Mighty Fine (2012) Poster


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Unstable characters and deceitful genres make it a tough family to like
napierslogs16 June 2013
The problems with "Mighty Fine" begin with the genre. Let's make this clear, it's not a comedy. There are a few moments and lines at the beginning that aren't as serious and fairly humorous, but it's a drama. The plot quickly devolves into a full-on family drama with serious issues where the characters need to rely on their internal strength to rise above.

Joe Fine (Chazz Palminteri) moves his whole family from Brooklyn to New Orleans in 1974, and literally he moves them since he didn't tell them in advance. Surprise! Oddly most of the characters don't see anything wrong with that. The other main member of the Fine clan is Maddie (Rainey Qualley) she's the one that doesn't think this is quite right and is the only one we can understand, care for and sympathize with. The younger daughter, Natalie (Jodelle Ferland), is fine too but she's much younger and more care free.

The father has money, status and other similar issues. He has a need to provide for his family and if that is ever in jeopardy he becomes increasingly unstable. It unfortunately was probably a common characteristic among war vets of the era. And that's why I have such a problem with this being classified as a comedy. The story probably applies to other families and it's not likely something they want to relive as a light-hearted laugh-fest! I wonder if Adopt Films would be willing to pay for their therapy afterwards? I doubt it.

Now that you're fairly warned about the dramatic issues explored, the teenage daughters were good characters, likable, which is pretty important and the young actresses were good (include Andie MacDowell's daughter Rainey Qualley). Palminteri gives a forceful performance but don't expect him to veer too far from his mobster typecast roots. The poorest realized character was the "mother". That word goes in quotation marks because I feel sorry for anybody who was "raised" by that character. She's not a terrible person, she's just not a person. MacDowell put on a terrible European accent and paraded around the house parroting everything that her unstable, deceitful and volatile husband said. Thankfully "Mighty Fine" is pretty short and eventually the daughters become their own role models.

Who Might Like This: People who like 70s-era family dramas; people who like stories of teenagers finding the internal strength to rise above their circumstances.
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great movie
thequeenofswag24 May 2012
The movie is loosely based on writer/director Debbie Goodstein's childhood experiences with her family, so it's kind of based on actual events. Joe Fine (who is Chazz Palminteri's character) has a great sense of pride for himself and his family and that pride can take the turn for good and bad since he sometimes lashes out at his family. His wife, Stella (Played by Andie MacDowell who I also love) is constantly defending her husband's behavior since he is the provider for the family and it takes a tole on the children since they feel their Mother is kind of like a door mat since she acts like their father can do no wrong.

They have two children, two girls to be exact, named Maddie and Natalie. The oldest daughter is not afraid to speak her mind about her dislike for their father's behavior towards the family, while the younger daughter takes after her mother and constantly forgiving and defending him. The movie deals with the families struggle with their conflicting personalities and dealing with their relationship and bond as a family and the strain that Joe's personality and treatment of the family has on them. Chazz Palminteri is honestly amazing as this character and his performance truly makes the film shine.
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Lackluster is being generous.
blott2319-12 June 2020
I think Mighty Fine is intended to be a coming-of-age drama. It features a voiceover from one of the daughters in the film recounting these things as though she is an older woman now looking back on her past. However, the girls don't do a whole lot in the film and there are many scenes with the father alone because it's really Chazz Palminteri's movie. The main thrust of the story is that this father is a bit crazy and taking it out on his family. The way his moods shift so dramatically it feels like he might be a bit bipolar and he is also struggling with some significant anger issues. I also got the impression that he was spending money a bit too freely, but they never did a good job of showing his financial situation getting the better of him. If that's a key plot point you typically see bill collectors pounding down the door, things being repossessed, or at the very least the main characters agonizing over stacks of unpaid bills. I didn't see any of that in this movie, so I think it failed to deliver the story effectively. IMDb also labels Mighty Fine as a "Comedy" which I can only imagine is because of Andie MacDowell's laughable attempt at an accent. I've heard actors struggle with this kind of language work before, but this accent came and went with each sentence, and always made me chuckle when she overdid it and sounded like the parody of someone from a random European country. The rest of the movie is like a Lifetime drama, and not a good one either. The one positive was that Mighty Fine was short, otherwise it's not worth anyone's time.
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The Fine Mirror
opuswsk24 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
In the movie Mighty Fine, Joe Fine instructs the movers from Exodus Moving Company to be very careful with his disco ball when his family is relocating from Brooklyn, NY, to New Orleans, LA. I guess having a personal disco ball was a status symbol in 1974! Just like the tiny mirrors on a disco ball, the movie "Mighty Fine" shows us the many different facets of a family, especially when that family is dealing with Joe Fine, portrayed by Chazz Palminteri. In a live chat after a recent online preview of the film, Palminteri called Joe Fine a "paradox," a man who vacillated between angry rages and being the benevolent charmer who tried to keep everyone happy.

