House of Tolerance (2011) Poster

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An unusually thoughtful and sobering look at the lives of a group of women trapped in the trade of satisfying men's sexual desires
moviexclusive24 April 2012
No matter the titillating title, writer/director Bertrand Bonello's 'House of Pleasures' doesn't hope to pleasure its audience by pandering to their baser instincts through a flesh parade of its predominantly female cast. Instead, Bonello mounts a sombre look at the daily lives and routines of the prostitutes within the walls of the Appolonide, an upmarket Paris brothel for middle-class men at the turn of the 19th century. The pace is slow and languid- consider this fair warning for less patient viewers- but if you allow it, the movie will reel you in with its hypnotic charm and leave you wondering about the people behind the world's oldest profession.

Filmed with a deliberate dispassion throughout, Bonello flits from one character to another, never making one the central figure in the movie. Among those we get to recognise are Clotilde (Celine Sallette), a twelve-year veteran of the trade at just 28 years old who has recently grown increasingly disillusioned and dependent on opium; Pauline (Iliana Zabeth), the youngest at just 16 who enters the trade in a misguided attempt at asserting her own independence; and the middle-aged Madam (Noémie Lvovsky) who runs the house faced with foreclosure due to rising rent prices.

Yes, Appolonide is far from a cocoon for the girls, and Bonello places two stark characters as a sobering reminder of that- the first in the form of a cheerful girl Julie (Jasmine Trinca) who discovers one day during a routine medical examination that she has syphilis; and the second in Madeleine (Alice Barnole), who is permanently disfigured when a client (Laurent Lacotte) she dreams of having a future with ties her to the bed and slashes her from both corners of the mouth. Madeleine is the most blatant Bonello gets at eliciting his audience's empathy for these women- and certainly, it's hard not to be moved when she is nicknamed 'The Woman Who Laughs' and becomes no more than an object of fascination for others to gawk at.

Notwithstanding Madeleine's misfortune, there is little to cheer about for any of the other girls trapped with little hope of escaping their circumstance. Though visited by regulars with sweet words and buoyant promises, there is little illusion that none of these men are serious about their affections for the ladies they frequent, using them as mere vessels to act out their fantasies- one girl is made to act like a mechanical doll; while another is dressed in a kimono and asked to speak Japanese even though she knows not the language. We know better than to believe their lies and empty promises, but who can blame some of the ladies for being optimistic- what else after all do they have to live for?

Setting most of the film within the four walls of the Appolonide and emphasising the day in and day our rituals of the women within adds to the claustrophobic feel of the movie, which of course reinforces the cheerless nature of their situation- there is also a reference to the conventional wisdom of the day, which equates their status to that of criminals by virtue of the size of their heads. The rare scene where the girls have the most fun is a daytime excursion they take to the countryside, which unsurprisingly shows them at their most lively and vivacious.

And indeed, there is very little to cheer or find pleasure in- despite the movie's title- once one has observed the lives of these women in the Appolonide. The film is also purposefully set at the twilight of the industry in that form, and from time to time, Bonello hints at the imminent passing of a Parisian cultural icon. His parting shot is that of modern-day Paris, where prostitutes are standing by the street waiting for some random guy in a car to pick them up. Has society progressed in the past century? As long as there remain women who are stuck in the circumstance as those in the Appolonide, the answer quite honestly is a sobering no.

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Beautiful and real
cherryredpinup29 January 2012
I loved this film, I am surprised to see more than one review damning the film for a lack of plot. There is most definitely a plot it's subtle and thoughtful but the characters all have an arc and, for some, very definite resolutions.

The cast are superb, even those with the smallest roles present fully rounded individuals of whom it's possible to infer their lives outside the bounded world presented to us. The relationships between the women of the house both amongst themselves and with their clients are rich and true.

Although full of sex and sexuality nothing is gratuitous or titillating but real and honest. Sometimes good, sometimes dreadful, sometimes funny, sometimes a violation.

This was a film that I would have been happy to watch for another two hours , I didn't want to leave these women behind.
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Plus ca Change...
derek-duerden27 January 2022
Nicely acted and photographed, this could however easily be very depressing - not only in the unvarnished depiction of life in a Paris brothel 100 years ago but in the clear message that things aren't too different today.

