"Avatar: The Last Airbender" Into the Dark (TV Episode 2024) Poster

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That is not Bumi
dylanslone22 February 2024
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So far during my watch through this has been my least favorite episode. Visually the episode was great but writing wise I had a hard time getting behind the changes they made. For starters Bumi is not at all the same as he is in the original outside of occasionally snorting when he laughs. He is a bitter and angry old man who blames Aang for disappearing instead of the fun having King who makes Aang go through trials to teach him a lesson. They try to give him "trials" again but really it's only one trial and it's the final fight and it's way too serious for what Bumi would try to do.

Also this episode they mix in the cave of two lovers story but Aang isn't even a part of it at all. Instead we have Katara and Sokka go into the tunnel and face a raging badger mole who only calms down when they hold hands. Katara then proceeds to somehow piece together that badger moles see through emotions not with their eyes. THIS ISN'T TRUE??? They see through vibrations in the surroundings not by love, fear, etc. Such a strange piece of dialogue I bursted out laughing which is the hardest I laughed during the entire show so far for whatever that's worth.

I liked the parts with Zuko and Uncle Iroh and seeing the funeral of his son as well as the realistic anger the earth bending soldier would have against Iroh for what he did to Ba Sing Se. The visuals throughout and fight choreography were top notch and still the best part of the show but the writing in this episode was just weak.
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The whole essence of Bumi's trials gone... but Zuko and Iroh save the day!
tslstudio25 February 2024
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Again loads of elements from different episodes...

-First of all, Aang and Bumi: "The King of Omashu".

It started out really bad I think by Aang recognizing Bumi at the beginning... which got me already thinking "Oooh noo what have they done!?" Because one of the whole points of Bumi's trials is "thinking like a mad genius", "expecting the unexpected", which is kinda gone now Aang and Bumi already recognize each-other. Also it makes Bumi's actions really weird, which they later explained by Bumi having lost hope and everything. Which is kinda lame and changed his whole character!

-Second, Sokka and Katara: "The Cave of Two Lovers".

Yeah you read it right, they put an episode of book 2 into this episode. We even get to see Mako and his band singing "Secret tunnel!" But it's without Aang... so what about love?

They origins of the tunnel stay the same with a nice recreation of the Oma-Shu tale. The whole dynamic between Sokka and Katara is quite alright, them talking about Sokka taking over their father's role and Katara 'not growing up', which was some alright brother and sister interaction I guess. Then there are quite some changes when it comes to the crystals and badgermoles. They are present, though, which is nice... but yeah would have preferred to see the Katara and Aang moment we all love!!!

Also before this adventure we see Katara saying "bye" to Jet be freezing him up, just like the "Jet" episode, which was okay.

-Third, Zuko and Iroh: "Winter Solstice, Part 1: The Spirit World" With a touch of "The Storm", "Zuko Alone" and "Irohs tale".

This was the best part of the whole episode and it was great!

The whole dynamic between the earth soldier and Iroh. The results of war and choices they made together with the background flashbacks was down well. We even got moments like the dead of Lu Ten, with a subtle "Leaves from the Vine" on the background which was really well-done! Also this moment together with Iroh joining Zuko on his search for the Avatar was a great way to display the bond between Iroh and Zuko! Their bond is so far the most convincing one so far (especially compared to Aang, Katara and Sokka).

Conclusion: In the general the Aang story was really lacking (kinda bad), sokka/katara was okay and Zuko's was great... so that leaves me mixed on this one.

It also somewhat leaves me a little worried (and curious) about that there are going to do with book 2, since we got quite a few book 2 elements already.

My prediction: is that team Avatar saves Omashu from the firenation in a battle where Sokka finishes the air-balloon... to make that connection with book 3.

Also little sad that Iroh drops his Lutos tile instead of his shoe.

Guess they will use the Lutos tile at the end of book 3 to find Iroh?? ;)
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Avatar: The Cliff Notes Version
nerrdrage27 February 2024
This episode has a lot going for it but also showcases the series' big achilles heel, the overly-fast pace that doesn't give the plotline any time to breathe. I know they're terrified that itchy-finger Netflix subscribers will click away to find something else at the least feeling of boredom but I think they overdid it.

Jet's plotline fails to land emotionally because we don't see enough of his backstory. Plots from other episodes are mashed in here, including some goofy stuff that worked better in animation and only partially works here.

But without the goofy stuff, this is just going to be a painful slog through a world full of traumatized people so they do need to keep trying to make the goofy elements work.

