Highschool of the Dead (TV Mini Series 2010) Poster

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Very good
bdnahian14 June 2021
This anime is pretty good I must say. There's action,little bit romance,comedy. I really love this anime. Also the ova was so funny you can't imagine. I wish there were a season 2 but the author is dead. So,there is no hope chances are very slim. Still you should give it a go I think you won't regret it.
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It'd be Perfect if it Weren't for all the Risqué Scenes
EyeDunno22 September 2010
I'm currently watching the HOTD series which has truly grabbed hold of my attention this season. The artistry's great. The characters are developing nicely. After ten episodes, I've stopped worrying about how a series will continue on people surviving a zombie influx; I'm rather impressed how the producers have kept the whole thing entertaining. But they don't need to keep injecting cleavage (or, bouncing breasts), and the roll-in-the-hay (or bathtub) scenes they seem to relish pushing. Just when I'm getting into a twist in the plot, here comes some up-skirt shot. I've been training myself to ignore those shots - but perhaps many people like that kind of thing. I, at 47, don't need to see it constantly. But the plots and artistry keep me wanting to see what happens. If you're easily offended or put off by the PG-13 (and really pushing R-rated) snippets, please try to watch a few episodes from the beginning. For those who don't care, watch the series from episode one! Great entertainment!
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Entertaining show that spoils itself with excessive ass and boobs
brucejackson200410 January 2015
I should clarify from the off - I am male, I love the female form, and I love anime. I even find myself defending most things that are deemed to have 'gratuitous' sex and nudity. But HOTD really scores an own goal with the frequency of ludicrously overdone shots of melons and buttocks jiggling. I know this is a staple of anime, but not to this extent usually, and it genuinely does distract from the story and induced a lot of eye rolling and sighing from me.

It's a shame because, despite not really bringing anything new to the table for zombie flicks, nor being especially thought-provoking, this is a genuinely well made work. The use of music, sound in general, and above all some excellent animation, as well as the way the story moves and the generally quite dark atmosphere...all makes for a show that is fun to sit down and watch if you're into zombie stories. To the extent that I did want there to be a second season and a completed story. Anime also seems to tackle zombies less often than it has the potential to, which does bring a uniqueness to what is happening here - so why ruin all that and the potential for a great product by injecting something so mundane and puerile over and over again?

If it had been scaled down to more standard anime amounts, fine. There is always going to be a certain amount of sexual tension in a post apocalyptic world, and there was nothing wrong with it being used to a lesser degree for the romantic subplots. There are moments where it is employed to genuinely humorous effect. If it had been restricted to those two things, I think this anime could have developed a far larger following.

It's just a pity they ruined that because they decided that, instead, the whole show should grind to halt on occasion because they have nothing more interesting to offer than foisting breasts on you. It isn't that this is a perfect show aside from this - there are some logical inconsistencies, particularly pertaining to the zombies being driven by hearing alone, and the doctor is infuriatingly vapid for a...well, doctor! But there's certainly enough entertainment and a compelling enough atmosphere to wish the show hadn't ended as prematurely as some of its more base viewers doubtless did.
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Zombie Horror and Anime Combined With Wonderful Results
hinesgtrservice13 September 2010
Let's start by saying that this receives a 10 based on entertainment value. This is in no way a masterful piece of art, or a thought-provoking series. However, what it does, it does extremely well - violence, gore, keeping with what you expect from horror and anime (breasts, short skirts, profanity, etc).

The story is a very simple one to follow - it's the zombie apocalypse and a group of high school students and the school nurse are trying to survive. The characters are surprisingly deeper than you'd expect and the interactions are intriguing.

The show is completely over the top as you'd expect; chock-full of scantily clad young women, tons of f-bombs, an exorbitant amount of blood, dismemberment and did I mention a lot of fanservice and nearly naked animated girls? That much may be hard for some to take, but when you can look at this show as an over-the-top tribute to horror, mostly traditional zombies and anime targeted at young men, you can really enjoy it.

Let me go back to my mention of "mostly traditional" zombies - the zombies here are what Romero fans WANT to see. No running or smarts here; just slow walkers, flesh eaters and the undead. It's wonderful to see. There is one small twist in their zombie, but it's acceptable and helps with the pacing of the story.

