Good Night Good Morning (2010) Poster

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very Nice attempt to bring people out of traditional unrealistic movies
saurabh1628721 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Many of us won't like this movie because we watch movies only for entertainment,fun,sex, dance n all that... but when we go deeper into such awesome low budget films we realize the strength of Indian Cinemas. Awesome film which takes us through different stages of romantic life in a realistic way.I would suggest the viewers to watch the movie very carefully,for the second time after reading about Turiya on Wikipedia so that you can understand the depth of the film. Film has been directed in a way which could make sense without a Dialogue. Its time for us to choose movies which make sense rather than take us through unrealistic frames of life.
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Simplicity At Its Best
balaji-ravi22 January 2012
This is first time i am writing a review for a movie and just for the sake of Sudish Kamath, whom i used to hate. Well let me about the Movie Good Night Good Morning simple story of a boy and a girl who engage in a phone conversation on new year's night. While speaking on phone they come across various stages of love. Performance wise everyone did their part well except one man Raja Sen,he was irritating with silly jokes. Technically one could expect nothing from these kinda movies but this movie was a surprise it was a good technically and perfectly edited. Now finally about the direction ,its really tough to direct a movie with only 5 cast members totally and Sudish has done a brilliant job, then conversation parts were well directed and the timing was perfect. Good thing about this movie is u wont fell like getting bored anywhere credits should be given to Sudish for making it an engaging movie. Rather than spending & watching some craps you can surely go for Good Night Good Morning with Zero expectation and i am sure that it wont disappoint you. Finally my apologies to Sudish Kamath I rated this movie 1 out 10 before watching it but now i have rated it what i should after watching it. so, we can expect a bigger and a better movies from Sudish Kamath in future. All The Best :)
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Amazing Film-making!
nairtejas3 January 2013
Now this is what I cal a perfect blend of plot, direction and music. Cinema is defined by Sudhish Kamath's second venture and boy, isn't he great? The cast is wonderful especially the leads are very appealing and apt for the characters they portray.

And I loved the music used in this piece which shows you that how can a conversation become an unforgettable sex appeal factor and can drive people to do what they are looking for so long. It depicts the lonely lives of the Y generation, although the characters here are 20 something, the situation is often experienced by the Y people. Maybe the YOLO generation might despise this theory, but for a decade or so, GNGM is fabulous and real-time.

Some parts were too gaudy and fickle that's why it goes for an 8. Also, I felt the movie ended arbitrarily and they could extend it for a little 15 minutes more. Good!

I seriously recommend watching this. Buy that DVD and you will not be disappointed. It'll make a perfect Sunday afternoon.

WATCH OUT FOR: the witty one hour long conversation.

Can be watched with a typical Indian family? NO

Language: Yes | Sex: No; implied | Gore: No | Alcohol: Mild | Nudity: No, implied | Drugs: No | Mouth-Kiss: Mild
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Sudhish Kamath has come a long way from TFLW, he makes a perfect Woody Allenish film that stands out !!!
turiyaomprakash2 January 2012
GNGM is a film of its kind, if Woody Allen had wanted to make a conversational film based on 2 American's of Indian origin... It would look like Good Night|Good morning!(well almost)

Gngm is a conversational film made in black and white and the entire movie is split screen, the film is about 2 strangers who talk to each other on the new year's eve and end up falling in love(almost again). Given the fact that the whole film has just 2 locales and is split screen dialogs are a very important thing, each word in the film is quite brilliantly written and yes they touch the chord quite easily. The screenplay(I happened to see the uncut version) is quite nice in fact it is phenomenal!

If at all you are wondering what the plot of a film about 2 strangers talking to one another and that too on a phone , the answer is quite simple-the plot is in you. It is about the demons in you that curtail you from being decisive about life, romance and most importantly... relationships. Turiya Omprakash(played by Manu Narayan) and Moira(Seema Rahmani) are 2 strangers who meet up in a bar at NY and begin a telephonic conversation and end up entering into 2009 talking to each other, the plot is quite simple but the film is quite loaded! There are just 2 locations one the hotel room from which Moira speaks from and the car from which Turiya speaks from, Turiya is accompanied by 3 of his friends JC(Raja Sen), Hussein(Vasanth Santosham) and Moira is all lonely. There is just one thing in common between the 2 they are both heart broken and how this one thing brings out the monsters within them is what the film is all about.