The scenes with Zuko and Iroh make up for it. The actor who plays Zuko is not just good at dramatics but also terrific at the action scenes. Also some good, touching scenes with Katara and Sokka.
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I have a lot of thoughts, and they're not all positive
poseyfan24 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I have a lot of thoughts so far about this show. And they're not all positive.

Everything with Iroh and Zuko was very well done for the most part. "Leaves from the vine" was put in a very good place. You can see the conflict within Iroh when he is confronted by the earth kingdom solider. One thing I will say though, Zuko seems a bit too mature at this point.

I was slightly disappointed by Bumi. It was a very heavy deviation from the source material.

The secret tunnel shebang was interesting. It was weird having that in the season 1 story, but it was some nice fan service.

Another thing, Sokka sliding on Katara's waterbending was very weird honestly.

The show has been a mixed bag so far.
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Mixed bag
mickaeldelcey26 February 2024
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Second part of the mash-up, and perhaps even more egregious in how it tries to weave so many stories into one. Including stories from season 2 for some reasons. As for the Omashu episode, the story fails by not having time to go deep and actually create meaningful arcs.

The saddest thing is that it is not all bad. Bringing a soldier from Ba Sing Se who suffered and lost a brother at the hands of Iroh was a very smart idea, and the execution was ok. It is one of a couple of changes from the cartoon which I thought really added to the story.

But this is brought down by the relatively weak tunnel plot line with Sokka and Katara and the very iffy King Bumi story. For that latter I think the idea of Bumi having lost hope after 100 years of war could have worked well, but it is difficult to feel this in a character that is also very playful and over-the-top. The whole thing was unconvincing. Again, with more time, this may have worked, but these nuances were simply lost under the weight of the story bloat.

I think season 2 could be great if the writers gain more confidence in their ability to deviate from the animated and accept to make more cuts to unnecessary story lines.
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That Zuko, Iroh moment
jack-4336223 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, this added depth to the character arc! Just wow! The music, the cinematography! I need more emphasis throughout on the fire nation. The fire nation casting in this series is impecable!

But ye this episode and the way they showed Irohs sons funeral and how both Iroh and Zuko depend on each other. Heartwarming. I now just really hope Zuko's mum is mentioned. This show is a long shot away from being perfect but so many aspects they really have perfected! It's lovely to watch! I highly recommend to anyone. Also the soundtrack is out on all platforms with the track being called Lu Ten's Funeral. Just beautiful musically.
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Zuko and Iroh Continue to Carry ATLA
carlcap14 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Despite the major changes to Bumi, I think this episode was a major improvement from a narrative and writing perspective. While not perfect, I am starting to ignore some of the glaring flaws and character changes, and just enjoying the ride. The writing of this show ranges from passable to truly unbearable at times. Often times, less is more, and the writers often spell out things that could be much more effectively told to the audience through character expressions, actions, or set pieces/musical motifs. This has been present in a lot of Aang and Katara's writing, which is unfortunate as they are supposed to be the heart and soul of the whole story. These were two characters that were perfectly written in ATLA, don't try to dumb down or fix what isn't broken! Sokka has continued to grow on me, and at times, I confuse the live-action actor's voice for the animated series. I find this to be a great sign, and indicative of how the actor has portrayed a relatively difficult character to adapt into live action. As far as Bumi, while I did not hate the changes and found him funny at times, his angst towards Aang seemed forced. I also resonate with other viewers in that, Bumi taught Aang nothing new in this episode. Here's to hoping the writers understood that and change up Aang's narratives in the episodes to come.

My critiques do not apply to the Zuko/Iroh scenes. Iroh's conflict with the soldier was very well written and acted out. Same goes with the tearjerking Lu Ten scene, the subtle, but very telling, musical motifs of Leaves on the Vine, and the small scene of Zuko rowing away with Iroh. Iroh says a line to the effect of "we always find our way onto boats" and Zuko's expression says it all. Again, less is more. It is all concluded with a new and refreshing take on the start of Zuko's journey, where Iroh's motivations for joining this troubled teenager are revealed to us in a subtle, yet ingenious way. These two versions of Zuko and Iroh continue to carry this adaptation, and whoever takes lead on writing their scenes, needs to be given larger responsibilities in the seasons to come. Here's to more of this in the second half of this season!
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King Bumi
ZegMaarJus11 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This Episode begins with Aang, he has been captured by the Earth kingdom. Katara tells Sokka and The Mechanist that Aang is in prison. Aang pays King Bumi a visit. Katara captured Jet in ice, she used her skills to do that. Aang was captured in the ice mountain for 100 years. Katara and Sokka are looking for Aang. King Bumi wants to play one final game with Aang. Aang fights with King Bumi. Katara and Sokka saved Aang and King Bumi. Solid Episode of Avatar: The Last Airbender Season 1, this was exciting but not enough for a better rating. Waiting for the really good Episodes with fights between Aang and the Firenation!
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Why can't we have nice things?
peirscl22 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Merging secret tunnel, jet's story and adding Iroh's past was fine. BUT why on earth would you change Bumi's story like this. It is such a classic netflix move.