When the Fine family, consisting of dad Joseph, mom Stella, (who spent time in hiding as a child during the Holocaust); 17-year-old Maddie, and younger sister Natalie pull up stakes and move to Louisiana in 1974, we learn that the women of the family hope this move will dilute Joe's tendencies to angry rages. The deterioration of the financing for Joe's business, though, revives the rage monster and it wakes up hungrier than ever.

Stepping away from the heavy topic for a moment, I have to share the fun and retro-themed joy of all the 70's paraphernalia in this film. (I was 10 in 1974, the year in which the film is set.) Since there was a live chat occurring among all of the participant bloggers when we watched the film online, it was amusing to hear reactions ranging from, "Oh My God people once smoked inside houses!" to "Oh yeah, I can remember when we had to dial the phone using that rotary dial." Back to the film's "heavy topic." It was sobering to hear all of the experiences with emotional abuse that the participant bloggers shared. Women whose mothers made courageous decisions to leave everything behind in order to get out of abusive situations; women who had been victims of abuse themselves; women who hypothesized that in 2012 Joe Fine would have had access to a mental health professional who would do a whole lot more than his family physician, who Joe convinced that the only problem was a bit of business stress.

Natalie Fine recites a poem at the end of the movie. A line from that poem stayed with me after I watched the film: "There's a monster in dad, and it makes him wicked mad." When asked about emotionally abusive parents such as Joe, Chazz Palminteri said that every parent needs to remember: "You are a mirror." What did Maddie see in the mirror of her mother when she tried to placate Joseph? What did both girls see when Stella made her final decision? You'll have to watch the movie to find out.
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Way better movie than the low score it has received
kathy-780-93791122 December 2013
I was very surprised to see that Mighty Fine has such a low score on IMDb. I can't figure out why that is. It was a very well done movie, with distinctive characters. Chazz Palminteri was excellent as a loving, but troubled father. Andie MacDowell was better in this movie than I have seen her in other films -- less wooden and her accent is strong and consistent. The actress, Jodelle Ferland, is a beauty -- very similar in looks to Megan Fox. The actress playing the younger sister, Rainey Qualley was quite expressive and consistently good. The ending was somewhat unexpected but satisfying. All in all, it's well worth viewing.
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Great Movie - but not for Kids!
arizonarachel24 May 2012
I watched this movie as part of a special preview group of moms through MomCentral, and I was struck at how dark and dramatic it was.

I was expecting something lighter (as it was being screened to a group of moms) but was thrilled that it wasn't some 'feel good' movie. I prefer darker, intense movies and this delivered.

If you like indie movies that are edgy and dramatic - I think you'll enjoy this.

The plot centers around a family who appears perfect on the surface but is hiding a dark secret - I don't want to go into any more detail. But it's a great movie, although i wouldn't show it to my kids!
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Powerful Story
I recently watched an earlier premiere of Mighty Fine courtesy of Mom Central Consulting. Many of us were able to enjoy a chat while watching the movie as well as a Q&A with the film's actors after wards.

Mighty Fine follows a family on the move from Brooklyn to their new home in New Orleans. Joe Fine, played by Chazz Palminteri, is eager to impress his uprooted family with a fine home and extravagant gifts, but when a his business venture and subsequent financial choices take a turn for the worse.

Will Joe's wife, played by Andie MacDowell, find the courage do what is needed?