If you're a fan of zombies, Romero or Horror and have never watched an anime series before, this is where to start. I would highly recommend this to horror fans that aren't into anime, anime fans that like zombies, or anyone into zombies for that matter.
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mhorg201817 October 2018
While the outbreak part of this and the zombie killings are great, the rest of it is strictly for hormonal teens. The girls all have their breasts heaving all over the place, and they're always in their little sailor suits. Worth a view but not much more.
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Really good...
frozenotter20 July 2010
I'm not very good at reviews, so you'll have to forgive me. I'm sure someone else will write a better review soon though. First off, I used to love anime when I was much, much younger, but seem to have outgrown it unfortunately. When I saw the title of this though, I figured I would give it a try. I thought it was really good. Good, or good enough, story & dialogue Great animation. Good direction (was kinda like watching a non anime movie). Lots of blood & violence, and of course a lot of shake'n titties & panties shots. Japanese artist love some tits and ass. Any way, Great show. Can't wait to watch the second episode.
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Blood, gore and a lot of boobs
phanthinga23 February 2019
With Highschool of the Dead I expect nothing than a fun ecchi anime to waste time and I got more than that in the end not because the plot intriguing me or the anime done something new to the genre it parody but because it got some of the most outrageous fan-service sequence that blew my mind away about how down right insane it is. The group of main characters are just a bunch of walking and living zombie genre cliché so naturally I don't care about them at all so the most of my enjoyment come from the zombie action and the fan-service which I mention before pretty insane to the point that if this anime got more balls that it already have it will be a full-fledged hentai. Sadly the manga author Daisuke Sato passes away 2 years ago so the anime still remain unfinished but the main attraction of this anime in my opinion is the fan-service so it not gonna bother anyone so check this one out
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Anime + Zombies = Highschool of the Dead
rick31972 August 2010
It is very rare for me to give a 10/10 to any movie or game, but Highschool of the Dead defiantly deserves the 10/10 because it's one of the top best anime I have ever seen, and I'm not just saying that because I like it, and it is better than all the other teen high school anime like Gantz, Persona, and NGE.

Highschool of the Dead is a perfect flawless anime that has well exceeded my high expectations in terms of story, characters, music, action and production values, based on the ongoing manga series of the same name Highschool of the Dead follows a group of Japanese high school students who witness the violent global zombie apocalypse during class time at their school, similar to the opening of Red Dawn except the Russians are replaced by flesh eating zombies from the George A Romero's of the Dead films.

As the story progresses the students witness World War Z first hand and are forced to fight and evade their way through the thousands of the ever growing undead as well as rescue other survivors and deal with the ones who have gone insane or crazy by the chaos of the zombie apocalypse.

The characters are all very well developed and the story is very well written and keep's you wanting to see more, the music plays on the right mood and for those who have seen 28 Weeks Later might recognize the background music that plays near the end of the first episode ;-) Highschool of the Dead is definitely an anime that is worthy of your time and I will be investing my money into the English dub when it gets released. Watch it ASAP; zombie fans will not be disappointed!
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gaurgauravgg26 August 2013
Ah, what an epic Zombie Apocalypse it was. Since I love Zombie Apocalypse a lot, I planned to watch it. After watching 4-5 episodes, I was like, "Amazing, it's a total must watch." But I had an issue. They don't need to keep injecting cleavage (or bouncing boobies), and the roll-in-the-hay (or bathtub) scenes they seem to relish pushing. Just when I'm getting into a twist in the plot, here comes some up-skirt shot. I've been training myself to ignore those shots - but perhaps many people like that kind of thing. Many people like those scenes like but I don't. It was truly boring. After watching 8-9 episodes, I started expecting a lot from this Ecchi. And yeah, I was wrong. The ending was not what I wanted. It was kinda incomplete. Still, it's great.

Overall, HOTD is gonna be amazing for you if you like Zombie Apocalypses and those scenes as well. But if you're not interested in those scenes, you'll start feeling bored soon. Anyways this Ecchi gave me an amazing plot but it'll be better if they make a new season.

