The Corrupted (2010) Poster


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The Corrupted: Potential rushed
Platypuschow23 September 2017
This indie horror actually showed potential but ruined any hope of it being a decent film due to awful pacing.

This is one of those movies where nothing happens, nothing happens, nothing happens *Bam* everything happens in a short space of time annnnnd roll credits.

Telling a story of a group of 20 somethings hanging out at a lake cabin who come under attack by an unknown force (Which is still pretty unknown after the credits have finished) A mix of decent acting and bad, decent sfx and awful this mixed bag simply didn't deliver despite showing promise.

The Good:

Couple of decent performances

Idea wasn't terrible

The Bad:

Some bad acting

Badly rushed

Feels incomplete

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

A person throwing up is justification to shoot them

Baby poop can make bears rabid, botulism bears!
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Wow! That's bad!
sverrehu4 September 2013
I saw this movie, despite the reviews, because 1) Netflix in Norway has run out of horrors, and 2) Apple in Norway has run out of horrors as well. I was disappointed. It started out nicely with a couple of well-shaped ladies in bikinis. But from there it just went downhill. No more bikinis to speak of, and no horror or gore.

Mind you, the cover shot that made me rent this, a lady that appears to have halfway eaten an octopus, is nowhere to be seen in this movie. You'll see something that appears to be lobster legs from the mouth of a fat guy, in the shadow, but that's about it.

The acting is extraordinarily bad. Except, maybe, from the guy who looks like he is from India or something.

I can assure you that I will never watch this movie again. And I watch most movies at least twice.
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Bad in every way
GaryCarter828 September 2010
"The Corrupted" is one of the worst movies I have ever seen.

The dialogue is clunky and unnatural. The acting is stiff. The film is poorly paced.

I respect the attempt by these amateur filmmakers to get something in the can, but this is an abysmal effort.

The movie lacks any thematic structure.

Instead, there are simple-minded and poorly developed attempts to explore what it means to be human.

The plot is simple yet meandering. The characters are so poorly written that you can barely tell them apart, especially in the case of the females, who also look alike.

It's an unoriginal idea that is horribly executed.
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Wow! Just wow!...
paul_haakonsen29 December 2015
This was amateurish at best. And that is actually putting it nicely. I had happened to stumble upon the movie by random luck, so I gave it a chance. I had no expectations to this movie, so it had every possible chance to dazzle and impress me, but that was not to be.

But honestly, then it is an hour and twelve minutes wasted, time that could and should have been spent elsewhere. Not only is "The Corrupted" a boring movie, but it is also unfathomably slow paced, which just added to the agony.

The story in "The Corrupted" is about a group of young people who go to a remote lakeside cabin for a getaway and to party. But strange events quickly put an abrupt end to what was supposed to be fun and good times.

But it just didn't pan out to anything even remotely worthwhile. And it ended up as being a goofy movie at best.

The acting was adequate, taking into consideration the type of movie it is and the level of production value. Well, aside from Shawn Tisdale (playing D.J. Nightrider), wow, he was just abysmal.

You should take heed of the language in this movie, it is filled with obscenities and the f-Word is present in every second line uttered. Just a heads up if you should be sensitive to foul language and plan to watch "The Corrupted".

"The Corrupted" is a low budget movie that has borrowed way too much from "Evil Dead".

It is not worth the time or effort. I suffered through this so you don't have to!
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This was a joke?
vinpestal26 November 2010
First- I'm sure Friends and Family put 10 stars, but they are just as crazy as the people that made this movie..... This movie stinks.

Didn't walk out on it, but really would have liked too.

I thought the acting was a joke. The directors need better sense of who they put in their film. Low budget and all, there is no excuse for "i'm reading from my lines and reading 1 word at a time". Wasn't there actors from a film school or a drama club you could have hired?

Horrible and I wouldn't recommend this. I would give it 2 thumbs down and only that because I ran out of thumbs.

Do yourself a favour and use your money for something else.

The script is terrible and there is no direction. The only good thing about this movie was the ending when the screen went black. Can't say anything else about this horrible movie or else I would have to relive it.
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nogodnomasters11 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Young adults at a cabin in the woods and the spinner says...

