"The Vampire Diaries" Rose (TV Episode 2010) Poster

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When a guy in a black SUV tells you to come closer to the window, it can never be a good thing...
Chalice_Of_Evil8 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Best bits...

Damon's "Yeah, I don't understand that. Guy's a tool." and Caroline's "Well, gee, duh!" (in reference to Caroline covering for Tyler). Can't say I disagree with their opinion of him.

Bela from Season 3 of Supernatural! Not looking bad for puppy chow...except for the hair. Bela would be aghast and is probably fuming in her grave. While I do hate it whenever someone hurts Elena, when Rose hit her (after telling her to be quiet three times in a row), the shot of unconscious Elena's face - after she'd landed on the couch - mildly amused me (coupled with Rose's "I want you to be quiet."). Learn to take a hint, Elena.

I liked Damon's disbelief that what Katherine had been telling him - right before he shut her in the tomb - had been the truth, knowing that Katherine would manage to escape/kill them if they sought her help, and him warning Stefan against it...but Stefan having none of that and his simple "It's Elena." reasoning. And then a little later, Damon changing his tune and using Stefan's "It's Elena." excuse as his reason for wanting to go with Stefan.

Tyler having a Teen Wolf moment and using his new werewolf abilities to enhance him in his basketball game. Followed by Caroline almost breaking his arm off, then him kicking the trashcan into some poor individual's car. Way to not arouse suspicion, guys, what with all those onlookers gawking at the two of you (It's like Smallville all over again, where Clark would yell out his secret at any inopportune moment). I do like bad-ass Caroline.

Damon's "Alaric sure likes his weapons." line (yeah, I think we got that when he demonstrated/showed them off in last week's episode) and his "Weird." reaction to the Vervain bomb. Some guys like big guns, Alaric likes his vamp-killing tools. I enjoyed the "roadtrip bonding thing" between Stefan and Damon in the car.

Jeremy and Bonnie continue to be less annoying when together than they are when they're apart. Somehow they seem to cancel out each other's annoying personalities when they share scenes together.

One of THE best moments of the episode: Tyler's "You're...a werewolf. Say it." to Caroline and her proceeding to laugh in his face. That was great! Again, I liked her kicking his butt. He needs it, for being such a tool.

Stefan telling Damon "I can't think of a better reason to die." (in reference to them going in to rescue Elena and the chance that they might not come out). There's never any doubt about Stefan's devotion to Elena.

2nd best moment of the episode: Although I didn't really care that much for Elijah, his knocking Trevor's block off was AWESOME. Good grief-stricken reaction from Lauren Cohan.

I really liked Stefan and Damon working as a team to take on Elijah. They work well together when they want to, it's nice to see them put their differences aside and team up to save Elena. Though I'm glad Elena got to have her moment to shine, when she threw the Vervain bomb at Elijah, distracting him long enough for Stefan to shoot him/tackle him, then Damon coming to Stefan's rescue and staking the bastard. I'm also glad Elena told Damon to let Rose go. I was hoping she wouldn't get killed off (well...for the time being anyway).

3rd best moment of the episode: Damon looking up at Elena/being so proud with himself for saving her, his elation at seeing her run down the steps (seemingly to *him*), only for his hopes to be dashed when Stefan stepped into frame and embraced Elena. I'll admit...I felt sorry for Damon there. At least Elena mouthed a thank you to him (and he mouthed back "You're welcome"). Still, Ian Somerhalder's reactions were what made that moment so good.

Considering how often Jeremy can be a jerk to Elena, I always appreciate it when he shows genuine concern for her and relief at her being safe - as he did when she returned and he hugged her. THAT'S the way he should be/I want to see him acting towards her more often.

Damon pours himself a drink on this show almost as often as Lex Luthor used to on Smallville (as Caroline says in the next scene, "alcohol helps."). Nice of Stefan to apologise to Damon for making him turn back in the day.