Who was my favorite character? I'd have to say Maddie Fine, played by Rainey Qualley. Why? Because she was strong as best as she could be and doesn't back down easily.

Mighty Fine premieres in theaters on May 25th. Since it is only showing in select theaters, please check to see if there is a theater near you.


I participated in a campaign via my site Momma Young at Home on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Mighty Fine and the distributor. I received access to an online showing of the film and a promotional item to thank me for participating.


Like any truthful film it is a hard pill to swallow, but still a great story.
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Powerful and Real
newlycrunchymamaof324 May 2012
I recently got the opportunity to watch the brand new movie, Mighty Fine, starring Andie MacDowell and Chazz Palminteri, one of my favorite actors, by the way. I convinced myself that despite this movie's sensitive subject matter, I would be able to maintain composure. I told myself that no matter what I saw, I wouldn't allow my emotions get the best of me. I couldn't have been more wrong. This movie was powerful, moving, and incredibly hard to watch, especially for a survivor of domestic violence.

I began watching this movie, perfectly fine. Sure, there were some red flag moments. I legitimately felt for the wife and daughters in this film, which portrays the classic, emotionally and physically abusive household. I felt bad when they got belittled and yelled at...I wept for them when it turned physical in nature. It brought back painful memories of my first marriage. The ONLY good thing to come out of that relationship, if you can call it that, was my son. He is the ONLY "good and pure" thing my ex-husband has ever done. My ex was physically, mentally, emotionally, and even sexually abusive towards me. It was this way for YEARS, and he always tried to blame ME for his sick, sadistic behavior. I will not go into detail here, but it was BAD. The best thing I have ever done, for me or my son, was to find the courage to leave.

My biggest problem watching Mighty Fine? To be completely honest, it's that I wasn't MORE disturbed. The movie depicted the father as a "monster" with severe mental illness...He treated his wife and children like second class citizens...Yet the whole time I was watching, all I could think was "This is nothing compared to what I have been through." I would definitely recommend the film, Mighty Fine, to anyone who wants to learn more about the commonly hidden world of emotional abuse. This movie is raw, honest, and to the point. It doesn't sugar-coat anything. My only wish? That my own experiences weren't so much worse than the depictions in the movie. It brought to light how sadistic and truly abnormal my own experience has been, and that left me in tears. Emotional abuse is an issue that NEEDS to be addressed, and Mighty Fine is a great start and a wonderful ice-breaker.
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Opens the door to communication
janmessali28 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Set in the 70's, a family of 4 moves from their home in Brooklyn to New Orleans to begin a new life. By all appearances this is a happy, thriving family... but, they have a secret. The father, Joe Fine, played by Chazz Palminteri, has anger issues. His wife, Stella, played by Andie McDowell, is an enabler. The daughters, "Maddy" and "Natalie" suffer the consequences of their father's unpredictable mood swings.

Joe Fine is the king of his castle, who feels that his self worth is determined by his wealth. He enjoys a lavish lifestyle until overseas competition takes a tole on his business. The prospect of failure puts Joe in a tailspin that nearly causes the destruction of his family.

Stella has been abused for so long that the abuse seems normal and she makes excuses for her husband's behavior, rather than confronting him about it. Maddie, the 16 year old daughter, constantly butts heads with her dad and the more demanding he becomes the more she fights back. The youngest daughter, Natalie, is somewhat more forgiving. The movie is told from the vantage point of a grown up Natalie, looking back on her childhood. The narration is provided by Janeane Garofolo.

It's been said that a good movie lingers with you long after you've seen it. This is definitely the type of movie that you'll think about, and probably talk about, for quite a while. It's not easy to watch. In fact, there are scenes that will have you holding your breath.