Applauds Shilpa Rathnam and Sudhish Kamath for writing such a brilliant screenplay, in the uncut version there is a mention about the past relationships performed beautifully well... I swear I laughed my ass out for the KKHH spoof. Coming to the performances Seema and Manu have done a brilliant job and special mention to Seema. Manu does a neat job as well, the only problem I find in the casting is that Raja Sen is a little wasted he could have been given more dialogs. Vasanth Santhosham does a great job too. The other problem lies with Seema's make up in the boy meets girl scene, where the hair style remotely suits her. Besides that she is perfect.

Coming to the locations, there is a sequence about Moira's broken relationship, according to the film it is supposed to be taking place in the USA but the it looks obvious that they have been shot in Chennai. There is a scene where Moira attempts suicide and that too looks obvious that it has been shot in a beach near Chennai. Apart from these small issues the film is phenomenal, amazing and a standing ovation to the entire team. It is the best thing that could happen to Indian Indie cinema after Little Zizou(2008)!! Sudhish Kamath has come a long way from TFLW, he makes a perfect Woody Allenish film that stands out !!! I am just hoping that someone picks it up for theatrical release.

My rating for GNGM: 9.3/10!!!!!!!!!! - Sai Prasad Narendran
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The dialogue in Good Night Good Morning has this same quality of leaping without looking. It's that rare screenplay which sounds like it's unscripted.
Prashanttflw2 January 2012
I've always had a soft spot for Richard Linklater, one of the few Hollywood directors who makes talky films. You might assume I'm talking about Before Sunrise/ Before Sunset, which are the most overtly talkative of the bunch. But Linklater has always been fascinated by words and their possibilities, from the rambling monologues of his breakthrough feature Slacker to the stoned, proud declarations by the teens in Dazed and Confused. Time and time again, Linklater gives his characters enough time to ramble, realise they're rambling and steer the conversation back to safer ground (though some of them just go on talking).

This freedom to not make sense all the time lends Good Night Good Morning, which recently showed at the Habitat Film Festival, a bracing authenticity that's perfectly in line with its subject matter. It's been directed by Sudhish Kamath, and stars Manu Narayan as Turiya (The Love Guru) and Seema Rahmani, whom some may remember rising above average material in The Loins of Punjab, as Moira. The movie name-drops Before Sunrise early on and it soon becomes clear why: the movie is an extended conversation (on phone) between two almost strangers. It beings with Turiya drunk-dialing Moira from a car; he'd met her briefly at a party in NYC a couple of hours ago. She hangs up on him, then realises she can't sleep and calls him back. You could argue that stuff like this don't happen in real life. Or you could recall the times similar things have happened and you've said "Man, this is just like in the movies…"

Turiya and Moira proceed to talk the night away. They flirt, discuss their past loves, their mistakes and future plans. Since it's their first meeting, there's also an inevitable sizing up, followed by a subtle, ever-present struggle for the upper hand. The great triumph is in the way Kamath ensures that their lines never sound like a movie conversation. These two don't have the nonchalance to look act when they say something witty – instead, they do what normal people do, and look extremely pleased with themselves. It takes great skill to write something that sounds this off-the-cuff. Too clever, and the viewer beings to question the likelihood of two strangers spitting out one-liner after one-liner at three in the morning; go too far in the other direction, and it becomes commonplace, and not worth watching. Kamath told the Habitat audience that when the movie was being scripted, he's asked his friends to do what Turiya does – dial a stranger and speak to them. He said that what they spoke didn't turn out to be important as the way their conversations unfolded, jumping from one topic to another. The dialogue in Good Night Good Morning has this same quality of leaping without looking. It's that rare screenplay which sounds like it's unscripted.

