The Ghost Prophecies (TV Series 2010– ) Poster

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natalie_hennessey1 December 2010
A great and intense piece of television. The series follows Chad Calek and his team as they take part in very dramatic and seriously entertaining investigations. Unlike the usual paranormal investigators, this team gels together so well which makes it easy and enjoyable to watch. The show provides enough research and information to keep the viewer interested and eager to keep watching,whilst also including that personal touch that a lot of shows will often forget. This is mainly due the directing style which proves very enjoyable and allows the viewer to be fully immersed in all aspects of the investigation,from the research to the hand-held individual camera vigils. A great new series for 2010 which deserves high praises all around,definitely one to watch.
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Don't Care for it
fox_jody1 December 2010
Sorry but i do not care for the show. They rush through everything, showing no evidence what so ever, the show seems staged. Plus it is hard to watch a show that has every other word beeped out, there is no reason to keep using foul language every other word, this is not the make of a professional. Do not think I would bother to watch it again. Chad to me is not a leader of a paranormal team, he was alright on Paranormal State which I love by the way. He needs to take some lessons from Ryan on TV appearance and his language. The show so far has far to go to make it seem like they are a professional paranormal team. Ryan may be a great producer but he is far better at doing investigations. Sorry but I wouldn't recommend this show to anyone
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The Ghost Prophecies = Must see TV hear is why...
aquaaura991 December 2010
Chad Calek's vision (The Ghost Prophecies) is a breath of fresh air needed in the paranormal reality field. In a field that is over run by fear an myth,this program is about education, intelligence, an heart. Helping us to realize that once we understand what goes bump in the night we are stronger. When you follow Chad, Justin, Joe, an MaryBeth you are brought into their life as a whole. Where as going on a "hunt" is thrilling an many enjoy it. This team is about finding answers. They would rather give us the truth of a situation an location,then to say "it is haunted" for ratings sake. My only standing issues are that A&E Has yet to pick up the show for further episodes,in my opinion then are fools if they do not. An that the show was only a half hour. It would be great to see it expanded into a full hour program which air weekly.
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The Ghost Prophecies
kleacret1 December 2010
this show needs to become a series because it was amazing! Chad, Justin, Joe, and Marybeth as well as Ryan Buell did an amazing job!I would love to see this show be a permanent series on A&E! Congrats guys on the first episode and I hope that there will be many more to come! I think there are a lot of people that will agree with me on wanting this show to become a series. The episode gave me goosebumps and I loved how you got to see a personal side to Chad with his wife there! Props to Laura for being such a strong woman! Keeping my fingers crossed that The Ghost Prophecies make it to A&E! Good luck guys and much love to all of you.
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new and different...good possibilities!
sjb12591 December 2010
i am a big fan of ghosthunting shows and was expecting this one to be just another typical one of those. However, i was much surprised that it seemed a little different and held my attention. I liked the way the case was presented and the subject matter was intense. so many times these shows get so repetitive on equipment used, rules of ghosthunting etc etc that you could almost write the script from week to week yourself. and i despise that just when someone in the group gasps, they break for commercial only to return to find it was nothing really. this show seemed a little different in that respect. I say, keep up the good work guys and keep it interesting & different!!
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LOVE THE SHOW can't wait to see more
alysnow16 December 2010
I love the show!! I think it is a great ideal! I've been watching paranormal state from the begin which is my favorite show and i like that one i cannot get enough of Ghost prophecies either i really hope it becomes a series.

It is very different than the rest of the show's out there, would love to see it again, the best of luck to the cast and producers. The cast is great the music is great, there really isn't anything bad i can say about this show we need to have it on i love how it gets me so zoned into it, its like i almost crave it, they better put it on TV so much better than those other show's that they have put on, so i'm cheer you on.
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Another Viewpoint, Another Great Hit
jeminai-912-3212261 December 2010
So here we are, another show based on the paranormal has hit the air waves. I suppose one should ask the following: "Do we need another paranormal series?" and "Is it worth watching?" My answer to both are a resounding YES!!! Why? Because I find this show provides a different perspective. First of all, let me say that I feel that Chad and entire crew do a fantastic job. I found the episode intriguing and appreciate the way they wove the story with the actual footage, folk lore, and history. What I most appreciated about this show was the uniqueness in showing their audience how it affected them or their families personally. Their vulnerability and personal apprehension shows that ghost hunting is a serious endeavor; it can have consequences, and personal costs. I find their viewpoint refreshing, their episode captivating, and believe they have found a way to keep their viewers clamoring for more.

