Workaholics (TV Series 2011–2017) Poster


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Ended too soon!
Clive_W6 September 2020
If you're looking for a fun, enjoyable stoner comedy, this is a great show, three best friends living together and just getting up to random shenanigans, supported with a great cast of actors, 7 great seasons and could have easily continued.
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This show is hilarious
xMartyMcFlyx30 March 2020
I don't write many reviews on IMDb but I thought I'd give my 2 cents on Workaholics. I'd always known about this show and seen commercials for it on Comedy Central but I never actually sat down and watched it. That was until several years ago while flying across country and having nothing to do on the airplane... they had basic cable for everyone with little televisions in front of each passengers seat, so needless to say the only thing to do to kill time was find something on cable. I switched to Comedy Central and noticed that Workaholics was playing a marathon of episodes so I decided to give it a shot. I was hooked within the first couple episodes! I'll admit the humor is kind of juvenile but it's also pretty clever and very, very funny. I love the countless references they make. The show is about 3 telemarketers (Anders, Blake and Adam) who all live and work together in California. They are stoners, slackers, alcoholics and most importantly very funny! If you haven't seen this show yet it is currently streaming all seasons on Hulu right now (March 30th, 2020) so get on there and binge watch while you still can! Highly recommended. I don't watch many tv shows or sitcoms so for me to be such a huge fan definitely says a lot. Two thumbs way up!!
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Really Funny
tompreston0727 April 2011
This show is hilarious. The Office, Entourage and 30 Rock have all jumped the shark, and I thought Sunny was getting close until last season, which was stronger than the previous. A few years ago, I found television to be ripe with great comedies, but just recently I was noticing that Curb and Sunny were about the only two that I found hilarious on a consistent basis. But Workaholics surprised me, it really seemed to come out of nowhere. And I'm so glad to hear that they are already writing for season 2. Awesome news.

Everyone has their own unique sense of humor, but I don't see how you could be a young person and not find this funny.
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My new favorite show
ricky-33-80689321 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Seriously the best TV show in a very long time. The whole office thing isn't very original but this show is still fresh and hilarious every episode. I made an IMDb account just to write this review and to mark that other dudes review as unhelpful! I can't wait to watch the rest of these episodes, I have literally watched the first episode four times and I just watched the third one and it blew my mind. Just talking about this show makes me laugh. If somebody told me that this show was a copy of the office I would say that they were probably on shrooms when they watched it because it is ten times better than office! Not that there is anything wrong with the office. The office is probably my fifth favorite show, but Workaholics is by far my number one!
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So Good It Hurts
gbuff812 August 2013
Funny, Irreverent, and doesn't take itself too seriously. Workaholics is the type of show that you need to watch multiple times to get all of the jokes. It is sneaky smart, in that it seems dumb as hell at first, but the more you watch it the more you understand how smart these guys are. The later episodes haven't been as good as they have gotten further away from the office drop-back, however the writing remains sharp and it's obvious the guys don't give a f*ck, which makes it hard to critique them too harshly. Overall, it is a relaxing piece of humor that is easy to share a beer and a laugh with over and over. Thankk gawd CC picked up a 4th and 5th season.
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Suuuuuuper Funny.
shinsan14 May 2011
Irreverent to everything, including itself, this show takes a light look at the harsh reality for most 20somethings. (like when they're wondering how they're going to get clean urine when everyone their age smokes pot. Word, right?) It's refreshing, constantly funny and well-acted. With three slackers as the main characters, it's nice to see each one slack in their own style, be it uptight, mellow or on the edge. (ders, blake and adam). I'd have to agree with other reviewers that I hope Adam tones down the funny-cuz-im-loud aspect. He does it well, and it's usually funny, but it won't be quickly. I get the fratboy lifestyle mocking though.

By the way, austin312's review is clearly an SEO for the show.
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More than a pleasant surprise
PsychoBeard66615 November 2020
I avoided watching this because I thought it was going to be something completely different to what it actually is.