The movie's shot in black and white, though I'm not sure I can see a reason why (I can't see a reason why not, either). The leads had to be charming for it to work, and they are, Narayan with his timid overtures, Rahmani playfully knowing. The only off-note is Raja Sen as Turiya's crass buddy J.C., providing comic relief in a film that doesn't require it. The film is split- screen almost throughout, except for the flashback sequences (absent from the MAMI screening, but wisely inserted back). The actors in these sequences are always Narayan and Rahmani, no matters who the characters in question are. You could argue that the director uses this as a device to garner easy laughs. It's also possible that this is his way of indicating how potential loves always have to measure up to past ones in the beginning. In the same vein, I must return again to the reference made in the movie to Before Sunrise. Once that title was out there, it would always be a question – maybe in the back of people's minds, but there nonetheless – of whether Good Morning Good Night would measure up to it. I'm happy to say it does. - By A Fan Apart
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Good Night | Good Morning is way better than many mainstream Indian films! It is a Writing Masterpiece. E
zebratflw2 January 2012
Manu Narayan (as Turiya Omprakash) and Seema Rahmani (as Moira) - Top Notch Acting, perfect chemistry between the leads. Oh Wait! What chemistry are you talking about when they don't see each other through out the film? Yes, Even though they don't see each other, there is this Excellent chemistry between them. After watching the movie, you will definitely agree with me.Raja Sen (as JC) was fantastic. Vasanth Santhosham (as Hussein) was good. People involved in Casting - You are one of the reason for Film's Success!

Script is simple and straight and its got to be that way (as said in the film). It is well written. Dialogues are funny, touching, heartbreaking and to top it all, it is very natural and subtle. Screenplay is Brilliant and Well-etched and you become a character in the film. Credits to Writer Shilpa Rathnam and Sudhish Kamath. Direction - You got to congratulate Sudhish Kamath for choosing such a daring theme and Pulling it off in Style! Overall, Fabulous Job.

When was the last time you watched a Black & White movie? Yes, Sudhish Kamath's Good Night | Good Morning is 80% Black and White and Cinematographer Nischalakrishna Vittalanathan's work stands out. Nice Lighting and Perfect Framing. He makes the movie look Rich with the Black & White tone.

Editing by Vijay Venkataramanan, M. Venkatram and Murugesh Thevar works for me! It was Slick and Crisp. He is also another reason for movie's success. Music by Ray Guntrip Feat. Tina May | Manu Narayan & Darunam | Blues Conscience Feat. Sudeep is a Big Plus. Outstanding Background score takes the movie to another level. Costumes by Shilpa Rathnam are OK. Other crew members hard work is evident and they deserve a huge applause.

I also see a lot of Pre-Production has gone into making this film a grand success. Job well done!

Good Night | Good Morning is way better than many mainstream Indian films! It is a Writing Masterpiece. Exceptional Writing. It is a Great moment for Indian Indie-Filmmaking Fraternity. I was So happy to see everyone glued to their seats for the Q&A. That was the impact the movie had on the New Yorkers!

  • Naveen Varadarajan, Behindwoods
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Bad Nightmare (after watching) Worse Morning (hangover)
iamjinesh28 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this film which is about all night tele-conversation between two strangers. The movie is about a general perception of romance..It's a conversational film shot in black and white mostly...It is predominantly made for a film festival audience and it carries Zilch Commercial value.

There is one line story to speak of.. wonder someone has taken credit for "writing".. The strangers keep talking whole night over a phone discussing random things which made no sense to me as a viewer. While watching the film i felt i grew older and passed through countless "Bad Nightmares and even Worse mornings".

The movie has been directed by some Film Critic who reviews commercial Bollywood films. After watching this film i wonder no more why does he keep trashing most films he reviews. I can only advise him to make a commercial entertainer that caters to a larger audience. Although i am confident he will make a better film than this because there is no scope left to make more boring cinema.

To put in nutshell, while watching this movie alone in a theater one can instantly connect with the the protagonists of the film, in a sense the viewer, after a point, will immediately strike a random two-way conversation with a stranger sitting beside. That will be far more interesting than the watching the film.

PS: I advise him to put a disclaimer before reviewing any film: I have made Good Night Good Morning and that is my type of cinema.

PS II: There is a cameo from another film critic (Raja Sen) which is not worth mentioning.

Bad Nightmare Worse Morning
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Very few times do we come across a cinema that consumes you in a way that you're delighted, awed and indulged in a single shot.
vishaltflw2 January 2012
Making rounds of several national plus International film festivals, Sudhish Kamath's (co- written with Shilpa Rathnam) Good Night | Good Morning is an independent film about an all- night phone call between two strangers. Sudhish, an expert movie critic; fabulous host on a chat show (Hands up), goes behind the camera for the second time, with this 80 odd-minutes film.