My ratings: 7.5/10
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Had potential, but replaced all the promising bits with boobs.
drewmeister119 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Do you like tits? If you're watching this anime, let's hope so, because that seems to be the main focus here. Sure, there are a lot of zombies, but you only see them in between bouncing breasts and underwear flashing out from under a skirt that's too short for any kind of modesty. Like logic? It appears occasionally, but is forgotten just as fast as it is brought up.

It's not all bad, though. Well, most of it is, but I have to give credit where credit is due. The dark, urban landscape of Tokyo proves to be a most haunting area for a zombie apocalypse to take place, and the animation is nothing short of wonderful. Blood splatters on walls, boobs bounce, cars screech around corners sending dust and pebbles across the street, tits jiggle, skirts fly up, boobs get groped... and these things happen a lot. Except the cars. By the way, if you haven't figured out by now, kids shouldn't be watching this.

So, what is wrong with this series? Well, let me ask you this: are you offended when girls are portrayed as nothing short of sex objects, whose sole purpose is to follow the men and never really do anything? Do you hate slimy characters who nobody in their right mind would trust for even an instant yet inexplicably do? Do you sometimes find yourself thinking? If you answered yes to any of these questions, this anime is not for you. None of the girls wear bras, their tits defy gravity, all the girls have the exact same personality except for one trait that separates them (one claims to be smart yet just states the obvious, one is a whiny annoying bitch, one kills things with swords, and one has BIG ASS TITTIES. Like, super huge. She literally uses them as pillows. Unfortunately, her tits seem to sap her intellect because I've never seen a more stupid character in any anime. EVER.)

One big flaw this series has is bringing up topics or observations that are excellent points but NEVER explained/elaborated/acted on. For example: the zombies can only hear. They cannot see, they don't seem to feel (they keep walking into objects until they hear something else), and they only react to noises. Does anybody exploit this? Hell no! As soon as zombies appear everybody who knows this fact starts shouting. It's only ever used when the author wants them to seem clever, and even then it just seems like common sense. At one point they try to distract the zombies by banging on a pipe. When the zombies ignore them, they ask 'why aren't they coming?'. Excellent question! Why aren't they?....... still waiting on that response...... aaaaaany day now.... ... ... Okay, well I'm sure they had their reasons. This isn't the only scene like this though. They have plenty but for space reasons I can't get into them all, though my favorite is when zombies somehow find them and while trying to figure out how they found them they decry 'the leaves! THEY HEARD LEAVES IN TREES RUSTLING!'. I guess their vegan zombies or something.

I was annoyed at this series early on, but it only took one episode for me to want to turn this off out of sheer rage. Why didn't I? I don't know, maybe i'm a masochist or something. The episode goes like this: after finding a safe house, the girls get naked, take a bath, GROPE AND FONDLE EACH OTHER, get drunk, and try to have sex with the main character (totally ignoring the only character who actually DOES something in this series and is also a male). What do the guys do? Talk about guns, how to survive the zombie apocalypse, discuss their next move... you know, all the stupid things nobody cares about, right? Now back to the tits. Oh look, now a girl is fingering herself! CLASSY!

Did I mention that out of the 7 characters there are only two guys? One of them is a fun character, who is only good at one thing: guns! He's fat, nerdy, and thoroughly likable. The other character is a total Mary Sue. For those that don't know, a 'Mary Sue' is a character mostly reserved to fanfics who is perfect in EVERY WAY, EVERYBODY likes, and is stronger than everybody else. All the girls want him, he's less interesting than a can of tomatoes (at least there's something INSIDE the can) and he just frustrates me. But thank God for titties, am I right?

If this was a comedy show these might fit, but everything else about the series takes it incredibly seriously while also focusing solely on boob and panty shots. These moments just don't fit in, and the girls often become frustrating to listen to. I find myself skipping over segments with the blond woman because I just can't stand her anymore. But if you force someone else to watch it with you, turn panty/boob shots into a drinking game, and assume the show is a comedy, you could actually have a lot of fun watching it.