Debt, disease and the possibility of shocking violence are ever-present, although conversations among the women about jobs that they have done beforehand (e.g. The "industrial injury" side of being a launderess) suggest that being a prostitute wasn't necessarily the *worst* option available.

Sobering stuff, but the camaraderie looks real and softens the tone somewhat. Recommended.
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Darkness and sadness within Paris
FrenchEddieFelson27 March 2019
A dozen young prostitutes in a luxury brothel held by a madam, at the twilight of the nineteenth century. We may see women scarcely dressed, men from the Parisian bourgeoisie, champagne in abundance, a black panther, ... within felted lounges. Objects of fascination, fantasies or sometimes the tenderness of their customers, these young prostitutes circulate in a universe that will soon be a memory. One of them will be disfigured by a consumer as perverse as sadistic.

Filmed with a breathtaking mastery of the frame. Moreover, the costumes and sets are top. It's an aesthetic shock. The actresses and actors are excellent, Céline Sallette especially.
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Historically Accurate Portrayal of Legalized Prostitution
VickiHopkins4 May 2014
This movie is a graphically shocking film about prostitution in France in a mansion of tolerance. It's French ("L'Apollonide") with English sub-titles.

Having researched heavily on this subject for one of my own works, I found it to be an eye-opening film. It's an intimate look behind the closed doors of a house of pleasure focusing on the lives of its mistress, prostitutes, and patrons.

It covers such aspects as registering as prostitutes with the Bureau of Morales, being indebted to mistresses and unable to leave their employ because of it, champagne baths with customers, selection parlors, global fashions worn by prostitutes, opulent client bedrooms, and the regulated visits by the physician examining the workers every 15 days for sign of sexually transmitted disease.

The movie contains naked women, sexually explicit scenes, and is not for the prudish or faint of heart. There are scenes of abuse of one of the girls, which may be disturbing to viewers. It delves honestly into the reality of life as a French prostitute, focusing on the sad and hopeless plight of women in brothels. The particular establishment depicted in this movie catered to aristocrats and rich businessmen, much like the Chabanais, which was one of the well-known brothels of its day.

The movie is two hours, slow moving, and not the best flick you'll ever see. Most of the sexual scenes show the men enjoying their paid visits, while the women merely go through the motions void of emotion. As troubling as the scenes were, I found myself transported into the world I researched and came away shocked at seeing the reality portrayed on screen.

Let's face it, being a prostitute wasn't glamorous. It was a profession that many poor and unskilled women chose in order to survive. It was a dangerous job where women died of syphilis, lived lives with no hope, and sold their bodies in order to eat and have housing. It portrayed a society that found pleasure in sex, living a way of life where brothels were an acceptable form of male entertainment until they were abolished in the early 20th century.

If historical films interest you on all levels, I can attest that this one hits the mark in every way. Being a French film, it adequately portrays the heyday of legalized prostitution.
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A softly engrossing, low-key portraiture, deprioritizing active narrative
I_Ailurophile28 April 2023
This is far from the only film to ever operate as it does, more as a broad portraiture of a time, place, or idea than as a medium for storytelling. In this moment, though, I'm hard-pressed to think of another title that so distinctly declined significant plot as a through-line; what story threads this boasts, like lengths of string laid out on a canvas in a vaguely linear arrangement, are mostly just the characterizations. The personalities, histories, and possible futures of the women take precedence over discrete goings-on in the narrative, and so especially as the women are spotlighted far more than clients, the picture largely becomes an even-keeled examination of a bordello at the turn of the twentieth century. Not condoning, not condemning, instead just trying to be as objective as it can in showcasing the highs, the lows, the types of people who might be involved in one capacity or another, and the general struggles that arise therefrom. It's a challenging prospect to make a movie of such a nature, but to Bertrand Bonello's credit, I think he did a fine job here. 'L'apollonide' isn't without its imperfections, but it's duly engrossing and well made, and worth watching more than not.

