RED 2 (2013) Poster


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MPAA Rated PG-13 for pervasive action and violence including frenetic gunplay, and for some language and drug material

Sex & Nudity

Violence & Gore

  • A man punches another man in the face after he finds the man kissing his girlfriend.
  • Two men lie on a floor, unconscious; a woman steps on the throat of one of them, making him gag; the camera cuts to the door of the bathroom, where another man's legs hang over the end of a tub and while talking to a friend on the phone, she pours in two bottles of acid that smoke as the legs convulse, she pushes them into the tub and she adds another bottle of acid to end the scene.
  • A man makes an origami figure with a sharp point and kills another man by jamming the point quickly up the nose or under the chin; the second man falls forward onto his face from a kneeling position (no blood is shown).
  • A CIA boss enters a government building and with a silenced gun, kills the receptionist and her supervisor (we see no blood) with dozens of killings without blood to follow; the CIA boss and increasing numbers of military men fire automatic rifles at civilians, dropping bodies to the floor; a gunman shoots a metal door off a room, kills an interviewer and tells a political prisoner that he will kill the man's girlfriend after torturing her (flaying her from head to toe); the gunmen chase a man into a records room, firing weapons and creating hundreds of large holes in walls without hitting their quarry and he dispatches all of the shooters by using a variety of weapons (e.g. a metal box and a piece of a table for striking, a rifle gun-strap for hanging); a man breaks through a wall and helps the prisoner escape by shooting several military men (no blood).
  • Two men and a woman chained to wooden posts wear canvas hoods; the hoods are pulled off to show them a firing squad as another woman uses automatic cannon-fire on a hill to shoot the firing squad (no blood is shown) and frees the captives by shooting their chains.
  • A scientist pulls a gun on several people, shooting a woman who falls, convulses slightly and dies while a man crosses himself; a CIA boss enters and cuffs the scientist, taking him away to soldiers and a plane; on the plane, the scientist uses an antidote in a hypo on himself and releases nerve gas before randomly shooting convulsing soldiers and CIA members on the plane; he stabs and kills a final CIA agent once they land (we see no blood).
  • An SUV explodes and flips into the air, landing with a loud bang and in flames
  • A van door opens on a street where two men walk and a man in the van fires a cannon at the men, not hitting them but cutting other vehicles in half; the two men lie on the street and we hear that dynamite will be thrown into the van, and we see the van explode with a lot of smoke and flames.
  • As a man and a woman walk outside a diner, the trash barrel explodes into flames and smoke.
  • A woman has a dot of blood spatter on her forehead, cars drive off the road and crash loudly and two semi-trucks roll over, explode and miss hitting the car when the car's driver is able to drive under the midsection of one truck; an SUV behind the car flips high into the air, catches fire and lands off-screen.
  • A man catches a thrown knife between his palms just as it approaches a woman's face in a café and a foot chase begins, changing to two cars and a motor bike, whose occupants shoot at one another; one car is hit by six other cars (no one is hurt), that car gets stuck between buildings in a narrow alley, while the another car intercepts the motorbike at the other end, knocking the rider off the bike (the biker's face is very bloody, with open cuts from this and a previous fall).
  • We hear moaning from the trunk and hear that an Army officer has been held captive for three days, dosed with LSD while surrounded by rats and the tarantulas.
  • A man fistfights with a gunman using kicking and punching in a warehouse room; many shelving units fall over with a crash and they both end up with bloody faces, but agree to work together against a mad scientist.
  • A woman fistfights with her supervisor knocking him down and escaping from an interrogation room.
  • In a convenience store, a man is accosted by a dozen police officers, but he fights them all off with spinning kicks and punches; he finds himself handcuffed to a cooler door, he yanks the door free and uses it as a shield and a striking weapon until the glass shatters and the door frame breaks, but the man uses pieces of the frame as short-staff weapons and pounds another dozen shooting police officers unconscious before escaping.
  • At a Paris bank, soldiers arrest a woman, who tries to kick two of the soldiers unsuccessfully; inside the bank vault where they found her, we see a severed hand in a plastic bag, without blood.


Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • A man says that another man used LSD for over a decade.
  • A man admits to giving an Army officer three hits of LSD to make him reveal secret information.
  • A Russian offers Americans suicide pills from a medication bottle (they decline).
  • Several scenes on a private plane feature men or women drinking wine or champagne.
  • A CIA boss drinks wine calmly between beatings that he inflicts on a prone and unconscious man.
  • A man performs a tasting on an expensive wine in a restaurant while two Iranian men become impatient and angry with him and his slurping.
  • Two men drink fruit drinks at a bar where we can see bottles of liquor and beer.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • The death and funeral of a character early in the film is quite sudden and sad.
  • The main characters are on the run and in danger during most of the film.
  • Intense from beginning to end.
  • Many intense car chases, some lengthy.
  • Sudden explosions throughout
  • It is sad when one of the main characters is shot and killed
  • There is an intense scene where the main characters are tied to posts in front of a firing squad

See also

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