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Zombies in a Manga? Yeah! And it works out so well...
paul_haakonsen5 December 2011
When I learned about this title on Amazon, I just had to get it in my collection, so I did order it and sat through it almost immediately as it arrived.

What is not to like here? Manga. Zombies. And I like both, especially zombies, so I was very excited to see this series.

Now having seen the 12 episodes on the DVD, I can say that I am honestly very glad that I did buy this DVD, because "High School of the Dead" was awesome.

The story is pretty much as in most other zombie movies. There is an outbreak of something causing dead people to rise up, look for living people to bite and devour, and they in turn rise as zombies as well, spreading the infection. And in the midst of this chaotic outbreak is a small group of unlikely survivors who teams up and have to struggle to stay alive in a world gone to Hell.

Being a Manga, you will, of course, be in for some outrageous turns and twists in the storyline. And trust me, there are just that in wait.

I must admit that I am conflicted whether to rate "High School of the Dead" an 8 or a 7. I went with the 8 because it was a nicely animated movie, had a great story, and best of all; lots of zombies! What was causing me to have gone for a lower grade was the excessive urge to constantly show jiggling breasts in almost every scene. It was ridiculous and it was seriously too much. It just brought too much juvenile humor to the series. And it was a shame.

What irritated me about this series was episode 6. It was over the top, too much nudity, too much stupidity, and it was not working in the series at all. I was at the brink of turning it off and not finish off the last 6 episodes. However, I did, and luckily they did tone down the nudity (and just kept it at an excessive showing of over-sized, jiggling breasts everywhere). They should have opted not to have episode 6 turn out like that, or just cut it out of the series entirely.

One thing puzzled me was that this series was set in Japan, right? Fair enough. But did you notice the breast size of the women in here? Come on? It was ridiculous. I know it is a Manga and is an animated movie, but seriously? Those sizes were bordering on being inhuman!

Now, with all Japanese Manga, you need to watch it with the original language track, of course. I got the dual language (Japanese and English) DVD version, and I also gave the English version a go. And I must say that the voice cast (and voice acting) in the English version wasn't too bad.

"High School of the Dead" is a must have in any collection if you like Manga and zombies.
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Violence, action, up-skirt, cleavage and gore aplenty
amesmonde10 March 2014
A small band of students escape the post-zombiefication of their school to discover their families fates while battling some unsavoury survivors and zombie hordes.

The teen focus for the most part works, although it plays a little awkward for viewers given the abundance of up-skirt and cleavage shots. Still it's an interesting perspective. Some of the scenes granted are childish and overly comedic but these are few and those familiar with the anime style wont bat an eyelid. The interplay between the teenagers and adult protagonists are handled well and the highschoolers especially Psycho and Takashi come across older than they are.

There's cursing, violence, action and gore aplenty, the slow moving zombies are perfectly realised, gruesome and scary which gives the show the required edginess to hold its own. High School of the Dead is designed and drawn skilfully with the sound design and soundtrack as equally pleasing.

Yes, it suffers from the all zombie genres clichés and stereotypes but it's fulfilling, exciting and fun.
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Surprisingly Enjoyable
mll233 January 2015
This show is full of fan service, gore, and drama. conflicts between characters arise, as well as many interesting fight scenes.

At the beginning I honestly didn't find any of this show appealing but what is developed in 12 short episodes may not have been great, but it was enjoyable. The show had its problems, from to many out of place sexual moments to a lack of depth, but if you intend to enjoy yourself for a few hours It's worth the watch.

This Zombie/infection Anime was more than capable of keeping me interested and left me asking... why was there only 12 episodes? Definitely give it a shot, its worth the 4-6 hours of your time
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Fan Service and Zombies
ArchStanton18628 September 2011
Fan Service and zombies. That's all this show is. So I suppose that any review has to cover both of them. Ladies first I guess.

The opening titles alone has a dozen crotch and boob shots. None of them serve any purpose. Throughout the show you are constantly plastered with this given the slightest opportunity. Or even when they have to create an opportunity. The number of dialogue scenes where the camera slowly goes down to focus on their panties averages out to at least two an episode. Probably more. The worst episode by far is episode six. In it the girls all bath together, with predictable fondling and lesbianism, while the two guys sit in the other room and talk about guns. That's the whole episode right there. Oh, except for the fact that all the girls try to sleep with the main guy. I'm assuming that they got drunk somewhere in there because they all act it after the bath. Either it's just assumed or that's just how this guy thinks girls act when they let their crazy feminine emotions out.