A slight, gentle sense of story does come into play as difficulties mount in the "house of tolerance"; the latter half of the feature is more actively engaging and heartfelt for the fact of it, and the performances arguably richer - the benefit of a stronger narrative. Even if that weren't the case, however, I think Bonello's screenplay would still otherwise be full and compelling on its own merits. Scenes and characters are flush with detail as written, vivid and complete as the picture weaves its tapestry. From this firm foundation, and bolstered by Bonello's practiced direction, the cast are given soft but bountiful material, and all make deft use of it. A couple actors on hand on more familiar to me than others (especially Adèle Haenel), but beyond that I can't say I'd name a favorite as everyone performs admirably with delicate, nuanced range, and depth of emotion. In light of the overall tack of 'L'apollonide,' interesting as it may be, I therefore don't think it's unfair to argue that the ensemble might be the best specific reason to check this out.

That's not to say that it isn't well done in many other ways. The production design and art direction are simply beautiful, cementing the setting for viewers - and from what I understand, somewhat opening up the set so that Josée Deshaies's smooth, crisp cinematography could stand out all the more. The costume design is rather magnificent in and of itself, surely a top highlight (reinforced by a César award for exactly that), and the hair and makeup, too. Sparing as they are, any effects that are employed look great, and I should say too that editor Fabrice Rouaud did a fine job of assembling the piece that we see. Still, there are critiques to note, too, and while the success of Bonello's approach to the movie deemphasizing story) is up for debate, I don't think that's inherently a matter of quality. On the other hand, the title mostly carries a decidedly flat tone that does make it a tad more difficult to get invested in the proceedings.

More troubling still, and in my mind perhaps the most substantial issue, is the music. I like Bonello's score in and of itself, atmospheric and flavorful, but it seems to me as though the themes are ill-fitting for what the man is otherwise doing here, especially those that come off as more dark and somber. Likewise, injecting modern album rock into the soundtrack (e.g. Moody Blues) is an anachronistic move that does not aid suspension of disbelief, least of all as the editing sometimes juxtaposes a quiet scene of little or no sound with a concurrent one in which a song crescendos; the effect is jolting. This may have been better served with no music at all. And while I feel the last few moments are a nice touch to round out the tale, before that we get one pointedly artistic shot (calling back to earlier dialogue) that frankly feels empty and unnecessary, and a brief cutaway (literal seconds) to one last line before that satisfying denouement. However one might judge the film's strength, the ending feels a little curt, a little rushed, and a little uneven.

All the same, while it may never be wholly grabbing, or achieve a crucial peak of storytelling, and while it may have flaws, I quite like this more than not. The cast and crew put in fantastic work, Bonello's direction is solid, and I admire not just the filmmaker's screenplay but the very low-key, detached fashion with which he has tackled this subject matter. There's a point on the spectrum of descriptors of quality past which I would not tread in this instance, yet even if 'L'apollonide' isn't entirely essential or flawless, it's much better than not and deserving of recognition just as it is. There's no need to go out of one's way for it, but if you do have the chance to watch and are receptive to the subdued tenor, this is a good movie for a quiet night.
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Brothel in Paris in the early 1900s
srjphorton-767558 September 2021
If you don't speak French it's somewhat difficult to follow the subtitles, but once you get the hang of it, of course it becomes easier as It usually does with foreign films.

I think this is a pretty realistic portrayal of what it would be like to work in a somewhat up-scale brothel in Paris at this time.

Of course the prostitutes that work there, work there out of need and not because they enjoy this line of work. In fact they get their emotional needs met from each other. Definitely not from the men who buy them for their pleasure.

Overall I think the film was quite well done and showed the complexities of such an environment at this time in history in Paris France.
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empty sadness
SnoopyStyle16 May 2016
It's 1899 Paris. Marie-France Dallaire is the madame of the brothel L'Apollonide. As the months roll by, she is faced with debilitating rent increase from the landlord. Clotilde has been there for 12 years since she was 16. Julie is nicknamed Caca for her specialty. She dreams of going with her married customer Maurice. Léa mails away gifts of her pubic hair. Pauline Deshaies is a 15 year old who writes a letter applying for a job. The movie open with the Jewess Madeleine who has a prophetic dream. She is cut horribly by a customer. These and the other girls deal with the many issues as the brothel threatens to close.

