Blessed and Cursed (2010) Poster

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A mixed bag.
fitforfaith-ministries14 January 2024
This movie is hard to review.

Did it draw me closer to THEOS or inspire me to serve more in church? Sadly not.

It is too worldly, showing a church which is rather a club than a church. A church which is rather a business, with its elders being rich and condescending to people under their responsibility. Of course part of it was intentional, to show how the star made his way through those obstacles. But there is little to no holiness and the wording 'oh you are so annointed' is constantly being abused, by confusing it with the singing talent and charisma of a singer.

I like his performance, which is good for a singer who is not an actor by default. Only one scene was bad, when he first pretended to be shy and then suddenly made the biggest show and waved his arms. That change was too sudden and poorly instructed. The rest was good.

But the movie, although long in time, has no real substance, something you walk away and say, yes, that inspired me. I fear that it rather creates a mentality of performance in churches, and of making it more like a business. Worth watching, but not worth recommending it to someone who wants to grow in Christ and especially in holiness.
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Blessed and Curssed
jejohnson22448 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Blessed that this story has heart,soul and the power of the lord in which is a true spiritual blessing, but cursed by the way it is directed and sometimes written. This story focuses on a man named Dwight Hawkins who has a gift for spreading the word through his singing, but has a few confrontations in his life such as the church not thinking he's ready and his mother being ill, but in the end it all works out. Here are the massive problems, first of all the editing is sloppy. Yes it's a low-budget film which I know but I've seen better editing with a family album. The camera zooms in way too much, some of the scenes are too disjointed,It had TV cuts in a movie no less Hm( unless it was made for TV but I doubt it), it barely lets a plot finish and I felt like I was on an acid trip watching certain scenes. Next is the dialog, if boys from high school put this up as a project then yeah it's explainable with an F, but a movie, god the dialog was on and off and I didn't understand what they were talking about at times. Next is the characters, we knew so much about characters that were not that important or part of the story, but some we were suppose to know about barely had any screen time. One (note: spoiler) is the mother of Dwight, her time in the movie wasn't even that important, but when she died we were suppose to care? I mean come on she only had three of four scenes ( two when she speaks and the thing that cracked me up, when her son prayed for her, in the next scene she was dead because a flag said funeral. Man the power of prayer doesn't work when you have no sense to call 911. Jeez. All in all that's all I have too say, and if you want to get heal by god ( I am a Christian so I know) the best thing to do is hear for your calling if it's TBN or on the street, because this movie won't move you trust me I moved for the commode that's it.
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Blessed (not really) & Cursed
shimmery-blue21 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
From the opening scene, I cringed in my seat, "Oh, no...not another one of those 'Christian' movies" and my fears were confirmed.

To date, I've not seen a believable 'Christian' movie where the acting was compelling. (sigh) It's like they're afraid to get into the character or something.

In the second scene where Dwight was with his "girl" (which is his wife in real life btw) and they wake up in bed together. She pulls him in to kiss him and NONE of it was believable. It's his wife for goodness sake--let loose and show some ungh!!! OK then they get into an argument--it just wasn't credible, unfortunately.

I apologize if you're not a Christian and you attempt to view or understand this movie. I'm a Christian and I didn't understand this movie! I didn't get the "spiritual" parts how they were mixed in. I found it stuffy.

Although Deitrick might be a gifted gospel artist, and I respect him--he lacks general cinema theory. There's just somethings that you can't go "by faith" it takes real practical experience. Sorry. I've seen better YouTube videos.

Please keep a good image of the artist in your head and don't watch the movie. You're doing yourself a favor.

If you do however, get pulled into watching this movie. If this movie is rated a 1 out of 10. Drew Sidora who plays Patrice is really cute and has acting experience is the "1" that kept the movie from being "0".
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Great Singing and Acting, Poor Storyline
sanboyce10 April 2015
I like how the movie started. It seemed to show strong family ties and a great opportunity given to a blessed young man. After that there was no real flow to the story, there were conclusions without any plots. Things just happened. Question, Who waits for a church to be debt- free? That is stupid. The luxury lifestyle portrayed is sadly a reality. I could have done without the opening scene and the scene with the "Ladies" (no spoiler) since it is a Christian movie. I also thought that more socio-economic situations in the city of Detroit should have been highlighted. Realistic struggle and hardship and then possibilities. I didn't see any curses, only commonly made mistakes. The only good things were: 1. D. Haddon and his anointed singing. 2. The other singers. 3. Good acting by everyone.
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Very poor :-(
heimma3 October 2012
I am kind of disappointed to see that Christian movies rarely stand out?!? What is the reason behind that? The only Christian movies I enjoyed so far are the ones relating the Bible stories. This movie was just a waste of time, it was just the occasion for Mr H. to make some noise about his songs and himself. Sorry ! The performance is very very poor, the intrigue irrational, I did not watch the movie until the end - it was too boring. I mean Haddon should stick to singing and that's it. Also I found so pitiful how nowadays churches are all about looking , appearance, luxury , anything but TRUTH... Very much sad! That's surely not what Jesus Christ wants. 2/10 just because of the songs which despite all that are nice..
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Blessed and Cursed
thegiftofheavenlyhands6 August 2012
The film was excellent and it was powerful. It brought an amazing enlightenment to what occurs when one loses themselves in the pain of natural life occurrences. It touched my heart personally when he exemplified the weight that comes with losing a loved one. I could totally relate to the way it feels when even the church seemed out of place in his life.

