, this would not happen, I really believe THAT, not what happened in the film. I really hate to see Lifetime waste our time with such c r a p. There's little talent involved in the making of this horrible movie. Sorry to say, but true.
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I need a drink!
sol12185 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
****SPOILERS**** Updated version of the 1951 Hitchcock classic "Strangers on a Train" where this time the story takes place on a bus with the manipulating and spoiled rotten Sophie Johanon, Allison Lang, trying to pull off a double murder. That by her getting paralegal Molly Beckhard, Brigid Brannagh, to knock off her strict but caring dad Judge Warren Johanson, Joe Regalbuto,in return for Sophie murdering Molly's husbands Jeff's, Brian Krause, ex Heather Plumb, Rosa Blasi. We've seen it dozens of times before, "Strangers on a Train" clones, but this time around it has a knock your socks off surprise ending that hits you well before the film is over which makes it more then worth watching.

Sophie who was just released from the Rolling Hills Mental Institution has had it in for her father since she was a little girl in him keeping her on a short lease by grounding her in taking away the keys to her sports car. That's after she had a sting of preventable car accidents that resulted from her drinking. This forced Sophie take the local Gold Line Bus where she eventually met Molly commuting back and forth from law school.

It's when Molly told her about the problems she's having with Heather in trying to get her, Heather's, daughter Gracie, Charlie Stewart, away from her that a light lit up in Sophie's head! Wanting to get her pop out of the way Sophie comes up with this plan in that she'll knock off the pesky Heather and in return Molly would finish off her annoying pop! Thinking this is some kind of a joke Molly soon realizes what a nut case Sophie really is in always getting in touch with her,on the Gold Line bus, and pressing the issue to the point that Molly tries to avoid her at all costs!

***SPOILERS*** It when Sophies tarts to impersonate Heather, by covering her blond hair with a red wig, and almost sets the Beckhard home on fire that Molly goes to the police to have the what later turned to be innocent Heather arrested! Things soon turn deadly with Sophie murdering Heather in the local needle park where the drug addicted and alcoholic Heather hangs out that Molly becomes the #1 suspect in her murder! Knowing that she's been set up but not having the proof Molly reluctantly agrees to carry out Sophie's plan to ice her pop in order not to be implicated by fake evidence Sophie planted at Heather's murder scene!

It's when your just about get up and turn the boring as dishwater movie off in feeling you've seen it all before your hit with a shock, obviously timed to perfection by the films director, that knocks you as well as almost everybody else in the cast flat on your back! As it turns out Molly finds out the truth about Sophie from her dad the Judge when she broke into his home to take him out, of his life not for dinner, that left her speechless! It' then that the film that was as predictable as the morning sunrise really started to get interesting!

Great final sequence with Molly and Sophie together with the Judge and Jeff having it out on the Gold Line bus with the passengers and bus driver running for cover to prevent themselves from being, in this no holds bar cat fight, scratched to death! It was Sophie kidnapping Gracie, to make sure Molly would carry out her deranged plan, that really tipped the scales against her. Molly was willing to take all the abuse that Sophie could dish out on her, even a jail sentence from a crime that she didn't commit, but when she started messing with her daughter it turned out to be the last straw for her!
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One of the best TV movie dramas
oulou40225 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Every now and then I'll try watching an interesting sounding TV movie drama. Usually they're nothing special or else I just stop in the middle, this movie was not one of those. It was clean, it was suspenseful yet not terrifying, was able to make me cry, and I'm no movie critic, but I thought that the acting was very good, too. I loved that Molly tried her absolute hardest to do the right thing. I loved how she tried to convince Warren of the truth. I also liked that there was sympathy for Sophie (even though she is obviously twisted). Anyway, I am certainly glad that I did not pass this movie up, it was definitely worth the two hours!
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Next Stop Murder-Careful Talking to Strangers on the Bus **1/2
edwagreen21 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
A film where the plot is extremely contrived. Anyone see some similarity to the 1950's Hitchcock thriller, "Strangers on A Train?" Obviously, it's not the same thing but the believed to be chance meeting of 2 strangers on a vehicle leading to plotting for murder can't be totally overlooked.

In this case, the meeting takes place on the bus. Of course, it turns out that this was not as innocent as it first appears. When one of the people just casts the meeting off as being made up by some kind of nut job, things begin to happen as our second person is victimized and almost drawn into this plot by a really sick woman.
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Good thriller and scary
NuttyBaby8 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is a really powerful and gripping film. The story itself was not familiar to me as I haven't seen the Hitchcock film from the 60's that everyone keeps mentioning as being like this one. I will watch it in the near future. I actually liked this film, it was interesting and the characters grew, especially Brigid the loving stepmother who meets a psychotic Allison. I don't believe this is a carbon copy or poor copy of another, but there are many films that seem to be like that too, such as Titanic being a 90's Gone with the Wind. How many more shark movies are there since Jaws anyway? So this film is just okay and the villain is pure evil and yet the ending is nice and rosy.
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