I'm not sure if it's a deliberate idea from filmmaker Bertrand Bonello. There is a matter-of-factness to these women. I like to have more history to these interesting characters. It would be great to follow fewer of them and dig deeper into their lives. The Joker face is compelling visually. The tone is one of empty sadness. There isn't really any tension. The rent issue isn't that dramatic. I do have a big problem with the split screen scenes. There remind me of surveillance video and that takes me out of the movie.
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Dark and disturbing
amorathe24 October 2020
A lot of viewers criticize the film as dark, dull, disturbing, etc. In my opinion after watching this, though, I have not yet to watch or read any interviews about this film, I feel like it is the director's intent. It intended you to feel disturbed in the first place. It has the potential to make us feel that something's not right or what was happening to their lives were wrong.

This movie has obviously a deeper meaning behind the hardship of the women, manipulation of the madam, luxury of the men, all in the of the "House of Tolerance". And you, as an audience, needed to watch it for you to know those meanings and see from your own perspective.
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Flawed but with some brilliant facets
khsu4 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
First the bad: I found the relationships among the girls and between the madam and the girls to be somewhat one-dimensional and strain credibility. Bonello seemed to want to downplay any conflict in order to emphasize 'sisterhood,' but I found it hard to believe everyone for the most part got along with everyone else and seemed to look out for one another - especially a bunch of women. All the women/girls just seemed generally so 'nice,' spiritually pure, and well-intentioned. The sense of community was idealized and aestheticized to the point where some important, more nuanced aspects of reality were lost.

The ending was also kind of odd. The girls in the house were high-class courtesans with a mostly affluent customer base. Wasn't that a point Bonello was trying to make? And yet in the end they were paralleled with modern-day streetwalkers. It's not like street prostitutes didn't exist back in the day either, but the house girls were different. They're highly trained from a young age - not to fulfill just men's physical needs, but mental and emotional ones as well. High-roller escorts exist today too, and if anything, they would probably be more like them today, than streetwalkers. It's strange Bonello in the closing scenes decided to upend what he just spent the last 2 hours describing.

I think these are two significant flaws of the work.

The good: The Woman Who Laughs was no doubt the 'center' of the film that was trying very hard to be 'centerless,' Flowers of Shanghai-ish. Which was not necessarily a bad thing, as I found her story to be very interesting and moving. Especially in the scene toward the end when she cried the 'tears of sperm' - extremely imaginative, poignant, and profound - and reminded me why I started to watch Bonello's films in the first place after watching Tiresia. I think that moment alone is worth the admission.

Tiresia was nearly flawless throughout and worked as a whole. I didn't really like The Pornographer or On War. Was it just a fluke, a flash of genius? Bonello is still a young director, with only a few full features under his belt, so I would like to wait and see what else he can do.
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Interesting setting, boring story
grantss3 July 2020
The setting was interesting, both location- and time-wise. However the story is incredibly disappointing. The plot drifts throughout and ultimately goes nowhere.
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Gorgeous and Dark
maurice_8424 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This film is physically gorgeous and the content is hideous. Some reviews here have said that the nudity of the women is "boring" (because it is not used to provoke the audience's sexual response, but rather to reinforce the women's place as "objects"?) and another found the film soporific because of its slow pace, repeated images, and lack of "action." What was needed? A carriage chase (since car chases wouldn't have been possible), or perhaps a daring robbery? In fact,the slow pace of the film reiterates the slow death of the women. The fact that some of the reviewers complain that the film doesn't contextualize the story enough only speaks to our general lack of education about history or the world beyond our own i-pods and pads. Only in the 20th century do most women begin to achieve "rights" and freedoms (and at great cost). And that century is only beginning at the end of this film. For that matter, the film's ending--in contemporary Paris at the historic site of the brothel--implies that those rights and freedoms are easily erased for some.