"Ooh have you liked story this far? Here let me butcher your favorite character. Ooh, was that too bad here let me add one scene from cartoon to make up for it." Thats netflix everytime.

Nobody is expecting a full transition of animated version to live action. But changing main story arcs such as Suki's "I'm a warrior but also a girl." to "HehEH I'm a creep, I can sneak" and Bumi's friendship with and to whatever that was in episode 4 simply ruins the whole immersion. Bumi was such a precious character.
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Not the best episode of TV ever but the music and acting is unreal
jackgcorney22 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
As soon as I heard leaves on the vine I had to do a review because it brought a tear to my eye. The acting is more than passable when you remember this is for younger people to consume. I also love the costume design and special effects, I really didn't know how it would translate out of something animated but I'm very impressed. I went in, like many others, with really low expectations but I've really been getting some beautiful nostalgia while really enjoying the rewrites and slight rejigs that have happened. A Great service to the true fans and feel like it's a good hop on point for new viewers too!
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character assassination
isaacwmartin28 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I'm all for changes to original source material in adaptations like this, a show like the Last of Us did it phenomenally, but oh my god this episode was some of the most blatant character assassination I have EVER seen. Turning bumi from the fun loving trickster from the original series into a bitter, hateful old man that wants to punish aang for disappearing legitimately just made me angry. Not to mention the cave of two lovers being sandwiched in, where instead of the great character growth we got between aang and katara, instead it's katara and sokka for some reason??? And there's pretty much no point to it??? They just walk for a little while, katara is the skeptical one while sokka has hope which is a complete role reversal for some reason. Some good action scenes and fight choreography are the only things keeping this a 1/10 for me.
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Secret tunnel! Secret tunnel! Secret! Secret!
vpwoonijk26 February 2024
Interesting and very creative to see 4 episodes of the original cartoon blended so well in in one episode. Some major characters are introduced in a very known way. Some lines and moves are literally copied, others are added in a new creative way. The bending is sometimes slow but the cgi is giving its best. Very nice to see some characters get more in-depth development.by placing them in similar situations as the original but just a bit different. Nicely done on the casting and the clothing as well. I was going to rate it a seven but secret tunnel with musicians gave it all to raise it to a 9.
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Leaves from the vine
avatarthomas6 March 2024
Every time. Every time I hear that song! It never fails to bring a few tears to my eyes. And with the scene it was used for this time round just hit it home even more. This episode did a great job of carrying on what the last episode did. Compacting a few of the more filler type episodes from the original show into one episode that manages to speed it up a bit. Some may have been a bit to quick but overall it sped up the story so no actual filler episodes. Getting to see the dragon of the west fight as well was just some icing on the cake for the episode. Using the chains he's been imprisoned with as weapons was genius. But how iron ended the fight just proved what a good man he was.
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Plagued by a seeming derision for storyteling
thegreendrinker24 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
What has snuck up on me the past three episodes (and abetted by Big Joel's recent review on his Little Joel channel) is that the show seems to have contempt for the original source material. Don't get me wrong- I think it also has admiration for it. I just think it admires the wrong things and has contempt for the wrong things.

In this episode, there are three parallel storylines and all three have major problems. The Katara and Sokka plotline has them navigating the tunnels to sneak in to Bumi's palace. The problem with this plotline is that it tries to resolve Sokka and Katara's sibling rivalry. That's not how anything works. Sokka and Katara, in the animated show, often resolve one aspect of their dynamic only to argue again later. That's life. No one single experience will end conflict between two people. It's trite and silly. I liked, at least, that there at least WAS explicit arguing between them which wasn't present much in the first two episodes, but both of them get too deep with each other too quickly. It's much better to have characters process their trauma much more slowly since that is usually how people process their trauma in reality. Most people don't have the self-awareness to move on past a traumatic event right away and sometimes people can't identify that they are traumatized at all! This is an example of contempt for the material that the writers have. Everything has to be spelled out and resolved immediately so as to not allow the audience any prolonged discomfort.

