L'erede - The Heir (2010) Poster

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Horrendous Silliness
mcjensen-0592413 March 2021
What a bunch of moronic imbeciles in this cast. Skip it! Don't even think about pressing play. We have a housekeeper or whatever she is who just threatens the owner of a home he inherited. Why he just didn't tell her to LEAVE is beyond me. She drags the movie to a standstill repeatedly by her annoying voice and ridiculous demands. Pointless monologues don't help. There's an ex boyfriend of her daughter why just states stupidly all the time without a thought in his head or having outbursts of mindless violence that only hurts his cause. Over dramatic at times with music that's very distracting. Bad lighting. Improbable plot turns. Acting of the worst kind. What is this even supposed to be? I dunno and halfway through gave up caring. It was obvious that this was not going to gel into anything remotely enjoyable. Anybody would have just left and told the realtor Sell It For Whatever. No big payoff at the end. Complete waste. 1 star for the countryside and 1 for the stunning beauty of the daughter. Maybe future movies from this director will amount to something but I highly doubt it. An hour into this I wanted to pull my hair out I just couldn't take the barrage of endless stupidity. Redundant drivel. I can't stress how lousy this movie is enough. Absurd nonsense from start to finish.
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A psychological thriller made in Italy. If Hitchcock were Italian, he would have made this movie. One of the best creepers in a long time.
"The sins of the father shall be revisited on the son". This universal story is the principle theme of "The Heir".

When Bruno unexpectedly inherits a farmhouse, he discovers an entirely new aspect of his father's life. It is the beginning of a nightmare that forces Bruno to face up to the ghost of his father as well as his own demons…

If the director's aim was to relate how Bruno, finding himself isolated in hostile territory, reconsiders his life and becomes stronger in the process, then he has succeeded.

For Bruno, this represents a first – a real journey into the unknown, both sudden and traumatic. The rural world he discovers is a cruel bestiary, where nature is violent and danger lurks everywhere. Nevertheless, this is the very experience that "frees" Bruno from the burden of his father and his questionable values.

"The Heir" is above all a film about characters and atmosphere. The majestic scenery of Abruzzo and Marche in Central Italy provides the perfect backdrop to this story.
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