If you look at the DVD cover and read the subtitle you will know this is another man's body taken over by something else. There has been a number of great films out there within this narrow horror genre, my favorite being "The Stuff." This one starts out building fun likeable characters, especially Officer Brick. What the film failed to do was to follow up on these great characters. It introduced cardboard characters and ruined the film with a cheap sounding demonic voice enhancer, something typically used in extreme low budget high school or college productions.

The film is short at 76 minutes which includes an ending 7 minute credit roll. The DVD menu allows you to play the feature, play the extras or opt to watch one particular scene of a girl in bra and panties up-chucking green slim on the beach, the film highlight.

Includes some pointless stoner philosophy talk about our relationship with insects, which they thought was heavy. "If you were an ant and suddenly became human, would you still be concerned about building your ant mound?"

May work as a rental, although I would keep on looking.

Parental Guide: F-bomb, sex. no nudity.
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An okay attempt at a first feature-film!
siggirules26 January 2021
You have to be aware of what you you are about to watch before you hit the play button! The Corrupted is an amateur movie made for the money they could scrape from their sofas. However it is a feature length movie, with everything that entails.

I like watching movies like this to see what aspiring filmmakers come up with, but again, don't expect a polished production. The results of this one are mixed, it is competently made and edited, has a good idea to center the story around and pretty decently written characters. The few effect shots are serviceable but nothing to watch the movie for. Unfortunately the pacing is off and the slow burn does not really fit together well with the rushed finale. But the movies greatest flaw are the actors. I would say there is one good performance here (Samantha), the rest are really hard to watch at times, with terrible timing and line delivery.

In summary recommendable for people into checking out these kind of semi-amateur movies, maybe to lean on what to do better. If you want to see an actually good horror movie without this caveat, move somewhere else.
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Seen it all before
Leofwine_draca28 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
THE CORRUPTED is a typical cabin-in-the-woods style indie horror flick, shot at a rural lakeside location in Canada. It's an example of the result that occurs when an indie director tries to incorporate Lovecraftian plot elements into his no-budget feature. Half of it is padded out with the usual rigmarole of characters hanging around at their retreat while there's the occasion scene of horror and bad FX. It's largely dull and not worth your time.
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The Corrupted shows great potential for young Canadian talent
I attended the private screening in Edmonton of this film and, to be honest, went in with low expectations since I had heard it was a very low budget film made with a local crew and local talent. Perhaps I just don't have much faith in Edmonton and surrounding area but for whatever reason, I didn't expect much. To my (and my wife's) surprise, The Corrupted was a well made, and well scripted film that held my interest throughout it's 75 minutes.

Because of the low budget, the special effects weren't terribly realistic but it was easy to look past that and concentrate on what the filmmakers were trying to convey. The dialogue moved the story along well and the screenwriters were able to make a few philosophical discussions throughout the movie without boring the audience.

While not all of the cast will move on to bigger things, most of the main actors performed their parts admirably and, assuming they can rise above the local scene, have bright futures ahead of them. The ending sets up an obvious sequel so I really hope this film makes enough money to warrant producing a second film.

All too often, low budget, entirely independent films are simply not good for more reasons than just not having enough money to do more. The Corrupted is an enjoyable movie regardless of its budget and I imagine the filmmakers have a successful career ahead of them.
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Albertan Horror?! Neat!
vinciblestimps19 August 2013
This is not the greatest film in the world. It *is* very reminiscent of early Peter Jackson films (Bad Taste) and early Sam Raimi stuff. I can't help but be pretty excited about the growth of a new and interesting Canadian film scene that's got creative people involved in all the aspects. I'd like to see more - I'm hoping this is the first of many things to come from the folks responsible.

It's an exercise, and I am really pleased that I decided to rent it. If you're looking for a finished, well funded, polished piece, go elsewhere. This is a diamond in the rough. Lots of fuller character stuff could be in it. Lots of better filming done, the girls could be a little differentiated, but face it, they're bloody differentiated from a lot of women I've seen on screen simply by the fact that they look natural.

There are a lot of different horror tropes being tested out here. Deranged cop from Desperation, Lovecraft Things, Oddly Coloured Landscapes, Young People Screwing When You Know They Shouldn't, Ladies In The Water. Pretty neat stuff! And no sparkly vampires. It's a bit of a return to seventies horror films. Thumbs up.
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