For those who want more action (slashing someone's face is apparently not enough), this film will disappoint. For anyone who is interested in the history of the era and this aspect of Parisian (and European) life, it's a must see. All the slow scenes in the brothel with "gentlemen" clients and prostitutes are framed during the same period as the Dreyfus case, the beginning of the decline of French power and prestige. This film shows the darker side of much that is revealed in Proust's work (which is, after all, rather dark itself). It is definitely a disturbing film, but worth seeing.The women actors works wonderfully together, and the production values are impressive.
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Not so original
leoperu28 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
It's hard to believe that no reviewer connects Bonello's (inferior) movie with the novel "Yama" ("The Pit") by the lesser - though still great - Russian realist Alexandr I. Kuprin ; even the "original" ending is pure Kuprin transferred to more distant future : times are getting worse, brothels closing, impoverished madams packing... soon the facade of the house changes completely, and all those girls named so and so run their own way lost in a big city, becoming a new kind of prostitutes : lonely street nomads .... Watching "L'Apollonide" I tried in vain to be entertained or swept by it, to like the "Nights in White Satin" gimmick, or the brutal visualizing of the " tears of sperm" metaphor, or the sequence of the mutilation structured a la Nichols'"Catch-22".
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I want my 2 hours back.
gozu16 October 2011
There is no plot - only a stream of images following prostitutes in a bordello. The cinematography is OK and there are many realistic depictions of the female body but the overall result was oh-so-dull.

There is no plot, the editing looks like it was done randomly, the continuity is tenuous, the characters are boring.

I suffered through the whole movie. I'm giving it 4 stars because I did chuckle 4 times and I suppose it could have been worse somehow. I now feel a profound resentment for the director and the writer(s). What a bunch of self-indulgent jerks. Even Michael Bay does better movies! Michael Bay! Ugh!

Don't watch this. I stayed in the movie theater in the hopes the ending would somehow redeem it and because I was with friends.

They both strongly disliked it by the way.
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So-so picture of life in a Paris brothel c. 1900
genet-127 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
"House of Tolerance" opens with a scene that typifies the film. A gentlemanly client of L'Appollonide, the fictional Paris brothel of the 1890s where the film is set, declines sex with the exotic and likable Madeleine, but requests she instead describe one of her dreams. After she recounts a fantasy of sex with a masked man that ends with her weeping tears of semen, he politely asks permission to tie her to the bed. One she's helpless, he slashes both her cheeks with a knife,leaving her with a permanently disfiguring grin.

In a real-life Paris bordello like Le Chabanais, the establishment that inspired L'Appollonide, Madeleine would have been turned out. Instead, the other prostitutes and its kindly madame, hearts of gold all, rally to protect her. She becomes the house's cook, minds the children, and even, as "The Woman who Laughs", continues to attract jaded aesthetes excited by deformity. In one of the film's more Sadeian scenes, she stars at an orgy involving aging aristocrats, a staff of female servants, all nude, and a sullen black-gowned dwarf.

We see one of the obligatory fortnightly health checks required by the police, and the system of paying the women; clients buy tokens, which the women cash in at the end of the night. Such realism clashes with a Visconti-esque sumptuousness in costumes and decor. The house itself is palatial compared to Le Chabanais, or any real brothel, and the women more attractive than the habitués of even the most elegant establishment.

The film often feels like an anthology, shuffling together episodes and individuals associated with the brothel culture, and not bothering too much about anachronisms. An idyllic country picnic and skinny-dip for the girls evokes the most humanizing of whorehouse stories, Maupassant's "Le Maison Tellier". A client, called only Gustave and content to spend his time in the brothel staring raptly at vaginas, suggests Gustave Courbet, who painted "The Origin of the World", a meticulous but faceless depiction of female pudenda. Courbet, however,died in 1877, well before the period of the film.

Bonello is closer to his time period when he shows a girl being bathed in champagne. The then-Prince of Wales, Victoria's son and later Edward VII, liked to sit around such a bath at Le Chabanais and share the wine with friends. Wine, water and secretions mix promiscuously in the film. In an early scene, whores and clients share champagne from a gilded chamber pot of what should be Sevres porcelain but resembles anodized aluminum. Meanwhile, the girls play a table game using the squirt bulbs normally employed to flush their vaginas. Repeatedly we see women rinsing their mouths after oral sex and washing the sticky residue of wine from their bodies. One woman observes bitterly, "this place stinks of champagne and sperm."