As a result I missed out on the tight butthole.
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The best
westcoastloc30 December 2011
At first I wasn't paying attention to this show and thought it wasn't funny. Boy was I wrong. I like simple effective concepts for shows. You take 3 goofballs who like to make bad puns, pump themselves up, and not take life very seriously and you've got a great show. Jillian is hilarious how tough she is and how shes like one of the guys. The 90s references are spot on from hip hop catch phrases, old rap lines, video games, tmnt they are spot on. I hope this show is on the air for many years. There's been a ton of times where I did exactly what they did on the show, ie when they were arguing over who would be which ninja turtle (everyone wants to be leonardo or mike and no one wants donatello) the outbursts adam has are also really funny. This is a very strong comedy if you can appreciate drug humor, bad puns, and being juvenile. Its a super relateable show if you are a goofball.
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Awesome show!
philhendrie23 April 2011
This show is absolutely hilarious! Blake is the funniest dude on the show, he even looks funny. Along with the other reviewer, I signed up at IMDb here specifically to dispute the review shown on the front page, what do the Brits know about humor anyway? This show is definitely geared toward working class stoners of which there are certainly no shortage. Put your preconceptions aside and just enjoy the senseless humor that this group offers in every episode. Part of why this show is so appealing to me is because I have been in this exact same position, working as a telemarketer, getting stoned everyday, living with a bunch of crazy roommates. This is a comedy show that stays true to real life situations that real people go through and puts a humorous spin on life and friendship. If you don't think the poop dollar is hilarious, you should rethink what you find funny.
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Thanks Comedy Central
dinotheman21 April 2011
I have to applaud Comedy Central, not because this show is particularly great but rather because they put shows like this on the air. It's not as funny as Man Bites Dog, Halfway House, Issues, etc but it is still funny and worth watching. By Comedy Central putting on shows like this, funny people out there actually have an obtainable goal if they want to have a go at getting a show made. Had BBC3 not aired The Office perhaps Ricky Gervais would be a plumber instead of a comedian. I guess my point is that this show isn't paint by the numbers, slick camera shots and laugh tracks. It's one of those shows that takes elements of guys you know and amps them up. Not quite to pro wrestling levels but probably a bit higher than you'd see in real life. It's fun though and you won't walk away feeling as if someone just insulted your intelligence. You never know, one of these young guys could end up being the next big funny man. Lay off the network shows for a week and check this show out.
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Hilarious TV show if you're into juvenile humor
noxwaste24 February 2016
I've always loved juvenile humor. I can't help it, it's the sense of humor I was born with. But Workaholics has some of the absolute funniest scenes in TV today. In a world overpopulated with lawyer and cop dramas, Workaholics helps to break the mold and bring fresh air into the comedy television series world. The three characters all play so well together it's as if they were all real-life brothers. Unfortunately I haven't seen them in anything other than Workaholics, and it would be a shame if their careers didn't skyrocket into the big screen, but if you're looking for a hilarious sit-down comedy to watch this is it. Just don't let your kids watch, as it can be quite raunchy at times.
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Best comedy on cable
jellyneckr5 May 2014
"Workaholics" is a show that really shouldn't work as well as it does. The show is extremely juvenile, stupid, vulgar, and occasionally very unrealistic. Under normal circumstances, these would be criticisms. However, thanks to the three main stars of the series, these qualities make the series oddly endearing. Anders Holm, Adam DeVine, and Blake Anderson are probably not going to be given Emmy Awards for their performances any time in the near future, but what they do on a weekly basis is often funnier and more off-the-wall than anything else on television. There have been several shows about twenty-something guys just hanging out, a fact that "Workaholics" is well aware of and satirizes from time to time. What separates "Workaholics" from all those other "bro" type shows is that "Workaholics" isn't afraid to go to extremely dumb places. In fact, during its best episodes, "Workaholics" is the definition of inspired stupidity. The writers throw so many jokes and references in each 21-minute episode that even if one episode isn't very good, there's always still a number of solid laughs. Miraculously, no matter how dumb the characters may act, the main trio almost always remains likable even if the characters are presented as a bit too naive or stupid at times. Over the past four seasons, "Workaholics" has remained consistently hilarious, something that can't be said for most comedies on television. The show may start to suffer some problems once the characters get older, though for right now the series remains perfectly entertaining for what it is. 8/10
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Its funny but...
Kernimal16 October 2013
Alright so this show is hysterical I'm not here to deny that but sometimes and don't take this the wrong way but it kind of gets annoying to watch.I say this because sometimes the characters get so unbelievably stupid that its hard to watch. Now sometimes this stupidity can be pulled off like in "Its Always Sunny In Philadelphia" they seem to pull of stupidity with a charm that keeps me watching. But i just feel like the way that this show is written and the way that the characters behave just makes this stupidity come off as annoying and hard to watch. I love the actors but i don't know sometimes they just make me not want to watch the show by the way that they act but that is the only real flaw that i can find with this incredibly funny show. That's why i gave it a 7-10.
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I tried to like this show, believe me.
dillinff6 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I decided to give this show a try after hearing a few good words about it from some people I know. I have to say, If the first episode is any representation of what the show has to offer, then I was pretty disappointed. Especially now, since I'm reading some on the reviews here, people are claiming this to be "one of the best shows ever." This show seems to revolve around predictable cheap jokes with no substance. Don't get me wrong, jokes about dick-pics,smoking weed until you can't remember that you have a drug test at work the very next day, and desperately trying to find a urine sample could have potential to be VERY funny. However, I just felt the jokes felt a little forced. Like they though that if they just threw the joke in a goofy voice or quirky attitude and it's gonna automatically result in laughter. It may work for some people, sadly didn't work for me. This is the same problem I have with comedians like Daniel Tosh or Ray William Johnson, they deliver their jokes in a semi-quirky tone and expect people to laugh just because the idea was probably funny. How you present your jokes is just as important as the joke itself. Have you ever tried to retell a really funny joke to your friends and it didn't come out funny? That's because the delivery was off. This is the issue I see with this show. It definitely has potential but so far it hasn't won me over. I could see how some people could like this show but I'm totally confused as to people claiming this as one of the best shows ever.
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Definitely worth a watch if you like half hour comedy shows.
Togmo9 July 2011
Like most new comedies it took me an episode or two to really get into this although I did like it enough from the first episode to watch more. Like most half hour comedies as the characters develop it gets better and better but where so many new comedies seem to fall down this one doesn't. The show doesn't focus too much on character development which allows the jokes to flow freely and fools you in to developing an interest in the characters, like a good comedy should. I probably enjoy it a little more than some might because Anders, that is Ders with a 'Hard-An' reminds me of a friend of mine at work.