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best show ever!
hayleywilliamswifey1 December 2010
id have to say documentaries aren't really what I'm into watching but The Ghost Prophecies, was the most amazing show/documentary i have ever watched. I cannot wait to see whats in store next for the AGH crew. they are truly amazing people. every time a commercial came on i became so mad that i just wanted there to be on damn commercials and just the ghost prophecies. i expect A&E to turn this show into a complete series and make it an hr long television program and not just a half hour, I'm content with it being a half hr, but it'd be so much better to be an hr long TV program. Sunday is what i like to call "paranormal investigation night" with 2 episodes of paranormal state then following that with the ghost prophecies makes for one hell of a good Sunday night in my opinion.
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Great Show Can't Wait for More !
richandnancosta16 December 2010
This is such an exciting show. I was riveted to the TV for the entire episode. I hope that it becomes a weekly series. The fact that there was research done on the area and outlying regions of the hotel being investigated was impressive. Also appreciated was the honesty and lack of "hype". It appears that Chad has some sort of 'Psychic Gift', which is intriguing. I would be curious to see an episode devoted to what transpired earlier in his life which causes him to be on this mission today. All in All, it is real people exploring real phenomena. I also liked that Chad gave advice to the hotel proprietor about taking the lock off the door as to lessen the negative influence.
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love this show and the cast
iconacp2 December 2010
always been a huge fan of chad and his work on paranormal state. Its nice to get to meet the other members of his team because Im not fortunate enough to have seen the AGH movie. love watching the clips for AGH a huge fan of chad and all his work. the first episode was amazing love the way the show is directed/edited and the cast is amazing. its nice to see some good evidence for once seems like most of the paranormal shows out these days are getting kind of boring and its the same old stuff. Ryan is an amazing director as well so this show really has a lot going for it. looking forward to future episodes i know that they will be great. my favorite paranormal show by far. hope i get to see some more episodes soon.
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An amazing show
silver-rain051 December 2010
I've only seen one show but thats all it took to have me hooked. With the rich baritone narrative of Chad to a peek into the hunters personal lives. How can you not be? The first episode started of with such intensity, that I was on the edge of my seat waiting to see how it would all end. Would someone really go into room 18 or would we be left with the question of does the lore hold any truth to it? They leave no bases uncovered. The team looks into the root of the cause of the haunting. For the first time in years I had a nightmare the night after watching the episode. They make you feel as if you are there. I'm looking forward to seeing many more episodes. If you have a DVR set it to record all episodes. You won't want to miss any.
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Love it!
suekoo1 December 2010
Chad, Justin, Joe and Mary Beth are all extremely talented, genuine people and it is certainly made apparent in this show. All four have something different to bring to the table which is one reason I find it so unique and original.

What other show out there takes you into the personal lives of the investigators? None that I know of. I found the interaction between Laura and Chad to be EXTREMELY genuine. Such raw emotion is rare to see in Paranormal television. With the exception of Paranormal State, I haven't seen it. Of course that makes sense considering Chad and Ryan are both involved with that show as well.

Kudos to both Ryan and Chad for stepping outside the norm and producing such an amazing, original product.

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powerful gripping great cinematography raw emotions
mrsroseahill1 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This paranormal documentary takes you from a view to feeling so part of the show. for example the raw emotions and experiences of the show impact you the viewer as if you were in the same room.

The use of music and sound effect is limited and only adds to the shows raw quality. You don't miss a thing due to added effects meant to heighten the spooky atmosphere.

The use of colour, black and white and enhanced yellows adds to the overall feel of the show tying it to the same colouring of the American ghost hunter movie.

