"Supernatural" Hammer of the Gods (TV Episode 2010) Poster

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''Time to grow up " - A loyalty lesson from Gabriel
andixu11 August 2010
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"Dad loved you best. More than Michael. More than me. And then he brought the new baby home and you couldn't handle it."

Greatest acting performance of all the Supernatural episodes was in this one . What can i say ,Gabriel's speech was awesome .He wasn't a demon , but he read Lucifer's mind since he disobeyed .He didn't want to kill his brother , even if he could .

Just my opinion , but i think he could kill Lucifer easy .He could trap him or help Dean and Sam lock him . But no , he rather learn Lucifer an loyalty lesson and die . And he did , but not until he was sure that he can prove to his brother that he's wrong ...so what did he do ? He gave humanity hope . He gave Sam and Dean a test ( gathering the 4 rings ) .

what happened next ? You'll see .

P.S Richard Speight Jr. is a real actor ,he deserves more than 4 episodes on a great series .
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I don't understand all the hate.
hatchels27 December 2015
So I read through a few of the other reviews, and most of them seem to be mainly upset at the fact that the writers didn't portray the Gods properly. Honestly, when has this show actually been 100% accurate for ANYTHING?

It's pretty liberal on all the details and lore for the monsters. Not to mention the fact that the way they portray angels and demons is practically something that Michael Bay would come up with. We all know that Angels are the warriors of God, but they aren't arrogant, heartless creatures like Zachariah or Raphael.

So how about everyone actually tries to understand something here. IT'S A FREAKING TV SHOW!!! They are going to write things that they feel will get the viewers attention. It's probably safe to say that the majority of the viewers DON't actually bother to research everything in the supernatural world. I've actually gone on the Wiki to compare facts, and SPN has their own lore and universe now.

So bottom line, if they want to show a bunch of random Gods as being childish cannibals looking to reclaim the planet, then let them do it. You don't have to like the episode like every other sheep in the flock. Just know that artistic liberties will ALWAYS be taken when they can.
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Great episode, hate Ganesha portrayal(was gonna give 9,-1 for this).
gnivsarkar0071 February 2013
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Loved the episode. The fight between Lucifer and his siblings is always amazing! But what I loved the most was the elephant scene!I mean man, it was like the Godfather out there,all the mafia families having a royal sit down to dish out turf issues, when big daddy Lucifer shows up to bust balls.Awesome stuff!!

But we learned of the myopic view the show's writers have of the other religions.Ganesha is a God we Hindus revere, we pray to him before beginning any important. He is the God who removes obstacles. And you guys show him as a human meat eater? I know this show is fictional, and I LOVE it, but I mean come on guys? Show a little respect here!!
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A lot happens here and it's all good.
CubsandCulture26 March 2020
This is one of the very best episodes of the show. The story is just goofy enough, with enough wit and charm to be fun. There is just enough blood and guts that the episode ends up being a little scary. And there is enough of the ongoing arch that this episode feels needed to fill in the pieces.

The show has always taken the side of humanity, every day life over the supernatural. The ethos of the show is to embrace the warts of every person because of being human is to be alive. It has a working class vibe and the boys don't intellectualize all that often. Gabriel saying the Lucifer that he would shiv Michael if he was here too is the best expression of the show's central them in its entire run.

Add in the show at least tries to de-westernize the underlying mythology-Kali complaining about Western arrogance really hits home-and this is a really great episode.
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loved it!
aesthfc25 May 2018
Great episode! I know a lot of people disliked the episode, but I loved it
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Funny and entertaining if not disappointing in its execution
shwetafabm14 June 2020
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The concept, pretty damn cool, all the other Gods against Lucifer, they should win obviously, i mean ofcourse but the show can't have that so they need to make that really bad "fight" sequence. I dislike the fight scenes in spn generally, its a problem when the opponents are so overpowered but they can't win, in this case its the same its just not monster vs winchesters but gods vs lucifer. I'm Indian and i'm pretty sure this episode did not air here for obvious reasons. I'm not offended because i'm not religious and the whole show takes a piss on Christianity constantly and as a concept has to go by that Christianity is the most accurate. They could have definitely put more thought into it, especially Ganesha. It's pretty entertaining tho, with funny moments, infact this entire episode has a very different feel to it than the rest, and ofcourse the Trickster is always a delight. Now i'm giving this a 9 because its fun, the fun episodes of spn are always the best and i keep leeway for when a concept if impossible to execute is done because if i disregard it completely it would never exist, for example the movie "us" has the most ridiculous premise that does not make sense on any level, but if it were to be dismissed for it there would be no film... Now spn well like i said its a huge problem this show has, the show is full of lame and easy wins and magical objects that are convenient and make no sense and literal ex machinas, the plot is generally flimsy, not that the overarching plot has not been brilliant but you know how it is, it's a fantasy show with two humans hunting thimgs that can destroy them with a snap, its not the most accurate in its stakes and who should realistically win.
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Best Episode this season so far....
me-online8923 April 2010
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I don't know if anyone noticed but things were pretty ordinary here in Supernatural, Season 5 up until this episode. The episode starts with Dean and Sam ending up into a hotel in nowhere's land, something too good to be true. And soon, the brothers find themselves caught between a fight between cocky Pagan gods namely, Kali, Ganesha, Baldur etc. and the Devil, Lucifer.

