"The Vampire Diaries" Crying Wolf (TV Episode 2011) Poster

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The Truth about Elijah
claudio_carvalho26 October 2013
Jules and Brady are getting rid off the bodies of the other werewolves and the stranger Stevie arrives and tells about the son and moon curse and the moonstone. They decide to kidnap the doppelganger Elena to break the curse and kill every vampire in Mystic Falls. Meanwhile Stefan and Elena plan a weekend alone in the isolated cabin that belonged to her parents. Damon shows Alaric the instruments that John has given to him to kill Klaus. Tyler visits Jules and she asks him to betray his friends with the help of Brady and Stevie to break the curse. Jules, Stevie and two other werewolves capture and torture Damon to get the moonstone, but Elijah rescue Damon again, and kills the werewolves but Jules that escapes. Meanwhile Brady chases Elena while Tyler hurts Stefan to avoid him to break the curse. However Stefan tells him that Elena has to die to break the curse. Bonnie, Caroline and Jeremy abduct Luka to know the truth about Elijah and they find that he intends to kill the doppelganger. John poisons the relationship between Jenna and Alaric.

"Crying Wolf" is an average episode where the best part is the revelation of the true intention of Elijah. The lack of personality of Tyler is impressive but humans are imperfect and his behavior is acceptable for a confused teenager. The end of the arrogant werewolves was also good, but unfortunately Jules survives. John unfortunately continues in the show and I really hate this detestable character. My vote is seven.

Tiitle (Brazil): "Crying Wolf"
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The episode in which Elena has a lot of 'moments'...
Chalice_Of_Evil15 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Elena, Caroline and Bonnie in bed together? Thankyou, show. Elena falling out of bed amused me. If only Damon had been witness to this scene the snark would've been flying.

Speaking of...I'm very glad to see that he didn't off Dawn Olivieri's character. I thought for sure last episode that he'd killed her. Hopefully this means the end of Damon's weekly over-share to helpless female victims before killing them. Damon's "Smith? He's using 'Smith'??" - in reference to Elijah - amused (how...unoriginal of Elijah). As did Alaric's reaction to seeing the two of them. Heh, Damon just likes saying "Action News".

Stefan's "I'm stuck." moment at the doorway of the lake house and Elena's lie about it being left to John (and therefore her not being able to invite Stefan in) were two good moments - she really had me going there for a minute. She's getting more convincing at her lying.

I actually liked that brief glimpse of jealousy on Jeremy's part when Caroline informed him that Bonnie was giving witch boy "the sex smile". Also liked the look of realisation on Caroline's face as she worked out Jeremy had a thing for Bonnie.

I really enjoyed Elena and Stefan's scenes together, especially the one on the pier. Some might regard them as "boring", but I think both actors elevate this relationship and make it as good/interesting as can possibly be. I haven't grown tired of this couple as yet, so that's a plus.

Ouch. Poor Alaric. Being referred to as Damon's "little helper"? That's gotta hurt. Remember when you used to be a vampire hunter who enjoyed showing off your weapons, Alaric? Ah, those were the days. You get points for your "You're a d!ck." line to John, however.

I did enjoy seeing Damon get taken down a peg by Elijah. He needs that on occasion. Still not fond of Elijah and his hair, though.

I'm glad Stefan pointed out the weirdness of Elena finding him "hot" in her dead great-granddad's jacket.

While Alaric's "Elijah's one scary dude...but with nice hair." line amused, I've never been fond of his hair. Looks Like Damon and Alaric have their 'bromance' back (Alaric asked how Damon's throat was). I'm glad Alaric asked Damon not to kill Andie. I know Alaric's ring keeps him safe, but seeing him with a knife in his gut/pronounced 'dead' was still quite a shock.

So last week it was Caroline torture, this week it was Damon's turn. Guess it was about that time again. Considering his killing of that girl a couple weeks ago, and then screwing with Andie (in more ways than one) these last two episodes...can't say he doesn't deserve a bit of pain. Besides, he didn't seem too concerned by it.

GO, ELENA! Well done, with the stabbing of werewolf dude. Couldn't stand him anyway. And the diversion she created? See, THIS is why Elena rocks. She's not just some victim who's completely helpless/hopeless. She has a brain, and for a 'mere human'...she does exceedingly well. Was happy to see Stefan finish off the dude, though. Seems a couple stabbings wasn't enough.