Bonello is at pains to insist on the moral and emotional superiority of the prostitutes over their sentimental, self-absorbed clients – something even the men concede. As one ruefully confesses, "men have secrets, but no mystery." Even Gustave, the most compassionate of the regulars, sees the women as objects. The complaisant Pauline dresses up for him, first in a Japanese kimono, then as a blank-eyed, jerkily moving doll. In a scene reminiscent of Donald Sutherland coupling with a clockwork woman in "Fellini Casanova", her impersonation of a machine excites Gustave in a way flesh and blood never did. As he penetrates her from behind, she stares expressionless at us, the audience, as if to ask, "How like you me now, my masters?"

Returning repeatedly to the mutilation of Madeleine, adding more graphic detail each time, Bonello makes us complicit in her pain. Her endurance and acceptance, like that of all the prostitutes, is transcendental, and appears a kind of martyrdom – an offering to the Apollo for which the house is named. The girl dead of syphilis, the opium addict, and, finally, all the women dumped on the streets when the brothel closes down, have suffered and died for our sins. The last shot of the film drives home the point. Beside a modern highway, the same girls who staffed the L'Appollonide, now in mini-skirts and hot pants, continue to offer sex and salvation to an indifferent male world.
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A character-driven sorrow
tonosov-5123817 August 2022
It's a superbly directed and beautiful picture, but one that leaves you ultimately indifferent. The theme of decadence of a traditional brothel should've been the main focus, not a blurry afterthought meandering in the background. Instead we get a monotone melodrama about day-to-day in the world's oldest profession. But then again, the director might've known better than to pretend he can say anything that hasn't been said about this soul-sucking and hedonistic racket.
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Should have focused on the stories of those prostitutes
DrDumb26 April 2024
2 hours that I would never get back. 6 stars for the actresses I saw in the movie. The movie was supposed to tell us more about the sad and hopeless lives of the prostitutes. Instead, it was like a soft porn where you would see a lot of sex scenes and nude females. Not much of background sounds you could hear, which made the movie a bit enjoyable. But why they used Asian instruments for the sounds and why there were two modern English songs that didn't really fit the scenes they were in? The ending, why medelaine's tears were white like thick cream? If the movie was more about their lives, I would give a higher rating.
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Poetic, unique, sad and haunting film
runamokprods11 November 2014
This takes place in a Paris brothel just before and just after the start of the 20th century. While there is a lot of nudity and sex, the film is almost always anti-erotic, as it is so clear that the women are less than enthusiastic participants. Interestingly, I found the only moments with any erotic charge were moments between the women themselves, who support each other in what amounts to indentured servitude. Occasionally we feel the heat of human connection between them in a look, a touch, and that is far more sensual than anything they share with their clients, which is often degrading, and occasionally violent.

The film is a look at the trap poor women found themselves in, when being a prostitute was one of the only ways to make your own money, and other professions had just as many drawbacks (one woman speaks of giving up being a washer-woman because her lungs were becoming damaged from breathing ammonia all day). But the irony is, the 'expenses' of being a well kept prostitute (from room and board to perfume) are more than the women can take in, so they inevitably fall deeper and deeper into debt. Like sharecroppers, they soon 'owe their soul to the company store'.

This isn't a naturalistic film in the usual sense. It jumps around in time – something we sometimes only realize because we'll see a moment we'd watched earlier happen a second time, but in this case from a new perspective or in a new context. It's 'slow' by our usual standards, and is less about plot than about captured moments that build to something larger. It also uses anachronistic, modern music to great effect. But for all it's intentional artifice, there is a feeling of an honest sort of hyper-reality here. In the same way a poem can capture the feeling of a sunny day better than a lot of scientific explanation, so too does this poetic film capture a complex and sad world in a way that lets you feel a sense of understanding and empathy more than straight forward naturalism might.

The film-making itself is of a very high order. The cinematography and acting are both first rate, and there is a sequence near the end that combined acting, images and music to give me chills in the rare way sequences by great film-makers can sometimes do. Not every choice works, but this is a bold, challenging and emotional film. It doesn't tell you what to think, it just creates a world, invites you inside and allows you to draw your own conclusions. I suspect I will get even more from it on a second viewing.
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Serious and complex film
pour_la-paix12 February 2012
This is a serious and complex film. It takes the audience out of their comfort zone. Not everyone will understand the film. The film is about women that may have no other choice but to sell their bodies, about freaks that buy their bodies, about these women's inability to pay off their so called "debt", about cruelty, about general stigma that surrounds these women. All of the women in the story's brothel are regular girls that have no one to turn to for help, but possibly each other. The reference to the pseudo "study" that one idiot sites in the film, the choice of music, the way the film ends - all help to make the audience think about the film and its story not as something from the past, but as issues that continue on and the reasons (society maybe) behind these issues.
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Naked women can be boring
Felix-2820 March 2012
I wouldn't have believed it, but it's true.