The worst of the three storylines, however, is Bumi's antagonism towards Aang. In the original show, when Bumi meets Aang he wants to challenge him not out of hatred, but because that's Bumi's eccentric way of trying to make Aang approach problems with more creativity ("to think like a mad genius!"). But here, Bumi wants Aang to approach war like he does- that is, to think of every situation as an impossible moral dilemma where you lose no matter what you do. There is a time and place for these kinds of plotlines (Attack on Titan, for example, is full of impossible moral dilemmas) but it doesn't work here because the live action Aang is a very serious young man who is always going on about his grave responsibility. There is nothing for Aang to learn in the episode because he's already learned it. Bumi is the one who learns something- that it is good to lean on your friends. This message, however, is not developed enough to have any emotional potency so it falls flat. It's the generic message in every kids' property- "friendship is magic!".

The best, but still very flawed, plotline is the Iroh and Zuko one. The storyline focuses on Iroh's guilt and trauma regarding the war. An earth kingdom soldier frequently beats and berates Iroh because Iroh's actions led to the deaths of one of his family members. This is sort of compelling. Iroh keeps going on about how you have to make tough decisions in war, but it just doesn't land. The story seems to want to beat us over the head with repetitive reminders of trauma and war with very little of the nuance. The original show approached those themes with much more time and thought. It's a shame that the live action seems to have contempt for delivering character development in a measured way. It wants to both be "darker" but not allow the characters to be as imperfect.
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Just Bad
dwright327124 February 2024
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Bumi tried to teach Aang lessons but he was not cruel to him. It just does not work that he is testing Aang after Aang knows who he is. The point of the challenges was to show Aang to look beyond the usual. Bumi was not bitter. You are just trying to put elements of series in all haphazardly and it is not working.

By now we should know that Aang is falling for Katara. It was very important for Aang and Katara's arc that they got lost in the Cave of Two Lovers.

Katara has the waterbending but we have yet to see Aang do a lick of waterbending. This show should have never been made. It is with good reason that Bryan Konietzko and Michael Dante DiMartino left the project. I am done with this show.
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What's up with Bumi guilt tripping Aang?
thilipan199223 February 2024
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Why did they have to butcher Bumi's charecter and why does everyone guilt trip Aang for dissappearing a 100 years ago and it was all his fault. Avatar Kyoshi did that In the previous episode and Bumi does it in this one. The whole point of Aang's dissappearance was that it Was supposed to happen that way. If Aang had stayed he would have been killed along with the other airbenders. It's OK to see multiple episodes of the original ATLA bundled up into one but there's so many Changes to the plot like Jet trying to Kill Bumi and innocent earth kingdom people for no valid reason, Aang not in the tunnel with Katara and the Mechanist in Omashu and not in an air temple.

It just didn't make sense why Bumi would put Aang into trials after revealing who he is in the first meet. "The Lesson" Bumi was trying to teach and his imagination of Aangs obsession with "Games" which Aang was not really interested in was just so unrealistic. The actors do a really good job. Visuals are really good except for waterbendeing where it just feels like splashing water which wouldn't hurt anyone.

Overall it's a below average episode mostly for the poor writing of characters. Not the best if you're already an ATLA fan. Not much of an issue if you've never watched ATLA and this is the first time you're watching the series.
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And there it was. That box was checked.
ktjeeper24 February 2024
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The fact they changed the original storyline to include an LBGTQ twist lost points for us. The obsession with rewriting stories to accommodate a diverse audience instead of writing original, beautiful stories to highlight all facets of love is growing tiresome. While the touching flashback between Iroh and Zuko at Iroh's son's funeral was done well, the acting by the trio of protagonists feels forced. It is very hard to not compare this to the original series, a beloved story with rich characters who captured our hearts. This series (thus far) falls short of evoking those same feelings. We will continue with it in hopes of capturing a glimpse of the wonderment of the original.
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Worst episode so far
sspureurubin23 February 2024
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They did good with Iroh and Prince Zuko, they really did. Acting, the dynamic between war criminal and victim was believable and you pity both sides. Zuko gets his much needed character development from Honor Parrot to a son to Iroh.

Thats pretty much where the good ends.

They still had the gall to add Lover's Tunnel without Aang? I was wondering who would kiss at the end since they were siblings. That ruined the point of the lover's tunnel: to set up Katara and Aang as an item. They should have just removed it if that was the case. Also, Bumi. Dont get me started with Bumi. They still made Aang play the games, but it doesnt make sense anymore, since he identified Bumi from the start. They still added the original storylines' plot devices but forgot or worse, willfully ignored WHY it was there.

Classic Netflix move.
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