New Years Eve in New York City, Turiya (Manu Narayan), out at a pub with his bunch of boys JC (Raja Sen), Hussein (Vasanth Santosham) plus another inebriated guy (though I'm unsure why he was needed) spot an unaccompanied Moira (Seema Rahmani). Even though the group is shunned by Moira when they approach her at the pub; upon leaving the place, Turiya (who is road-travelling with his lads) calls Moira (who is back at her hotel room). What starts as smart talk between strangers soon turns into a candid tête-à-tête about love, relationships, life and the fancy things that go with it.

The lead pair does an exceptionally competent job of enacting their director's vision to the 'T'. They are compelling, maintain consistent body languages and exude great screen presence to reach out to the audiences. Even though the characters are merely connected over phone, their chemistry shines throughout. It takes lesser time for the audience to be charmed by the duo, than it does for them to eventually fall for each other. Manu's 'Turiya' is the quintessential urbane boy - tries to say the right things, is dumbfounded when he quite often has his foot-in-his-mouth moments and turns to pals endlessly for prompts on the trickier questions. He constantly finds himself swinging between safe humor and measured clever talk, ensuring he maintains the right balance to impress (or rather not offend) the girl. Seema's 'Moira' is so relatable that I kept thinking this is EXACTLY what I would have said/done. She's confident but vulnerable, liberal but conformist. She wants to trust the guy, but remains guarded; slams him the first time he tries to make small-talk as a stranger, but almost instantly calls him back probably realizing he isn't a creep with weird fetish. Holds onto her identity, weighs her words, and flirts cautiously so as to not be perceived as easy. She goes through the same emotional roller-coaster that most of us single, new-age feminists do, secretly craving attention but being wary of any guy approaching us, thinking he is a chauvinist just like the rest, which (I quote from HITCH) "life experiences has taught, is a virtual certainty". The cameos are excellent as screen fillers, but sadly the quirks and one- liners are comparatively disappointing.

Sudhish had me bowled over at the opening credits when he decided to use jazz music score, it served the perfect momentum for the rest of the film. Without getting into much technical details, black & white scheme works perfectly to lend an old-world mystique of romances, split screen technique of showing Turiya's and Moira's settings is apt as it ensures we get to simultaneously see the reactions of both characters to a particular situation. Bingo!

The screenplay is the undisputed USP of the film. It's the usual boy-meets-girl premise but with an expertly drafted account of the varied stages of a relationship. Minute scene detailing, its backdrops, have been wonderfully thought about. My favorite bit about the movie is that it consciously restrains itself from resorting to clichés. Eg: Despite Moira's failed past, it does not put her off men completely. Even though she says she doesn't believe in love, she isn't averse to the feeling or the possibility that she could fall in love someday. When she professes that she's optimistic, makers give us reason to believe her. Another major comfort is the unabashed individuality the film maintains, taking us far away from Bollywood's brain- dead romances in which oversmart-confused boy is right, but secure-levelheaded girl is proved wrong. Apart from being delightfully entertaining, the film encourages to think - about new beginnings, 'the end', commitments, re-bound, holding up and letting go, forgiving, forgetting, the 'happily-ever-after'. In short, there is a little bit for everyone.

Reason 3 (and the most important) that made me fall in love with GNGM are the dialogues. For me personally, the headiest stimulant there ever can be, is being part of a witty, sharp conversation. GNGM gets full marks for not only keeping it absolutely real, but more so for never letting it slip away. The dialogues hold true to the vocabulary of the day, are supremely effective because they never come across as scripted, rather flow on naturally. Background score fills in nicely without being distractive, cinematography in general but in specific opening credits which briefly familiarizes trademark New York, is impressive.

Very few times do we come across a cinema that consumes you in a way that you're delighted, awed and indulged in a single shot. GN|GM is the very kind of cinema that tugs the heart for its earnest intentions and unadulterated cinematic treat. I found myself watching and re-watching some splendid scenes, from the initial awkwardness, subdued seductions, and unspoken confessions. It all feels wonderfully real that I am almost tempted to pick up the phone and have one such rendezvous of my own. Clocking at close to 77mins, Good Night | Good Morning successfully brings alive on celluloid one of my favorite sayings, 'If you won't let go of old memories, there won't be room for new ones'. For those who haven't had a chance to watch it yet, make sure you do not miss this one. Highly Recommended. - Pooja Rao, Bollyspice
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Dull, Boring and seriously What Da F attempt
saurabh112149 January 2014
*ALL good reviews which you have ssen on Top are written by Sudish himself and he accepted that in one article at IBN*