Beautiful naked women parade around the screen for just over two hours. And yet it is just plain tedious.

Nothing happens in this film. It's unrelievedly gloomy, the girls are all depressed, none of them like sex, and the men all want to do bizarre things with them.

We don't learn much about many of the girls.

We learn little or nothing about the legal or social system in which the maison close operated, i.e., what was legal and what was not.

I really do not understand what the point of the film was.

Avoid it.
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Absolutely amazing
creizley22 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
One of the strongest and best films I've ever seen. An unbelievable, haunting picture of society, condensed in the scenes in a brothel in the year 1900. A feminist film, on the one hand, because it always takes sides of the prostitutes concerned, but at the same time mercilessly in the portrayal of all the injustices that happen to them. Drawn in great pictures, overwhelming and sad, hopeful and desperate.

Already in the first pictures the film reaches the core of its plot, at the moment when one of her clients, François, will mutilate the prostitute Madeleine with a knife. The anticipation is still veiled, the perpetrator appears behind a mask in a dream, which Madeleine reports to her client shortly afterwards with confidence. But just a few scenes later the encounter becomes real, the brutal event goes on, and Madeleine will no longer be able to free herself from this moment, terrible and visionary it runs through the whole film.

We are in the "Apollonide", a noble brothel in the Paris of 1900, in which the clients come and go, while the prostitutes are condemned to remain without a chance. The operator of the brothel, whose children happily live between hookers and clients, watches over them, the rules of the game and the finances, which are not well looked after. The noble house, however, is threatened with early closure due to merciless rent increases, which is why Madame sends a letter to the prefect of the city of Paris for help.

And the house also knows another guest: One of the clients brings a black panther with him, which the camera will always show again during the course of the film. Only at the very end of the story, however, does this animal have the formerly only indicated key role in the revenge of Madeleine.

For the time being, however, the life in the Apollonide runs in orderly fashion. The prostitutes maintain company with their suitors, indulge in games, lay oracles, melodiously sound glasses by rubbing, bathe exuberantly in a pond, advise themselves on important activities in the intimate area and cuddle lovingly together in large beds.

And her number is growing: By means of a letter praising her advantages, 15-year-old Pauline announces herself in the House of Joy. It will be her who leaves the house almost symbolically before its final demise. At her soon-to-be performance, the operator of the house asks her if she ever wants to get married and adds that no prostitute ever has a chance of being really saved into a civil life by one of her clients. Pauline, on the other hand, emphasizes that she is only concerned with her personal freedom. The film thus links to Madeleine's dream at the beginning, her vision of the young man who visited her, and to whom the dream had promised her a love affair, which was replaced by brutal mutilation.

As the women inaugurate the newly arrived Pauline into the secrets of the business, one of them, Clotilde, surrenders to opium while the suitors avoid Madeleine, who is still living in the brothel, her face now disfigured by the suitor's knife. Only a man named Jaques shows interest in her and brings her to a burlesque-irrational festival, where she becomes the object of cruel, lustful and short stature for hours.

But the newly arrived Pauline experiences disturbing experiences, too, with a client who wants to bathe with her in a tub full of sparkling wine, while another forces her into the role of a geisha. Her companion Léa is also at the service of another client, by mimicking a lifeless, mechanically moving doll that is raped by the man while her gaze is fixed on a beetle on the ceiling.

But the pleasurable interactions also have an impact on the feelings of the clients, some of them fall in love with a prostitute and give her hope for a future together. And then again it is in the hands of the women: If they do no longer want to see one of them, he's sent a bundle of hair to signal that he is no longer wanted.

While Pauline reads the prefect's letter telling the madame that he could not help her and then says goodbye to the cathouse, another woman, Julie, is diagnosed with syphilis. Maurice, her admirer, immediately turns away from her; Julie dies, leaving a group of mourningly dancing friends in the Apollonide salon: One of the saddest scenes I ever encountered in all the thousands of films I've seen.