This is one of the episode where Lucifer graces us with his presence. As expected, Lucifer brings down the army of Pagan gods without breaking a sweat, not to mention with style and elegance, killing his brother Archangel Gabriel along the way. All in all, a well written episode.

And then again, the brothers now know a way to trap the Devil. I hope other episode this season will be just as good as this on. Fingers crossed...
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Weak religion
shogun363628 March 2019
So many hurt religious people criticising this episode. Get a life. All religion is make believe like these episodes.
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can't stop hating this episode
booomshiva14 September 2013
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Really moronic for you guys to insult Hindu gods and other oriental traditions. It must be known that Maa Kali can blow your Lucifer into the size of an ant's ass if she wishes. This show seemed to prove that how distorted and scared you (scriptwriter) are to really know the eastern wisdom and understanding. Please gather more resources to make the show believable, if not the show will simply seem too comical having no credibility. Hinduism also known as Sanatana Dharma has its origins on this planet 12,000 years ago. More and more excavations happening recently proves this and I ain't bluffing. Christianity and other religions have existed only within 2000 yrs ago. Do not criticize without knowing the fact. The reason you call it Pagan is because you are too immature to understand it. Kindly don't fall below your standards again and portray the eastern traditions in such a poor way.
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Finally the Joey reference
ekmohlin28 March 2022
So funny when Dean asks Kali "How you doin'?".

I have always thought that Dean looks - and acts - a lot like Joey in Friends and I have been waiting for him to say that line - in that voice.

Loved it!
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for those of you disappointed
sekangel8827 May 2012
Even in the episode it was mentioned that the Pagangods were weakened because not many people believed in them anymore. But even an atheist would have thoughts about the devil. Everyone knows who he is and that gives him power so the fact that he was able to defeat them so easily doesn't make the gods weak, it just meant that he had more people believing in him that made him stronger. Just think about it though, because before I even watched this I didn't even know who Odin or Kali were. I didn't even know about Loki until I saw this episode and if I didn't know, just think about anyone else who probably watched it and had no clue. But the devil? Everyone could recall who he is even if they hadn't read the bible.
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Not that bad
zombiehigh1814 December 2011
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After the amazing "Point of no return", this episode just shies in its face. The use of other pagan Gods could be interesting if better utilized and I find the way Lucifer took them down no sweat was way too lame.

Dean is back and that's a good thing, he is crazy, sarcastic, tough, arrogant and in charge again and I liked his speech to the pagan Gods. But I'm not so sure about Sam here, he was far more better the last couple of episodes now he is just steeping back to his younger brother role. The Lucifer/Gabriel showdown was the best and both Richard Speight Jr. and Mark Pellegrino were amazing. And the idea of reopening the cage is great for we have been asking our selves, would they ever find a way to ice the Devil?

Finally what a very disgusting scene with Pestilence, Don't you think of eating if you are watching this.
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Good Storyline, if incredibly pro-Christian and unrealistic
sukhoi-pakfa29 September 2010
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The absence of other faiths in the series has lead me and other viewers of the show to wonder where are the mythical creatures, and naturally the gods of other major religions. Granted ones like Kali, Ganesha, Mercury, Odin etc etc.

In this episode there is a meeting of the gods, and there is a realistic problem that threatens the world that they all share. Which is not really very realistic. Where in Christianity, Earth is the main "playing field" of the religion, in Hinduism and other religions, the entire universe is part of the religion. The episode is unrealistic.

However, even as a Christian, I find this episode uncouth as Lucifer so easily kills of Odin, Kali, Ganesha and the others. According to other religions, Kali is death.. she is the destroyer of worlds. Compared to her, Lucifer is merely a child having a tantrum, and yet Lucifer brushes them away with a mere whoosh of his hand. Odin himself is just another word for THE God. The leader of Gods, while all other gods are subordinate, Odin is the God, like Bhrama in Hinduism or God in Christianity.

Lucifer should have had demons and still have had it difficult to merely banish the gods. It would have made a better episode if he had banished Kali and the other gods fled in fear.

