"Supernatural" The Devil You Know (TV Episode 2010) Poster

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Good Crowley stuff
CubsandCulture26 March 2020
Ultimately Sam being jerked around by demons all his life is underdeveloped and mostly abandoned concept in the series. This episode suffers a little bit because of that aspect and past connection has no real set-up. (Why didn't they get the black guy from the pilot?) But it barely matters because this is the first real Crowley episode and he was delightfully duplicitous.
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Enter the king of hell
yevettecastro25 July 2021
Best addition to the SPN family. His famous line "They ate my tailor" sent me! He is hilarious n his English cheekiness is just the cherry on top. Superb acting n amazing choice for Crowley. My fave character to date.
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The best of somebody better
zombiehigh1814 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Just when you think you got all the strings to this story, you just find out there is still more to it. Meet Brady, the Devil on Sam's shoulders. Brady was Sam's best friend in college then he got possessed without Sam's knowledge, he introduced Sam to Jessica to kill her later and push Sam back to the hunting life before he was lost into the apple pie life. Now Brady works for Pestilence and he is the only one who can lead them to him.

Crowley is back and he is clearly using the boys but for his own good away from the Devil and the Angels. He is helping them ice the Devil to save himself and get back to the natural gig when they used to fight each other, he is tricky, manipulative, cunning and working with style.

Though the bond between the brothers is getting stronger in the last couple of episodes, Dean chooses to work with a daemon not giving much thought to Sam's words about trusting Ruby before, simply because he is desperate enough to find the Horseman and this is the same call Bobby is about to make. They both know the world is going to end but they are fighting desperately tooth and nail to the last breath leaving no stone unturned.

On the other hand there is Sam, too is desperate enough to think of trying the impossible. He discusses the idea of saying Yes to Lucifer and trap him in the cage with Bobby, since he sure knows Dean's reaction to that crazy thought, but he is frustrated that his brother chose to work with a daemon despite all and resorts to his all time option when desperate, he goes on drinking. Sam knows his weakness and knows it better now when Bobby confronts him about his anger issues. He knows he has to fight himself first if he wants to fight the Devil but it is not as simple as it seems and he is at a risk of failing. But finally Sam could show the first spike of hope when he could stop himself from killing Brady when the latter is needed.

The episode is good and I still find the most scaring thing about the Hell hounds is the fact that they are invisible. Crowley is getting more interesting every time he shows his cunning face.

My favourite scene was the last one when Dean supports his brother and grants him revenge. He backs him up and stands by him trapping Brady in an alley.

The acting from both Jared and Jensen was great. I liked the Sam/Braddy conversation, Jared conveyed Sam's emotions to the last and you could see all his anger and inner conflicts on his face.
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It's better the devil you know...
Chalice_Of_Evil29 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Great to see Jessica again in the 'Then'. Sigh. The 'Pilot' - such an awesome episode. Shame we haven't had many of those this season. Also a shame that, despite Jess being in the 'Then', Adrianne Palicki's name wasn't listed in the guest stars - so immediately I knew she wouldn't be in the episode, which was a major disappointment.

I noticed in the scene at the hospital that Sam's hair has certainly gotten longer than usual. Soon it'll be down past his shoulders (now there's a scary thought). I had to laugh at his weird side to side head movements he was making after both him and Dean tried to convince the doctor that they weren't crazy people.

Great to see Crowley/Mark Sheppard again. Loved his surprising the boys and then knocking on the Impala's window (after Sam's failed attempt at stabbing him) with his "Fancy a fag and a chat?" line. Good on Sam for bringing up the loss of "good people" (Jo and Ellen) due to the Colt not working on Lucifer. I liked both Crowley's "Which, by the way, makes me the most buggered son in all of creation." line and then Dean's "Holy crap, we don't care!" line. Also loved Crowley getting ticked off at the "friggin' spotlight" and exploding it. His calling Pestilence "Sneezy"? Also good.

Heh, Whitney the jock/Eric Johnson from Season 1 of Smallville, now slitting throats and making "phone calls" via his chalice of evil (ala Meg in Season 1 of this show).

I'm glad Sam brought up the question of how Bobby managed to regain control of his own body for a moment (when he was possessed in this season's premiere). I'd always wondered about that. Too bad their getting drunk/phone conversation had to devolve into yet another yelling match. Can't anyone on this show ever have a disagreements *without* yelling at each other? Again with the mention of asses in this show? Brady saying that he was going to get retribution by ripping it right out of Dean's ass? This show really has an obsession with the buttocks of the Winchesters. It's kinda weird.

