Septien (2011) Poster


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I didn't know what to make of this .........
cekadah16 March 2014
.............. but I enjoyed it!

The setting is spooky enough to make you have no end of thoughts as to which direction this flick will take. A back woods family of men with each having an unusual and possibly disturbed personality.

The comedy is very thin here and the acting is borderline amateurish but director Tully keeps it tame and in the end we have an odd movie with lots of questions for the viewer.

To analyze this movie would go in too many directions but i believe the message is we are what we are and no amount of preaching will change it!
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Y'all come home now
masterjk210 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
So, it wasn't terrible. I watched the whole thing. I enjoyed the athletic prowess of Cornelius and felt that was a story which could have been developed with interest. But wasn't. In fact, although very slow moving, there was more story to tell. Did they run out of film? (HAHA, since no one uses film.) The introduction of the evangelical preacher at the last moment to tie up the plot- and the miscreant was too facile for my taste. There was a kernel of thought in this movie, but it was never allowed to germinate properly. It had just sprouted when they stopped watering it.

Good directors/ screenwriters make movies for their audience. Great directors/screenwriters make movies for their audience and to express their inner feelings about the human condition. Mediocre directors/screenwriters make movies for themselves and don't care if their message is inscrutable.
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A sick comedy
rooprect30 September 2012
"I call this one BREAKFAST," says the artist, pointing to a painting of cartoon demons and football players cutting off each others' genitalia and eating them with blobs of poop, "because it's the most important meal of the day."

SEPTIEN is definitely a one-of-a-kind. Its stark Gothic mood with brooding characters and thick tension make you feel like it's heading for a tragedy of Greek proportions. Its heavy pacing and suspenseful presentation (never quite explaining who anyone is until the very end) make you think it's a thriller or even a ghost story. Each & every character is heading for a nervous breakdown. Nobody smiles, ever.

It's hard to believe that this is a comedy, but I can't describe it any other way.

In the same way Tarantino and the Coen Brothers make hyper-violent, disturbing films that make us laugh, here we have a similar approach but without all the violence. The film carries the mood by using haunting images, hints of some dark trauma, and above all: secrets, secrets, secrets. This is brilliant mood-filmmaking at its best, folks.

Now throw into the mix some of the most bizarre characters you've ever seen. An odd bearded man who returns to his family after 18 years and who makes a living by doing strange things in the park. A brother who paints--as one character describes--"people cutting off their wee-wees and eating poop". A man who cooks & cleans like June Cleaver on crack. A creepy old guy and a very young, attractive girl whom he introduces only as "she's not my daughter!" A mysterious dude who spends the first half of the movie walking around with a briefcase. And a mentally-challenged kid who lives in a tire and seems to be the only sane person of the bunch.

What follows is the slow yet electrifying unravelling of secrets. Piece by piece we put together the jigsaw puzzle of what these people are all about. We make assumptions. Nothing is known for sure until the last 15 minutes when we get one of the most "wtf" climaxes and resolutions in the history of cinema.

I enjoyed this movie from the beginning, but it was that crazy ending that made me a fan. It's as if all the suspense, tension and weirdness that had been building up for the first 70 minutes just explodes in a dazzling display of fireworks. It will either leave you feeling totally satisfied or in need of some jumper cables to revive your brain. Either way, this is an experience that shouldn't be missed.
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Original, funny... but beware of skeletons in the closet
JvH485 February 2011
Original story, starting with the lost brother who comes home after many years. Gradually, several other people appear, all of them adding to the mix of unusual characters. Funny things happen from the start, and continue through the end. Apart from the guy with the metal detector finding various interesting items around the house, also some proverbial skeletons come out of the closet.

Before this one I attended a screening in the Rotterdam filmfestival 2011, that puzzled me what it was all about. Luckily, this film resurrected me, and it gave me a wonderful hilarious 80 minutes. No more needs to be said. Only that I'm still wondering where the vicar (was he really one?) came from, and how he fits in the picture.
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Definitely different
sgcim26 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
If you're looking for something quirky and good, definitely check this out. It will keep you guessing wtf it's about till the end, and even then, you're not sure what you watched- a football feel-good movie, a southern Gothic thriller, a comedy, or an indie morality play.

It had me laughing my head off, but it wasn't my typical laugh- it was a laugh followed by a full sentence. I watched it with my brother, which probably wasn't a good idea considering the plot of this film. Tully joins the ranks of Mike Leigh, Hal Hartley and Todd Solondz as a film maker with a unique vision. The part where they harmonized on "Smother Your Demons" was priceless.
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A brief view of the outside-looking in
frivolousfate22 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Brother returns home(Kid A). He was a former football star, destined for greatness. His father is a little feminine. Kid B is a little manly, and artistic and idk...normal? And Kid C is idk..retarded?-slow? -a nice down to earth person.

Kid B has Kid A on a pedestal. He lives vicariously through Kid A's accomplishments it seems. Had such high hopes for him, but Kid A must live his own life, for he has his own demons.

Kid A, the long lost son, after returning home-...hustles locals at different sports-basketball-tennis-he is obviously very lost- using money to buy alcohol, which he chugs-another scene he sniffs gas. He is a bearded mess. Looks the part of a lost soul-lost in himself.

The end-Religion. Must condemn the plumber. Father in a dress. The condemned plumber chopping a tree. The sons-idk-just there-sure they gain something ...and the final ending...father in his dress shirt-a song being sung-sons sitting around.

What was gained by this all? I do not know! Did the lost son regain some sort of peace? I don't know. I know the father did not gain himself. The other boys were mere filler.

But it was fun to watch.

Not great. Not terrible.

Worthwhile though.

I need another viewing I think, maybe then I'll gain another perspective.

What is accomplished? - not much.
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nogodnomasters10 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This is an interesting film if you haven't read what it is about as you try to solve a mystery. Cornelius Rawlings (Michael Tully) returns home after an 18 year hiatus. He is moody and still has his demons. Why if left is unknown and why he bothered to come back is even more of a mystery. We find out that while in high school he was a jock. His brother Ezra (Robert Longstreet) has assumed the role of the family patriarch or matriarch. He attends church and is overly neat to the point of being a stereotypical gay. Brother Amos (Onur Tukel) has issues too. He spends his time in a shed making horrible drawings that depict sex and dismemberment. Wilbur Cunningham (Jim Willingham) is mentally slow and lives outside in a large truck tire.

The characters are "Scott Pilgrim" quirky, but clearly they have far deeper and darker issues. You want to know about their past which has shaped their present. The art show was totally bizarre. The movie was shot cheaply on 16MM for effect. This is a film for extreme indy lovers. Characters were well played.

F-bomb, only drawn nudity and sex...and rather poorly.
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Well that's one way of doin' it
TuesdayThe17th20 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I am reviewing this title because I'm surprised that it only has 7 reviews since its release in 2011. "Septien" is an oddball mumblecore indie comedy revenge type drama that is as entertaining as it os unique. It is directed by Michael Tully and there are several iconic indie faces associated with this movie including Onur Tukel and Jeremy Saulnier. This is possibly Tully's most notable film up to that point. I saw his latest feature "Don't Leave Home" first but I have always known of "Septien" and was always curious about its unique aura. I finally saw it for the first rime recently on DVD and it met my long time expectations. Funny, weird, gross, offbeat, and irregular are just some of the words that could describe this movie. There is some good developments in this movie like the unexpected skill and agility of our lead character, Cornelius, and the domino effect of the coach's past actions. There are some very funny moments but at its core, "Septien" is a touching story of friendship, brotherhood, and smothering the demons that eat at all of us. Working together and staying strong, the Rawling boys are unstoppable.
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