This is symptomatic of the treatment of the girls in general throughout the series. All of the girls (with one exception) offer nothing but an opportunity to show off their bodies. There are four main girls. I can't be bothered to remember their names so I'll just identify them by their hair color. Pink is a total b*tch. She says she's a genius at every possible opportunity although she never demonstrates any proof of it (many of her 'facts' are wrong and the ones that are right she cannot possibly know), and she enjoys belittling people for it. The blond girl is a complete bimbo. She's the school nurse but she has giant breasts and the IQ of a five year old. She never speaks except to whine or fawn all over the main character who is I might point out, actually an underage student. I suspect she works at a high school for a very specific reason... Brown hair is also obnoxious and likes to go on about how great the guy's friend that he had to kill was. At one point she's thrown from a car and she just lies there for at least 3-4 hours (it goes from midday to sunset) while everyone else protects her. She's not hurt or anything, she just gets up and walks it off. Naturally she's the main love interest. The last girl is purple haired and she's the only semi-good one. She's a master with swords and genuinely loves killing zombies. Her competence and professionalism do not prevent her from being used as yet another sex doll for them to display. It is made quite clear that even the competent girl can do nothing without a guy to lead her. More than that the girls cannot think for themselves and constantly put everyone's lives in danger because of their uncontrolled emotions and lusts. It really is a disgustingly misogynistic and exploitative show.

So now the zombies. Zombies are cool right? How can they mess them up? Well first off they never call them zombies. They seem to think this makes them realistic somehow. Secondly they bind them with stupid rules and then constantly break them. These zombies are cannot see, smell or touch. The only sense they have is hearing. Sounds interesting right? So naturally they'll be quiet and sneak around to prevent the zombies from hearing them. Except they don't. They run around screaming with zombies all around and then one of them will bump into a pole, or drop a bat, or the wind in the trees will make noise and suddenly the zombies are everywhere. I want you to think hard about that last one. The wind in the trees attracted the zombies. THE WIND IN THE FRIGGIN' TREES!!!!!! So having established by the second episode that zombies need sound to hunt they then proceed to ignore it until it is convenient to the show for them to be in danger. How can there be any actual sense of danger when they ignore their own rules when it's convenient?

The two guys are there too. That's really all that can be said of them. The main guy is basically how the author views the perfect guy to be. He has no real flaws and is fawned over to an obscene degree by all the women. The other guy is a fat nerd and a gun buff. He's probably the most interesting character there since he's extremely competent at one thing and enjoys it immensely. Naturally he's treated with nothing but contempt by all the girls who nothing if not superficial.

So, the good things... ... ... I'm drawing a blank here. I suppose that technically it's an impressive film. The animation is quite good and the character designs aren't that bad. The main theme's pretty catchy too. Apart from that zip. Zilch. Nada. This show has no redeeming features whatsoever.
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Blood, brains and bouncing breasts!
Tweekums13 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This series may have less nudity than 'Elfen Lied' and less panty shots than 'Najica Blitz Tactics' but it is still most definitely ecchi! The story follows protagonist Takashi Komuro and a group of fellow high school students as they struggle to survive in a plague of zombies; luckily their number includes Saeko, female president of the kendo club and Kohta, a boy with a passion for firearms! As they try to get through the city to find their families they not only have frequent confrontations with the zombies but must also deal with ordinary people who are taking advantage of the situation.

I really enjoyed this series; the characters were pretty good and there was plenty of action; much of it quite bloody. The fan service was a bit excessive though; some times the large bouncing breasts and regular views of the girls undies were a bit of a distraction! I liked the character designs and for the most part the animation was great although it did resort to a 'wobbly cam' shot of a still image to indicate frenetic action more than once. The ending did feel somewhat sudden; more like the end of the season than the grand finale; I was certainly left wanting more.