However, I loved the way Sheryl Lee Ralph stood her ground as a true woman of God and encouraged her husband to do the right thing. It was good to see the son and niece hold their ground as well. It was completely uplifting to see Dwight (Deitrick) forgive the pastor so freely in the end. Absolutely enjoyed the film and it truly ministered to my heart in so many ways.
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Blessed and Cursed because its hard to follow
ecsmith1212 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Have you ever walked in to a party or a room full of people you didn't know? As you past by, unnoticed, you noticed everyone is deep into their side conversations but you have no idea what is going on. You don't know who is the host. You don't even know the purpose of the party. Well, that's exactly how you feel when you watch this movie. You walk into an exciting scene full of promise but the plot, the storyline and the characters are all undeveloped. Deitrick did not give us an opportunity to get to know the characters and their significance. This is evident when we are presented with a scene that is a supposed tear jerker,(spoiler alert), when the main character mother's dies. However, we can not care because when don't understand the significance to the story, the characters, or to the movie. We have no idea of why she was in the movie. It's like this the entire movie...You are constantly introduced to new characters but you are not offered the opportunity to get to know them or build a connection. Heck, you don't even understand the scene shifts. I would say to pass on the movie and continue to support Dietrick as an artist. I'm sure he will grow. Be Blessed and not Lost.
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Excellent Christian Movie.
lamarqjwministries1 May 2012
Dwight Hawkins being blessed and anointed with the gift of music, while curses fly around him, must try not to conform to the sufferings of the world. Very believable, nice music, great scenery, and great plot. Deitrick Haddon's film debut lived up to the hype that surrounded it, and exceeded it. If there was anything that I would change, it would be to include more of his mother. The story of her illness was very shallow, and a bit misunderstood. Being for entertainment of both the world and the Christian church, the move has been a prime example of how everything works together. Many people that I know outside of the church claim this to be their favorite move. Again, this movie came in strong, and did not slow down, from the blossoming of his choir direcrting ministry, and the rest of his story(I won't spoil) Dwight Hawkins was a remarkable character, and this films is AWESOME! All around a wonderful picture.
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True to the title - Think about those Blessed and Cursed
scot-7128 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
When 1st looking at this title I was unsure of what to think. First I thought maybe this is like one of those addict movies, someone sees the dark side and then is blessed to see some shard of light. This new movie hit me with a pleasant surprised, truly seeking to shine and share "blessings" of God. Probably the biggest surprise surrounds the fact that this is not the typical, run-of-the-mill Hollywood flick, that always seems the neglect or even reject the reality of God within life. Yes, one rarely sees true "devout" love-for-God spirituality in movies.

This movie runs against the Hollywood grain with characters who love and try to serve God in their lives. And Blessed and Cursed shows this through the representative theme of Praise through an artist and music. One of the biggest themes - shown a few times - is how great artists "lose the self" to let the Spirit fill the artist and all around. This power of the Spirit is really behind the major Christian movement in the U.S. today, where music, esp. modern contemporary music plays such a vital role. (Beyond church, earlier African-American praise for God can be traced to the roots of jazz and hip-hop today.) The main character is a true artist, composing and sharing inspirational music. As an artist myself, this is an major theme. Some may think this is Christian movie, and yes it is; however, a lot surrounds a talented artist who God blesses as a "instrument" of INspiration. In a few weeks I get to again visit a masterpiece by Michelangelo in the Sistine Chapel. I am not Catholic or would even call myself Christian, yet Michelangelo (like all Master Artists) presents an eternal perspective. It is like the heavens open up when you stare into this art. Few know that Michelangelo painted his self portrait; his flesh is like a tattered garment being upheld by a Saint. It was laborious work serving God to paint the ceiling of this Vatican Chapel.

I gave 8 stars based on the above comments. On the negative, it was a bit hard connecting the opening scene to suddenly jumping 16 years to the future when the main character is grown. The "Curse" may be less clear for some. except for the main test (an apparent curse) after the death of the Mother. Maybe the constant saying "It's God's Will" might have been resolved better. The handling of "material blessings" by the men of God could be better resolved. Jesus did say that it is very very hard for the rich to get into heaven. The Judas-like character was a nice integration. And the ending was good where this '#1 in the charts Christian Rock Star humbly uses music to move everybody, especially the "Elected Presiding Bishop" who had his own materialistic issues to deal with.

Thanks for this movie, a pleasant change from the 5-6 or even 7 star Hollywood productions. Yes spread the Rock Star energies of God.
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