However, all in all aside from the evident imperialism and colonialism and the fact that Kali should have been right all along, it was a good episode.. with EXCELLENT acting from Gabriel and Lucifer was genuinely HATABLE where he had been relatively sympathetic throughout the rest. I know loads of people who were liking Lucifer as a character in the series whose opinions of him were turned around in this one episode
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Pagan Gods, Gabriel and Lucifer
claudio_carvalho1 May 2012
While driving through the road, Dean and Sam stop for the night in a remote four-star hotel. Sooner they learn that Kali, Baldur, Odin and other pagan gods have kidnapped the guests to eat them and dean and Sam to summon Lucifer and avoid the Apocalypse. Out of the blue, Gabriel arrives in the spot to warn Kali and the other gods that Lucifer will destroy them; however, it is too late sin Lucifer has just arrives in the hotel.

"Hammer of the Gods" is an episode where Dean and Sam meet pagan gods, Gabriel and Lucifer. The story is gore and silly, with the cannibal pagan gods eating humans. The conclusion is disgusting with the Pestilence arriving to certainly meet the Winchester brothers. My vote is six.

Title (Brazil): "O Martelo dos Deuses" ("The Hammer of the Gods")
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As we say in the UK, are you having a laugh?
nileshkorea-92-15104628 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I love Supernatural. Generally it is well written, witty and dark in equal measures. However, what were they thinking when they released this god awful episode? To portray Gods from other major beliefs as pagan, uncivilised cannibals, is not only ignorant, but deeply insulting to those other religions and the viewer. As someone mentioned earlier, Kali is the destroyer of worlds. She could cough and Lucifer would become a pile of dust. Ganesh is a Hindu god. Couldn't they at least find an Indian guy to play him? Probably not, some people respect their religions too much. The same goes for the Buddha who was Indian not Asian. Also where were Zeus, Mars, Hades, and Shiva. If Loki was meant to be there, where was Thor? Kali said there are a billion of them. What she meant is that Hinduism has a billion gods (representing all the aspects of being). A billion plus gods against Lucifer, I'll take those odds. I understand that there are no images of the Islamic god, but could you imagine what would happen to the studio if they dare insult Islam in anyway? I see they just picked on the religions that are the most accepting. Obviously it is just a show at the end of the day but the writers do need to realise that they just encourage further ignorance. Can we stop insulting each other's beliefs for ratings please?
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Good episode, but strange explanation.
wanabisufi30 November 2020
Many people are offended at how Kali and Ganesh were portrayed. Probably have a good reason for that. I would be bothered too, but if you watched this episode after season 15 ended, then you know that Christianity is also ultimately portrayed in an inaccurate and negative way.

What actually happens in the episode is interesting for world building, albeit lazy with the research on mythological figures.
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the worst episode so far
sohamm1 June 2011
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I really love Supernatural, and I was yet very happy with the story lines and ideas, but this episode is totally crappy. I'm an atheist myself but where does the idea come from that all other but Christian figures are primitive cannibals? Why does one Asian-looking god speak in an Asian language, but Thor, the Nordic god is a biker from the US? Why doesn't he speak Norwegian? Why would all other gods be primitive morons, and only the Christian angels and demons are the real thing? And if you would assume it to be so, why would those oh so powerful angels and demons let those primitive worm-gods stay alive for so long, if they have the power to snip them away in a second? This episode was such a disappointment really. Totally pro-Christian and arrogant towards anything else. The way the other gods were displayed showed that the writers seem to be those kind of ignorant and uninformed writers/producers I really don't like. Ganesh is not a halfwit cannibal, he is the god of wisdom, poetry and science, ( just to mention one example) so why on earth should he be aggressive and spent all his day waiting for his next dead human body dinner? Please, you writers, do some more research and don't ruin this really good series with such crap!
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Disrespectful and a wasted opportunity.
triciapuppy24 September 2013
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As an atheist, I found this episode somewhat offensive. Sure, Lucifer is a powerful figure when it comes to Christianity, but not always among other religions. The death of some of the pagan gods he killed was understandable, especially if they were part of dying religions. However, it doesn't really make sense how none of the gods stood the slightest chance against Lucifer. Obviously, Christianity is a huge theme of the show, but I felt like the writers were saying that it's the best religion or something by making other religions' gods seem weaker. I'm glad they included the pagan gods at all, but this episode could've been better.
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Pitiful ignorance
justaasish23 January 2016
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The level of ignorant ranting that goes on here makes me irritated. Kali, the goddess of Destruction, being defeated by Lucifer? Ganesh, the God of removing obstacles, dead? This episode is offensive and insulting to several beliefs. "Pagan Gods were weakened because not many people believed in them anymore." Perhaps the writers forgot, 80% of the Indian population are Hindus. That's more than 950 million. If the scenario in this episode were to be reversed ( Kali destroying Lucifer within the blink of an eye, Ganesh not even flinching when he was attacked), I'm sure there would be global outrage. Supernatural is a good series, but I'd advise some restraint when it comes to bashing diverse beliefs that have been in existence thousands of years longer than Christianity could ever dream of existing.
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The writer of this episode is the most ignorant person of the decade
srikanth-jiit8 March 2015
If there is a biggest ignorant freak in this world, he is the writer of this episode. What a dumb person the writer is. He does not have an iota of information about goddess Kali or Lord Ganesha. He has portrayed them as human eaters??? Its a shame on him to direct an episode without doing any research about other gods from other religions.