I seriously hope this pilot becomes a series to see this show develop to new highs and to get to know the amazing cast.
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Fantastic Show
jessicamaroto1 December 2010
I absolutely LOVED this show! Out of all of the supernatural television series out there this one of the best. I used to watch Ghost Hunters faithfully but once Paranormal State aired i had forgotten all about GH and now I have another awesome show to watch as well. The cinematography was done very well and also i loved the emotion and dedication that every member had, it made for a very good show. But what i love most about this show is that we're familiar with Chad Calek from Paranormal State and you also trust that what they find whether it be EVPs or video evidence of the supernatural, unlike a lot of series where you feel it was doctored and you don't know what is real or not real. You always want a show that you can believe and learn from and having had experiences with ghosts as a child, and as recently as a year ago i can honestly say with just this one episode i had learned something useful. I hope there are many more great episodes to come!!
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The Ghost Prophecies
jweepingcrow1 December 2010
Chad Calek and his team and Ryan Buell of the television show Paranormal State have really created a show on the A&E network that will hold the viewers spellbound. If you're a Paranormal State fan like I am, you won't want to miss The Ghost Prophecies. The show premiered for the first time on the A&E network on Sunday night and it not only held my attention from start to finish but had a very good lesson learned by both the investigative team and the viewer at the end of the show. After viewing the first episode of The Ghost Propecies I believe that this show is going to go a long way with the A&E network and it's viewers. The Ghost Prophecies is definitely a winner!
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The Real Deal
megomillion1 December 2010
The Ghost Prophecies was everything you look for in a paranormal investigation show these days. With the mounting number of paranormal shows on television, the viewer can be pickier about who they choose to watch, making the competition a bit more fierce. If you are one of those viewers wondering about "yet another ghost show", I can assure you it's worth your time.

The show had the thrills without being outlandish, an interesting location and an experienced and objective crew that had good chemistry. The passion and pride they take in their work shines through, allowing the viewer to join in on their ride.