Shortly before its final dissolution, the cathouse once again pours into the splendor of a masquerade ball for the national holiday (July 14): Fireworks popping outside, Madeleine has a new lover, and François suddenly finds himself in a room with his judge...
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Waste of time
ammoncrossette16 January 2014
This movie is boring! It's one of those movies that seems like it will get better and turn around at the very next scene, but that never happens. It just drags on with no dialogue, no character development, and really nothing worth waiting for. Everything is suggested, drama included. If ever there was a 'nothing' movie this is it. Writing ten lines to review this film is almost as much a waste of time as it was watching it. The movie has but two redeeming qualities that get a viewer to its end. One is that it looks good. Everything about this film says visually "hey this is a good movie," when in fact it isn't. The only other thing in the film worth noting is that there is a panther. That's it. Panthers are cool.
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When the God is Money
shatguintruo30 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
L'Apollonide Again the French film gives us images that will last forever in our memory. The director Bertrand Bonelle supported by a cast of first category (Céline Sallette, Alice Barnole and Noémie Lvovsky) can bring the characters closer all the sadness and rare moments of joy of prostitutes living in a French brothel in the late nineteenth century. Using the metaphorical language of colors used by painters of the classic era of Peter Paul Rubens what the film gives us is several times (especially one in which the screen splits and some scenes are momentarily frozen) of pure visual delight. What else comes to our notice is the character (Madeleine, "the Jew" who has his face disfigured by a stupid frequenter of the house of tolerance that is intended to be the owner of that "lump of flesh" designed used only for their selfish and despicable pleasure , undergoes the humiliation of being tied up in bed, taken by the illusion that eventually will be sought in marriage, without realizing what is before one be worse than a an irrational animal. At times it is impossible not to compare this film with another: Belle DE Jour. Occurs in this case the character played by Catherine Deneuve seeks the house of Madame, is to see his true sexuality while in L'Apollonide, the characters work to get rid of slavery being laundresses, maids. Vibrant film that will be forever in the minds of those who attend. On a scale of 1 to 10, I give 9 (excellent)
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Didn't think I'd like it, highly recommend it
clarkdm6422 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I'm giving this a 10 because not only was the costuming excellent, the set (even in one house) was well done with period artwork and decor. It had a story: the bond between these woman. It had subtleties as to where the story was headed (watch for falling rose petals) It had a message: prostitution, whether in a fancy brothel or on a street.corner in the modern day, often is hard emotionally on the woman. The physical dangers, depression, and even drug use occurs regardless of the century. Prostitution may be the oldest profession, but it comes with the oldest pitfalls. (Not a spoiler as it is mentioned in the plot summary): By switching to a cut of a young girl getting out of a car in modern day Paris and joining the other working girls on the street corner...the message, or moral of the story was neatly tied together. The movie wasn't about the sex; it was about the progression killing these girls, from the inside out.
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Brothel Creepers
writers_reign3 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
It's difficult to determine the target audience for this entry, if indeed there is one. There is one short scene involving full frontal nudity but this involves an applicant for a job in the brothel displaying her body for the madam so that there is no erotic content whatsoever. Elsewhere there are liberal helpings of naked breasts but again with a palpable lack of eroticism so we can rule out the dirty mac brigade. Bonello - who has something of a penchant for making films with a sexual content - Tiresia, The Pornographer - seems almost to be making a documentary recording life in a maison close during the years 1899-1900. This was, of course, the era known as the Belle Epoque but instead of rich, sumptuous colours, Bonello gives us muted, even drab colour photography and perversely shows us a girl with a tattoo - in 1899? - and introduces raucous rock music which clashes totally with the mood which verges on the serene - clearly Baz Luhrmann has a lot to answer for. With the exception of Moemie Chomsvsky, herself a gifted director and fine actress, as the madam, the cast is more or less unknown and appear to have been selected on the basis that they have (presumably) 19th century faces. By definition anyone who actually remembered the year 1899 would be around 120 today so there is no one to say Bonello hasn't got it right which still leaves the question, why bother.
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