True review:

Director Susdish Kamath should stop making Plagiarized movies,wonder such films must be banned,awful direction i think this man doesn't know anything about making movies bad looking actors n that guy sen is worst ever.if someone from the film is reading it please stop making such stupid films.such films are embarrassment for India.our cinema is reaching new heights but you are making fun of it.awful movie i want my money and time back..worst is also a good in front of this movie. some of the guys in this movie write movie reviews this movie shows creativity of your mind..please stop writing reviews now and die in shame somewhere you have no right to cheat actors,Indian audience.actually cant rate less than 1 otherwise 0/10 will be justice to this movie.
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If Woody Allen had wanted to make a conversation film based on two Americans of Indian origin, it would look like Good Night|Good morning
ishatflw2 January 2012
"To call Good Night | Good Morning good cinema is understatement; it's beyond good… It's original, engrossing and entertaining. But what it does most is make you think. You find yourself pondering over old relationships, realizing the need to forgo and let go and more than anything, GN|GM reinforces your faith in love… it's a conversation you'll never forget," Roshni Mulchandani, BollySpice, wrote in her review of Good Night | Good Morning after the New York screening.

"Very few times do we come across a cinema that consumes you in a way that you're delighted, awed and indulged in a single shot. GN|GM is the very kind of cinema that tugs the heart for its earnest intentions and unadulterated cinematic treat. I found myself watching and re-watching some splendid scenes, from the initial awkwardness, subdued seductions, and unspoken confessions. It all feels wonderfully real that I am almost tempted to pick up the phone and have one such rendezvous of my own," Pooja Rao, BollySpice, wrote in her review of Good Night | Good Morning after the Delhi screening.

"Special mention to Sudhish Kamath's 'Good Night | Good Morning' which is in the 'Before Sunrise' space. The script by Kamath and Shilpa Rathnam is mint fresh with some great dialogues.," Harneet Singh, Indian Express, wrote in her review of the Mumbai Film Festival that played over 200 films over a span of a week between October 21 and 28. "Good Night Good Morning is lovely. Good mood, sharp lines, super acting and that jazz," she had also tweeted after the screening.

"The standout Indian efforts were Srinivas Sunderrajan's The Untitled Kartik Krishnan Project, a film on filmmaking, made on Rs 40,000; Sudhish Kamath's Good Night, Good Morning, a romantic film about a phone talk between two strangers; and Girish Kasaravalli's Kanasemba Kudureyaneri (Riding the Stallion of a Dream), a tale of a grave-digger's loss of faith in the power of his dreams," Namrata Joshi, Outlook Magazine wrote in her review of the Mumbai Film Festival.

"I liked Sudhish Kamath's Good Night Good Morning. Touching sophisticated film with Manu Narayan, Seema Rahmani and a very cool Raja Sen," journalist Aseem Chhabra tweeted after catching the film at the South Asian International Film Festival and said on camera that it was very rare to see a film like this come out of India.

"Good Night Good Morning by Sudhish Kamath is an arresting watch. Slick shots and crisp writing," film critic Mihir Fadnavis tweeted after watching the film at the Mumbai Film Festival.

"It is touching, heart breaking and drives you down the memory lane. I can easily say this is the most daring movie ever made. It's a must-watch. I am going with 4/5," blogger Naveen Varadarajan writes on BehindWoods.

"It takes great skill to write something that sounds this off-the-cuff. Too clever, and the viewer beings to question the likelihood of two strangers spitting out one-liner after one- liner at three in the morning; go too far in the other direction, and it becomes commonplace, and not worth watching… The leads had to be charming for it to work, and they are, Narayan with his timid overtures, Rahmani playfully knowing," a movie buff called A Fan Apart blogged after the screening at the Habitat Film Festival in Delhi.

"If Woody Allen had wanted to make a conversation film based on two Americans of Indian origin, it would look like Good Night|Good morning," movie-buff Sai Prasad Narendran blogged in his review of the film, and rated it 9.3/10!
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The Much Needed Change
gyandeep101025 January 2012
It all began with 'Frozen'. Then, 'That Girl In Yellow Boots' followed. Opinions were as diverse as chalk and cheese, but discussion was 'generated'. I could see the signs. Indie was taking its first baby steps, making its presence felt. Right here, in India.