These comments are based on watching the series in Japanese with English subtitles.
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Good, but not perfect
eugenk914 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers

First of all i like to say that I'm a big fan of anime and zombie movies. so i was VERY exited when i heard about High School of the Dead. The first few episodes got me hooked, but as the series went on i really started to lose interest in the series..

The positive aspects:

  • GREAT action-scenes! the fights against hordes of zombies look spectacular and tense, you just gotta love them.

  • good looking animations! the studio obviously put much work into the animations, it looks great in 1280x720

  • promising story with several interesting characters! i haven't read the manga, but considering this, there can also be some smart plot twists and character developments

The negative aspects:

  • WAAAAY to many fan-services! I understand that sometimes you have to show a little more then necessary to keep the (male) fans entertained, but this series has way to much in it.. whats the point in running around half naked all the time? with so many dead people around it shouldn't be hard to find some clothes...

  • characters are interesting, but sometimes just plain DUMB! Why do you keep fighting zombies in front of a fence for about half an hour if you could just climb over and run from them?

  • little character development! Up to this point in the series the characters didn't show much development. Mostly they just stick to the stereotypical behavior that they are meant to represent. The dumb but hot school nurse is just dumb and hot all the time, the fat but smart weapon-fanatic just runs around shooting stuff and presenting facts about weapons etc.. you see where I'm going.

Overall i would give HOTD a 6,5 out of 10, it is an interesting concept which is presented in a never before seen way (name me another survival-zombie anime??), but it's not superior. Maybe by the time the series is completed it's going to be better, but up till now it's good, but nothing special.
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Great anime in the horror genre
Z-Trifonova29 July 2013
The story was interesting. Full of action and gory scenes. Beware of a lot of fan service (especially in the OVA). Of course, I expect that there is going to be another season because the anime was left with open ending. Everything was beautifully drawn. The gory scenes were not censored (thank you Lord). The characters were very well drawn and what's more important the drawings matched the characters' personalities. All of the characters were so likable...except Rei Miyamoto...she was such an annoyance...I was so going to kill her. Takashi was amazing. Such a strong character. I'm hoping that he is going to end up with Saeko. Him ending up with Rei is a no-no for me. I recommend the anime to everyone :)
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nogodnomasters23 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This is a single episode in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. This episode doesn't have zombies. It does have very large cartoon bosoms with near nudity in the episode (minor nudity in prologue). The kids act out some kind of fantasy due to smoking fish. It looks like it would be a great series, but have priced themselves out of my range. I will wait for a price drop to watch the entire series.
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One of a kind.
I loved it very much till the end. It was amazing and I watched whole season and 1 ova 8 hours only. The action was pretty good, animation was at the top, even the characters where great, it was adult also so i liked it. Not too much of serious and too much of fun it was well balanced. Even story wasn't that bad, they kept the suspense for season 2. Can't wait for next season.
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Blood, boobs and generic stuff... but we've got zombies!
duducraft-9077827 January 2022
It's a short anime, based in lot's of gore and porn in order to catch the teenager's attention. Here we got a bunch of generical students (like 99% of animes and mangas) that are struggling to survive in a zombie apocalypse. The characters got no development at all along the story, neither got any deep personality traits, so that we are not able to connect emotionally with any of them. But I must admit that besides the whole characters problem the show make a really good work in the zombie part, with great apocalyptic scenes and nice animation sometimes. If I had to recommend someone an anime I definitively won't recommend this one, it's not worth it for just a few cool apocalyptic shots .
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Just bad
ItHasNoName4 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I don't understand the good reviews are you just horny? Go watch regular hentai From the bad dialogue to the over sexualized forced scenes its all just really bad Spoilers there's a scene where a kid has no underwear on and is being handed down from the top of a car and a grown teen close to adult is blushing and trying not to look as she covers up and says she has no underwear on Each character would be better off dead none of them have enough redeemable qualities.

If you want a zombie anime show this just isn't a good one I will also say this is one of few anime shows where I don't have a favorite character and hate all of them.
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i want more!!
jovinr9 September 2021
This series ended too quickly for me. It has the right amount of everything. No plot holes to worry about and was very entertaining!