During the chat with the author, Debbie Goodstein, and actors, I learned that Joe Fine wanted to be Super Dad, he loved his family and there wasn't anything he wouldn't do for them. This is not at all how I viewed Joe in the movie. When he 'treats' his family to an Elvis Presley concert, an elaborate house, a new car, and jewelry I felt he was trying to make up for the abuses he'd put his family through...like a man who hits his wife and and later brings her flowers and begs for forgiveness. I could not be sympathetic to Joe. In fact, like his daughter, Maddy, the more Joe gave his family, the more I disliked Joe. Without giving away the ending, I'll just say there is hope for this family.
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Powerful Message, Great cast
thepost-itplace24 May 2012
I recently had the opportunity to preview Mighty Fine which hits theaters on May 25th. I loved the movie and the powerful message that it portrays. I recommend it for everyone to see...It does however have strong language, but I guess that was necessary to go along with the father character, played by Chazz Palminteri. You will fall in love with Rainey Qualley, Andie MacDowell's real life daughter, in her debut as Maddie Fine. The movie will leave you emotionally raw as it opens your eyes to a behind the scenes look at emotional abuse. May be hard to watch for those who have experienced abuse in their own lives. Great cast, great movie!!
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Mighty Fine -- indeed!
quillsmith28 May 2012
Mighty Fine is driven by Chazz Palminteri's powerful performance as Joe Fine, the loving but troubled father who can't control his inner demons. Chazz fills the screen with a combination of vitality and menace as he drags his family literally kicking and screaming in his single-minded pursuit of his dream. Andie McDowell pulls off a new type of role for her, as Stella, a Holocaust survivor "rescued" by Joe but later uprooted from Brooklyn to New Orleans, along with the couple's two teenage daughters. The kids give affecting performances too, especially Jodelle Ferland as Natalie, the aspiring poet through whose eyes the story unfolds. Director Debbie Goodstein is sure-handed in her feature film debut, bringing her own script to believable life. You'll laugh and tremble with Stella and the girls as they careen along with Joe toward a shattering day of reckoning.
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Interesting film on a dark family subject
divalocks1025 May 2012
The film tells the story of family who relocates from the big city of New York to the southern town of New Orleans. Joe, the father is a charming, larger-than-life character who wants to be Super Dad to his two daughters. Stella, the mother is a holocaust survivor who spends her days trying to make Joe happy. The daughters 16 year old Maddie is at the point in her life where she is starting to think for herself and seek friendships outside of the family. Natalie the younger sister always stays optimistic and tries to see the good side of people even when they're not at their best. Everything seems normal and fine to the outside world but every family has secrets and Joe's anger and outbursts may threaten everything.
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Moving, Emotional, Real something you need to see.
mattnem0524 May 2012
I recently had the opportunity to see a movie premier online. I must say that the experience really was, well very nice. The movie itself was very good. Not one that I would normally go to, I tend to go to movies for escapism like Avengers and Battleship. But this movie proved me wrong. The subject matter is one that hits quite close to home, thankfully not exactly but close enough. The dad, Joe played by Chazz Palminteri is a business owner who moves his family down south to New Orleans. The rest of the family Stella, Andie MacDowell, the mom and the daughters Natalie, Jodelle Ferland, and Maddie, Rainey Qualley are along for the ride. But things are not going so well, and Joe's old anger management problems surface again.
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We're mighty glad we saw this film.
lynnm-thom25 May 2012
We saw "Mighty Fine" today, and at the risk of sounding cliché – we laughed, we cried. Writer/director Debbie Goodstein touched on societal problems such as racism, sexism, the recession and outsourcing and the impact they have in impeding a family's ability to heal and break dysfunctional habits. Yet Ms. Goodstein focused primarily on emotional abuse, keeping the plot from being overly ambitious. We loved the casting, the use of photos and super 8 family films, the narration, the music, the '70s costumes and the acting. Chazz Palminteri was amazing and we loved that the ending wasn't a typical Hollywood ending. Rainey Qualle, Andie Mac Dowell's daughter definitely exceeded our expectations in her debut. One of the most heartfelt scenes was her interaction with her dad (Palminteri) after he humiliated her in front of the new friends she was forced to make after he abruptly uprooted the family. We ranged in age from 13 to 70 and the film appealed to all ages. We're mighty glad we saw this film.
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Every adult should see Mighty Fine
PluggedInFamily23 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The Mighty Fine red carpet blogger movie premiere and Q&A session afterward with Chazz Palminteri and Jodelle Ferland was amazing!