The show is pretty fresh and whilst the teens and twenty somethings will probably be the target audience I think older people (probably not those approaching retirement) will still be able to enjoy this show for what it is - a half hour comedy show that keeps you laughing in the genre of a twenty something/stoner comedy.
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Truly LOL watching this.
halim-66-9645616 August 2013
A story about 3 young college dropouts who share a house and work at the same company as telemarketer, their life consists of marijuana, booze, work related problem and pranks between them.

I can't remember when was the last time I laugh so hard to a movie / TV series, but this workaholics guys really pulled it off, their comedy is so fresh and just funny. I am 37 years old and honestly it's kinda too young for me, but having passed that phase in my life, I could totally relate to the story they're bringing.

Just finished the season 1, I hope the season 2 and 3 will be just as good.
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Great humor!
deloudelouvain15 February 2015
When I read some reviews on here from people that don't like this show or that don't think it is funny at all I'm already sure that I wouldn't get along with those narrow-minded folks. That kind of stuck up people are the people to avoid when you go out and want to have a bit of fun. This show is just really funny and all the characters play their role brilliantly. Adam, Blake and Anders, three friends living and working together, trying to avoid work as much as possible and partying as much as possible. The jokes are all about drugs, sex, parties etc. Or all the good stuff in other words. If I was young again I certainly would hangout with them. Brilliant show!
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So funny!
brittafarrell11 October 2018
I still rewatch episodes just because this show makes me feel good!
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No Doubt One of the Funniest Shows I Have Ever Seen.
kedarguru8 May 2011
I'd say, judging by the user rating, that this is one of those "you-get-it-or-you-don't" shows. I personally don't see how this would be not funny. This is definitely fresh material. Here you have the lives of three just-out-of-college roommates, working together in a call center, having parties, pulling pranks, taking drugs. Livin' the dream.