In the times when the majority of people are busy helping the Hindi Film Industry hurtle down the abyss into the Stone Age, here comes a movie to shut us up. Delightfully funny and bitingly perceptive, Sudhish Kamath's 'Good Night Good Morning' is a slap on the faces of those who still try searching for stories in item numbers and mindless action. Not that I am against any of those. As long as they are done well... But, I digress.

The point that I am trying to emphasize on is - you can find a story anywhere. In ordinary day to day lives. In two strangers. Strangers who seem to have absolutely nothing in common. In a phone call. Kamath and co-writer Shilpa Rathnam use dialogues extremely well and it helps that Seema Rahmani and Manu Narayan turn in terrific performances. Shot almost entirely in black and white, 'Good Night Good Morning' is a game-changer with respect to the Great Indie Movement.

Go watch. You'll have time for mindless entertainers. But see GNGM and tell me it wasn't worth your time. If you've seen Woody Allen's films, Linklater's movies, you'll be more than just delighted. Like I was.
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Must Watch if you are into sensible cinema
talkthegsk24 January 2012
Well if I have to sum it up, the entire film is a telephonic conversation between 2 people shown in split screen. Does not sound exciting, does it? There is not much happening apart from their conversation. But the subjects explored in the conversation are quite diverse, different and yet related to each other. It definitely makes you think. I really liked the idea of showing real events in black & white and the imaginary parts in color. It belongs to less explored genre of thought provoking entertainment. It's really sad that such films are not promoted properly. I went for a Saturday evening show and I could spot 11 people in cinema hall. I could not help overhearing rest of them ridiculing the film. I am rating it 10 to increase its rating but it really deserves seven. Good Night|Good Morning - For people who like films that make sense and more for people who never knew films can make sense too

PS: Nothing personal against mainstream cinema aka Khan monopoly
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It's original, engrossing and entertaining. But what it does most is make you think. GN|GM reinforces your faith in love.
suniltflw2 January 2012
It is beyond unfortunate that the Indian film industry almost ignores its independent filmmakers. In fact, I'll go out a limb to even say that some of our most prestigious directors could learn immense lessons on originality, execution and the real art of film making from indie filmmakers. One such director includes the uber talented Sudhish Kamath. His film, Good Night | Good Morning was featured at a number of film festivals around the world including: The South Asian International Film Festival in New York and Mumbai Film Festival this year. The lucky lot who managed to bag tickets to the film raved nonstop about Good Night | Good Morning . Whether it was the simple story, the writing, the message or the performances, Sudhish Kamath had scored. So what is all the fuss about? You're about to find out!

A bunch of lads find themselves hanging out at a bar on New Year's Eve. Very quickly Turiya Omprakash's (Manu Narayan) finds himself spotting a lone lady at the bar and the group makes their way to see her. Moira (Seema Rahmani) is not interested and shoos the boys away, but not before Turiya takes a peek at her room number and hotel name. As the dudes travel back from New York City to Philadelphia, Turiya decides to call Moira who decides to indulge in a "one night stand" over the phone with him as his friends, JC (Raja Sen) and Hussein (Vasanth Santhosham) listen on. Over a span of a few hours, the couple talk about love, relationships, baggage and skeletons in the closet. It is then that Turiya and Moira realize this could be the love story that could have been…but will it?

To call Good Night | Good Morning good cinema is understatement; it's beyond good. The film is impactful in a number of ways. For starters, the director takes on a retro theme as the film is filmed in old school black and white, which really adds emphasis. But it's not dull, in fact, black and white has never been so colorful. All flashbacks however, are in color. The effect of this simple technique is impressive and it is as though metaphorically, the couple are hiding from colors in their lives and prefer to see the world in shades of black and white ala their past. And because the GN|GM is an hour and a half telephone conversation in the form of a film, the screen in split in half as you monitor the varied environments Turiya and Moira are in as they chat. But that's just the technical details. As a film, GN|GM impresses because there is no sho-sha with its execution. Rather, it's the writing and dialogues that keep you engrossed. The conversation between Turiya and Moira never runs dry or boring which is all courtesy of the script. You are forced to think, made to laugh and in end, learn to love because of one conversation. The screenplay is simply fantastic and engaging. As a director, you are simply wowed by Kamath who scores and how with GN|GM. He creates a situation that is almost unheard of and in all honesty as a film, could have gone terribly wrong. However, because of his in-depth understanding of the script, at no point does the situation seem unfeasible. You almost wish it could and should happen!