Most of the time I watch movies to escape or just enjoy the moment but Mighty Fine goes in a completely different direction. Set in the 1970's helps viewers remember their childhood, complete with an 8 track player and disco ball

Unfortunately family life is not ideal and soon the viewer witnesses the inner workings of a man unraveling from his rage. Anyone who has ever been through an abusive situation will understand the movie in an all too familiar way.

Everyone has a role to play and it may be very uncomfortable for you to recognize the rebel, the poet, the enabler, or even the ticking time bomb. What is important is that you recognize it.

Every adult should see Mighty Fine. This movie is for the ones who have been through it, the ones who cause it, and the ones who have no understanding of it. Mighty Fine will open your eyes.
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A Very Fine Movie
a_chilson24 May 2012
Mighty Fine is an incredibly look behind the doors of the collapsing psyche of a man who just wants what is best for his family. It can be read as mental illness, the stress of the economy during the latter 60s or just what it meant during that period regarding expectations. I believe, a better picture than the T.V. shows currently showcasing today with their happier motif's. This gets to the heart of the darker side while still clinging to its great intentions.

The acting is superb, flawless. The overhead narration from the youngest daughter really sets up the movie and my favorite character of all was the Mother, because I feel that we all in some way try our best to make sure everything is 'fine' in the bad times.

A must see. I only wish it was showing in my area so I could see it again!
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Mighty, mighty, mighty, mighty, mighty fine
StevePulaski11 May 2013
Mighty Fine focuses on a Jewish-American family in the 1970's after they move from Brooklyn into a luxurious new home in New Orleans. The head of the family is Joe Fine, played by veteran actor and one of my favorite leading men Chazz Palminteri, accompanied by his wife Stella (Andie MacDowell), his oldest daughter Madie (Rainey Qualley), and his younger daughter Natalie (Jodelle Ferland). Joe and Stella are beyond excited for this new change - even Natalie, the young writer of the family holds some dearly strong optimism. The one who objects the most is Madie, who sees her father's allegedly kind gesture as an act of inexcusable selfishness as she had to drop everything, leave her friends, and now assimilate to a culture she doesn't remotely hold interest in.

Just when you think this takes over and becomes the facile plot-point of the film, the curve-ball is thrown. We see Joe's descent into madness, with stress at work boiling over his head, family disconnect, and bottled-up rage coming through like never before. He becomes verbally and physically abusive towards his wife and children, threatening violence, embellishing every little mistake, etc. All while Natalie captures her thoughts through diary entries.

Mighty Fine is a semi-autobiographical tale of writer/director Debbie Goodstein's childhood, which was surrounded by success with her writing and heartbreak with her father's mental instability. It's admirable to see that the film never seems to channel the lines of self-indulgence or self-satisfaction. It's surprisingly conducted on a small-scale and never seems overreaching. The film is so small-scale, at times, it feels like a TV pilot - a competent one, at that. We get to know the characters, we see their hardships, then when the credits finally role, we realize we wouldn't really mind seeing them again anytime soon.

However, at seventy-nine minutes, it feels as if Goldstein was handed the runtime prior to shooting and told to make a film that wouldn't go a minute over eighty. Mighty Fine seems to casually go about its runtime for the first forty to forty-five minutes, then rushes to include the plot-points of stress escalation, characters with mental states on the tipping point, suicidal thoughts, fights, etc in the last thirty minutes. The biggest problem is that this is all happening way too quickly, with certain little plot-strands being abandoned right after they're brought up.

Fortunately, Might Fine at least rebounds with its competence and gentle, well-articulated craft of storytelling and focus. The family is given a wide-range or interaction with each other, and Goldstein is essentially filming on an open range with several characters to look at, doing a fine job (or a mighty fine job) of giving them all their own time to shine. This is simple, genial fare, but it remains impressive given its lack of indulgence or mediocrity in tone.