I think that the target audience is twenty-something recent college graduates, in entry-level positions. Not unlike the content on Adult Swim, or the situational comedy of Peep Show. But, definitely with a college American flavor. I can relate. If you are not in that phase where you still live like you are in college, then go watch something else.
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The Best of Comedy Central
petede16 May 2022
1. Workaholics 2. Chappelle's Show 3. Anthony Jeselnik/ Daniel Tosh material.

Some folks may find this to be blasphemous, but as a straight up comedy TV show, Workaholics is the best that Comedy Central ever made.

Chappelle couldn't and still can't get past race and racial topics. His material has turned into preaching, but that doesn't stop his self-righteous bull from tearing down other groups of people - most recently homosexuality.

The other 2 speak for themselves. :)

Check out Workaholics if you haven't. They really find their stride in the 3rd season.
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One of the funniest shows!
kricul1 February 2021
Wow! Was a surprised it took me this long to watch this series. Every single episode is non-stop laughing..Script is great, jokes are great, acting is great...Just off the wall stuff going on every second. Highly recommended!
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Decent show with fresh ideas
pazzintexas19 June 2019
This show is what it is. If you think a new take on the three stooges is something you could get into then this show is what you are looking for. It's not going to blow you away with dialog but if you like stoner jokes and beer farts look no further.
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Gets better with every viewing
jtranter-8148825 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Summary: When I first watched this show I found it a bit confusing. I didn't completely get it but I still found it enjoyable to watch. One day I re-watched it and it grew into one of my favourite comedy shows of all time. I think this show has more depth than people give it credit for.

The Main Characters: Adam Demamp: Adam's appeal is obvious, he is a very funny character. Impulsive, immature and insecure. These vices combined in a character make for some of the funniest scenes in the whole show. Adam always wants to be the centre of attention. He does some of the stupidest things you could possibly imagine. Half the time to impress those around him and half the time just because he is impulsive. Adam's veneer of extreme confidence sometimes comes down and reveals the insecurities that cause his behaviour. When you discover his acts of stupidity are often attempts to overcompensate for these insecurities it makes them even funnier. Upon first viewing I mainly found Adam funny and almost felt like Anders and Blake just tagged along on Adam's adventures. However when I re watched the show I found Blake and especially Anders grew on me exponentially.

Anders Holmvik: Ander's weird quirks and conflicting personalities make for a fantastic character. In my opinion his character has the most depth thus it takes a while to really get him. (or at least I found this) Once I had warmed up to him he grew into my favourite of the three. Anders is the only one of the three who has some ambition. He wants to be a city councilman and expresses a desire to get a promotion at TelAmericorp. He is also the most desirable to women of the three. At first glance you'd think he was a regular guy in his 20s. He is often teased by the other two for being too uptight for this reason. Whenever Anders tries to take initiative to pursue his goals he always seems to be distracted or derailed by Blake and Adam. However Anders conflict between responsibility and immaturity goes beyond the external. He often is internally conflicted between trying to be a responsible adult and having an obvious affection for hedonism like the other two. Both this external and internal conflict make for some very funny situations involving Anders. Anders also has some weird obsessions and quirks which you begin to pick up on throughout the show which I begun to find quite funny. For example his obsession with being Scandinavian and his obsession with swimming and the ideal genetics one needs for it. These two example are just the tip of the iceberg he frequently will fixate or obsess over things that leave you both scratching your head and laughing.

Blake Henderson: Arguably even more immature than Adam, Blake is the most stoner of the three and probably adds the most low brow stoner humour to the show of the three characters. He probably is my least favourite for this reason. Not that I have anything against that kind of low brow humour. Hell if you do this show probably isn't for you. However, Blake is a bit of a one trick pony where as I find Ders and Adam have more complex and funny characters and lines. Blake often works in tandem with Adam in many plots. Naturally as they are the two most immature. These two do have a funny dynamic and have some great scenes. Blake is still a funny and great character and I'm sure he is many peoples favourite. The show absolutely wouldn't be the same without him. He is dopey, childish and selfish. Once again a recipe for disaster. Blake may appear to be the relaxed stoner but frequently does things just as dumb as Adam to indulge his child like curiosities and obsessions.