Rose mentioning Lexi! (so it was Lexi who tried to fix Rose up with Stefan). More proof that Lexi was just simply an awesome vampire to know/hang out with. I'm glad the writers haven't forgotten her and she continues to be mentioned by various characters (please, writers, can we have a flashback to Stefan and Lexi hanging out in a future episode?). I'm glad Rose came to warn Stefan. This "Klaus" sounds...ominous.

4th best moment of the episode: The last scene between Elena and Damon, where he came right out and said that he loved her, then compelled her to forget before putting her Vervain necklace back on her. Nina and Ian completely sold that scene. Kudos to both actors. And also kudos to the show. This moment was properly *earned* and didn't just come out of nowhere. They've been leading up to it and that's what made it work.

Can't say I was too surprised that Elijah proved not to be quite as dead as first thought. Considering Rose had said to Elena "He's your worst nightmare.", he was taken out far too easily to NOT come back at the end.

Really good episode. It was a bit slow in the first half, but picked up nicely in the second half. There were some really great moments.
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The ending of this episode >>>>>
whatsuppp26 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Rated this a 9 because of the last five minutes of the episode. I LOVE the scene with Elena and Damon at the end. One of the MANY reasons I adore Damon. It shows a lot of growth in him, and I truly just love it. In my eyes, Damon > Stefan, ALWAYS. This scene is just one of the many reasons why I feel that way.

Also, to the reviewer who said there was a mistake with using Jeremy to find Elena even though they aren't blood related- they actually are!!! John is her dad, and he was Jeremy's dad's brother. So technically, she and Jeremy are blood related, even though they don't share the same parents!!!! :)
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I love you, elena..
abidmahmud-798105 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This was the best line...this episode is awesome.... Literally awesome....they r doing a good job so far....delena is love.....also stelena...but delena is special...
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Daniel gillies and Lauren Cohan were great guest stars in this episode
jackDee-5656525 December 2020
I liked the episode, the introduction of Elijah and Rose was good and their interactions, it was fun seeing Damon and Stefan bonding some while trying to rescue elena, good episode even though storywise it does nt really expand on anything here but not pulling any punches, merry Christmas people
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karleeannatkinson27 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
In this episode Bonnie uses Jeremy's blood to for a spellfind Elena because they are "blood related" .... she is adopted? Think there is a wrotting error there.
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The Original Vampire Elijah
claudio_carvalho22 September 2013
Elena is abducted by the vampires Trevor and Rose after the party. When Jeremy finds that his sister is missing, Bonnie finds where she is using witchcraft. Stefan and Damon head to the spot and discover that Trevor and Rose have abducted Elena to make a deal with the powerful vampire Elijah. Meanwhile Caroline discloses to Tyler that she is a vampire.

"Rose" presents another powerful vampire, Elijah. Caroline reveals to Tyler that she is a vampire and I believe that she will regret. Lauren Cohan, the Maggie Greene from "The Walking Dead", is the vampire Rose. Now the plot seems to be stranded and new characters are coming, but Elena's attitude toward Stefan does not make any sense. My vote is six.

Title (Brazil): "Rose"
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neekubee9 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
They're all careless. I know this is directed but I hoped to see logic. They could have gotten Elijah's ring and see him burn in the daylight but nooo - they left too soon, and the other vampire escaped, too when it was night time. She could have gotten Elijah's ring to be able to walk in the sun.

This was directed to produce tension and increase the episodes.
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Elijah and Damon Confesses
vivianla11 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Elena is kidnapped by two vampires named Trevor and Rose. There are sparks between Jeremy and Bonnie. The Salvatore brothers drive to the location that is 3 hours away. Stefan replies he is drinking Elena's blood which Damon then pauses to take in. Damon comments "Mm. How romantic.". Damon stakes Elijah and they save Elena.

Elena gets home and puts on pajama pants and a cami. Damon is in her room and says cute pjs. He then takes out the vervain necklace and tells Elena he has to tell her something. He confesses he loves her and he wishes he didn't have to make her forget. He does so with tears falling from his eyes and disappears.
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