Curse of Humpty Dumpty 2 (2022) Poster

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No Cell phones
nogodnomasters9 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
"The Cult of Humpty Dumpty" and" Curse of Humpty Dumpty 2" are the same film. A group of five rambunctious party animal girls from a private school go to receive special training from a retreat called "Green Cleanse" run by a Luddite named Steve (Matthew Baunsgard). In the opening scene we see A life size Humpty Dumpty come to life after a blood sacrifice. We see the girls taken into camp and killed off one by one by Humpty Dumpty until the final girl. Later we discover Humpty Dumpty is a trickster god worshipped by a cult.

The young girls are pretty with potty mouths and that is about all the film had going for it. Dumpty is a guy in a suit who walks slow and funny. The plot was boring and character dumb and shallow.

Guide: F-word. Sex? No nudity.
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This movie was an experience.
tristangray-6627518 March 2023
Me and my girlfriend were casually walking around Walmart, and she got so excited to see that they had the sequel to a movie we watched a year ago called Curse of Humpty Dumpty. We checked and saw Tubi had it, so we didn't buy it, and thank god. That would've been 10 bucks down the drain. Buying two boxes of cereal would've been better money spent. The first movie was very low budget and cheesy, the acting very mediocre, but it had charm, and honestly a bit of scare too. I didn't hate it. But this movie decided to take what little good that first movie had and toss it out the window. The acting is even worse, the plot makes zero sense, though a cult on the doll is definitely an interesting premise. The only good thing this movie has is it's so stupid it made us laugh. This isn't a horror movie. There's no good gore, no scares, no twisted plot. It's a goofy ass movie that I'd never watch again. I loved it. Thank you Humpty Dumpty film makers for granting us this holy movie on our anniversary, I hope there's more, as we will definitely watch it.
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Absolutely not
hvcqsddb27 March 2024
Wouldn't waste your time it's misleading. Watched it after it being suggested for me after another horror movie and was disappointed. Wasn't scary made me uncomfortable from the bad acting wouldn't watch again if I was paid to. My husband disliked it so much he walked out mid movie and didn't finish it with me. Would say if you are going to watch it to watch it to laugh at it was obviously done on a student budget and don't understand why someone would waste their time on this movie when ones that would clearly satisfy horror need exist. Do not recommend would not recommend and refuse to recommend this movie to anyone.
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a great...
ops-5253513 November 2022
Submission to the large pile of homemade wannabe horror film making on a student loan budget... yes it is so visually well shown that this is made by bending a tuppence into a shivering shilling that this is wannabe art. The storys is hardly a story, the actors are utterly stiff and desperate, the amateur use of light and shadow, a cinematographers biggest fear, shows the lamest of lame shoots and editing. The soundtrack is like eating a cracker on a windy beach, hard to hear and extremely variable quality. They shall have gratitude for the blood and the short playtime, elsewise it ready for the wastebin.

Do not even consider this one at all, its just a stupid idea with a lame coverposter. A max of 1+ from the ever so generous grumpy old man.
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Waste of time!! Had potential, but ended up as a dumpsterfire...
hellesol28 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
From the beginning it was obvious the budget was in the gutter and it's almost like a bunch of teens got their hand on the costumes for Humpty and just decided to try to make their own movie....

The idea of a cult around the creature is interesting enough, but this result is suck a disappointment after watching the original.

Most of the acting was mediocre at best and even the decent performances drowned in the ridiculously poor sound, editing, continuity and downright laughable "special effects", which barely rose above smearing Ketchup on the actors.... 🙄 Too bad, because I really quite liked the original, but this...? This is an hour and 15min I'm never getting back.
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stroudwilliam1 January 2023
It had me bursting out with laughter, the lines are funny and it is obvious that the film is self aware and a complete and utter joke meant to be taken at face value rather than taken seriously. The production is what it is in fact I believe the low quality adds to the humour and the fact humpty dumpty just a small man in a suit makes it hilarious compared to the serious tone of the first film. However my only gripe is that to understand this film you must watch the first one but when both are extremely amazing pieces of cinema why wouldn't you. In conclusion it is absolutely amazing and I would recommend.
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The greatest film to ever grace my screen
bstella-9179511 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I came into this with 0 knowledge of the franchise, what I found was gold. This movie is extremely pro-choice, anti capitalist, and all round incredibly progressive. This movie not only is hilarious it's also self aware.

The characters are just incredibly human, except for that rat humor dumpty, who walks like a blind drag queen. Their walk made this movie. The final scenes had me at the edge of my seat and I for one immediately googled when the next one was to come out. Can't wait!

My critiques: I didn't like the relationship between Cody and Amelia, it didn't have much chemistry, it felt forced. I felt that Amelia deserves someone better than cody who ended up betraying her :( The audio was a little off and sometimes I couldn't understand what everyone was saying. Sometimes the birds were the loudest in the scene.
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An enjoyable follow-up that has some issues
Arriving at a special class trip, a group of troubled schoolgirls are sent to a remote commune-like setup run by a Green-Earth practitioner and his wife to help treat them of their problems, but when they realize the whole experience is a front for a doll-worshiping cult must get away alive.

This was a fairly fun and likable sequel. Among the better factors here is the strong setup featured here that gives everything a fun starting point to let the chaos emerge. Going strong on the idea of the groups' conflicting viewpoints as the girls' more modern tech-savvy mindset and focus that leaves them directly opposed to the organically-run farm they stay at is the right way to go for this kind of feature. It sets up the idea that their sarcastic and self-centered mindset is supposed to make them appear catty and vicious by contrast but instead makes them more sympathetic due to the psychotic conditions at the retreat that they rightfully ridicule and mock. Once it starts to dawn on them that the whole experience is a front for what's happening with the doll and the connection it has with the owners, there's some decent tension to be made here the longer this goes on. That leads to a nice bit of fun here with the cheesy scenes of the doll going crazy and getting tons of stalking scenes set up within here. Seeing the opening scene of it getting brought to life and attacking its creator is a fine touch to introduce everything, and that extends to the goofy later scenes of the doll coming to life to attack the group. Taking out the one victim after getting into the shower, chasing the snooping victim in the tool shed, or stalking the victim through the compound where they get caught in an unusual manner offers up the kind of goofy features that are generally silly enough to give this some positive factors. There are some big issues involved with this one. The main drawback to the film is the absolutely nonsensical plot here trying to connect the purpose of the facility with the need to use the doll. Using the cover of a self-sufficient composting society to try to run the world on cleaner energy is a fine enough motivation such that the connection with the doll has very little purpose as he seems completely tacked into the setup seemingly for name value as it makes little sense how a wish-granted demonic doll requiring human sacrifices fits into that setup. It doesn't hurt that this is done by such a flimsy pretense of trying to tie it into the nursery rhyme that this whole section of the film, one of the most important features here, brings this much of an issue is a big factor to be had here, much like the overall low-budget look that runs throughout here which all manage to bring this one down.

Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Language and Violence.
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