The cast is simply S.U.P.E.R.B. At no point do any of the stars seem like a misfit. Manu Narayan is funny, cute, vulnerable and charming as Turiya. You giggle at his innate innocence and his "lack of game", but you are drawn to him no doubt. Seema Rahmani is fabulous as Moira who plays a hard-shelled softie. Her facial expressions and attention to detail are incredible. As a new age kinda gal, you can relate to sentiments, emotions and her definition of love. The chemistry between Manu and Seema has to be noted. You know you have a great pair of actors when the chemistry is oozing despite the fact that they spend the entire film chatting over a phone. The supporting cast too adds and lends great help. Raja Sen as JC adds comic relief with his one-liners while Vasanth Santhosham plays the dude-get-over-it with great ease.

Good Night | Good Morning is a just a quick smack in the face to all those who choose to ignore Indian independent filmmakers. It's original, engrossing and entertaining. But what it does most is make you think. You find yourself pondering over old relationships, realizing the need to forgo and let go and more than anything, GN|GM reinforces your faith in love. What you take away is of course relative to your mind set but ultimately it makes for a fab watch!

If you don't watch any other independent film before 2010 is out, watch Good Night | Good Morning; it's a conversation you'll never forget. - Roshni Mulchandani, Bollyspice
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Made in Madras, Made for the World!
varadarajan-naveen19 January 2012
It is your story. No! Its 'our' story! It is Touching, It is heart breaking and if it drives you down the memory lane - that is 'Good Night | Good Morning'

Its a surprise package. Its a Lovely and a Lively conversation film. Its got Terrific writing, credits to Sudhish Kamath and Shilpa Rathnam and a Amazing Screenplay with Perfect Casting. I can easily say this is the 'Most Daring movie ever made'! Its a 'Must Watch'.

I am going with 4/5!

Here is the Synopsis of the film -

'Good Night Good Morning is a black and white, split-screen, conversation film about two strangers sharing an all-night phone call on New Year's night.

Driving from New York to Philadelphia with buddies, calls the enigmatic girl staying alone in her hotel room, after a brief encounter at the bar earlier in the night.

The boy has his baggage of an eight-year-old failed relationship and the girl has her own demons to fight. Scarred by unpleasant memories, she prefers to travel on New Year's Eve.

An all-night phone call becomes a surreal, dream-like experience. Especially when the limited validity of the adventure gives you the freedom to be who you want to be.

Anonymity could be comforting and such a situation could lead to an almost romance. Or something like it.'

Manu Narayan (as Turiya Omprakash) and Seema Rahmani (as Moira) - Top Notch Acting, perfect chemistry between the leads. Oh Wait! What chemistry are you talking about when they don't see each other through out the film? Yes, Even though they don't see each other, there is this Excellent chemistry between them. After watching the movie, you will definitely agree with me.Raja Sen (as JC) was fantastic. Vasanth Santhosham (as Hussein) was good. People involved in Casting - You are one of the reason for Film's Success!

Script is simple and straight and its got to be that way (as said in the film). It is well written. Dialogues are funny, touching, heartbreaking and to top it all, it is very natural and subtle. Screenplay is Brilliant and Well-etched and you become a character in the film. Credits to Writer Shilpa Rathnam and Sudhish Kamath. Direction - You got to congratulate Sudhish Kamath for choosing such a daring theme and Pulling it off in Style! Overall, Fabulous Job.

When was the last time you watched a Black & White movie? Yes, Sudhish Kamath's Good Night | Good Morning is 80% Black and White and Cinematographer Nischalakrishna Vittalanathan's work stands out. Nice Lighting and Perfect Framing. He makes the movie look Rich with the Black & White tone.

Editing by Vijay Venkataramanan, M. Venkatram and Murugesh Thevar works for me! It was Slick and Crisp. He is also another reason for movie's success. Music by Ray Guntrip Feat. Tina May | Manu Narayan & Darunam | Blues Conscience Feat. Sudeep is a Big Plus. Outstanding Background score takes the movie to another level. Costumes by Shilpa Rathnam are OK. Other crew members hard work is evident and they deserve a huge applause.

I also see a lot of Pre-Production has gone into making this film a grand success. Job well done!