The flow of the show was good and the effects and music were great without diluting the actual investigation (an issue I've seen more than once on other paranormal shows). As far as paranormal shows go, I truly enjoyed it! It makes my top two, and that's really saying something considering I've been watching "ghost" shows since "Unsolved Mysteries" from back in the day! LOL. I can't wait to see what these guys are going to come up with next.
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Would like to see more
eagriffin1 December 2010
Truly enjoyable TV watching. The investigators did a great job. Chad, Justin, Joe and Mary Beth work well together and the audience can tell that there friendships are not forced acting. The story line was also very good but I feel it might have been fitted into an hour long episode instead of chopped down to half an hour. Ghost Prophecies didn't fall short on research and sought out other possible answers for the 'haunting' of the hotel. Even the background music was great. Hope to see more episodes in the future. Was a little disappointed there was no advertising from A&E for this episode. I think many would be fans didn't even know it was being offered.
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Eye candy for the paranormal enthusiast!
dnmel-116 December 2010
The Ghost Prophecies not only gives the heart stopping drama of any really good ghost hunting show, but adds the visual and audio flare that any good story teller should do! Chad Calek and his team of merry investigators are telling great stories, not just filling in alloted time slots with required banter. This show will have you rooting for the team and emotionally invested in its players.I also appreciate the fact that Chad and Co. aren't afraid to let us know that not all paranormal investigators are all jaded and out to either over act or over debunk every bit of would be evidence. This show would be refreshing and a must have to the A&E line-up!
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Intriguing, powerful use of art to make ghost investigation interesting.
mikeandcindi1 December 2010
The Ghost Prophecies isn't your average paranormal investigation show. The main difference is the team. Chad is the team leader, he has selected a team that seems to bring different points of view to the investigation. They compliment each others strengths. They are unique and interesting and they aren't afraid to show their emotions. The visuals are intense with the use of black and white film as a artistic addition. The monologues addressing the history of the location are well written and add to the overall feel of the show. The music is from Index Case, it is powerful and rounds out the the impact this show provides. If I have one complaint I would have liked the show to be an hour in length so that ideas presented wouldn't have to feel rushed and incomplete. The introduction was awesome, the actual investigation is where I sensed that some important content was lost in the editing due to the half hour format, and the end was powerful. I would highly recommend watching it.
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The only reason I watched A&E
nrpiper1 December 2010
The Ghost Prophecies is a fantastic realistic show! Chad and his team are real and raw, which is a rare quality on today's TV. You can tell that he loves what he does and cares for his team and family. You can also tell that his mission in life is to find the truth to the paranormal phenomena. He's not at the location to play games. He is there to document paranormal activity and possibly find some answers to the ultimate question, "Is there life after death". His directing and editing is edgy and realistic. His vision is refreshing. I really enjoyed watching the show and I hope A&E turns it into a regular show and makes it an hour long.
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Was exciting
pokemom4571 December 2010
I loved The Ghost Prophosies, It was exciting. I liked how they investigated. They were very professional and thorough. I have seen Chad help on investigations on Paranormal state. I felt he always had a lot to add to the investigation and he always seamed to be pretty fearless. Chad is definitely the leader of the team, but shows a bit more of his vulnerability in The Ghost Prophosies. The show did have me sitting on the edge of my seat at times. Was afraid maybe it was a lot of hype before I saw it. After watching it,I have to say I was impressed as usual with Chad's performance.I don't mean to imply that I thought any of it was faked either. The only disappointment was that it was only a half hour show.If you watch shows like paranormal state, and appreciate that they don't just blow everything off as "just a ghost thats not harmful", and can differentiate between an actual ghost haunting, a demon,or residual haunting. and actually tries to help people to deal with the problem. Rather than just show them the evidence and leave. You will definitely like Ghost Prophosies. I do hope A&E will make it a series with hour long episodes.
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Bringing a Balance into Paranormal Investigation
wohali71 December 2010
Not the typical let's-go-poke-a-ghost-with-a-stick show. The Ghost Prophecies brings a balance into paranormal investigation. Respect is shown entities instead of provocation & sensationalism for the sake of reaction. (Plenty of evidence is caught on film without need for added drama.) Hard facts are sought out from history & experts, but value is also placed on legend & local opinion. Dialogue within the team is open and friendly but not chatty. We experience the investigation from their point of view; we are made privy to their emotions, opinions, humor. By the end of the show, I was fascinated by the story & evidence, but truly wanted to know more about the team members and what they will experience next.
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The Ghost Prophecies
metafizzickle16 December 2010
Chad Calek-"American Ghost Hunter" brings an honesty to the screen in every work that bears his name."The Ghost Prophecies" is his baby and once again he brings us extraordinary television."The Ghost Prophecies" reveal a group of like-minded, relate-able, down to earth people, searching for evidence of what they know exists, life after physical death.The thirty minutes we were shown on A&E November,28th left me feeling cheated.I simply want to see more. Mr.Calek has already proved his talent for producing and directing excellent television, so please, Powers That Be, give us viewers what we deserve, television with Integrity and Substance.Give us more of "The Ghost Prophecies"...Thank You
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Worth viewing.
PaulaS3416 December 2010
I am already a fan of Paranormal State and knew of Chad and his team from watching that show. I was not sure what to expect when I read about the Ghost Prophecies. I was not disappointed. I thought it was filmed and written with both suspense and a real artistic touch. It was very interesting to hear the history of the location and surrounding area. This show does have the investigation segment which we are used to seeing with paranormal television. However, it was much more than that. It offered a human touch showing the very real fears and concerns of the team. It gave a small glimpse into why these people run towards what most of us would run away from. I agree with several of the reviewers here, I was left wanting more. This show does beg for an hour long version. I do hope A&E gives this show a chance.
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Left Me Wanting More!
DaintyZ2417 December 2010
I waited to see this show for weeks and was not disappointed. I had known of Chad from his appearances on Paranormal State and was excited to watch he and his team perform their investigations. Unlike other paranormal shows I have seen, I feel Chad and his team are genuine and not commercial. The show introduced a different sense in that it presented more of the team's relationship and the sometimes difficult decisions that need to be made instead of showing things like technical setup. I love the narration of information and history behind the location. It seems they do their research and want find out the truth in what is happening. The show was suspenseful and kept me wanting more. It did seem a bit rushed, but how can you cram everything in a 30 min episode? I think Chad and his team did an awesome job and I would love to see more of this show! I hope A&E agrees!
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