A must watch for teens and adults.
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Started Great Then Got Worse
Adam_venedam12 August 2011
Up until episode 8 or 9 I realized that the show started to fall and sort of lost interest, I don't understand the first 8 or 9 episodes were amazing, had me on the edge of my seat loving every minute of it, but then around 8 or 9 it just dropped, things got boring and even the "final" for the show wasn't even great at all in my opinion Don't understand the hype really, because by the time its over I don't really feel like watching more, if the series ending well then I would definitely look forward to watching more but not anymore, Just know that the first 8 or 9 episodes were amazing and I loved them.

Plus loved all the sexy shots of all the hot girls, people say that it ruins it but I for one love anime girls and the ones in this are extremely hot actually the best ones I've ever seen.
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It's fun!
drewhesler9823417 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This anime is just fun to watch, if you can stand the fanservice. Highschool of the Dead is fun to watch because it's over the top style and it's sincerity toward the schlock that it is. The love triangle between Takashi, Saeko, and Rei is fascinating, and has provided a lot of fuel to the fires of Takashi/Saeko vs. Takashi/Rei. It's mindless and stupid, but it's mindless and stupid in the same vein as 300 or Independence Day are mindless and stupid. The animation is very stylish and flashy, which I liked. The characters are developed OK, but the writing is kind of crappy in the dub, with lots of swearing. With regards to the fanservice, I wasn't offended and it didn't cross the line for me into sexism. There is a certain line where fanservice turns into sexism, and for me, it didn't cross it. All around, a fun, enjoyable anime.
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Takes a certain type of person to give this a 10 out of 10...
barry-langley18 November 2011
Okay my first review. after watching the ENTIRE series of H.O.T.D one Friday afternoon (sweet unemployment) i was certain that the time had come for me to put in the time to write my first anime review on IMDb. I will try and keep this as brief as possible, as pretty much every review below 5 stars on here says much of what i think about this show. It saddens me to see so called anime fans giving this show a 10 out of 10. The writing is cliché and sloppy, even for your typical zombie teen flick. the characters are plain awful with little depth, and are actually annoying. especially the 'doctor' with ridiculously sized boobs (that come with there very own sound effects some of you will be joyed to hear) The kind of stuff i would be embarrassed as an anime fan to watch with someone else who isn't, i imagine i would get a disapproving look like 'dude?.. THIS is anime?'. The action is probably what i enjoyed the most, but very hard to take seriously when a guy starts using a girls breasts as a riffle clamp, so after i learned to take it for what it was it was OK. Basically the best thing you can do is take it for what it is and you should have a chance of enjoying bits of it. I did laugh a lot but mostly on the parts they didn't want me to. I felt that most of the time during the action sequences and the 'heart felt' emotional scenes this show genuinely wanted me to take it seriously and then bang... animated ass and titties. Dozens of interesting rules are discovered whilst fighting with these zombies that could have been used to the writers advantage of creating exciting scenarios within the plot yet none of them are ever put into place or followed through with in future episodes, for example, the zombies cant see but find there way around by sound alone, important right?! nope... this is never exploited in their encounters with the undead. there are many more but probably the most important was that the zombies can only be killed by smashing there skull, after episode six this seems to go out the window as they start running through crowds of zombies just slicing and hacking anywhere with complete disregard of the epiphany that saved them from death in the beginning, and zombies are now dropping dead all around them. I watched this series in English, sorry American dub, im British so i found the 'relatable' American gags especially cringe worthy, like a mention of 'walmart cheetos' and a comparison to Sarah Palin all topped off with a joke about Asian women drivers... wtf?? i thought we were in japan. Finally the ending is just... well it just ends... Although i don't think H.O.T.D is as bad as some people think, it is rubbish in comparison to some of the true works of art and story telling genius that japan has given anime fans all round the world. it was worth watching though, because weather i like it or not it seems this anime is becoming some what of a cult classic, mainly to the kind of people who thrive on mind numbing blood, gore, ass and titties, and lets face it, sometimes we all do, however its those that know only that who are giving this high ratings. the reason? they are ignorant to the truly amazing anime that is out there.
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