Starring: Chazz Palminteri, Andie MacDowell, Rainey Qualley, and Jodelle Ferland. Directed by: Debbie Goldstein.
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A mighty fine movie!
HilLesha24 May 2012
Mighty Fine tells the story of a 1970's family, who move from Brooklyn to New Orleans in search of a better, more prosperous life. The movie paints the picture of Joe Fine's (Chazz Palminteri) love for his wife (Andie MacDowell) and daughters (Jodelle Ferland and Rainey Qualley, Andie MacDowell's daughter in real life) in the beginning of the movie. Joe comes off as being articulate, free-hearted, charismatic, and funny to onlookers - classic signs of a potential abuser. However, a different story gradually and painfully unfolds behind closed doors, especially when it seems like Mighty Fine Fabrics, his business, is about to go under. The oldest daughter refuses to be oblivious, provoking her to rebel against her dad. The mother, on the other hand, tries to pacify her husband, not being aware that she's causing more emotional distress for her daughters. This poignant independent film is based on writer and director, Debbie Goodstein's childhood experiences. It gracefully touches a controversial, yet important subject that regards an abusive parent. It will hit close to home for those who have experienced this traumatizing and enigmatic behavior from someone in the past, especially if it is a family member. Also, this film makes the connection between economic uncertainty and its impact on people whose mental health is already precarious. I enjoyed watching this film, but it was a little disheartening to watch the dad have his family endure an emotionally exhausting and excruciating journey. Each person played their role superbly, bringing their character to life. The only thing I didn't like about the film is that it has verbal (with a small portion of visual) obscenities strewn throughout it. Therefore, I wouldn't consider or advise watching a movie like this with young children.
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A must see for families dealing with mental illnesses
quillenj-377-86214423 May 2012
I found Mighty Fine very touching and true to what it is really like to be in a family when someone has a mental illness. The cast did a fantastic job of showing what mental illnesses can do to a family - especially bipolar disorder - how things can be fine on minute and explosive the next. I liked the way they portrayed Joe (the dad) as a loving, kind hearted father and then showed what happened when he had an episode - you knew there was something wrong with him, but that he wasn't necessarily a bad person. It definitely brought back memories and felt so real to me! Having dealt with someone who was bipolar in my own life, I found myself relating to the characters and they tugged at my heartstrings. I won't give away the ending...but this is a must see as far as I am concerned!
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Fantastic acting
HotToastyRag1 August 2019
The pace of Mighty Fine unfolds beautifully. A family is shown driving from Brooklyn to New Orleans, playing word games and in various levels of excitement over their impending move. The patriarch, Chazz Palminteri, is moving to be closer to his business headquarters, and while his wife, Andie MacDowell, and his younger daughter, Jodelle Ferland, are happy, his older daughter, Rainey Qualley, isn't glad to leave all her friends before the start of her senior year. Chazz buys an exquisite mansion, and everything seems to be wonderful. He's constantly in a great mood, he takes his girls out for a ride on the boat, he encourages Jodelle when she practices playing pool, but the audience is waiting for the other shoe to drop. There's something in the air. Is Chazz going to lose his job? Is Andie going to get a cancer diagnosis? Something bad is going to happen, and when it finally does, it explains everything.

This is a very heavy, well-acted family drama. Don't pay attention to any synopses or trailers that try to pass it off as a Little Miss Sunshine road trip. Chazz plays a rage-a-holic who terrifies his family, and his performance is remarkable. He's completely happy and enthusiastic, then when something sets him off, he's quite literally out-of-control. Afterwards, he looks like he barely knows what's happened, and when the realization takes over, he's confused and sorry. The cycle continues, and as anyone who's been on the receiving end knows, it's impossible to relax around him.

Adding a touch of sweetness and more than a touch of realism to the cast is mother-daughter team Andie and Rainey-mother-daughter in real life! This is Rainey's film debut, and she wears her emotions on her sleeve in a way that doesn't show her inexperience. Andie puts on an accent in this movie-to make up for Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes, perhaps?-and she shows the underlying strength every mother wishes to have. If you can handle it, this is a great movie to watch for the acting.

Kiddy Warning: Obviously, you have control over your own children. However, due to upsetting scenes involving children, I wouldn't let my kids watch it.

DLM warning: If you suffer from vertigo or dizzy spells, like my mom does, this movie might not be your friend. The opening credits are over a 'home movie' and use a shaky camera that will make you sick. In other words, "Don't Look, Mom!"
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