Well i pity the ignorance of this writer/director. When the whole season is more about Christianity, i think they should stick to the same concept. Why bring other gods/religions into this. Forget archangels, other religions don't even believe in Christ. My sincere appeal to the writers of the supernatural, you should do some research on a religion/character before portraying them like whatever you want. Shame on you people.
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Ignorant of Eurasian myth and folklore
scarycircus29 January 2015
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I have to agree with most of the other writers that this episode was just awful and it made me angry and disappointed. Like other episodes of Supernatural, a show I used to love, it was completely ignorant of Eurasian folklore and tradition. This particular episode was the reason for me not to watch this show any further, because it was more than I could stand. It begins with the portrayal of the various gods, especially Odin as some US-American lumberjack guy. I mean, Odin is, like Zeus for the ancient Greek gods, the patriarch of the Nordic pantheon. He is a god of wisdom and knowledge and not some bone gnawing cannibal. Why do all of the portrayed gods have to eat human flesh? It's just ridiculous. And Baldur, another Norse god, is essentially the embodiment of light and hope, so as he dies, Ragnarök (the ending of the world) arrives. Unfortunately, I'm not very familiar with Asian gods, but I do know who Kali and Ganesh are, so I have to agree again with the others that the portrayal of the gods in this episode is very insulting, ignorant and badly researched. Of course, Norse and Greek gods are not worshipped any longer, or not in a way that I know of, but these myths are all way older than Christian beliefs, so it is completely absurd that Lucifer just kills the other gods with no great effort. Their tales are still being told, so I see no reason, why they should not stand against the Christian devil. The argument, that nobody knows who Odin or Kali are, seems to be valid for American people only. And that twist, that the trickster is Loki, who really is the archangel Gabriel in disguise, killed it for me. So please, dear American writers, invest a little more time and effort into researching, because one might think you don't care about raping other cultures' myths and folklore.
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Another awful episode
NatashaJAmos20155 December 2021
Pointless crap. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed SPN up until season four. But the episodes this season just seem pointless and keep going around in circles.

What was with the Ghostfacers web series ad right in the middle of the episode ?
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Worst episode ever...
knsk-6004720 November 2019
Seriously...the writers of this episode know nothing about other religion's gods Kali is the god of destruction and Ganesh is the remover of obstacles...Lucifer doesn't even break a sweat to defeat them ?? Are you guys serious ?? Kali can turn Lucifer into ashes if she wanted to...And all Ganesh can do is punch ?? I love supernatural but the fact is Lucifer isn't even half as strong as Kali and Ganesh The writers should do some research before writing these type of episodes
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Absolutely ridiculous and full of ignorance
shahrukh_gal19 November 2015
I have never written a review before. In fact, I just opened an account to write a review of this specific episode. Honestly, seeing the rating of this episode has gotten me even more upset. I'm appalled at the ignorance that emanates from this episode. I love supernatural, I do. I have been binge watching the episodes on Netflix, but I can't even begin to describe how much I hated this episode. I always did find that the show is favorably tilted towards Christianity, and the whole god and angels thing was getting a bit ridiculous but this one takes the cake. Whoever wrote this episode didn't even bother researching properly. It boggles my mind that Ganesha is called an elephant, and that he's not even played by an Indian actor. Also, Kali is the goddess of destruction! The devil is nothing.. Not even a speck of dust compared to her. Anyway, I won't even bother with the logistics of the situation, but honestly.. The portrayal of these two is disrespectful. I can't believe they're portrayed as cannibals. I'm very disappointed. I give it -100/10. If you're going to include other gods in a pro- Christian show, at least do it with a sense of respect and some knowledge.
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Very ignorant and shameful
sloopnp14 January 2019
I love Supernatural, but someone really screwed this one up. If you are going to write stories on other culture's God's, at least do some research. This was my least favorite episode so far. Discusting.
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