Good Night | Good Morning is way(^as many) better than many mainstream Indian films! It is a Writing Masterpiece. Exceptional Writing. It is a Great moment for Indian Indie-Filmmaking Fraternity. I was So happy to see everyone glued to their seats for the Q&A. That was the impact the movie had on the New Yorkers!
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Ingenious Warning: Spoilers
Sudhish Kamath's "Good Night I Good Morning" is a novel yet interesting watch. It involves loads of hard work & intelligence to write a script like this based a telephonic conversation between two strangers on the New Year night. And the more difficult part is to keep the viewers interested over 80 minutes not giving any scope for boredom. In this type of screenplay boredom is inevitable to strike the viewers but Sudhish Kamath intelligently uses some funny, some poignant & some hard hitting interludes which prevents the viewers from having a monotonous feel to it.

As with any good cinema writing is excellent. Movie is basically a conversation between two strangers who at the outset are still clinging onto their extended grief of loss of their respective relationships. And over the course of the conversation how they let go off their angst and get on with their lives , almost. Sudhish Kamath & Shilpa Rathnam's writing is what makes this movie a fulfilling experience. Dialogues are amazingly well written with lots of lines which sure to bring out a smile or two as well as some which moves one.

The spontaneity of the actors is one of the strongest points of the movie. Manu Narayan & Seema Rahmani have lived the characters, make the viewers empathize with them , travel with them through their past & the present as well look at the future with expectation. Especially the last twist in the tale would sure bring in joyous exuberance in the viewers.

Nischalakrishna Vittalanathan's cinematography brings the story in close proximity to the viewers. The style of cinematography sucks in the viewers into the car the male protagonist is traveling & the hotel room in which the female lead is staying. This gives a personal feel to the viewers which further enhance the impact .

The success of the movie lies in the impact the movie has on the viewers which is extremely difficult to create, which Sudhish Kamath, the director has accomplished. It is one of the most unique, creative & artistic movie that has been made in the recent times by an Indian film- maker which warrants more eyeballs as well as accolades.

On the whole, "Good Night I Good Morning" is a gratifying experience for the movie lover in you.

Bottomline : Ingenious
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A Must See Movie
shaanmenon26 February 2012
In between my transit and my stay at various places in Kerala, I happened to see the movie 'GOOD NIGHT, GOOD MORNING'. It was one of those Indian English movies or rather what we simply call as NRI movies. A noted film-critic with 'The Hindu', 'GOOD NIGHT, GOOD MORNING' is Sudhish Kamath's second movie, and as a regular reader of his movie reviews in 'The Hindu', I was naturally attracted to this second venture of his.

The title as well as the poster caught my attention and so did the synopsis, as I delved into this movie which is entirely shot in black and white. The Black and White narration seemed to be an anachronism at first, but it essentially turns out to be the movie's USP. It adds to the romanticism of the plot as only the dreamy sequences and the flashbacks are in color. The film employs the 'Split-Screen' narrative, where the entire story is shown happening side by side. Plot wise, the movie is original, engrossing and entertaining.

The movie is based in US, New York and the main protagonists are NRI's which help strike an instant chord with the urbane multiplex hopping young Indians. The story revolves around the female character Moira (played brilliantly by Seema Rehman), who stops by in New York while on her transit. There she meets Turiya (played by Manu Narayanan), who along with two of his friends is on a wild night celebration spree. The guys manage to get her hotel room number and there by her phone number.

While on their drive back, in an intoxicated state, the guys decide to call her. Turiya calls her and after an initial hesitation, the Moira engages in conversation with him. The rest of the movie is about their phone conversation which is gripping, self reflective as also romantic. The topics of their conversation range from their mutual attraction, to discussion about 'The Matrix', spiritual stuff as also their individual problems. In the course, they both discover themselves and each other as a subtle romance takes over.

'GOOD NIGHT, GOOD MORNING' is a very subtle movie, depicting the nuances of relationships that happen just out of the blue - with people whom we never meet or never thought about meeting, but still happens - and then leaves a lasting impression in our lives making us wonder, how life can be so strange. Sudhish Kamath's narrative is fresh, romantic and engrossing while, performances of both the lead actors, Seema Rehmani and Manu Narayan are compelling and original.

It is one of those movies that have to be relished like a crunchy and creamy ice-cream sandwich. A must see movie.
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