I actually felt some sympathy for Tyler, as this was just the latest in a long line of people using him. As mad as I have been with what he did last week, and what he just did in this episode...I was glad to see Elena forgive him/hug him. He obviously needed that. Being a do-gooder really *is* in her nature.

Heh, I liked Damon's impressed look as Elijah took out the werewolves. As much as I've disliked what Jules has done, I'm glad she got away (for the time being at least). She's done a good job of stirring up trouble in Mystic Falls, and I appreciate that (plus, she's easy on the eyes).

Stevie was a good one-shot character. He was amusing when we were introduced to him, then he was sadistic in his Damon torture, then he amused me again by pulling his jacket over his head, before Elijah snapped his neck with a punch.

The bit with Damon carrying the blood-soaked rug (which he'd so badly wanted to avoid back when he was torturing/killing Mason) while Alaric was on the phone to Jenna - great moment. I don't like John planting seeds of doubt in Jenna's mind and him driving a wedge between her and Alaric. Though I guess Alaric shares some of the blame by lying to her (then again, what could he have said? "Oh, by the way, Jenna, my wife's not really dead. Well...she IS dead, but technically she's UNdead. She's an evil vampire now, that likes to kill people and have threesomes in French."?).

I think both Elena and Stefan made good points in the scene where Stefan learned that Elena hadn't expected to survive. I can see both points of view clearly.

I'm not entirely opposed to Jeremy and Bonnie hooking up. At least they're not as annoying when they're together as they are separately.

Although I've given Tyler lots of crap since...well...ever (and most of it I think he deserved), I must say that I started feeling quite sorry for him during that end montage. I was glad to see that he parted on relatively good terms with Matt. He's not quite fully redeemed, but he is getting there. I was surprised to see that Tyler was leaving (not sure how long he'll be gone), but hopefully he'll use this time away to learn and grow. Wasn't expecting Jules to be in the car....though I suppose I should have. All she's ever really wanted was for Tyler to come with her, and damn the consequences. She traded one werewolf for a butt-load of werewolves. I do hope that she's serious about "no more lies", Tyler deserves the truth by now. Another great music choice for the end montage, and another really solid episode.
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You gotta love it.
omarkhmuhammad19 July 2018
I honestly do not know why am I watching this show. Whether it's because it's interesting, or I loved the characters since the first time I saw them. But I keep on watching it even though a lot of things bug me about it. I mean, why does everyone storm in everywhere and scare the human characters? Why can't they enter just like everyone else does? But then again, you forget all about that when you see Stefan and Elena smiling to each other without people noticing and hear Damon giving someone a hard time because they simply suck.
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another solid episode
jackDee-5656525 December 2020
Loved the episode, had a lot of great moments, it was great. Another win for tvd Klaus will be showing up soon for a big showdown
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vivianla18 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Jules starts piling up the bodies to burn with Brady. A talkative guy says that he knew something was up when Mason was banging that hot vampire chick Kathy but did not want to tell anyone.

Damon shows the reporter out and compels her to fall for him as a way to cover for his pain in front of people.

Elena and Stefan go on a romantic getaway to the lake house where they play "family". Stefan cooks, Elena reminisces the old times with her parents. Brady shows up with Tyler to kidnap Elena but Stefan ends up killing Brady. Tyler apologizes to Elena.

Jeremy, Bonnie and Caroline carry out a plan at Mystic Grill. Bonnie has coffees and hands one to Luka. Caroline proudly says Bonnie is giving her sex smile which makes Jeremy envious.

Luka is drugged with a witch brew and they take him to Caroline's where Bonnie lights up the candles herself. Caroline comments to Jeremy that it was hot. Bonnie is weirded out that Caroline said that. Caroline replies that she has known Jeremy her whole life unlike Luka.

Caroline leaves with Luka. Bonnie tells Jeremy she has known him her whole life through his goth phase, his emo phase, his druggie phase. Now he became this hot guy who is really sweet which Jeremy replies you think I'm hot? He says to stop talking and kisses her.

Damon is chained up by the werewolves and Alaric is passed out from being stabbed. Elijah comes and rescues them. He places the moonstone gingerly on the table near him. As the werewolves come, he rips their hearts out. Elijah rips the chains off of Damon.
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