THANKYOU, Crowley, for taking a crowbar to that jerk's head! Weird camera push-ins here. Yes, Dean, that's what you get, working with a demon. Crowley in the Impala was amusing with his "Up yours, mate." to Dean, but then things got very interesting when he mentioned that Brady and Sam had history. Given what was shown in the 'Then', I knew it had to involve Jessica. Dean replying to Crowley with a "colourful rejoinder" about Crowley's "cornshoot"? Heh. Good one, Dean.

The revelation that Sam "had a devil on his shoulder", even back in Sophomore Year, and that Brady was the one who introduced Sam to Jess was quite good (especially watching Sam put two and two together). *Finally* some decent anger from Sam in regards to Jess's death! About damn time! I'm glad he hasn't forgotten about her. I'm also glad he pointed out to Dean that trusting a demon (like Crowley) was a mistake Sam himself had made in the past (witb both Ruby and Brady).

Good talk between Crowley and Brady.

That was also a good tension-filled scene between Sam and Brady, with Brady taunting/tormenting Sam about Jess's death (and how Brady was the one who actually offed her). I SO wanted to see Sam make the bastard suffer as horribly as possible, and I was disappointed that he didn't...but Sam *did* make the right move. Anyway, thanks to Crowley and his telling another demon that he and Brady were "lovers in league against Satan", he gets to be on Lucifer's eternal torment list (loved Crowley's "Hello, darling." to Brady).

Had to laugh at Dean's "Oh, well, good for yooou!" response to Sam's "I told you!" (in regards to trusting Crowley). Can't say I approved of Hellhound dog fighting, but was glad that Crowley came through in the end. Also glad that Sam killed that Brady a-hole (though I would have preferred he suffered more).

Interesting ending with Crowley saying he needed Bobby to make a wish/exchange his soul for info on where Death was. Heh, Crowley helped a lot of Grammy winners. No surprises there. This was a really good episode (loads better than last week's crap-fest). Bring on the last two episodes of Season 5!
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shwetafabm19 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Only the second episode to feature him and how the actor shines, he was amazing in the bank robbery episode of burn notice too, ofcourse i know he becomes a bigger part of the show and i see why. I had forgotten most of this episode so those bits just cracked me up. I also had a crush on the guy from rookie blue at the time i had watched this episode which is the only thing i remembered. Now i got one recurring problem with this show, Bobby's permanent residence, looks like all the demons know where he lives and Crowley apparently just pops in, i think at this point they don't know how to ward places... Not sure, also how weird is it that the angels have warding spells that the demons know, plus the whole circle thing. Weird.
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The demon on your shoulder
ulrikekalb28 January 2020
It's the Crowley show! He's such a great addition to supernatural, fantastic acting from Mark Sheppard!
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Face masks!!!!
popsy9647 May 2022
When watching this episode back in the day it seemed weird when they were wearing face masks! Little did we know......now it's part (and,far from weird)of my daily fashion accessories 😷
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Having a Demon as a Friend
claudio_carvalho2 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Dean and Sam are heading east in their Impala tracking down a swine flue outbreak. Out of the blue, the cunning demon Crowley appears in their car and offers to help them to find the last two Horsemen to get their rings. Crowley explains to the reluctant brothers that he wants Lucifer trapped and he knows a demon that can tell the location of Pestilence.

Dean heads with Crowley to the Niveus Pharmaceuticals, and they abduct the demon Brady, who had studied with Sam and was his friend. Crowley unsuccessfully interrogates Brady; however, when they hear a hell hound howling, the demon Brady changes his attitude and gives the location of the Pestilence.

In this episode, one of the weakest of this season, Dean and Sam are helped by the demon Crowley that believes that Lucifer will betray and destroy the demons. Despite saving the Winchester brothers from the hell hound, the unreliable Crowley tries to trade Bobby's soul per Death. My vote is five.

Title (Brazil): "O Diabo Conhecido" ("The Known Devil")
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Too silly
darkdementress27 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Why would a demon care about a house or tailors? He could just pop into another body.. literally anyone in the world. Ohhhh he has to stay in that body because they liked that actor.. And why would the demon they kidnapped be in the same guy he possessed before when Sam knew him? Crowley also says all the demons are "he". Nope there are plenty of female's, since they were female when they were human. But all male produced shows gotta male.. Remember when this show was about saving people, hunting things? Demons were actually bad and scary and evil. Not cringey, awkward pun spinning idiots. Demons aren't demons in this show, they are petty, immature teens. All these demons can just get into bobbies house no problem. Lol like he wouldn't have that place so warded and protected nothing even slightly evil would get anywhere near that place
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