Notable Side Characters:

Carl: Played by Kyle Newachek who is a great friend of Anders Holm, Adam Devine and Blake Anderson outside of the show makes him have great chemistry with the three. Kyle Newachek also directs many episodes of thie show. Carl is the guys drug dealer. He is homeless and apathetic towards pretty much everything. He fits right into the guys group. Or at least he would if Anders didn't despise him. This makes the dynamic between the two characters hilarious. The guys often need help from Carl for their various schemes or end up helping Carl with his dodgy exploits. This makes for some pretty funny episodes and scenes involving Carl.

Alice Murphy: The boss of Telamericorp where the guys work. Alice is frequently busting their balls over being lazy unmotivated workers. Despite this Adam is infatuated with her. Ders is constantly trying to suck up to her for a promotion. These dynamics along with Alice frequently becoming unhinged to get the guys to do their job make for some hilarious scenes. Alice also has quite a lot of depth for a side character. Her hard exterior is mostly due to a tough personal life. However whenever she tries to open up to the guys about this and show some vulnerability they seem to do something to annoy her only making her resent them even more. She is a really strong side character.

Gillian Belk: Gillian is basically the guys only friend at the workplace. She is an oddball making her quite close with Blake. She some times assists the guys on their adventures. She is strange and emotionally unstable. She is also Alice's secretary and is frequently her chewing toy sometimes due to her incompetence and sometimes due to her stupidity. I don't love Gillian as a character i've never really gotten her appeal I guess. However I'm sure her character is appealing to others.

Essentially as you understand both these side characters and the main characters better the lines and scenes in the show become funnier.

Other recurring characters: The office the guys work in has some minor side characters. Montez, Waymond and Bill play major parts in some episodes. Bill is a softly spoken middle aged loser with some pretty funny quirks. Montez is a loud eccentric middle aged man who frequently clashes with the guys for various reasons. These make for some funny scenes. Waymond is a mute groundhog shaped man who's mystery and randomness can offer some amusing moments. These three add a great deal to a lot of episodes in the show especially those based in the office.

There are some even more minor side characters who only have a few lines in the whole show like Jetset, Gary Ghostman, Diana they don't play a major role in the show other than being basically recurring extras and sometimes being subjected to some of the guys stupidity.

The seasons:

I'll keep this brief. I could provide a breakdown of each season but that would take far too long. The first 5 seasons are very good. However with workaholics a good season may have 70% good or great episodes there are some misses amongst these however the good and great episodes make you laugh more than a good episode of friends for example. The good episodes really make up for the bad ones. Season 6 is a bit flat with only a couple of good episodes. The seventh and final season is a bit of a return to form with a few gems.

Scores: Season 1: 8/10 Season 2: 8/10 Season 3: 8/10 Season 4: 8/10 Season 5: 9/10 Season 6: 4/10 Season 7: 7/10

Conclusion: A show that on the surface is a light stoner comedy offers more when you really pay attention and get to know the characters. It's niche immature humour takes time to warm up to but once you do it will deliver some of the funniest episodes of a TV show you have ever seen. I strongly Recommend watching this show.
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Pretty Good
btoews14 May 2021
Not bad-coming up with a funny sitcom to watch seems to be like climbing K2 (currently Sunny is the only really funny one) so considering the competition this one gets a 7 for sure. The best episodes seem to be the ones where the focus is taken off the three leads-who are basically tiring after a while-especially the little guy-an example is the motivational speaker episode.
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Straight out of the 90s, poor man's The Office
lamareikan23 August 2012
It's like this show decided to take all the terrible, leftover rubbish from other shows about office life, and slap it all together to create this mess. When I saw this show on TV, I could've sworn it was an old, re-run of a mediocre programme from the 90s, and then I learn it's actually only been out a year. How? It's all recycled junk, and it's a blatant try hard of a show. The jokes are nothing new, I've heard them all before, and I see nothing creative about this show. Stop trying to remake stuff that was fine to begin with it and make it something worse. I understand taking inspiration from the old to create the new, but all this does it rip off the old. In other words, there's no inspiration in this TV show whatsoever. For all I know this could have been written by some 14-year-olds who know nothing about real office life other than what they see on old sitcoms. Nothing against you if you like the show, but I've yet to see why people think this show is actually so good. 1/10.
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